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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

*Everyone! Try to get out of the party and finish up the night! Morning is starting soon! But not quite yet

:) *
Adel took the towel and smiled to the girl.

"Thanks for picking me up," Adel said and dried herself up. Then she started butting on her clothes. She felt like passing out whenever again.

"Tommorow at school will be hell," Adel said while sitting back down to the floor.


"No doubt about it. We get to see alot of people in their drunken state still.." She said and yawned.

George changed quickly and lighted the scented candles again. Yawning, she dropped face first on the queen sized bed and moved the books to the side. She won't feel good tomorrow as the pressure has been dropped on her. "I'll do my homework at school. . " She groaned and pushed her 12th grade books to the side.

Shea got home around 1:30 am, after a drive around with J.T and a stop at Chickfila. She snuck back into the house. Her father was drunk off his ass, smoking a (probably expensive) blunt muttering profanities at a rerun of some TV show.

"C'mere you...little slut, dressin' like that y'look like yer damn mama..." he slurred, then chuckled, rocking in his overstuffed armchair.

"Sorry, Daddy, I'm just going back up to bed now..." She murmured, and quickly got upstairs before he could hit her, like last time she snuck out. For such a big house, they had to put the living room so close to the door. For an entrepreneur and businessman, he was a bastard. He wasn't like that all the time, but when he was it was best to steer clear.
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RandomFoodGirl said:


Skylar blushes madly as the boy introduces himself. She watches his lips move, forming words. She looks down, continues cleaning and bites her lip.

"Hello." She looks up, smiling softly, "I apologize f-for the mess. I'll get it cleaned as fast as I can." Skylar continues cleaning her mess. Embarrassed and ashamed of how clumsy she can be. Her eyes trail to the beautiful girl with him.

After cleaning up her mess, Skylar makes her way to the garbage, she glances back at the boy, her heart pounds. She makes her way back to him and smiles warmly.

"Now, I'm sorry for the mess. I'm Skylar." The girl introduces herself, holding her hand to her throat, making sure she is saying the right words.

(Sorry for the late reply. I didn't get a chance to get on until now. I won't be on this weekend. Maybe on tomorrow? But I'm not 100% sure! Feel free to move on without me and I will try my damndest to catch up!)

{Mentioned: @killerqueenie46 }​
The party ended...
Adel started walking to her home. Fortunately her home was close to the vodka girls house. She just made it to the door. When she knocked on the door Adel vomitted again.

When her littlesister opened the door Adel was kneeling in front of the door.

"Oh, shit. You are drunk again! I dont know what is going to happen when our parents will get to know about this!" she said to Adel.

"You will not tell!" Adel screamed to her sister.

"Yes, I will!" her sister ran in.

"Fuck..." Adel said as she got in too. She walked to her room and staight to the bed. After three seconds she was asleep.


Jason couldn't help but grin when he heard that she had enjoyed the night together so far. "Same here Scarlett, this was probably the best party I've been to in a long time. Well...there was that party last summer. Nah, getting to hang out with you was better." He laughed as he put his arm around her shoulder and led her towards his car. When they got to the car he turned to look at her. "You're still looking great by the way, if that's what the mirror was about." He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear away from her face before leaning in to kiss her tenderly on the mouth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b136e08_images(2).jpg.2b928b38b48b4923c1821cd516fb933e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b136e08_images(2).jpg.2b928b38b48b4923c1821cd516fb933e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.a7af9c789fe35df600a1b3e48bfb95b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.a7af9c789fe35df600a1b3e48bfb95b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b13d673_images(1).jpg.96e748afa62d218247766d2f553ffacf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b13d673_images(1).jpg.96e748afa62d218247766d2f553ffacf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Heading Home

Interacting With: @TheRebelAngel @Darth Gangsta

Destiny smiled at his response. By the way he was looking at her,she could tell that he really loved the outfit. She pulled at the sleeve of his flannel tied around his waist and closed the space in between them. She leaned in a brushed her lips softly against his. She was just about to fully kiss him, but she heard the guy say that it was time to go. She backed up off of him and smiled. "See you around, sexy."she said with a wink. Daniel was just about to answer her but then heard some car pull up in the driveway. His eyes widened and he chuckled a bit. " I guess the party is over. See you in school, Raven."he said with a smile. He quickly went outside and started their lambroghini. Clarity was just about to answer but was quickly interrupted her sister pulling her. " C'mon the party is over and his parents are here. We don't want to get caught." Destiny frowned and said goodbye to him. The goth siblings quickly got into the car and left.​



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"Sometimes, Sky, I swear you are so odd." Shawn chuckles as his sister prances around the room. Skylar didn't hear her brother, of course. Duh.

