• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Ten Years Later


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)

This will be the mansion where all of them will be staying. It is not that big, but offers enough room for the friends and also to hide away every now and then. It is very modern styled, with the lastest technology inside.


* Be dedicated. It is a casual roleplay which will ask some time investments from the players. I don't want you to write two posts and then let it all die. I am not asking for long posts, or that you will have to reply each hours, but please try to check daily and reply at least once or twice a week.

* Read everything thoroughly. I have included several checkpoints to see if you did that.

* Take the time to work out previous relationships. Since this is gonna be a reunion rp, take the time to work out relationships the friends had back in highschool. Maybe they had (failed) dates, or they had fights or whatever. Work this out in OOC, not in the sign up thread.

* Keep this rp clean. This means that characters post go in the IC thread, not character post/dicussions/questions or whatever goes in the OOC thread and Character Sheets go in the sign-up thread. I will delete the posts that are misplaced without a warning!

* Try to keep the characters diverse. I really don't want to end up with twelf snobby bitches and jocks or something. Keep away from the stereotypes I would say, but feel free to do whatever you want. Try to be original with your character, I want a bit of an 'unlikely' group of friends.

* I will NOT accept everyone. I will decide whom to accept based on your character sheet. You are allowed to put in as many characters as you like! I will tell you which characters I have chosen on Saturday 18 July 2015, 22.00 (GTM+2). After that the rp will be closed.

  • Hibiscus_Suite_Bedroom.jpg

    The Balcony Suite

    It is a two person bedroom. The bathroom is attached, and it has a balcony as you can see. Furthermore it comes with a walk in closet for all the stuff your character brought.


    The Royal Suite

    A two person bedroom. The bathroom is attached and it has a walk in closet. Also there is a little salon inside the room.


    The Ocean Room

    It has two single beds. Behind the mirror there is a lot of room to storage clothes.


    The Earth Room

    It has two single beds. Around the corner (head of the bed) there is a walk in closet.


    The Fire Room

    It has two single beds. There is a large wooden closet that can be shared. Also this room has his own fire place.


    The Wind Room

    It has one single bed (and is the only one person room). It has a balcony and no matter where you stand on that balcony you can always feel the wind.


    The Attic Room

    It has two single beds and lots of cabinets and clothes to put clothes away.


    The Attic Room 2

    It has two single beds and is the smallest of the rooms. Yet there is enough room to storage clothes.

    {If you have read through this, please include your characters prefered room in your CS, as checkpoint 3}

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