The 2nd Massachusetts / Falling Skies RP - Character Sign-Up

Ex Nihilo

New Member
Be sure you've read the rules and such before joining.

Name [Full]:

Age [8+]:


Position [Fighter, Scout, Doctor, Civilian, etc.]:

Appearance [Form or Picture]:



Other/Skills/Personal Weapons:

•Keep things even gender wise.

•You may Rp as a harnessed child but that may be pretty boring unless you intend to have them rescued and de-harnessed.

•Make as many characters as you want, but only as many as you can keep up with.

•Also, if you could be as detailed as possible. No need for five paragraphs but at least one good one when writing up your character's history and personality.

* Once I've liked your post in this thread you can begin roleplaying.

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Name: Allison "Ali" Johnson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Position: Scout


Personality: Ali is tough, even before the invasion she was tough. She doesn't let others push her around, and she doesn't stand for those who think they're better than everyone else. She can be stubborn and determined but she doesn't make rash decisions; she thinks before she acts. She had the tendency to see the best in most people, which, through various past mishaps, caused her to be a bit more withdrawn and judgmental until she can decide to trust someone or not. Allison doesn't talk to anyone about her former life but shows the strong hatred of Skitters like most everyone else.

History: Allison was a normal high-school girl before the invasion. She had a family; a father, a mother and a little sister, Clara. When the Skitters came, however, her father was killed, and her little sister taken. Her mother died later, while the two were trying to locate the 2nd Mass. When Ali was left alone she finished her search for the Second Massachusetts and became a scout. She has hope that her younger sister is still alive and that someday she'll see her again.

Other: Ali has a pistol she keeps on her person at all times. She also has a hunting knife with a serrated section near the deer antler that makes up the handle.

Name: Gregory West

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Position: Commander of 2nd Mass [Fighters]


Personality:Gregory was in the military, so he has been a fighter far before the invasion. That said, he's pretty much what you'd expect of a military man. He doesn't take insubordination, or mutiny as he calls it and although he takes it easy and is caring to the civilians in the group he is very tough on his fighters and scouts. Gregory has a major fault in his personality, he is a fighter, through and through and doesn't like backing down from a fight of any kind. At his best Gregory is a stern, often intimidating individual who deep, very deep down and very secretly, cares about those under his command. He takes the death of his fighters and any civilians personally and it can take a toll on him. A small pet peeve of Gregory's is that he hates being called "Greg" and insists upon being called Gregory, especially by those under his military command.

History:Gregory lost his mother at young age, due to cancer. As an only child this left him and his father. His father worked long, late hours and the two were never very close. Gregory's rebellious youthful years didn't help and the two grew far apart, even when living under the same roof. As soon as he could, Gregory enlisted in the military and made a full time stretch of it. He came home from a tour over seas and was back home for nearly a year before the invasion. He hasn't seen his father since he returned.
Name: Jason "Jace" Park

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Position: Scout


Personality: Jace often displays himself as a cool-headed and bored individual. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things, yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy, or even his own future. Furthermore, Jace has shown that he is a pessimist, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, he believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power and since the invasion that has only been strengthened. He often acts as if nothing bothers him but in reality he is just keeping a strong appearance to try and keep motivation that little bit higher.

History: Jace was your athletic type of student before the invasion, he was always playing football(american), soccer or basketball, he wasn't a person who just sat about or more so he couldn't just sit about. He originally lived with his mother and never knew his father, he always thought it was one of his mothers card buddies after all, all she ever did was work come home get drunk and play cards with some men. When the skitters came Jace was lucky he was out at a shooting range he had been visiting to ignore his mother as much as possible so once the skitters came Jace took the gun he was shooting with and bolted away. He survived alone for a while scavenging whatever food he could. Entering a large factor Jace ended up running into two skitters who seemed to be patrolling the factor. He wanted to try and get rid of them but he forget how many bullets they can take. Shooting at the first one he saw it took eight shots before falling leaving Jace with no ammo, hiding from the other Jace got lucky as a scout of the 2nd Mass just happened to be nearby and saved him. Telling Jace about the second mass Jace agreed to help out.

Other: He carries a snub Ruger SP101 revolver and a switch blade.

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