Skylar spins around and around to the vibrations of the ear buds, music pouring into her deaf ears. She jumps softly as her brother grabs her arm. She laughs and shakes her head, "Yes, Shawn?" She looks up at her brothers lips, waiting for him to respond.

"Did you get a guys phone number or.. or get a date or something like that?" Shawn looks at his sister, worry in her eyes, but she just shakes her head.

"I gave a guy my phone number, after I spilt drinks on him and ended up cleaning up a massive mess." Skylar blushes, "It was an accident, I swear, hes just so... so..." Skylar sighs happily and leans against her brother, "I've liked him for a while, and to be honest, I don't even know his name. All I can really remember is the smile on his face." Skylar looks up at Shawn, "He's in our school, and I just can't help but want him."​

Matt groaned as he woke up in his own place, his shirt open.

Looking confused he saw some of the buttons missing as if the shit was ripped open.

Making his way to the kitchen and opened his phone.

He remembered what happened last night when everyone had to bail from the party.

Opening his phone he saw a message saying

"we need to talk"

Looking confused he sent a text back to the number saying to call over, since Matt had no plans on going to school

@TheRebelAngel @QueenOfDisaster


Scarlett felt the kiss and it felt like nothing else mattered in the world. It was an amazing kiss, so tender, soft, and gentle.

Even though she was a little drunk, she was completely aware of her surroundings, especially Jason.

Scarlett carefully cupped his face and wrapped her arms around his neck, moving a little closer. She kissed back, smiling through it. She didn't want things to move too fast, but she was happier than she had been in a very long time.

Scarlett leaned back slowly and smirked, looking into Jason's eyes. "That..." She leaned on the car seat, "That." She was speechless.

In response, her stomach growled. "That was perfect." She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. "I needed that."

-Ravens POV-

She said goodbye to Daniel and went to look for Sebastian. "Seb come on we gotta go, be glad I parked a street down from here or we'd be dead." She said, grumbling at the last part, she watched as everyone began to find their drivers and flee the house. She ran and checked the rooms for him, beginning to get worried. No one hated him, but no one particularly liked him either, so what if something happened to him? That was enough to send her into a full scale panic attack. She threw open the last door and saw two guys making out on the bed. She almost walked away when she saw the signature long black hair and nearly sobbed in relief. "SEBASTIAN BUCHANAN RODGERS!" She yelled, throwing the nearest thing she could find at the two. Sebastian looked up and Raven saw who was under him.

"No no no no! Get up, lets go." She said, pulling him off of the other and dragging him to the nearest window. "Out." She ordered, pushing him out of the window, watching him fall on the ground with an oof. She climbed out after him and closed the window, grabbing the drunk teen and rushing them to her car.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nf36fzIEzV1sb8oq0o1_500.gif.f40436e15d1531763c9234e700de67ba.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nf36fzIEzV1sb8oq0o1_500.gif.f40436e15d1531763c9234e700de67ba.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Sebastians POV-

It all happened so fast. One minuet he was taking shots and talking to Destiny and the next minuet he was making out with someone.

He fell into the backseat of his car and Raven almost crushed his legs closing the door. As they were driving off he could hear her yelling. She was pissed, but he was shitfaced, so he couldn't care less.

-Next Morning-

"God my head. What happened?" He groaned, sitting up and then laying back down when he felt an unpleasant pain tear through his head.

"Oh I'll tell you what happened." Raven said, standing infront of him, tapping her foot angrily.

