Technological Ascension- A Short History of the Age of Magical Resurgence


The last survivor of the Freelands

The blood soaked land of our ancestors now calls to us.
Over two millennium after the events known as 'The Demon Crisis', The Land of Morganna today is a far cry from the warring states and Kingdom's of the old age. When Alethea was re-opened, and Bathelon fell, the world awaited Armageddon. Instead, something miraculous happened- We began advancing ourselves at an amazing pace, using the salvaged technology of the ruins of Alethea. People began to enjoy the luxuries once thought the realm of Science Fiction- Modifying our own genes to eradicate disease, Mechanical body parts, Robotic Servants to take on the menial tasks we deem ourselves too good for, and ships being prepped to settle the stars themselves, the universe calling out for us to chase them.

But then...Everything changed.

People woke up from the Morganna Dream. Old wounds, divisions of power, over population, and lack of fertile land outside the Dead Zone has lead to the straining of every major resource. Without the magic to combat the imbalance of the world, and the gods having remained silent for too long, the entire world is now unraveling. The psychological stresses piling up and up until life becomes a whirling maelstrom of death and sorrow that's as far as can be from within your control, yet you're still held accountable for it, an echoing roar that barely recedes before the next tragedy is forced upon the overburdened mind, crescendoing into a deafening cacophony that can only be barely restrained from seething into madness by apathy.

Faithlessness. Fear. And ultimately, inhumanity.

When the world is too loud, you have to shut it out, because if you can't stop others from getting hurt, the least you can do is stop yourself from getting hurt, even if it means hurting others. Peace is becoming a distant memory. The entirety of Morganna now stands on a brink of total war, and with unknown forces beginning to redraw the lines that once separated Good from Evil, the time has come to pick a side.

  • Yunakai Plutocracy

The central-most continent on Morganna, but easily the most divided, on only two occasions has Yunakai stood together, the last being two millennium ago. Following the Demon Crisis, and the onset of the Reconstruction Period, the three warring factions of Yunakai were forced to band together, lest another civil war broke out on and the already crumbling Kingdom fall like Bathelon or Alethea. But to survive, is to endure and prosper, and Yunakai has most certainly survived. The Theron Family, Silverspire Family, and Azar Family finally became united in purpose, and began rebuilding their fragmented land, long torn apart by civil conflict and anarchy.

Due to constraints on how an Empire could operate, the government was reformed into a Plutocracy, where the wealthiest noble families ran the government. However, due to the causalities that proceeded following the Crisis, this fell to the last three remaining families- The Azar Family, former supporters of the Azar Regime, the Silverspire Family, the Successors to the Theron Bloodline, and the Theron Family, the original rulers of Yunakai. The Azar Family took control of research and development, utilizing the Demon's Technology and reverse engineering it, allowing them to scientifically advance. The Silverspire took control of the Military arm of Yunakai, instilling the Military Traditions and foundations that Oromis the Indomitable had left behind, uniting the disorganized military into a true fighting force. The Theron focused on Public representation, originally a position to placate the Theron Family Loyalists, but the Theron (in their clever manipulation) turned it into a position where they garnered the public's love and began focusing on Culture, Society, and Education.

In the last two decades, however, things have been difficult- With resources becoming strained, their close proximity to the Bathelon-Alethea Dead zone, and population overgrowth, the three families have begun going at each other's throats once again.

The Azar Family believe that the Gods have long since passed from existence, since their miracles and Influence with the world has trickled down to myths and stories, and with the rising amount of accidents and natural disasters, they believe that Morganna is dying and refuse to die with it. They are pouring all of their funding, research, and resources into the development of a Colony ship, capable of Colonizing Mithra-546-x019, the closest habitable planet in the Brigit system, affectionately renamed 'Israfil', where they believe they will gather enough resources to spread among the stars, and ensure that the Gods creations do not die with them on Morganna. They begrudgingly hold a position on the consensus, and to be allowed free reign to continue with their endevour, they allow the Theron and Silverspire family to compartmentalize their technology for civilian and military use.

