The 2nd Massachusetts / Falling Skies RP - Lore

Ex Nihilo

New Member


Skitters are the most commonly seen creatures now-a-days. They will kill people but take and harness children. They have one known weakness, a soft palette in the top of their mouths. Hitting this literal soft spot will knock out the Skitter and will, if stabbed through the roof of their mouth, kill them.

Skitters communicate through clicks and grunts, mostly using the pair of mandibles surrounding their mouth. They can move very fast and climb structures much like spiders. They sleep hanging upside down.



Mechs are practically indestructible metal bipedals controlled by the Skitters. Basically they are the ones with the guns, and they're pretty big guns. Mechs have a single, large floodlight mounted inside there core for locating targets in the dark and their right limb is a large machine gun like weapon. Mechs can only be damaged by special ammunition made with Mech metal. Regular ammunition doesn't do anything to its strong armor. Extremely hard to destroy, one needs a] back-up and lots of it and b] loads of Mech bullets.

Harnessed Children:


Skitters will capture young children and teenagers and attach this spine-like bio-mechanical apparatus. When harnessed, the children are in what is best described as a 'zombie state'. They are controlled by Skitters through the harness and have enhanced physical endurance. Skitters use harnessed children to speak, if necessary, to un-harnessed people.

The harness will attach seamlessly onto the individuals back, connecting itself permanently to the spinal cord. To remove the harness the metal 'stems' connecting it to the spinal cord must be severed. Trying to pull the harness out of/off of a person will kill them and should not be attempted. The practice of removing the harness using medicine and correct tools is very dangerous and should only be performed by medical personnel with the correct tools and medicine needed.

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