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Fantasy The Academy _Dropped _

@Mediocritys Muse

Isabella pouted for a moment, but she grinned as she caught the pink that had generated on Via's cheeks. She laid back down with her own cheeks pink as her question got turned back on her by a girl that was most definitely appealing. "I like girls and only girls. My reason is something that I wouldn't see fit to tell you right now, but it does have roots in bad experiences with boys." Isabella prevented herself from returning to that scene again, thinking she had seen it way too much. "Oh, and though a bit disappointing, your reaction was really cute. So, simpler things... Oh, what is your favorite color? I hear that's a common question between new friends."
@That Guy Over There

"Hmmm," she simply said pondering that for a moment, her looking up at the ceiling as she did so. As he finger tip-tapped at her chin she said with a slight nod, "I guess I like Blue and Red, either would be my favorite I suppose." With that out she let out a light yawn and stretched on the bed, her rather tired now that things have mellowed out a bit, "What about you, what's yours?" Quite frankly she was going to fall asleep really soon that being her kryptonite so to speak. She could never stay awake if she was really tired, after a while sleep would eventually take her at some point.

It was only eight or so but she had a long trip here and it took a great deal out of her, which would explain this whole sleepy side that was developing right now. As she waited for Isabella's answer she could feel her eye lids droop, and probably during the answer Isabella was giving she fell asleep. A rather peaceful and cute face was displayed as she laid there, quietly breathing through her nose dreaming splendouferous dreams.
@Mediocritys Muse

Isabella smiled, looking up at the ceiling as she realized that she had been interrupted by Via falling asleep where she sat, displaying another cute side of her. She started to get up, wishing to not disturb the woman's gentle sleep, but the sound of the mattress shifting interrupted her, a head falling on her stomach. She smiled a true, small smile that she'd shown more times that day than in almost any other portion of her life, and she felt relieved that she could enjoy things. Slowly she inched her hands under Via, careful not to wake her only friend as she got off the bed and tucked her in. "Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite." This phrase she heard centuries ago came out of her mouth, and she climbed into the barely comfy coffin with it's aged black oak case and velvet covered inside. "I look forward to this year..."

~Skipping to the next day, morning 6-7 am~

3rd Day at the Academy

@Ellie the Knight


Lilian stayed the night in Masumi's dorm room, her feeling like she should considering the recent events that had transpired yesterday. So for the night she stayed with Masumi, her sharing the bed for the night. However just as previously acknowledged Lilian moves in her sleep, and early this morning she puts an arm across Masumi and starts to nuzzle into her side. Lilian saying in a mumble-fully asleep-as she does so, "Cushy....comfy..." The exact thing that she was dreaming of could vary widely, knowing how dreams work it could be a number of things wish-washing around in her head at the moment.

@That Guy Over There


Via had fallen asleep without even knowing it, her dreaming of some video game that she had played not to long before she got the letter of acceptance to the Academy. For some odd reason she was decked out in some kind of armor and she was fighting a green unicorn with a top hat. Isabella was there as well but she was wearing a butlers uniform and carrying a pizza box. All in all the dream made little to no sense, which was pretty much normal for Via. Suddenly the alarm went off and she blinked awake, her rustling and shutting the alarm off with a sluggish arm swing her hand landing on top of it.

"Uhhh," she simply says aloud putting the pillow over her head, the light filtering in from the half closed blinds. She added with squinting eyes as she sat up, letting the pillow fall to the side, "Oh yeah...classes." With that said she stands up and knocks on the door of the coffin in the center of the room, her saying in a melodical tone, "Up and at em Isa, school and such." Via then makes her way over to the closet and retrieves her uniform for school, looking back at the coffin to see if Isabella heard her.
@Mediocritys Muse

Isabella walked with rage into the room that she found after much trouble, growling. "Via, you will never believe what just happened... I think I met somebody that would be worth that death penalty if it was to kill them..." Her left eyelid and fake smile were twitching at an unbelievable speed. Her sleek black hair was damp signifying that she had just gotten out of a shower a few minutes ago, and her eyes had turned crimson. She was muttering under her breath in frustration, each step she took carrying extreme pressure that she couldn't contain in her current state. The fangs that she usually took care to hide were in full view, and it seemed like a second shadow followed in her footsteps, taking the form of a male in his prime. "People like the girl I just met should all die in an abyss so despairing that even the blackest demons cower at it's mention!" Normally, something small wouldn't bother her, but the girl she met had hit a special nerve.
@That Guy Over There

