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Realistic or Modern Test Subjects

The air was cool but windy. The moon shining bright over the night sky, causing a reflection over the still body of water. No noise being heard but the sound of leaves rustling through the wind.

Rin opened her eyes and blinked to see the moon high up above her. She tried to sit up but was forced back down as her body was still a bit paralyzed. What the.. She thought, being unable to move she looked around to see if there was any surrounding to tell where see was. She saw nothing but the still lake and a great Oak tree. She let out a slight sigh and laid in the grass, paralyzed, cold, and hungry.

She heard the sound of moving in the grass and darting her eyes over to see what it was, see a male figure a few feet away from her. Who is he? IS he paralyzed like i am? She focused her attention on the man to see if he was even alive or if he could at all.
Jordan woke up from a dream less sleep only to see nothing but stars. He stared at the stars sifting through his memory for answers. He sat up but regretted it as he felt pain all through hjs upper body. He kept himself up with his arm behind him and looked around for anyone.

He saw a girl laying down staring at him and froze. He didn't know what to do the only people he ever talked to was the scientists that came to test him. Now he wasn't in his room where he spent all his time and in some unknown place with some random person.

Jordan then saw a couple of book bags 'were they for us' he thought then he turned to the girl. "Umm do you by chance know where we are"
Rin's eyes widen slightly as she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, just a loud wheezing sound. She once more tried to sit herself up but failed to move. Not remembering anything that had happened or why she was here, she continued to stare at the stranger, hoping he'd help her.

The wet grass soaked into her clothing, making the whole backside of her body wet. Which made it worse since she was already trembling and freezing. The clothing she had on wasn't much of a cover up. Just a plain white shirt with white loose fitting yoga pants. Her blonde hair was loose and spread out like branches, it also was getting dirty from the grass and dirt.
Jordan watched the girl try to talk and fail and he felt sorry for her. He walked over to her and picked her up bridall style and then carefully picked up the two bookbags. He then started to search for a place to rest and find out what's going on.

Jordan found an old treehouse that had thankfully fallen right side up. He went in and set the girl down against the wall then started to search through the bags. He found $100, a cell phone, set of clothes, and a blanket which was doubled in the second bag.

He sat down and sighed remembering why he was here and probably the girl too.


Jordan was doing his morning workout when a white coat as he called them burst into his room. He could hear other running around and some loud bangs outside then all sound stopped as the door closed. The white coat gave jordan a bookbag and started checking him for anything wrong.

"Uum cj what's going on" he said. This was his primary white coat to talk to when he came in. Cj was jordans teacher giving him lectures about modern world things and such. Cj just looked at jordan and then stuck him with a needle.

"This is your final test remember everything i taught you make me proud" then everything went black


Jordan sighed then looked up at the girl. "Uum i guess we're supposed to survive in a city by all that they taught me. You were a test subject to right?"
She watched him rummage through the back, seeing the things he pulled out. When she saw he had a blanket her attitude grew cheery Yes! A blanket to keep warm. She saw that he was zoned out and she wondered why.

She could feel her paralyzed body. Knowing whatever paralyzed her was wearing off, she start moving her head to get the feeling back when he began talking. "Yeah.. I think so.." She still had no idea what happened in her past and though it'd probably come back to her later on. Once her body was completely back to normal she crawled over and grabbed a blanket out from one of the book bags, "I guess we're going to be staying here for the night. Tomorrow we should head out and search around" With that, she laid down, wrapped up in the blanket with her back against the wall.
Jordan looked outside one last time to make sure nothing was near amd closed the door. He went tp the opposite wall the girl was leaning against and got one of the phones and and started searching through it. In the contacts there was only one number in it by the name of "Rin" he whispered. He looked up at the girl noticing her look at her when he said the name. He went back to the phone and went to google and search 'where am i' thw phone showed a map of nevada. There was a red arrow pointing to salt lake city he stared at the phone studying the details of the city before closing it. "Your name is Rin?"
She looked up at him and muttered "Yes" She closed her eyes . Nothing but darkness beneath her eyelids as she laid there, finally warm. Trying to recall what had happened. Okay..So i woke up in this unknown place...Saw this guy..And now i'm here with him with nothing but a book bag and some supplies. Where the hell am I?!

She then remembered what happened just before she woke up in the field. White..Everywhere..Noise coming from outside her room dooor..Then two men coming in. They held her down while one man in a white lab coat came in with a needle..Everything went dark. Then she woke up to see the moon. Letting out a sigh she thought to herself, What the hell? Who were those men? She sighed and shrugged it off before drifting off into a deep sleep.
Jordan grabbed a blanket and leaned against the wall and started thinking of how thwy would survive. They would obviously need to get jobs but they don't exist. Hehe remembered cj telling him about hire teenagers would they get fake ID's to sneak into clubs. Maybe they could find someone who could do that for them. He fell asleep wondering what things they would run into in the city.

