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Fandom The 2nd Massachusetts / Falling Skies RP

Ex Nihilo

New Member



his is a roleplay about the 2nd Mass. and their survival. Basically the same situation as in the show, only with OC's and a loose plot-line which will develop as the roleplay progresses.


• Follow all RpN rules.

• This Rp will get violent [95.99% chance] but keep all content PG-13 and please keep profanity to a minimum.

• No god-modding, whatsoever.

• Be literate and use good grammar, please.

• Have fun.​


Plot lines to be developed.​

The 2nd Mass. is currently regrouped and hiding out in an old hospital. Food is running low and the damp, chilliness of the fall season is getting to the group.

*Based off of the TV series, Falling Skies; I do not own this idea.

Open now. Joiners welcome.

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Gregory was up at dawn. Actually, he had been up most of the night, so had some of the other soldiers. They had been working on fortifying the new base. Gregory wiped a hand across his cheeks-he needed a shave- and looked down at the dismal group of people before him. Most of the soldiers and scouts were up now. The scouts would be going on their rounds soon, the company was running low on provisions, and, every new place was scouted out; he had given them their orders last night when everyone crowded into the building and began preparation. He took a drink from a metal cup, quickly cooling dark coffee someone had fixed earlier. It wasn't half bad. The sun was almost all the way up, the front lobby covered in golden light and crowded with all of the scouts and soldiers. He moved out from the door way he had been leaning against. He needed to talk to the other Commanders.


Ali never slept well the first night at a new base. It didn't help that this base was an abandoned hospital. 'How many people died in here?' The morbid thought kept crossing her mind. Death followed one everywhere now. She sighed under her breath, moving off of her makeshift bed before putting some of her stuff back in her pack and zipping it up. Her gun was in the new weapons room and her dirt bike was just outside the front door. 'Time to go.' She told herself, 'Time to scout out the place.' She left her bag on her little pile of blankets, confident no one would take it, and grabbed her necessary equipment. Her belt pouch of ammo which also had a nifty range finder/binoculars, the pistol she grabbed from some hunting store they raided a while back and a rather nice switch blade. There was a breeze of chilly air outside, she felt it when someone walked out the door, so on her way to grab her gun, Ali went to grab a cotton ball from the medical supplies. She hated riding in cold weather, the cold wind hurt her ears. Splitting the soft cotton in half she put the two pieces in her ears and went out to group up with the rest of the scouts. The motors were already sputtering to life when she walked outside and jumped onto her dirt bike. She usually liked this part of her day. Despite everything that had happened, was happening and would, inevitably, happen- she enjoyed this.

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