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Fantasy The academy of xiarphia occ

Looks like I'm in a different timezone to you all, unless we were all up at midnight last night XD
I'll try my best to keep up regardless of that though
Hey Discord is being a bit funny right now and not working, I just wanted to ask about our little combat system before I posted.

I assume it'll just be the standard "I type an attack option and the recipient decides whether it hit or not and does an attack action back. Rinse and repeat until fight is over." Correct me if you would like it to be done in a different format. God_himself God_himself
Hey Discord is being a bit funny right now and not working, I just wanted to ask about our little combat system before I posted.

I assume it'll just be the standard "I type an attack option and the recipient decides whether it hit or not and does an attack action back. Rinse and repeat until fight is over." Correct me if you would like it to be done in a different format. God_himself God_himself
Hmmm, I didn't really think about it like that, I viewed it more as we agree on the results ahead of time, and each fill in what happened between the start and finish.

But if you would rather do it like that, it's ok
I would just have to set up the combat system
Sorry for slowing you all down. I had a funeral to go to but all's good now. I'll post soon. (^∇^)

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