Via paused as the door opened and replied before Isabella said anything, "Oh there you are." She then went quiet as Isabella pretty much went on a rant, her seeming to have been annoyed by someone while she was in the showers or something. Her whole demeanor was a bit off to Via, it seeming like she was acting like someone else at the moment. When it seemed like she was done talking Via replied with a double blink, "Guess someone made you mad." With that said she walks over to Isabella and puts a hand on her shoulder, her then saying with a light nod, "We can talk about it when I get back, I won't be long Isa."

She wanted to stay back and talk about it but she knew that if she didn't go get ready now she wouldn't have much time to get a shower later. So with that in mind she went off to wash up and get ready for the day, her walking back into the room fairly quickly. Opening the door of the dorm room she walks back in drying her hair, her asking with a light smile, "So what happened Isa?"
Haruki lay sprawled out on his bed as he sleeps. Sphynx sleeps in her usual spot on Haruki's stomach. Sphynx wakes up and carefully walks over to Haruki's face. She starts pawing at his face. "Haruki! Wake up! You have classes today!" Haruki's eyes flutter open as he focuses on Sphynx's face. "Huh? Oh yeah." Haruki gets out of bed, brushing his teeth and hair, and getting dressed before exiting his dorm. He walks down the hallway towards the exit of the boy's dorm when he crashes into someone and falls to the floor. "Oof!" Haruki exclaims as he hits the floor. He then looks up at the male he crashed into. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry I-I w-wasn't l-looking w-where I-I was going." Haruki says, suddenly getting all flustered. @One Mean Ghost (hope it's ok if i tagged you in this, i just needed someone to rp with)
@Mediocritys Muse

Isabella sighed, her eyes no longer crimson and the pressure of her wrath gone into nothingness. "I met a student who could create illusions with her magic, but I don't know her race or name. She provoked me several times while I was there, despite my not doing anything to her. Whenever I was on my last nerve after repeated harassment from her she cast an illusion on me, to show me my blackest moment... I'm not weak, but just like everybody I have a breaking point. When that's hit, I barely manage to maintain my control." She glumly smiled. "I'd rather not talk about it though, my story isn't something that I should tell right off the bat. Now that I think about it, she probably has her own story, so I can't fully blame her for it."

While Isabella had waited for Via, after she had calmed down, her hands had trembled, and she realized that her will was finally eroding after six years, her scars too great to permanently act tough. She refused to let Via see her weakness though, and made an internal promise with herself, to not drop everything on her first friend just because her legs wobbled on the path.
@That Guy Over There

"Hmm," she simply said as she put the towel in a nearby basket, her then walking over to the desk and picking up a brush starting to brush out her hair, "People have their reasons, but she shouldn't have done that." With that said she flips her hair sown and starts to comb it accordingly as she looks up at her from under her hair, "I guess it's a good thing I wasn't there, I might have said something really rude and made the situation way worse." She straightens back up and places her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh, her remembering instances where she blatantly told off many an individual while out and about. Via finishes combing her hair and then sits the brush back down in its original place, "How about we head to the cafeteria, I'm sure they have something for the both of us." She was pretty sure that the school accounted for the vampires that were no doubtfully going to the school, so they'd probably have something for them.
@Mediocritys Muse

'You really need to tame your abilities. They make you seem like you have some mental issues.'

That message suddenly appeared in Isabella's head, confusing her for a second as Via's words entered her ears. "As far as I'm concerned, even if it's not justified if there is a reason to her then there is no blame to place. Also, I highly doubt you could have made it worse for me. Oh well, not like I remember her well anyways, and I'm not so petty as to report her." Seeing Via come her hair Isabella's ears turned pink before she ran her hands through her hair, realizing her lack of a brush. "As for your proposal, I don't eat, and I'm under direct orders not to drink. I told you why the coffin was brought, didn't I? The only other reason I would bring it would... Not be something I hope for, being honest. However, it would give us time to talk more and look at our schedules, since I might have a few classes with you other than the Arcane study."