@Haus Of Alaska

(Sorry, I had to add this because you know. Plot))



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( Time Skipped my characters to the next morning)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b25ded8_images(2).jpg.2a5292e955b4372f6e31f2f5fae1bfa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b25ded8_images(2).jpg.2a5292e955b4372f6e31f2f5fae1bfa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.5f17813ca265083187c063923a9a282d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.5f17813ca265083187c063923a9a282d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b263a92_images(1).jpg.9584f7b4d225b76dd014d19edef6297f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b263a92_images(1).jpg.9584f7b4d225b76dd014d19edef6297f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Home (Next Morning)

Interacting With: @ anyone

When the goth siblings woke up they all fell back on their beds and groaned. It felt as if their brains were playing bumper cars in their skulls. " Holy shit, this hurts." Clarity stated. Destiny and Clarity both got up and started changing into their clothes. Once, they were done they applied make-up and quickly ran a brush through their hair. Daniel barely got out of bed and dragged himself to the closet. " I hate school.....and hangovers." he mumbled to himself. He got dressed and went downstairs to eat something. The goth sisters put their shoes on and followed their brother downstairs. They all quickly ate and then grabbed their backpacks. On their way out the door, Destiny grabbed the keys to their lambroghini and they all headed out to start their second day of the hell building, known as school.​



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Matt had waited for a text back or a call.

While he waited he helped himself to a mug of coffee.

He did not remember much, however he found a rather angry love bite on his neck.

He probably ended up making out with someone.

Shaking his head he text Ashton

"Yo bro what happened last night?"

@TheRebelAngel @QueenOfDisaster
Evan got home from a party he had been DJing at. He heard ther had been a party at someone elses house. He couldnt remember, probably because he was completely hammered. He wobbled upstairs to his room and passed out on the floor, 2 feet from his bed. What a night...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.472b7e50226dad65eb822f1bc0259af3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.472b7e50226dad65eb822f1bc0259af3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shea had a massive hangover. She felt like total...crap. Her dad, luckily, had the same issue. She curled up in her room, replaying the nights events.

"Maybe I'll skip school..." She murmured, then recalled the man upstairs,

"Never mind."

She got up and began prepping for school, albeit a little slower, and dressed a tiny bit more seductivly. Minus her signature pigtails.



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Jason smiled happily, fumbling with his keys as he went to start the car after that kiss. He could smell Scarlett's perfume and taste the beer, faint but still recognizable, that was on her lips and tongue. "Perfect," he repeated, unable to think of anything more to add but to agree with her. And he probably would have kissed her again if he hadn't heard her stomach growling, a feeling he could relate to. So finally, he turned the keys and the engine roared to life. "Let's go get that food." As he pulled away from the curb he stuck his head out of the window and cheered as loudly as he could. "Best Party Ever!"



Scarlett laughed as Jason put his head out of the window and yelled. She opened her window and let out her upper body and sat where the window opened. She threw her arms up and let out a laugh. She smiled and closed her eyes, letting the wind brush up against her face. Her eyes opened and she could see fast food restaurants in the distance. The air was cold against her face. This was the alcohol's actions. On a regular basis, Scarlett would probably never do this unless she was feeling abnormally confident. "We're almost there!" She yelled.

-Sebastians POV-

"So you're saying, I made out with Carter Brooke....Who is that again?" Sebastian asked, as he got dressed, sipping on his banana smoothie that was slowly but surely curing his massive hangover. Raven looked at him, and scowled, shaking her head. "You need to move out of that rock your living under, because if I of all people know, you should know." She said, staring at a pile of clothes that she was supposed to be putting on in disdain.

"He's easily the richest kid in school, crazy popular, gay as hell..." She trailed off, looking in the mirror and holding up two shirts frowning. She saw Sebastians face and turned around.

"How is he still popular if people know that?"

"Oh, no one knows. I just knew it when I saw him."

"You didnt even get close to him."

"You did."

"Seriously, how do you know?"

"I know everything about everyone, I keep tabs on the people I don't like so if they make me mad I can destroy them later. And anyway, I have lived around you basically my whole life, I knew you were Pan before you knew you were Pan."

"Touche." He surrendered, holding his hands up and draining the rest of the smoothie. Raven threw the shirts down and growled.

"I cant do this today. I cant. He might come after you because your dumbass decided to tongue battle him. I cant wear all of this" She said, going back into her closet and delving inside of it.

"You're doing it?"

"Yes Sebastian. I'm going hipster."

((Ravens outfit))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/blablabla.jpg.8813e9195b559da8c91ddf318e714136.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/blablabla.jpg.8813e9195b559da8c91ddf318e714136.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jason smiled as he turned his head to watch Scarlett, happy to see that she seemed to be having a good time. "Then let's go!" He shouted as he floored the accelerator, racing down the abandoned road with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand reaching for Scarlett's waist to keep her steady. He pulled into the drive through for the McDonald's, quickly ordering himself a double quarter pounder with cheese and a chocolate shake before looking back over to Scarlett. "Let me guess, something class and feminine like an artisan chicken sandwich?" He asked teasingly, a smirk on his face.