The Silverspire family follow the military traditions of Oromis the Indomitable, along with having deep reverence to the gods Kilmorph, Bhall, Junil, and Basium, and believe that war is a fundamental premise for all living things. In their eyes, histories Lords have ever painted the future in tones of fire and shadow, and believe that the God's influence will return once all of Morganna is united once again. They wish to continue the expansion of Yunakanian Empire, and spread throughout the remaining lands, to gather an army to reclaim the Bathelon and Alethea Dead Zones, uniting them under the rule of a Military Junta, where the ones running the government would be the most experienced generals (namely them). While not against space exploration, it is not for the same reasons as the Azar Family- They seek to enforce their rule on other worlds, and build a massive fleet, so that weakness will never be tolerated and their order never threatened. They tolerate the presence of the Azar Family because they supply them with military tech and Theron's because they keep the public appeased, but they trust neither of them, and are more than willing to use their strength to crush them, if they stand in their way.

The Theron Family believe that Yunakai once was in a Golden Age under a Theron Ruler, where their culture, education, and scientific and magical capabilities were the envy of the world. The Theron faction rose to popularity with a simple, inclusive guiding tenet: "Together we will rise." Leery of the fragile state of Yunakai's politics, the Theron Family maintains a watchful eye on the other Families and the Consensus, seeking the leadership that will properly reign over the Yunakai and return civilization to its Golden Age splendor. To Theron Family, if that leadership cannot be found, then it must be created by establishing a New Monarchy, and placing a Ruler of 'Unimpeachable Character' in place of the fragile peace of the Consensus, abolishing it. Members of Theron Family are known for their ambition, drive and executive legal powers, and scavengers willing to support them are given arms and supplies to explore the Dead Zones. Recently, they've begun looking for something in the Inner-Alethea Dead Zone, but for what is only known to the family...

  • The Bathelon Dead Zone

A sad fall to a young kingdom, the once great Kingdom of Bathelon was recovering from the multitude of different issues, ranging from the assassination of their former king, their prince inheriting the wild blood of the Werewolf, the Rat Plague, and a number of internal schisms, it was little wonder that it was in no position to defend itself when the Kingdom of Alethea was reopened and a Second Demon Raid began. Forced to flee their homeland, to avoid the highly advanced horde of Demon Soldiers, built up from two centuries of imprisonment, even when the Raids ended, there was little to rebuild in Bathelon. The spirit of the people had been broken, and with the Demonic and Tiefling remnants inhabiting the land, they chose simply to abandon it and live as a Kingdom in Exile in Sindaria, before eventually allying with the two allied with the Lanun, and became a Federation.

Despite the abandonment from the other races, demonic and Tiefling forces continue to inhabit this land, using it's fertile land to feed their fragmented and weakened people. Despite their weakened state from the lack of magic on Morganna, many of it's inhabitants are still many times stronger than the average human, and without the magic of the old age (save for a rare few), their is little to combat them and force them to surrender, and with the hostility towards Tieflings and Demons following the raids, many choose to refer to it as the 'Bathelon Dead Zone'. Tieflings, tired of the hatred and cruelty they receive by the other races, due to the history their blood is associated with, often end up travelling there to be among those they feel they belong with, and thus, many associate the land with evil and come up with crazy stories about what goes on inside the Dead Zone.

However, there are a brave few beings who attempt coexistence and cooperation, at the City of New Aizen, named after a historic figure among an almost forgotten order of assassins, and though tensions still remain high, it is the only place where other races and demonkind can actually coexist in relative peace.

Outside of New Aizen, however, much of the territory in the Bathelon Dead Zone remains unused and the Demonic Inhabitants live in disunited tribes and small villages. Some wish to reunite the Demonic Forces for one last great raid, others are simply tired and wish to be left alone, while some hope for reconciliation. Outside of these few settlements, much of the Kingdom is in ruins. Scavengers often attempt to run through Bathelon to secure the wealth of the Mercantile Kingdom that once graced it's soil, and many historical artifacts (Such as the Bathelonian Crown, The Sword of Mercy, and King's Signet Ring) have been recovered and are often worth small fortunes to the surviving descendants of Bathelonian Exiles.