Feeling another body press up against her, Masumi opens her eyes to a blinding light coming through her window. Blinking a few times before everything comes into focus. Looking behind her, the smaller girl was cuddled up against her. She had forgotten that they had once again shared a bed. It was warm and comfy. Laying her head back down, she listens as Lilian mumbles in her sleep. A smile rolls across her face, not caring exactly what this was entailing. It was nice just have have someone next to her in the morning. A slight blush came across her cheeks as she turns around carefully trying to not disturb the sleeping girl. She looked so peaceful. Putting her arm around her as well, she pulls her in close snuggling her. Forgetting about all the events of yesterday.

@Mediocritys Muse

(Sorry for the inactivity. I've been busy these past couple day's..)
@Ellie the Knight


As Lilian is pulled into Masumi her eyes sorta move behind her eye lids, her saying something else as she lays there her licking Masumi's cheek in her dream like state. Just before she does this she makes a cats meow noise and then sort of purrs as if she was a cat at that moment, her then blinking awake as she licks her the second time. She lays there for a moment and then says with a light nod, "Oh...good morning Mi." With that she realizes that she had done something in her sleep, although she kind of wondered what she had done seeing as how her dream consisted of her being a cat for some reason. As that went through her mind she asked as she was cuddled up into Masumi, "Should we get ready for class Mi?"

Her eyes widened as Lilian licked her cheek. It was super unlike her. Her cheeks were at max red at this point. Lilian let's out a rather cat-like sound as she goes in for a second lick. What she was dreaming about was beyond Masumi at this point. It was super strange, yet super cute. It was once Lilian batted her eyes open that she spoke. Masumi was greeted once again by those ruby red eyes she was pretty familiar with now. "Moorrrning sweetie." Masumi smiles as she rubs Lilian's nose with her own. "Awww, do we have to. It's so nice here." She says.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight


Lilian is nose to nose with Masumi and notices the red fullness of her cheeks, her figuring that she had caused that change in coloration. "I suppose I do not have to," she simply stated and then added with a slight double blink, "But should you miss your classes today as well?" Quite frankly Lilian didn't ever really need to go to any of her classes, them being electives and not prone to attendance. She however did not know if Masumi had a similar schedule or not, and thus was not sure if she could avoid missing classes like she could. To be entirely honest Lilian did not mind laying around with Masumi for a bit longer but she did not want to be the reason her grades suffered, which would not be a good thing if it wasn't clear enough.

She headed straight towards her room as she walks a silly smile was on her face. Llaryssa find the guy a bit charming and cute. She headed up towards the stairs and made a quick right towards her room. Llaryssa fished out the keys provided for her earlier and opened the door. She was greeted with her familiar table, beside her bed was her bag and suitcase along with her trolley full of books. She immediately ran and jumped on her bed. The soothing smell of the sheets made her so drowsy but the sun was taunting her to go outside and read. She tried getting up but it seem like the gravity of her bed was stronger by ten folds! Not wanting to fight anymore, she succumed to sand man's power.

Llaryssa woke up a bit earlier than usual. She took time in taking a bath. When done, she changed in her uniform. Grabbing her brush on her bedside table, she started taming her long hair. She decided to wear it on braid today. Satisfied, she grabbed her bag but her new school books were still pile high up in her table. Seeing that she had a bit time, she started to sort out her books first.
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"Oh. OK. Well uh bye, I guess."Mako said to her. He didn't realize that she was busy or he wouldn't have asked her to help him. Even if it was a short distance. Mako stood in one place thinking of what to do next seeing how classes were over. He wanted to know more about her for some odd reason. He waled back to his dorm room and took of his clothes, throwing them into a corner. He had put on his pajamas before sitting on his bed and reading his spell book. After a while he dropped the book on the floor and fell asleep.

He slowly opened his eyes as they adjusted to the darkness of his room. He turned on the lights and changed into his clothes after putting the spell book into his backpack.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4e416b037e1d3208f64029eb885c774c.jpg.66a185442e4dfc8baf2aafd58bd3bded.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4e416b037e1d3208f64029eb885c774c.jpg.66a185442e4dfc8baf2aafd58bd3bded.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He walked outside and locked at his watch. He had time. He stopped at what looked to be the middle of the campus and had set his backpack on a bench. He took out his spell book and looked for the page he was looking for.