Scarlett felt the car go faster, and felt an Adrenalin rush. "Fuck yeah!" She screamed, pumping her fists into the air. She almost fell out of the car, but felt Jason's hand around her waist and felt safe. She smiled at the feel of his touch and got back into the car before they pulled up at the McDonald's drive through. She heard him order and then opened her mouth at his comment after. Over-exaggerating and trying to prove a point, Scarlett deviously smiled and put her face close to the open window and ordered what she wanted. Her entire body was on Jason's, and she ordered. "I wanna double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce. Don't be fronin son, no seeds on da bun, up in dis drive thru order for two. Gotta cravin' for a number nine, like my shoe! I need some chicken up in here, In this hizzle fer shizzle my nizzle, extra salt on the frizzle, Dr. Pepper for my brother, Another for ya mother, double double supa size, and don't forget the fries!" She was repeating a funny rap song her friend showed her a while back. She raised her eyebrows at Jason and held in her laugh. She turned her head back towards the window. "Scratch that, just two chicken sandwiches and a large fries with a..." She paused for a moment and thought of what she wanted to drink. "Large vanilla milkshake. Please." She looked at Jason, challenging his chocolate milkshake order with the opposite. Going back into her seat, she laughed. "Is that classy and feminine enough for you?" She flirtatiously looked at him.


(Sorry if this post made absolutely no sense haha)​


Jason could hardly believe that this was the same quite girl from the lunch table when Scarlett crawled over him and started rapping in to the microphone. "Absolutely yes!" He replied enthusiastically as he tried not to choke from all the laughing he was doing. And he wasn't really lying, watching Scarlett do that rap almost did make it seem classy...almost, and he was fairly certain by that point that she could make burping the alphabet feminine. "That may honestly be the best thing that I have ever seen." Jason took a deep breath and wiped a single tear from his eye.

"Oh, man," he said as they pulled up to the window where he handed the cashier the money for their food. "I'm going to have to ask them for the security tapes of that or something." When he got his change he moved the car up to the last window and grabbed their bags. "You are so amazing," he said, looking at her seriously before he leaned over the console like Scarlett had just done and kissed her quickly. No way he was letting this girl go.



Scarlett was laughing alongside Jason who was wiping a tear from his eye. "I'm glad you enjoyed my performance." She giggled as they pulled up to give the workers the money. Very carefully, Scarlett slipped a twenty dollar bill into a compartment in his car. She didn't want him paying for her fairly large meal, she felt a little guilty. She figured she'd let him think he was paying, but it would make her feel better to know she paid for her half. Just then, as they got their food, Jason leaned over like she had done earlier and kissed her. Scarlett kissed back, rubbing his hair. Since she was now facing the food, she thanked the person and took the food. Scarlett leaned back from kissing him and just hugged him for a minute. He gave really good hugs. She held on to him as she just kept her arms around him, nuzzling her head into his neck. She felt incredibly safe in his arms.


Carter did not know who the mystery person was, he just remembered some heavy making over.

Shaking his head he went to have a shower, planning to at least wake himself up fully.

Showering off, he dried himself off and got dressed.

He knew it was too late in the morning for breakfast but he decided to let it go.

Opening his phone again he decided to text Cassie and see if she wanted to get food.

Hey Kitten, looking to get food, you hungry?

Closing the phone again he made his way downstairs, knowing that the unknown number was in his phone along with the text he had sent.

Shaking his head he started up his SUV and pulled out of his drive way. He knew he should just call the number and find out who it is but he was kind of a wuss about it.

He had sent the text hoping for a response.

Pulling into the nearest Starbucks for his caffeine fix he waited for someone to text him back, Cassie, Ashton or his mystery kisser.

@TheRebelAngel @QueenOfDisaster

Eddie wasn't sure what to expect. Why wouldn't she tell him? He was curious, but he didn't want her to be uncomfortable. "Cas, don't be so stupid. " Eddie told her, giving her hand a small squeeze. He glanced over at the hole on the ground. He was really wanting to know what was in there but then also unsure at the same time. "I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable with" He told her. He looked back over at her, giving her a small smile. "My opinion of you isn't going to change unless you are like a serial killer or something. I don't really dig serial killers" He said, chuckling softly as he tried to lighten the mood. @QueenOfDisaster

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