The Next Morning.​

Rin woke up to see the rays of sunlight shining in from outside. She sat up and started to stretched before getting up and climbing out the tree house. She looked around and saw the lake, going over to it she scooped a large amount of water into her hand and quickly splashed it onto her face before it slipped out of her hands and back into the lake. She continued this until her face was clean and until she was fully awake.

She stood and went back into the tree house packing up on of the book bags with the things that were already in it. She sat in the corner and waited for him to wake, watching him sleeping before closing her eyes once more.
Jordan woke up and saw Rin in the corner. He got up seeing her open her eyes.

"Im gonna pack up amd search around then we can go" he then threw all his stuff back in his bag and went outside. He was really looking for some kind of weapon because from what cj taught him there are some dangerous people in citys. Burglars, gang members, serial killers all could easily kill someone. Behind the tree house jordan found an old hammer probably one that helped build the treehouse. He picked it up and put it in his pocket for easy retrieval then went back into the treehouse.

"Ok we can go now"

Harper hadnt been able to sleep, she was excited! Her brother had kept her up all night, telling her the things he wanted to do in the city. Finally at around 7:00, she grabbed her pre-made bookbag, woke Skylar up, and they snuck out the window.
"Alright" Rin stood up and slung the backpack around her shoulder and walked out of the tree house. Stretching, she started to head up the hill behnd the tree house, seeing buildings and a bridge.

"Look" She pointed to one of the building, the words "McDonalds" being printed on the front in big yellow letters. "Lets go check that place out. See if we can get anyhting from there"

Harper and Skylar walked down the middle of the city street. Skylar was watching the scene for any place they could scavenge or find a weapon when he came upon a McDonalds. He grabbed Harper's shoulder and she nodded. They ran down the street as fast as they could to get to it.


Once they reached it Harper looked around. She didn't see anything right away. "We can set up camp here, no one's around! It's perfect!" She said to Skylar. He just nodded.
(Whoops i was thinking about a different rp)

Jordan walked with Rin and saw the McDonald's.

"My name is Jordan by the way" he said still walking. he Approached the McDonald's slowly with his hammer in hand making sure they didn't get attacked. He walked in the McDonald's amd started searching for supplies.

"Ahem." Skylar said to get the pair's attention, who had just walked in and searched not noticing him and Harper. "You need something?" He said and quickly took notice of the male's hammer. It'd be extremely easy to pry out of his hands, if he had to.
Jordan tensed when he heard the voice in the room. He turned to the two and thought of his options. He could attack them and from his spars with cj he seemed pretty confident on his skills or he could be civil and talk.

"Uum we dont want any trouble just some supplies" he said raising his hands in a defensive stance. He stared tos feel excited if they decided to attack just thinking about it made him a little jumpy.

"You got anything to offer us?" She asked with a smile. She was genuinely happy to see these newcomers. She silently gave her brother a look, telling him to back off these two. "Cause any of us could die...Me and Skylar just got here...I'm Harper!" Harper held a hand out for the guy.


He scowled at the two standing in front of him but did as he was told and held back from killing these two. "Watch your back."
Rin peek her head out from behind Jordan, looking over at the two silently. She squeezed his shirt before smiling and hopping out in front of Jordan and pointing to herself, "I'm Rin and he's Jordan" She smiled at Harper happily.
Jordan was suprised by Rin's happy demeanor. He didn't remember her acting like this the last few hours.

"Uum we dont have much whay do you need"

"ISSAC!" I tackled him down. "STOP RUNNING!" I glared at him. He frowned, then managed to stand up with me still clinging on to him. He looked at something, and I followed his gaze. There was a McD's, and from where we were, we could make out people. "Let's go!!" I got off him and grabbed his wrist. Before he could protest, I'd dragged him to the door. I knocked on it. "Hello?" I threw on my innocent face.

"Great. Even more people to keep Skylar from killing." She muttered. "Fair warning, I can't control him forever. He's kind of crazy. OH and to answer your earlier question, we need practically everything! We can offer you protection if you can offer us anything..Otherwise.." She smirked devilishly and snapped.


"That's all I needed to hear," He turned to the wall and punched it so hard his hand went through the plaster. He turned towards the others and basically growled. "So do we have a deal?" He could hear his sister ask, as she shot him another look, telling him no fights yet.

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A quiet sound of movement came from the bathroom and a moment later a tall blonde haired girl stepped into view of the new-comers. She kept a straight face seeing their various styles and personalities already. One guy had just punched the wall earning a small head tilt on her part. "Hello and welcome!" She tossed her arms into the air and twirled around before stopping and going closer. Her clothes less filthy though somewhat wet after having just washed them off a bit. "I'm Holly." She introduces herself while looking over everyone. The small bell rung as the door was opened once again. A thin boy walked in hesitantly glancing around him. "S-sorry, should I go?" He was already stepping back. All he carried was his booksack which seemed to be plenty full. "Hey, what've you got?" She asked calmly while looking to the booksack. "Mind sharing if it's food? It's obvious that we're all pretty hungry.."

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