  • The Alethea Dead Zone

The Technological prowess of Demonkind has ever been a subject of envy by the many races of Morganna- How could beings that represented pure chaos and malice ever create such extraordinary feats of machine engineering and science, unseen outside of stories? If you wanted such an example of the reality of how very outclassed the other races are to Demonkind, you need only look at the Ruins of Alethea, the once great Kingdom of Demons. Conquered during the First Age by the Infernal King, after he murdered all but two of the surviving heirs to the throne, It was used as the staging ground for the First Demon Raid, and the events that followed would shape the very history of Morganna forever.

At the Beginning of the Fourth Age, Demon raider remnants, under the command of the remaining demon clans, breached the barrier and released Alethea from it's prison in the Umbra Carcerum. Bathelon was the first to fall, the Rose Land was under fire, and Yunakai was cut off from Sindaria and the Lanun isles. The history of how the raids were beaten back yet again are sketchy, as the records do not clearly say, but the Infernal King was defeated, though his current fate remains unknown. The remaining heirs to Alethea, one nearly mind-broken by the torture inflicted during her imprisonment, the other burning with righteous fury at the gods for abandoning his people, settled down in the land to rebuild what was once destroyed. This turned out to be a far greater task than previously believed, however, as without the Infernal King to guide their minds, many demons went feral, and the exhausted armies of Morganna could not hold back the side forever, so Alethea was once again abandoned.

The two heirs eventually settled in New Aizen, where their family currently acts as Governor, but Alethea remains. It's mindless guardians roam the empty and decaying halls, protecting the secrets of Demonkind from perceived Invaders. The Technology there is still the envy of many who wish to unlock it's secrets, and the prizes for obtaining even a shred of their brilliance is without equal, so it is no secret that many scavengers attempt to scour these ruins, but not as many return. Those that do live as kings for the rest of their lives, wanting for nothing, as the brilliant minds of the Rose Land, Sinthenun Federation, and Yunakai plutocracy adapt the knowledge to benefit all of Morganna. There have been rumors, however, of strange flashing lights coming from the central castle in the Dead Zone, a place where none have been able to breach, and the Theron Family seem to be seeking this phenomena, the origins of which have yet to be determined....

  • The Sinthenun Federation

Knowledge has been forever sought. But to understand knowledge, you must have the wisdom to know how it all connects.

To understand the history of the Federation, you must understand where they began- The Sinthenun are exiles, free people, and rogues from age-old histories. It began during the fifth age, a century after Bathelon fell. Then, it was the Kingdom of Sindaria, a splinter Kingdom of Free People that had broken off from the Rose Kingdom centuries prior. It was a safe haven for the homeless, the weak, and the disunited. They spread their patron god, Cassiel, and vowed to uphold order and knowledge as chief virtues. After the end of the Second Raid, the surviving exiles from the Fallen Kingdom of Bathelon, the merchant kingdom, joined hands with the Kingdom of Sindaria. With their government growing too large for a Kingdom to suffice, the Queen was forced to make changes.

To do so, she traveled to the Lanun Isles, the home of her longtime enemy, and struck an accord with the Lord of the Lanun, Falamar, said to the descended from the Pirate God Condatis and, with trident in hand, a god himself. Joining hands in a vow of marriage, the bloodline of two gods forming as one, the Kingdom of Sindaria died, and with it, came the rise of the Sinthenun Federation.

Laws were reworked, and the Sindarian's were forced to change many of their valued traditions and beliefs, but it was necessary for their continued survival. With the wealth brought in from the Merchant Families of Bathelon, the mastery of the Seas and watchful eye of the Lanun, and the knowledge held by the Sindarian's, The Sinthenun has grown to be the largest country and government in Morganna. The President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives control the large political body, elected into their offices by the people and for the people, for the prosperity of all.

A combination of the beliefs of the three former powerhouses.

In modern days, the Sinthenun has fallen on hard times- Decades of remaining at the height of power has left them ill prepared for the hardships presented in the modern age. Their magical prowess had long suffered, and though the original bloodline of the two gods still retain some of their former strength, it is a pale imitation to the former glory of the Kingdom. With their magical powers sapped, they are without what was once their greatest force- The Fallen Army, the army of dead maintained by the Mortalitasi, in the event that the Federation was ever threatened. It remains a powerhouse, as their wealth and fertile land help ease the burden of the world, but they are far from stupid- Estimations show that, if things continue along the path, they will face a 'Dust Bowel' event- The topsoil will be too drained of life to be able to support crops, leading to mass starvation, collapse of government, and eventually, mass starvation.

