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Fandom Teen Titans: Rising Chaos

Ahri and Solaris

Auto was sitting at the edge of a some sort of body of water. I'm the distance, she could the teen titan's tower. She wasn't with them at the moment, she just enjoyed handing out here with Solaris..nothing romantic of course. "Solaris..what exactly happened to you and your realm. Tell me the story. "

The tall out worlder nodded. " yes, of course. I might as start from the beginning. " Solaris looked up at the sky. "In the unviverse, there exist a planet similar to this one, but it's as advanced. Surrounding the world is four realms which my brothers and I live, which we rule. Fire,wind,water,and earth. Together, is four kings had protected that planet..however. " Solaris frowned. " things had turned for worst. One of the accident kings, the king of darkness had risen from his slumber in his deserted realm. With out warning, He isscue an invasion on the planet, my brothers and I went to fight. "

Ahri frowned. "And things didn't go well.."

"Your right. We where defeated and the world was consumed in darkness. My brothers and I had no choice but to flee and recover our strength. I manges to find this planet,needing a human body to recover in safely. However, the humans I choose couldn't handle my spirit and their skin begin to burn..then I found you " Solaris smiled. "I'm really thankful to had found a wonderful human to help me..and become my dear friend."

Ahri rubbed the back of her head and grined."I'm glad to help you! And I'm sorry for what happened. I want to help you the best way I can.." the girl stated out into the water​


Robin looked at Fortune as she stomped off, clearly agitated about the fact that they learned what actually happened to these aliens and how they weren't exactly a threat to everyone. What was he going to do with her.... Surely she can't be this childish? Robin cleared his throat to gather the attention of his remaining Teen Titans "It is clear they mean no actual threat to us as a whole, and by Ravens translation they seem to have been forced here against their will and in a panicked state they attacked. While they do mean no threat they still have caused grievances so as to appear in control of the situation we will keep them in Titan Tower until further notice. For now they'll be in community service until they've proven themselves. This way they serve due punishment and are protected by us from the populace. Understood Teen Titans?"

Beastboy nodded as it seemed like a good choice, it would be great having servants clean his room and help look for stuff in the Titan Tower.

Cyborg agreed as well, thinking some of the same things as Beastboy but he also figured that they could help him with building necessary equipment for the titans.

Torvic and Asala

Asala waited for Ravens reply one whatever the boy in the red and yellow suit said. She made another look at the group of people and then decided they all wear really weird clothing like they were playing dress up.

Torvic just scoffed at the idea of having to play nice with these wannabe heroes. But he must play nicer than what he would normally be which is just straight up be an asshole. Well at least if they do decided to possibly impression him, he might as well study their powers as well as their species as a whole since he is a mage and mages need to collect as much information as they possibly can.

@Acethekidd @Aero @djinnamon @ChoasMaker @FireMaiden @gogojojo331

After sitting by himself for a while Vincent got bored and started weighing his options. On the one hand if he were to leave again, he could live free, do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Yet at the same time he was rather sick of living without a purpose. Bouncing from one town to the next, alone. If he stayed and tried to join the Teen Titans, something he had considered on multiple occasions, then he would not only have somewhat of a purpose, he would have companions to talk to.

After weighing the pros and cons of each point Vincent decided to stay and join the Teen Titans, at least for now. A few seconds later thinks to his distance manipulation Vincent arrived inside the living room of the Titan's Tower. His wolf laid down in front of the couch while Vincent looked around the room. There was a T.V. with a paused video-game still on it, a controller laid on the couch waiting for someone to come finish their game.

A few seconds later Vincent sat down on the couch and leaned his head back. "
Ruba dra Dedyhc syga ed pylg cuuh. E sekrd zicd vymm ycmaab fyedehk ev drao tuh'd. (Hope the Titans make it back soon. I might just fall asleep waiting if they don't.)"


Starfire clapped a little out of joy when Robin gave the order that they will stay. She looked over at the two who seemed to have calmed down and saw them observe them. Oh, how the alien princess wished she could speak their language and they can have all the conversations, possibly become friends. Unfortunately, she would have to make contact with one of them and here on Earth her way of contact is not taken too likely. 'Oh, I hope they learn the English soon.'


Tansy really wanted to walk up to the aliens and poke them. Just for funnsies! Alas, she dislike the feeling of pain on her face and body way too much to do so. So, the blonde Titan stood among waiting for Raven to translate and finally chill at the tower. Tansy noticed Asala look at her and the team. The teen gave the giant alien a wave and a grin. She didn't bother to say hi knowing that Asala would just look at her in confusion. 'Wait. I really hope this wave doesn't mean anything offensive at their planet. Oh jeez I guess I should've thought of that before doing it. Stupid!' @Archdemon
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Ahri and Solaris

"Thank you kindly young one, but if you get involved in our world's affairs..you can get killed. Just let my brothers and I handle this ok? " Solaris looked at the tower in distance. " I was meaning to ask..what is that building shaped like a letter? It's really odd. "

Ahri shrugged. "Beats me...I think someone actually owns it. Might be a business or something. " the girl said ."I just come here to relax and look at the sunset." Ahri adjusted the strap to the bag she was wearing​
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Raven gave a glare at Fortune and Jamal while shaking her head at the girl's inmaturity. "I knew we shouldn't have allowed her into the group." She muttered to herself before turning back to the Aliens and translated what Robin said , their punishment and reasoning for the said punishment. " I do hope you will not have any problems with the arrangement but this is too keep the peace. Now if you could follow me" Raven said in monotone before beginning to fly to the tower.


Torvic and Asala

Torvic sighed, great now they must be servants to these Shemlems, how degrading.... Before he could even say anything about the matter Asala agreed to the terms and now they were servants to these creatures. Had she no sense of royalty within her? Must she be so damn trusting? And with that they were to follow the girl, without even letting Asala say a word Torvic began making her float towards wherever Raven was going using the power of this worlds air. They both arrived at the Tower alongside Raven.

