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Futuristic Terra Proxima: First Strike

The Omen of Death

My presence has marked your eventual demise.
This RP uses 3 values health, marksmanship and dice rolls, all of which will help detail the results taken,

Background: The year is 2779, and the United Guns is currently employed by the Combine of Free Nations to keep the peace. They are the best military force on Terra Proxima and stand ready to repel any attack. A United Guns base was destroyed a week ago by an explosion. The cause has been unidentified, but the evidence points to sabotage. A similar incident occurred when all UG heavy weapons simultaneously disintegrated, sabotaged during production...

Tel-Takir. The military academy. It is here that you, like many before you, have come to learn the art of war. There are certain occupational hazards to the job, but nowhere near as much as 20th Century Earth. Soldiers are no longer just so much cannon fodder, they are the backbone of the army.

The United Guns formed some time ago, to unite the bickering states that sprang up when the planet Terra Proxima was colonized. Evolving out of a simple mercenary outfit, they are now the global peacekeeping force, employed by the Combine of Free Nations to enforce the law, defend the member states and uphold human rights. They also take on such jobs as explorers, investigators and scouts. Pretty much all the exciting jobs are offered by them.

So, at Tel-Takir, you and your squad have trained over the past 12 months, training in the use of weapons and armour, drilling and practicing battles, getting a whole lot fitter and bonding with each other. You have fought each other in mock battles, run inhuman distances, run inhuman distances with heavy packs over an obstacle course, practiced with vehicles, demolished a bunch of targets and trained your reflexes and instincts.

The squad all call each other by callsign, which have become your nicknames. Your nickname is Sentinel, and your squadmates are Outrider, Gambler, Steelhead, Acrobat, Savant, Dozer, Switchblade, Nemo, Cub, Hawk, Guardian, Psych, Nemesis, Gearhead, Harridan, Melodrama, Radio, Red and Blue. With you that makes a full squad of 20.

You have gotten to know Gambler, Psych, Gearhead, Harridan and Nemo, helping each other out and generally chilling out together.

Gambler is an optimist, trying to take everything lightly. He is also true to his nickname, having won and lost an equally huge fortunes playing Quil'zak. He is your best mate among the squad, as his optimism and light, joking mood means you can never feel angry around him. His natural friendly personality and good humour have led him to be the leader of the squad.

Psych is pretty cold, a sniper, a hunter. He is the squad's best sharpshooter, whether it's sitting up an ambush for an unsuspecting victim or in the heat of battle with beams and bolts flying around him. He joins in the Quil'zak sessions, but he mostly just watches. He seems troubled, but you havent been able to find out what troubles him

Harridan's specialty is driving, flying and racing. A real risk taker, but she has never crashed yet. She and Gambler are rivals at Quil'zak, and games between them are often a talking point. She has picked up Gambler's optimism as she relentlessly tries to thrash him at his own game. She is honest, blunt and straight to the point.

Gearhead is an engineer; able to modify and improve practically any weapon, repair any piece of hardware, hack into any computer and (to the frustration of his squadmates) jam any communicator. He tinkers with hardware in most of his spare time, and so isnt seen much at the Quil'zak board. Gearhead is a cynic, and loves taking every opportunity to deride any piece of machinery, often making 'improvements' while still in the cockpit of vehicles.

Nemo has come top on the squad ladder as the best fighter. He is skilled at taking the fight to the enemy, and whenever in a training battle, his battle cry will make his opponents shake as they realise they could soon be in a world of pain. Despite this seemingly violent nature, he is a great ally to his teammates, the backbone of the squad, and an overall nice fellow, always taking time to help people if they look like they need it. He has lost countless hands of Quil'zak to Harridan and Gambler, eventually giving up the game in disgust. He now spends most of his time reading.

It is graduation day for you and your squad. You all stand up in front of the entire Academy after your term of gruelling training. As all the graduates take the oath, you wonder where you will go, an exciting array of exotic locations flooding your mind. You are last to recieve your helmet, which signifies you as a graduate, but eventually the time comes. You walk forward to the chief instructor; Lt. Staalko. He swears you in with his deep voice, not needing a mike to make himself heard:

'Do you, on your honour, swear to uphold the United Guns code of honour?'


'Then take your helmet, Soldat Sentinel, and consider yourself graduated!'

You take your helmet and walk over to where your comrades are standing. Lt. Stallko announces: 'I give you... The 501st squad!' The crowd of trainees thunders with applause as you bow and are dismissed.

Inventory and Stats:

Some items may not be in the inventory, such as the combat knife, map, binoculars, etc... These are essentials and are always carried.

Item 1:

Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

Item 6:

Item 7:

Item 8:

Health: /



Specializations: Choose 1.
Medic: Medics carry a Defibrillator, medical equipment chest (this will allow you to regenerate 1 health for each page.) and carry a plasma pistol by default and have 15 max health and have 5 marksmanship

Special Forces: Special Forces carry Camouflage and a Plasma carbine by default and have 21 max health and have 15 marksmanship (this is max marksmanship)

Engineer: Engineers carry Workshop chest, Explosives, and have 18 max health and have 5 marksmanship and carry a plasma pistol by default

Sharpshooter: Sharpshooters gain +2 marksmanship and carry a Plasma rifle by default and have 11 max health and have 17 marksmanship (this is max with +2 to marksmanship)

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