Teresa Palazzo


Budget Morpheus, soldier #1,128,300 reporting in.
Name: Teresa "Of the faint smile" Palazzo

Role/Title(Like if the country has given you a nickname, your rank in the creed, etc.):

"Faint smile"

Rank of assassin/assassino or Veteran.

Age: 25.

Gender: Female

Height: 197 CM.

Nationality: English-Italian.

Appearance(Preferably A Picture): 


Starting Equipment(like armor, clothes, weapons):

Hidden blade on the right arm, Clothes, Some armour pieces, A hood attached to her clothing, a short claymore sword [Same as regular, except the blade is slightly smaller in length.], 5 throwing knives and a dagger. Nothing more due to the lack to carry more. Throwing knives are concealed in a small belt in front of her, dagger beside her, And a sword sheath under her cape.

Assassins Creed Insignia: 
[seems the most fitting.]


Teresa was born in England, her father was of the land and her mother from Italy. She lived happily with her two sisters, Amelia and Lucia. On farmland until her father had disappeared, and their mother moved them all to Venice Italy. They would continue living comfortably. Teresa's youngest sister worked in a inn, Her Younger sister would occasionally disappear with their mother. Teresa however would walk around the streets, stroll along the bridges.  Once returning home, She would occasionally make her own food or when hearing strange noises on the roof go and explore. Because of this her mother forced her to stay inside, and her sister to look over her. One day she went to explore her mother's room and found a large crate hidden in a floor panel under the bed, in which contained a blade. She secretly hid it back and never spoke about it.

Once their mother would leave, she would attempt breaking out. This didn't help her because it'd get them all in trouble and thus caused them all to be rather upset or strict. This never deterred Teresa whatsoever and she would sometimes sneak out by night, and even break into pubs/inns. She was never caught except once, where she was put in jail for five months. In which period she met a old man shackled up. They would talk to each other when possible, and the man would tell tales she rather enjoyed listening to. 

After being released, and multiple lectures. She would remain locked away in her home plotting to escape, her younger sister being in a similar predicament two years prior.She turned 16 by this time, and at night she had her plan in place. She walked out of her room and one of her sisters were asleep. Teresa went to her mother's bedroom and took the small blade with her, she went to climb out the window but was surprised by her younger sister. She had enough of Teresa and went to slap her, only to be retaliated by dodging it and slapping her instead. Her slap powerful enough that it knocked her sister out, but also because of her head being slammed into the wall by it. She apologized before jumping out the window and exploring. While walking across the far away empty street, she saw some people trying to attack a young innocent girl during the night in a back alley. She went up to one of the two of them asking what they were doing, and went to get her mother's blade. They both attacked her and she only got to stab one in the leg before they overwhelmed her. She was dragged away from the alley to the street to be killed, but instead for whatever reason one of them died. Confusing the other and giving Teresa enough time to get up and stab the remaining thug in the chest. The young girl from earlier snuck out of the alley and just saw Teresa taking a blade out of the now dead thug. She then helped the girl return safely home. She also returned home to be scolded by her mother for taking a blade. However since Teresa didn't put the crate or panels back, and didnt bother hiding the blade. There was really no point in pretending it wasn't hers.

A few months and a half later, she went outside again at night. Her sisters stating their objections but not stopping her. She would walk down the street and after a hour of returning home, she was alarmed by some guards running down an alleyway. She went to see what the problem was, but hid behind a wooden barrel besides a bridge. She walked into the alley after seeing the guard collapse and she walked in, there were five thugs and two dead people on the ground besides guards. She also saw one thug attacking the young girl from before, and she was covered in blood. This Angered Teresa and she unexpectedly attacked a thug and stabbed him repeatedly in the back. However this didn't help as they all turned on her, but a woman in a robe appeared into the alley and handled the thugs. She left shortly after, but two more thugs appeared, in which Teresa killed herself. She felt sorry for the young girl as those were her parents, and thus despite risk of scolding, she chose to 'adopt' the young girl into her family. They were not very pleased.

After Teresa turned 18, Her mother one day approached her and asked her a few questions before confronting her about the thugs years ago. After their long talk, her mother gave Teresa the blade from before and days later would spend more time with her and discussing about what she has been doing for the past few years. After this, she trained Teresa herself along with her younger sister at night a few things. While the adopted girl one time caught them in secret, however she wasn't ever caught. When Teresa turned 19, their house were raided by guards and they were all imprisoned. However her mother broke them all out, and eventually found them a new home. However during the escape she was injured, and she didn't have anything to help herself. Three months later she informed Teresa of a thing called a assassins guild, she told her about one in England and gave her a insignia of it. She would then pass away a week later. She would then attempt to find the Venice guild by her mother's instructions, and she also took her adopted sister with her. Teresa's younger sister stalked her, and eventually was dragged into it as well.

Some years have passed since then, and Teresa is now 25. She was determined to "save Venice" and thus remained in the assassins guild of Venice Italy. She finds interest in making her enemies suffer when she can deem it possible, and has spent these years training with her sisters. She was taught Italian when she was 15 - 18, and she was capable of sophisticatedly using it as a language she could speak with help of her adopted sister Claretta.
Name: Teresa "Of the faint smile" Palazzo

Role/Title(Like if the country has given you a nickname, your rank in the creed, etc.):

"Faint smile"

Rank of assassin/assassino or Veteran.

