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Fantasy The Adept

The leg sweep caught Adrian off guard. He felt his legs get knocked to the side, and he hit the ground. Hard. Adrian let out a sudden exhale, and rolled over. Adrian felt the pain mildly, but he wasn't done. He quickly swiped his staff upwards at Kenzi.

@Miss Obsess
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The second Kenzi felt her leg come in contact with Adrian's feet she adjusted herself, quickly fixing herself onto both her feet, kneeled down. She noticed his staff heading towards her almost little to too late, she quickly threw her body back, the staff almost touching her and got up from the floor.

Although his swipe with the staff had missed, it succeeded in staving off Kenzi for a short amount of time. This allowed Adrian to spring back to his feet and ready himself. He was quite enjoying himself. He moved his staff back into a neutral ready position, and eyed Kenzi closely, waiting for her next move. 

@Miss Obsess
Kenzi remained on guard, watching Adrian's movement closely. She wasn't going to attack first this time, and wait to see what he would do. She switched the knife around in her hand.

Aurora shoved the crossbow into Thomas' hands before going and giving Jack a huge hug, not even caring about the fact that his flask might fall. "Thank you darling!!! This is the best news all week!" Bigger explosions, now that's what she's talking about. Aurora pulled away from Jack before turning to look at Thomas. "And thank you for letting me try out your cross bow." Aurora loved the perks of being an Adept. You can get access to all sorts of upgrades due to the connections they had. She didn't particularly care if she could get Jack to do upgrades on her katana due to the fact that she doubted the King would use her in close combat. Thinking about fighting Aurora got a little worried. She may not have been very close to anyone before but these past two weeks she felt she had grown at least a little closer to some of the other Adept, like Thomas and Kenzi and she had to admit Jack as well. He was a little weird, always obsessing over his little projects and occasionally talking to himself. She really hoped none of them died because then it would be back to being lonely again. Her happy disposition had only faltered for a second at the dark thought but went back to normally fairly quickly.

Adrian observed Kenzi's movements. She appeared to be on guard this time, which means that Adrian would have to attack first. He himself was much more used to fighting people that didn't have enhanced abilities, but that didn't deter him. He decided that a direct frontal attack would be good to open her up a little more, where he could then follow up with an attack to the legs. He would have to be much more careful this time though, considering how easily she put him on the ground just before. Being honest with himself, Adrian didn't expect that he would be able to win, but he moved anyway, lashing out directly in front of him with the butt of his staff. 

@Miss Obsess
Jack was surprised at Auroras reaction. He had tightened his grip on his flask so he wouldn't drop it. He looked at her and smiled. "Well that was unexpected." He took another swig and put his flask away. "So any specific arrows other than explosive you want."
Kenzi decided with herself that she wanted to end this fight quickly, although most of her wishes don't tend to come true. Adrian came at her with his staff, giving her an opportunity, she quickly spun to the side and avoided Aidens attack, grabbing onto his arm she pulled it back behind him and held tightly onto the knife in her hand, holding the back up to his neck. Everything moved so fast she wasn't sure wether or not she had succeeded.

A large grin was her only response to his surprise. She flirted yes but it was rare that she openly did things like that. When he asked her what else she wanted for it she thought about the options the Thomas' cross bow had. She believed she didn't have use for the poison and she didn't particularly care for the broadhead. The knock out gas could be useful. "Knock out gas as well? I would very much appreciate it." 

At this point Tomas wasn't surprised by Aurora's behavior.  This was more or less what he expected of her these days.  What did surprise him was the kings personal messenger rushing in the room, seeing all of the Adept there, and calling their attention.  "Thomas, Kenzi, Jack, Aurora, and Adrian Banwald.  The King has requester your presense in the main hall immediatly.  You are to have a private conference regarding the war."

Now Thomas was certainly intrigued.  His first thought when his name was called was that the King had a mission for him, but he oubted that was the case any more.  He had never been on a mission with others before.  Well, he'd certainly worked with contacts and the like, but he'd never traveled with any one besides himself.  The King was looking for a wide array of Adept skills to want them all, but why?  Well, he'd find out soon enough and left the training room.