"So I'm assuming we're to be kept here Shemlem. So be it, since I don't have any choice in the matter."

"Stop Complaining Torvic, this is the best course of action, and I highly doubt that'd we get off Scot free from destroying a little bit of their home. Just relax and maybe one of these cute girls will actually Talk nicely to you, right Raven?"

Torvic got embarrassed, not because these female Shemlems interested him, but by the fact that his friend would say that! It was totally embarrassing and it made him wonder if she was truly a Princess.

"Tch, Like you would know what women are interested in, you're more like a burly man than a girl. Though to you that's more like a compliment."

@djinnamon @IrritatedMind @Aero @ChoasMaker @gogojojo331 @54160 @Acethekidd @FireMaiden

Robin and the rest of the Teen Titans watched at Raven and the Two Aliens disappeared towards Titan Tower "I hope the city doesn't try to Lynch them...."
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"I'll go with Fortune..." Jamal sighed. "make sure she doesn't do anything stupid... like use the railgun on something that it's not supposed to hit..." He followed the girl from a safe distance. "Hey..." He said to her. "I know you're sad and all...but groaning and moaning about your fathers death ain't gonna prove anything..." He looked at her. "Trust me, it hurts me knowing that all those people I knew and loved died, and that i'm the only survivor..." He though back to the day of the explosion. He still remembered some of it. The screaming. The flashing lights. The feeling of his atoms being ripped apart one by one...
Still hidden, Saigo awaited but the footsteps didn’t get away, to the contrary these got closer and soon with the help of a flashlight someone entered into the hall. And soon more footsteps could be heard.

-Are you sure?-

-I swear I’ve heard something, Charlie-

Said one of the man to the other, apparently they were security officers. They were right in front of him and it was matter of minutes before they could see him, the fire sprinkles had stopped but had left wet the floor; Saigo sighed and discharged electricity on them.

Although Saigo had a good control on his powers it was not an exact science and the discharge was intended to leave the men unconscious but, if they were unfortunate enough to be old or having medical issues, those volts also could kill them.

The electricity strokes them before they realized and as soon as they were shocked they fell. Saigo look at them, one of them seemed to be breathing the other too, maybe.

Saigo left with the relic he had come to take. Once he had left the Museum, listened through his earphones, the recent news about the Teen Titans, and then looks at this watch, his chronometer was close to zero. He was satisfied.
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gogojojo331 said:
"I'll go with Fortune..." Jamal sighed. "make sure she doesn't do anything stupid... like use the railgun on something that it's not supposed to hit..." He followed the girl from a safe distance. "Hey..." He said to her. "I know you're sad and all...but groaning and moaning about your fathers death ain't gonna prove anything..." He looked at her. "Trust me, it hurts me knowing that all those people I knew and loved died, and that i'm the only survivor..." He though back to the day of the explosion. He still remembered some of it. The screaming. The flashing lights. The feeling of his atoms being ripped apart one by one...
(Sorry I didn't get a notification)

Fortune's heart sunk in her chest as he brought up her father, it wasn't just the fact that he had died that she was so sad. There was more to it, the government had covered up the incident and didn't do anything to ratify it. Then there was the fact that she had been experimented on and was branded property of the government. The idea of ending her father's murderer was just her way of dealing with her pent up anger. She didn't want to open up to Jamal and tell him everything she felt instead she wore a look of disgust. "Did I ask you for your opinion?" She didn't want to hurt his feelings but she refused to be clamed down so easily.
"You didn't," He replied, "But you needed it." He walked over back to the titans, and sighed, leaving her alone to ponder her next move in life. He had to have a long time to himself too when he essentially came back from the dead. Walking over to the titans, he looked at Robin. "Hey." He whispered to him. "Fortune might need some surveillance. Just in case she does anything...well...stupid."
"I doubt it but miracles can happen." She quipped in response to Asala question about Torvic getting with one of the 'cute' females. Sh resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she gestured for them to keep following her. "Come on , i'll show around the tower." She said in monotone , floating off the ground with her hood covering her head.


Torvic and Asala

Torvic was kinda insulted by what Raven said, though really it didn't matter to him. All he needed was to protect Asala and that's enough excitement for him. As the went around the tower all Torvic saw were weird things that seemed like traps, something that could potentially harm Asala. He didn't trust these Shemlems one bit but he has no choice in the matter. He did notice there was someone on a sitting thing in some part of the Tower.

Asala was quite curious about everything and anything that the Tower had to offer, usually asking questions on what certain things were and how they worked while Torvic sighed in the background. She saw Torvic and how bored he was so she decided to ask an innocent question.

"Do you guys have any Magical Tomes that Torvic can read? He has a thing for learning about new magical stuff like spells or alchemy, stuff of that degree. I think he'd like being here much better if he had something to do like study or observe things."


"Also who is that person sitting on that..... Thing?"

She pointed towards Vincent.

Robin looked back at Jamal "yeah and you'll be doing it, I'd be too busy and Beastboy and Cyborg can't do it cause they'd forget about it. This will give you experience and besides I know you'll do a good job."

@djinnamon @gogojojo331 @IrritatedMind
Vincent stood slowly and looked towards the people that had entered the tower. He first faced the woman he heard spoke, before turning to Raven. "I'm here to join the Titans." He said before leaning against the back of the couch. Afterwards he looked around before raising an eyebrow. "Frana ec dra nacd uv ouin days? E vekina E haat haat du lmayn ed fedr suna drah zicd oui. (Where is the rest of your team? I figure I need need to clear it with more then just you.)"

@Archdemon @djinnamon
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