Age: 25.

Gender: Female

Height: 197 CM.

Nationality: English-Italian.

Appearance(Preferably A Picture): 

Starting Equipment(like armor, clothes, weapons):

Hidden blade on the right arm, Clothes, Some armour pieces, A hood attached to her clothing, a short claymore sword [Same as regular, except the blade is slightly smaller in length.], 5 throwing knives and a dagger. Nothing more due to the lack to carry more. Throwing knives are concealed in a small belt in front of her, dagger beside her, And a sword sheath under her cape.

Assassins Creed Insignia: 
[seems the most fitting.]


Teresa was born in England, her father was of the land and her mother from Italy. She lived happily with her two sisters, Amelia and Lucia. On farmland until her father had disappeared, and their mother moved them all to Venice Italy. They would continue living comfortably. Teresa's youngest sister worked in a inn, Her Younger sister would occasionally disappear with their mother. Teresa however would walk around the streets, stroll along the bridges.  Once returning home, She would occasionally make her own food or when hearing strange noises on the roof go and explore. Because of this her mother forced her to stay inside, and her sister to look over her. One day she went to explore her mother's room and found a large crate hidden in a floor panel under the bed, in which contained a blade. She secretly hid it back and never spoke about it.

Once their mother would leave, she would attempt breaking out. This didn't help her because it'd get them all in trouble and thus caused them all to be rather upset or strict. This never deterred Teresa whatsoever and she would sometimes sneak out by night, and even break into pubs/inns. She was never caught except once, where she was put in jail for five months. In which period she met a old man shackled up. They would talk to each other when possible, and the man would tell tales she rather enjoyed listening to. 

After being released, and multiple lectures. She would remain locked away in her home plotting to escape, her younger sister being in a similar predicament two years prior.She turned 16 by this time, and at night she had her plan in place. She walked out of her room and one of her sisters were asleep. Teresa went to her mother's bedroom and took the small blade with her, she went to climb out the window but was surprised by her younger sister. She had enough of Teresa and went to slap her, only to be retaliated by dodging it and slapping her instead. Her slap powerful enough that it knocked her sister out, but also because of her head being slammed into the wall by it. She apologized before jumping out the window and exploring. While walking across the far away empty street, she saw some people trying to attack a young innocent girl during the night in a back alley. She went up to one of the two of them asking what they were doing, and went to get her mother's blade. They both attacked her and she only got to stab one in the leg before they overwhelmed her. She was dragged away from the alley to the street to be killed, but instead for whatever reason one of them died. Confusing the other and giving Teresa enough time to get up and stab the remaining thug in the chest. The young girl from earlier snuck out of the alley and just saw Teresa taking a blade out of the now dead thug. She then helped the girl return safely home. She also returned home to be scolded by her mother for taking a blade. However since Teresa didn't put the crate or panels back, and didnt bother hiding the blade. There was really no point in pretending it wasn't hers.

A few months and a half later, she went outside again at night. Her sisters stating their objections but not stopping her. She would walk down the street and after a hour of returning home, she was alarmed by some guards running down an alleyway. She went to see what the problem was, but hid behind a wooden barrel besides a bridge. She walked into the alley after seeing the guard collapse and she walked in, there were five thugs and two dead people on the ground besides guards. She also saw one thug attacking the young girl from before, and she was covered in blood. This Angered Teresa and she unexpectedly attacked a thug and stabbed him repeatedly in the back. However this didn't help as they all turned on her, but a woman in a robe appeared into the alley and handled the thugs. She left shortly after, but two more thugs appeared, in which Teresa killed herself. She felt sorry for the young girl as those were her parents, and thus despite risk of scolding, she chose to 'adopt' the young girl into her family. They were not very pleased.

After Teresa turned 18, Her mother one day approached her and asked her a few questions before confronting her about the thugs years ago. After their long talk, her mother gave Teresa the blade from before and days later would spend more time with her and discussing about what she has been doing for the past few years. After this, she trained Teresa herself along with her younger sister at night a few things. While the adopted girl one time caught them in secret, however she wasn't ever caught. When Teresa turned 19, their house were raided by guards and they were all imprisoned. However her mother broke them all out, and eventually found them a new home. However during the escape she was injured, and she didn't have anything to help herself. Three months later she informed Teresa of a thing called a assassins guild, she told her about one in England and gave her a insignia of it. She would then pass away a week later. She would then attempt to find the Venice guild by her mother's instructions, and she also took her adopted sister with her. Teresa's younger sister stalked her, and eventually was dragged into it as well.

Some years have passed since then, and Teresa is now 25. She was determined to "save Venice" and thus remained in the assassins guild of Venice Italy. She finds interest in making her enemies suffer when she can deem it possible, and has spent these years training with her sisters. She was taught Italian when she was 15 - 18, and she was capable of sophisticatedly using it as a language she could speak with help of her adopted sister Claretta.


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