(I will be gone for the next several days.  I will try to reply when I can, but it will be from my phone.  I know this isn't the most convenient moment for this change in events, but we need to keep things moving forward.)
When the messenger came barging into the room Aurora's posture straitened and her face turned serious. Banwald. Even after all these years here she never got used to having that last name.  "I wonder what happened that they need us all." She disliked being out of the loop but that was what had happened when she began training others instead of guard duty. Aurora could tell some of her skills had dwindled because she didn't even hear the other two that were in the room with them. Well when Aurora focused on something she really tended to block other things out. It was something she needed to work on. Aurora didn't wait for the others as she fallowed after Thomas, this time when leaving the room there was skip in her step and no smile on her face, it was time for business after all.
Jack was confused and a little peeved. "Dame, guess the boss wants to talk." He was confused because he had no idea what was going on, he was mad for the same reason. "What could he want with a bunch of fighters plus me?" He took a swig of his flask to try and calm down as he followed Thomas.
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The messenger had come at an awkward time. Adrian wasn't exactly sure what had happened. One moment he had been stepping forward in order to initiate an attack. Next thing he knew, Kenzi had him by the arm and had the blunt end of her knife pinned uncomfortably to the back of his neck. Before Adrian could react or even say a word, the king's own personal messenger had burst into the room. He paused initially upon seeing Adrian, but he recovered and said "Thomas, Kenzi, Jack, Aurora, and Adrian Banwald.  The King has requester your presense in the main hall immediatly.  You are to have a private conference regarding the war."

Adrian was pleasantly surprised, although he did enjoy the live training, it was beginning to get a little boring (not to mention embarrassing for him). However, now that the king had called a private meeting, he could truly exercise his adept ability. "Wasn't really a match for you, but thanks for the training" Adrian said to Kenzi, picking up his weapon and leaving the room.

@Miss Obsess

Kenzi felt her defenses go down the second the messenger announced everyone, even Thomas. Does this have to do with the war? Kenzi nodded at Adrian after she spoke and finished her cup of water, putting the knife away before she followed everyone out of the training room, her arms completely crossed.
Once all of the Adept entered the Main Hall the doors closed behind them, leaving only the King, the Adept, and the King's top advisors.  "I'm glad to see you all made it quickly.  I am proud to announce that Japura has been inducted into our Allience and we will begin our war efforts in full.  It is believed that Tanjung has not yet joined Deva and Camorin, but they will not wait much longer knowing that Japura is on our side.  You will all play important parts in the upcomming war, but not in ways you are used to.  Our goal is to end this war as soon as possible and as such are taking an offensive stance for now.  If you wish to know some of the more gritty details you may speak with Adrian.  What even Adrian does not know, however, is that you are all going to be on a special task force.  We want it to be small enough to move quickly, but be strong enough to make meaningful progress and you all are perfect for this job.  Kenzi and Aurora: you two will be the main fighters for this group and are to take on the brunt force of any opposition you face.  Adrian: you are to travel with them mainly to advise on the best course of action as situations change.  Thomas, you will continue most of your current position and take out the big targets as tactfully as you can.  Jack: We questioned whether you would be better off here, but have decided that there is only so much you can accomplish for our military before you are worn to the bone.  Instead you will provide any assistance to the rest of the group as needed.  I have had all of your personalized instructions here on the table in front of you.  If there are no questions then..."  He stopped as the nearest advisor whispered something into the King's ear.  "Oh, right.  Jack, Thomas's adpet is stealth and is my primary assassin.  Now that that's cleared up, you are all dismissed except for Adrian, who I wish to speak to longer."

Thomas took his instructions without another word and left for his quarters to prepare.  He wouldn't read his instructions until he was in the privacy of his own chambers.  He needed to make sure to pack enough to sustain himself for an extended period of time, but not pack too much.  He was used to that.  What he wasn't used to was traveling with a group.  This would certainly be... interesting.

(Sorry for the delay, but you would not want me to reply with the mush brain I had returning to my hotel room each night.  Anyway, if you have any questions on the instructions please address them in the OOC, or if you want them to be more personalized and not for the eyes of other characters PM me about it.  As for Adrian, the King will only speak to you about some of the finer details of the mission that he needs cleared up with you and is setting you up in a form of leadership position, wich will be addressed in everyones personal details.  Feel free to interact with Thomas in the halls.)
The second the king dismissed everyone Kenzi headed to her living quarters, thoughts running through her head. It's true, she had been partnered with other people before in some of her missions so she'd probably find it easy to work with people, well, despite the fact that she barely talks. Plus, if anything called for it, her acting skills could possibly come in handy, after all, her main jobs were infiltration. But she still considered the group a problem, she had only been partnered up with up to two other people, but four others? How will that work? The larger the group the harder it will be to make decisions, hopefully, the king will have most of it laid out for us.

Kenzi stopped her thoughts, taking a deep breath, if all she did was worry, she'd never get anything done. She began to pack things she usually brought during infiltrations, deciding it would eventually become necessary, once she was done she laid down on the bed, thinking passive thoughts. She hadn't stayed long enough to see Jack's reaction to the kings reveal about Thomas, sure it shouldn't be surprising and she doubted he even had a reaction at all. But most people seemed to assume that Thomas had a different type of ability, but really he was an assassin. Not that Kenzi hadn't taken assassin jobs before. Whatever.

