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Tenant-in-Chief [Realistic Medieval]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I have the details of a fictional, yet realistic medieval world laid out, based around the early middle ages. I want to run a decision-making based roleplay for someone, where your character fills the shoes of an Earl. You must command your troops, serve the king, and protect the realm. There are consequences to the choices you make.

This will be somewhere between casual and advanced. There's some political and military strategy involved. As the player, you must decide what course of action to take, while it is my job to create the atmosphere and decide fate.


You inherited your father's lands, and burdens. This earldom is a wretched place, where brigandage and sickness run unchecked. The common rabble's disgruntlement grows greater day by day, and it wouldn't be entirely shocking if they rose up against their overlords sometime soon. You and your men have little jurisdiction over some areas, where law and order has mostly broken down.

Many problems ail this land, and you intend to remedy them one way or another.
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I ran my own version of this, although it was a modern futuristic based one. Will be applying
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]I'll join as well

GM seems to have abandoned the RP. If u want to join a nation buildu to may I suggest pillars of creation and Ghost in the Machine". Dawn of life is a great casual nation building.rp as well
If you're up for it with all the interest I'm in too, this looks great, mon dieu
Although I appreciate all of the interest, I ain't dedicated enough to manage so many people at once. As I said in the OP, probably only one or two RPs would be made. The chances of most of you getting one are slim, my apologies. RPing on this site is strictly part-time for me.
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I also don't know why this isn't in interest checks. I think I screwed up somewhere along the line.

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