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Digital Tell me how terrible my map is

Greater Soul Gem

Filled with Greater Soul. Value 5823. Weight 0.5.
I made this map with Inkarnate (good program, check it out) just yesterday, for a possible RP I might make. I know nothing of cartography nor am I an artist, so feedback and shit would be appreciated.

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I think It's really quite nice. I like that the text has a white glow to read better against the mid-tone background, allowing it to read easier and you've really captured the feel of a fantasy map. If you're looking to improve it some suggestions are:

Make the forests around summerwood much denser, with trees overlapping. Unless that's intentional because most of the forest has been logged or its just meant to represent a few scattered trees on plains.

Make the names of the rivers run along the rivers, following their curves. It looks nicer.

This is not terrible by any stretch.
That city, Chrest, seems major, and like it would most likely have been built between that river gap (under the bridge), seeing as this looks medieval and river cities meant port and trade flow which meant big city
Those mountains being so close to the water, that water would be cold, this sea would most likely have a period of frozennessnessness (eeeh), similar to seas around russia.

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