Kenzi brought herself off the bed, deciding she was in need of a little fresh air. She got off a little too fast feeling a little dizzy as she began to move, but she brushed it off and opened the door, leaving her quarters.
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Aurora was happy about the fact that Japura had finally joined them. It was only a matter of time before that was going to happen. She agreed with ending the war as fast as they could. Even if it was giving her more interesting things to do they were innocent lives at stake and she didn't like putting innocent lives at risk. Special task force huh? This is going to be fun. Auroa had worked with groups before, mostly when traveling with a Royal since they never traveled with just one guard, so this wasn't going to be hard for her to do. Looking over at Thomas and Kenzi, she wasn't quite sure how well they would do since she believed they really only did solo stuff. Hearing that she would be part of the brute force with Kenzi she looked back up at the King. Her? Brute force? She could take out people out in close combat but was also easily overwhelmed. As long as she stayed at a distance and could shoot her bow it would work for her. Aurora's eyes widened when the King just casually said what Thomas' task was. Not a lot new about his real Adept and she was surprised the King wanted him in their group. She had to admit though it was nice not to have to hide that fact from Jack while on their mission.

When King dismissed them there was a huge smile on Aurora's face. She was finally going to be able to lease the castle!!!! She couldn't remember the last time she went off the castle grounds. Since tension had started between the countries she was kept close in case war broke out. Aurora skipped up to Thomas as he walked out of the room. "This is going to be new for you isn't it? I think it's going to be fun with everyone." 

Jack grunts and leaves and hurries to his shop. He quickly packs a bag filled with all sorts of tools, gadgets, parts, and drink. "Dame no wonder he wanted that cross bow so light, I just wish I'd figured it out sooner." He took a few of his experimental gadgets as well. He then took a look at his workshop. "Hope to be back soon." He walked out and locked his door. "Well at least I can see if my new gadgets work as well as I hope."
"Fun wouldn't be the word I'd chose to use," Thomas replied.  "As you know, I work better alone.  Who knows, maybe I'll just need to wander off at times.  I suppose this will also be new for you as well.  I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, but just remember that it won't be simular to most, if not all, of the missions that you have been assigned as of now."  They reached his room, but he didn't go right in like he usually would.  It would be beneficial to try and stay on the good side of he teammates, which he still hadn't fully come to terms with.  All of his previous missions left him to his own devices with the most help comming from some of the few who knew what he was doing, like Adrian, giving advice before he left.  Now he actually had to worry about not leaving his team behind or getting on their bad side.  He was glad that he didn't have to continue to try and hide his adept from Jack, though.  Jack was a bit off, but Thomas liked him and, if they were honest, he would have figureed it out sooner rather than later regardless.  If Jack decided to put any thought into it, he would no doubt make sense of Thomas's rather odd behavior now.
Well Aurora thought it was going to be fun. She liked working with new people it gave her something different than her usual routine. Thomas was right in it being a little new to her. The things she was used to doing was more along the hunt and guarding. She didn't purposely go out with the intent to kill. "Well now you will learn to work in a group. It won't be too bad. I know you like working alone but there is always a certain comfort that comes with knowing that there are others that have your back while in the field." She glanced up at Thomas. "I just want to let you know, and I will be telling everyone else the same thing, but I will be there to watch your back. After all that is what I'm used to doing." She gave him a small smile before turning to head to her room. "I will leave you to pack!"  Aurora didn't know why she had a need to tell Thomas that. Maybe it was because he has never worked in a group before? She didn't think Kenzi had either but she left before she could say anything to her.

Aurora headed to her room at a brisk pace. Once she was in her room she packed a bag that would hold her clothes as well as other necessities. She packed her quiver up with arrows that she already had in her room and then strapped said quiver to her back along with her bow. Aurora grabbed a second bag and filled that with arrows as well. She would put them in the extra quivers she had the attach to her saddle. It was a little much but she didn't know what she was going to be up against. The last thing she did before leaving her room was grab her katana. It sure was a site seeing her leave her room, after all she was carrying a ton of arrows which wasn't easy with everything else she was bringing.
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Thomas appreciated what Aurora was trying to do, but that didn't make him more comfortable.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  If his allies knew where he was then his enemies could know as well.  He just shook it off and entered his room.  The first thing he did was look at the note the king gave him.  It's information was pretty generic.  It mentioned that he'd need to pack for a longer trip than normal as he would most likely be gone for the extent of the war.  It also mentioned that although Adrian would be the leader figure of the group, he could dissobey an order if he felt he knew better for dealing with a target.  Next he began packing.  He grabbed a large backpack as well as a smaller one that he could attach to the horse.  In the larger one he stored travel cloths and some basic traveling supplies.  His tent would already be down next to his horse.  In the smaller pack, which was really just a glorified satchel, he packed anything he might need for his "work."  This included several snives, small throwing blades, an array of toxins, notebook to note his target's patterns, and his work cloths.  He made sure to keep these seperate from the others to try and reduce the contact it had with his natural odor.  He could hide from sight and muffle his movements, but there was nothing he could do if someone smelled him or his cloths.  These cloths were also special made to store whatever he needed for that particular job without carrying additional baggage.  Lastly, he strapped on his manny knives and sword.  With that he walked out of his room and down to the stables as noted at the end of his note.  Along the way he ran into Kenzi.  "Ready to head out?"