@TheTraveller<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4e416b037e1d3208f64029eb885c774c.jpg.bb5f42247c022030cccba886cfe9e2d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4e416b037e1d3208f64029eb885c774c.jpg.bb5f42247c022030cccba886cfe9e2d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Gears stirred in his slumber before waking up. He sat up onto the side of his bed and let his thoughts consume him while he put his face into his hands "Well" He thought to himself "ive met plenty of people. haven't made too many friends yet. Or any. But its only the third day so no need to worry!" And with that he put his school clothes on and walked out of his room into the dorm halls and headed for the lobby.
@wiigamechamp @anyone

Finally finished with sorting her books, Llaryssa then decided to to head out. With her purse on her side and a carry-on book, she inspected her room for the last time. Satisfied, she locked the door behind her and headed straight towards the hall.

Llaryssa could see student milling around the hall, she even waved at others and smiled when they greeted her. She then took a shortcut, crossing the grounds to get faster to her homeroom when she saw a familiar someone. It was the guy she saw yesterday. Seeing that she had a couple of minutes to spare, she sauntered towards him. As she approached, she saw him reading a peculiar book with an intricate designs, wanting to be friendly she said 'That's better be the school map. It'll help you alot.'
TheTraveller said:
@wiigamechamp @anyone
Finally finished with sorting her books, Llaryssa then decided to to head out. With her purse on her side and a carry-on book, she inspected her room for the last time. Satisfied, she locked the door behind her and headed straight towards the hall.

Llaryssa could see student milling around the hall, she even waved at others and smiled when they greeted her. She then took a shortcut, crossing the grounds to get faster to her homeroom when she saw a familiar someone. It was the guy she saw yesterday. Seeing that she had a couple of minutes to spare, she sauntered towards him. As she approached, she saw him reading a peculiar book with an intricate designs, wanting to be friendly she said 'That's better be the school map. It'll help you alot.'
When she walked up towards him he was casting a spell that required his concentration he did not hear her walk up to him. As he was close to finishing the spell She spoke to him 'That's better be the school map. It'll help you alot.' As he heard her voice he stopped the spell as he turned around to say "hi." But as he said it his face turned from happy to fear as he forgot to finish the spell. "Shit this isn't good." Mako said as he turned around and saw a red portal slowly open up and a hand with claws reach out of the portal.

wiigamechamp said:
When she walked up towards him he was casting a spell that required his concentration he did not hear her walk up to him. As he was close to finishing the spell She spoke to him 'That's better be the school map. It'll help you alot.' As he heard her voice he stopped the spell as he turned around to say "hi." But as he said it his face turned from happy to fear as he forgot to finish the spell. "Shit this isn't good." Mako said as he turned around and saw a red portal slowly open up and a hand with claws reach out of the portal.
Llaryssa felt bad when she saw that the guy was concentrating though she was glad when the guy looked up with a smile on his face and greeted her back. She was about to asked what is he doing in the grounds when suddenly she saw his expression turned into an instant fear. Llaryssa looked where he was looking and saw a bright red light, she has a hunch into guessing what it was since she saw a couple a students who were messing around before. But what shocked her was there were claws that looks like eager to get out of the hole. 'What th---- shut it down!' She said abruptly.
TheTraveller said:
Llaryssa felt bad when she saw that the guy was concentrating though she was glad when the guy looked up with a smile on his face and greeted her back. She was about to asked what is he doing in the grounds when suddenly she saw his expression turned into an instant fear. Llaryssa looked where he was looking and saw a bright red light, she has a hunch into guessing what it was since she saw a couple a students who were messing around before. But what shocked her was there were claws that looks like eager to get out of the hole. 'What th---- shut it down!' She said abruptly.
Mako was struck with fear as he couldn't hear her talking to him. He didn't think it would be this bad. The demon that almost killed him before had come back through the portal. He thought the demon was dead from the fight they had before.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/demon-549397-800x708-hq-dsk-wallpapers.jpg.d649d021d7a9d1823dffd6d401f7602c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/demon-549397-800x708-hq-dsk-wallpapers.jpg.d649d021d7a9d1823dffd6d401f7602c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The demon stepped out of the portal as it shut behind it. "Well, well. Look who came back to see me." He said with a devilish grin.