War would break out for the few remaining supplies and resources, and in the chaotic aftermath, Morganna would die. Without magic to balance the scale of power, the world is too off balance for things to be managed without outside aid. It is for that reason that the Sinthenun Federation has begun funding attempts for space colonization. If the inhabitants of this world are to survive, they need the resources to rebuild and rejuvenate Morganna, and that only exists on other planets. They must either reach for the stars....or face extinction.

  • The Rose Kingdom

The longest, and only, lasting monarchy still left on Morganna, The Rose Kingdom has played central part in many important events in history- From it's founding, as the seat of the Conqueror Morganna, to the Yunakai-Roseland One-Year war, to both the Raids by the Demons. During the time before the Second Raid, there had been a clear division of power between Thornton Rose, Regicide and Then-King of the Rose Kingdom, and Cecile Rose, his sister and Betrothed to King Lance of Bathelon. Thornton, in his grief after believing he lost his fiancee Kuvira Theron, had allowed the Rose Kingdom to fall upon hard times, his Military Adviser taking reigns of Governing the Kingdom.

Cecile had earned a great deal of experience on her travels, as both a captive of the Bathelon-Rose Kingdom War to her Famous exploits and battles, such as their failed assault on the Amberjack Palace of Yunakai, one of the beating hearts of the rebellion, to surviving the Second Demon Raid on Morganna. She had grown outside of the safe walls of the Kingdom and felt that, despite Thornton being groomed as the King, she was the only one capable of keeping the people of the Rose Kingdom safe from the horrors she had witnessed during the Raid.

Finally, after the passing of her brother through unknown means, she evicted the then-discovered Yunakai Monarch, Kuvira Theron, and her unborn child, taking the reigns of the Rose Kingdom, using the Wilting Rose to quash any rebellious thoughts. Still, with memories of the curse that was inflicted on her still scarring her mind, She sought a way to preserve the Rose Kingdom's Isolation, but keep expanding. Finally, using Valpurina as a Template, she had the caves and ground underneath the mountain excavated.

The Rose Kingdom grew.....but it grew underground. The tired and weary populace, survivors of the havoc wrought during the last few years, did little to stop the Young Queen, all fearful that any act of rebellion could ignite another war, on a people who only wished to be left alone. As such, Cecile became remembered as 'Cecile the Protector' for leading her people to the safety of the Underground. Though they maintain their surface cities and lands, they hold strict isolationist policies, opting that they must first save themselves, instead of trying to save everyone.

As the Years progressed, the Rose Kingdom continued it's expansion underground. As Decades turned to centuries, with technology progressing, they began growing food their food underground, trading their valuable minerals for technology. The Rose Kingdom remains to this day the most secure and wealthiest government. The Wilting Rose, descendants of the ancient defenders of the Rose Kingdom, finally disbanded and became apart of the Rose Kingdom once again, serving as the Secret Police and Spies to the ruling monarchy, acting under the guiding hand of the Rose Kingdom's Rulers once again.

To be admitted a position among the newly renamed Black Thorns was to hold the weight of the Rose Kingdom in your hands. The Emerald Thorns acted as the Royal Guards and protectors of the family, but the Black Thorns did everything in their power to ensure the Monarchy stayed in power, legal or not. They acted as the Monarchy's hand, they'd follow their orders to the letter without question, whether that was to protect a city....or slit the throat of a noble who was running his mouth too much. Staying in the shadows and keeping in the dark, they ensured the Rose Family stayed in power, stopping another rebellion from happening ever again.

In Modern Times, the Rose Kingdom has kept to it's Isolation, opting to let the other nations on the surface die out, feeling secure in their belief that their Kingdom would never fall. It had survived the Conquest of Morganna, the Two Demon Raids, Pirate attacks from the Lanun, and more wars than most people would care to believe- It would not fall now!
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