Terry Layne


My member has a title haha jk
Name: Terry Layne 

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dark brown messy bedhead hair. Deep brown eyes. Lightly tanned skin. Her cotton black tunic had a hoodie, with a belt it hangs around her loosely with sleeves, that tuck into her leather gloves, snug and slender and the perfect fit. Tight leather pants and beautiful leather boots to match.  Gorgeous blend of black and leather she had a complete outfit

Occupation : Hells angels master theif for hire. A fence for the kingdoms. Spymaster for hire by anyone with coin.

Skills: Legendary lockpicker, quick as a whip Lifter, quieter than a fly on the wall.

Hobbies: Collecting rumours and trinkets. She eavesdrops for fun.

Likes: all the fancier things in life, just to admire. Jewelry, gems, rumours and all the humours of life.

Dislikes: Losing coin, losing out on work.

Personality: In a safe area she can be loud , obnoxious and loves joking around, causing trouble for the nobles through sly whisperings just to see the fire start. During a job she's excited and nimble, light fingered and risky. Working for hells Angels for the rest of her life is her idea of a good time. Often times her distraction for that next coin gets her in trouble. A very fun loving woman she can be mischievous and sneaky. A little dark humoured she has no regard for herself or, as she thinks, the pompous coin hoarding nobles. Selfish and greedy, bad things are likely to come her way.

Background: An orphan, never knowing her parents, friends were street urchins like her, teaching her everything she knew it came to stealing for survival. Taking to theiving her wish is to work for more coin, as in getting hired by nobles. Dangerous as it is, she craved the risk.

Extra: Character pic found ! See below; as a side character, I'll be in kingdoms briefly for lifting objects and slipping out. Immediately going to another to fence the items. If shes ever seen, smokebomb and an outfit change! If I disappear, please god mod me , as I may be gone longer than I care to say! And ultimately, I'm hoping for an epic character death. Sweep me up in all your political struggles !
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How about this?
OMG  Iloveit iloveyou its more perfect than than anything thank you thats my favorite picture of a theif ive ever seen! Thanks SO much!

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