"I-its not possible. Your supposed to be dead." Mako said in fear as he was to scarred to pull out his daggers.

"You did. But you brought me back from the underworld, and now I can finish carving that scar I gave you into a masterpiece. And maybe your girlfriend could be my next masterpiece." The demon said as he looked at Llaryssa before grabbing Mako by the throat.




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Lilian's mother let out a light sigh as she appears near the demon and the other two, her slightly bored at the moment. She looks over at the Girl that stands there and double blinks, "Oh hello there cutie, my name is Anastasia and how are you this fine day?" The simple fact that there was a demon standing in the middle of the courtyard holding the boy by the neck hadn't seemed to resonate with her. The situation either not that important or something similar in her mind, her seeing such things on a regular basis. Although as she hears the demon advocate death and such she looks over at the demon and lets out a deeper sigh, "Ohh one of those moronic demons that is so stereo-typical," she pauses and glares at him with a steely gaze, "Hurt any of the students in this school and I just make have to rip off those wings and shove them up your *$%." She finished off the statement with a light smile toward the demon, her looking rather scary in her composure.
@wiigamechamp @Mediocritys Muse

Llaryssa was terrified as the demon spoke and grabbed the boy by his neck. She was about to ran and get help when suddenly a woman appeared and greeted her like. She didn't even looked faze at the sight of the demon. Llaryssa never saw her before. A professor? Maybe. She thought. 'We need.... Help?' Her wits are scrambled up.

But then the woman said "Ohh one of those moronic demons that is so stereo-typical. Hurt any of the students in this school and I just make have to rip off those wings and shove them up your *$%."

The woman, Anastacia, seemed calm. Scary calm. But Llaryssa figured that if she can make deadly threats to a demon probably she could take the beast down.
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TheTraveller said:
@wiigamechamp @Mediocritys Muse
Llaryssa was terrified as the demon spoke and grabbed the boy by his neck. She was about to ran and get help when suddenly a woman appeared and greeted her like. She didn't even looked faze at the sight of the demon. Llaryssa never saw her before. A professor? Maybe. She thought. 'We need.... Help?' Her wits are scrambled up.

But then the woman said "Ohh one of those moronic demons that is so stereo-typical. Hurt any of the students in this school and I just make have to rip off those wings and shove them up your *$%."

The woman, Anastacia, seemed calm. Scary calm. But Llaryssa figured that if she can make deadly threats to a demon probably she could take the beast down.
"Who do you think you are talking to me like that." He said to Anastasia as he three Mako on the ground. "Your gonna regret saying that."

Mako coughed as the demon's group was off his throat. He was amazed that someone was talking to him like that. She must be very strong to do something like that. "She's gonna get herself killed." Mako said aloud.


@Mediocritys Muse



"Really, you seem to be under the impression that I fear you, perhaps my tone and plain disinterest was to subtle," she pauses and then lets out a light sigh, "Lets see then." She simply looked at the boy for a moment, her then placing her hand upon the boys head without asking anything. "Ahh so it was a partially completed incantation or spell that opened a rift to where this fool resides." With that said she looks over at the Demon yet again, her face growing rather fierce and cold almost displaying her power just by her gaze, "Just by looking upon you I can tell that you are no where near tough enough to take any teacher out in this school, much less one of my caliber." She pauses and lets darkness enshroud her, tendrils and sharp spikes forming all around the two students on the floor and creeping closer to the demon, "Your presence annoys me, and seeing as how you pick on high schoolers I can tell that you are a coward...and also over compensating."

Her spikes and tendrils stop near the demon, Anastasia saying one last thing, "You have three seconds to leave, if you do not there will be one big mess to clean up later." Quite frankly she knew that the demon would die if he were foolish enough to stay, seeing as how he was taking on a teacher and quite literal bad arse known world wide. Although she knew that demons were foolish and quite frankly prone to idiotic flights of pride, at the moment it being a 50/50 chance that he'd attempt to attack. Even if she didn't step in the headmistress would have no doubt swooped in and snuffed out the demon without a second thought, but Anastasia figured as long as she was in the area why not.

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