
I ate a bug today
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I have been working on a book for a decade and decided to post it here.
(if you were ever on AS or CS, you might recognize it, but this is a different draft
((yeah yeah, I know))

Anyhoo, I know how important praise and unconditional love feedback is to me, sooo
tell me about your novels!
I'm curious to know what everyone is passionate about!
Get excited.
I love for that
I've one project I've developed a love hate relationship with over the last 8 or so years. As it is I'm still unsure if it will ever see the light of day, let alone a publisher's inbox.

It's a futuristic sci-fi tale of social friction, political intrigue and revolution featuring both a coming of age of the core cast and serves as a cautionary tale of what the far future may bring, should the type of prejudices old as time be taken beyond the stars by us or those we may meet.

My manuscript and notes are myriad for this one, i have dozens of physical pages each for the socio-economic, political, religious and racial landscapes of each of the 5 core worlds the story spans, the histories of their inhabitants and their own achievements and wars, all the entanglements of the above as they interacted and came to form a melting pot in a (at story present) historically contested system, now jointly governed by a fragile alliance, all parties of whom sanctioned and perpetuate the existence of an underclass of non-citizen of which the mc is part.

Its a classic tale of overcoming adversity and oppression, set in a far flung future that could well be our own.

But its so danged convoluted and fleshed out a world that while i can walk the streets and see the scenes in my mind, getting them down on paper or into a document via a keyboard is difficult
I've one project I've developed a love hate relationship with over the last 8 or so years. As it is I'm still unsure if it will ever see the light of day, let alone a publisher's inbox.

It's a futuristic sci-fi tale of social friction, political intrigue and revolution featuring both a coming of age of the core cast and serves as a cautionary tale of what the far future may bring, should the type of prejudices old as time be taken beyond the stars by us or those we may meet.

My manuscript and notes are myriad for this one, i have dozens of physical pages each for the socio-economic, political, religious and racial landscapes of each of the 5 core worlds the story spans, the histories of their inhabitants and their own achievements and wars, all the entanglements of the above as they interacted and came to form a melting pot in a (at story present) historically contested system, now jointly governed by a fragile alliance, all parties of whom sanctioned and perpetuate the existence of an underclass of non-citizen of which the mc is part.

Its a classic tale of overcoming adversity and oppression, set in a far flung future that could well be our own.

But its so danged convoluted and fleshed out a world that while i can walk the streets and see the scenes in my mind, getting them down on paper or into a document via a keyboard is difficult
Dude my hat goes off to you.
I could never wrap my head around politics.
I tried to once and confused myself lolol
it sounds super interesting though!
I'm not one for scifi usually, but its giving me hunger games x enders game vibes but better 👀

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