@Ch3rryBlossom28@fuil@Miss Obsess@AyyyLmao
When Kenzi stepped outside she was immediately met with the cold air, she was right, it was refreshing and it calmed down her nerves. She stood out there in the middle of the courtyard for a few minutes, lost once again in thought. She was partially glad to be cut out of routine, her days usually consisted of missions alone or with one other or training, now she was with a group of other adepts and was about to go out to try and stop a war. She shouldn't be thinking positive of it, but she had enough faith in the king to respect his plans. Kenzi headed back inside her room, grabbing the bag she had packed earlier and skimming over a note she had found, saying to pack for long travel and to meet at the stables. Kenzi decided to pack a little bit more before she headed out. "Ready to head out?" Thomas had asked her, she turned to look at him, was she ready? Most likely. "Are you?" she asked in her usual neutral tone, after all, Thomas was probably not used to dealing with other people while working, who knows what would happen.

Thomas noticed that she didn't exactly answer his question, but they both knew it was more of a formality than anything.  "Ready as I'm going to be," he replied.  As he continued his walk towards the stables, he thought about how best to approach this whole group situation.  The easiest person for him to work with would most ceranily be Adrian, considering he'd worked with him the most when planning his previous missions.  There was still the possibility that he could act totally different when in the field, but it was no use worrying about that with the lack of information on the subject.  Working with Aurora shouldn't be that bad either.  True they hadn't exactly gotten along in the past, but it wasn't like they hated eachother.  Jack would be a bit of a wild card.  He was used to his workshop and, as far as Thomas knew, didn't really go outisde.  Well, he obviously had to go outside for part of daily life, but never into the wilds.  Thomas wasn't even sure if Jack had ever been outside of Banswara.  Regardless, Thomas felt he had a good grasp on his character.  Kenzi, however, would be the most difficult to work with by far.  She was always so bland and neutral.  She was good at what she did, no question there, but even Thomas wasn't afraid to show his personality and he was raised to spy and kill.  Maybe it was just his way of coping.  Regardless, if she maintained that buisness-like attitued for the entirty of the trip he would just end up ignoring her existance the entire time, and that would be counterproductive as a whole.

He reached the stables, loaded up his horse, and waited for the others to show up.

@Miss Obsess@Ch3rryBlossom28@fuil@AyyyLmao
When Aurora reached the stables she already saw Thomas loaded up and ready. She whistled and a loud whinny responded. A huge grin formed on her face as she walked in as Knight's grey face greeting her. She put her items down in front of his stall and patted his neck before going to get him ready. About 15 minutes later she had him all tacked up in his armor and the rest of his equipment. Two extra quivers were hooked onto the back of the saddle, one hanging off each side.  She filled them with the arrows she brought from her room. Before leading him out to meet with the other she stood beside him and ran her hand down his neck. "This is going to be different than anything we've done before. Please take care of me and I'll take care of you." Knight bobbed his head up and down. She then lead him out to Thomas. With the armor on Knight looked much bigger than Thomas' horse. Aurora grabbed the horn of the saddle and took two running steps before jumping up onto the saddle. She was too short compared to her horse to fully have her body into the saddle, instead half of her body hung over the saddle. Aurora pulled herself the rest of the way into the saddle.

Once sitting up she fixed her bow so that it fit more comfortably on her back. "Alright! Knight and I are ready to go!" On her horse Aurora looked a little smaller than usual but even still she didn't look dwarfed on the horse. It was then that Aurora realized she didn't know where they were going for she never got anything telling her. She looked over at Thomas, a little blush on her face from embarrassment. "So...where exactly are we going?"

Jack walked to the stables and found other people already there. "So how do you ride a horse?" He asked as he took a deep swig from his flask. "Oh and I'll need something really strong for my bags, there full of metal stuff." He looked at the giant horse Aurora was on and got to thinking. "Huh, something that size should do." He let his bag drop as he went over and looked at the horses armor. "Well made....but I could do better." He mumbled as he thought of all the improvements he could make.

@Shog @Ch3rryBlossom28

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