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Fandom The 100: Let's Do It Our Way

No one had ever actually been kind enough to stop someone from antagonizing her before so as he lead her to continue, she smiled at him as thanks before stepping forward again and finishing what she needed to say. a handful of people agreed to scavenge for food, mostly to go explore probably. Another few people decided to go a separate way to go find water while the rest of the people got to work at creating a camp site, breaking down pieces of the drop ship they didn't need and using the parachutes to make tents. Lavinia had skills to help build the tents to she wanted to start on one or two for the people that were gone, and for herself as well. "Thank you Alex. Want to help me build a tent?" She drug some supplies for building to the edge of the clearing and drug Alex into the woods with her to find some more wood to use. Not long after that, she heard the sound of something in the woods nearby to her, a branch crack, making her tense up. She shot a look at Alex and whispered. "Did you hear that? Maybe you're right about someone or something watching. It just isn't the Ark.."

@AnnoDomini @Chase @Vexxum @Extinct
Alex smiled back at Lavinia. He looked at the others going to work, then his head turned when the girl started to speak again. "Yeah I w-" Before he could finish the sentance, he found himself being dragged into the woods. Alex was suprised at how strong the girl was, then he heard something from the woods. He tensed up, looking. "I h-hate it when I'm right. Stay calm, do not make sudden movements. It may be just a wild animal. Predators should be scared of us, as much as we are of them." Alex had his eyes peeled, and slowly grabbed Lavinia's hand. "If something happens, be ready to run."

@Azami @Chase @Vexxum @Extinct
Shiloh snapped around to lock her gaze directly on Myles. She shot him a scathing glare, knowing their position had been revealed. He had followed her, and now he had ruined her stealth mission as well as Jackson's across the way. In all her anger, she had lost sight and sound of Sansya.

There weren't many Sky People in this clearing. If they revealed themselves, they could take them as prisoners, find out what they were and what they knew, why they were here. And they seemed to be unarmed, at least as far as Shiloh could see through all the trees. Perhaps an impromptu ambush would be a good idea...

But the Commander wanted to stick to her original plan. She wanted to order a retreat, not give the kids any reason to build their defenses or prepare themselves for future attacks. If they ambushed now, they'd lose the element of surprise forever.

So, what to do? Once again, Shiloh was faced with an agonizingly difficult decision. To take prisoners, or to retreat?
Myles looked up, he saw that the noise did attract unwanted looks their way from the sky people. Not to mention a death glare right from the commander. He just sighed internally, he knew he had screwed up but what he could do now was advise the commander on what to do next. So he slowly made his way next to her without being noticed by the sky people.

"My bad, I was never good a navigating trees." he said quietly as he looked at the camp of the sky people. He looked at the sky people. he tapped the shoulder of the commander and put his finger to his mouth. They haven't found them out. They probably think it was animal. If they do start to investigate they could easily move position or take them and find out why they are here.

"They haven't noticed us yet. Don't be too hasty, you can still salvage your mission and theirs." he said as he did take his bow over his shoulders and grasped it in his hand. It was more for protection, if they did start to move to their position and there was no where to go. Myles wouldn't hesitate to protect his commander.


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