Tearik P. Stonenail


I was thinking last night, then it dawned on me
Name - Tearik P. Stonenail

Gender - Male

Age - 47

Race - Kembreeian

Appearance - 


Personality - Stubborn, Loyal, Always putting what's best for the greater good first, Not easily trusting, Sometimes brash

Skills - Surviving in hash conditions, Good with an axe, Drinking, Brute strength

Occupation - Noble at the edge of Glenna forest

Weapon - Double sided Great Axe, gifted by his Father

Bio - Tearik Was born into the noble family of the Stonnails. A promente family who was honored, with there settlement on the edge of the Glenna forest. Now Tearkic had to grow up fast and grow up tough here. In a place where the majority of the jobs where either hunting, gathering or lumbering; which required them to be out in the wilderness for weeks or months at a time. Fighting the elements, defending against numberless dangers. Those are the kind of people can only be tamed by someone equally, though and daring, they would never allow to be ruled by some spoiled, rich noble. 

Tearik's father had done it, soon he would too. During this time he would train with these people, help them with there jobs, listen to the tales. He learned many life skills such as how to fight, to track, which berry you could eat, how to navigate the twisting wilderness, or where the best places night under the stars where. However he was still a noble and would also have to learn how to become that also. For this he was sent off to the Capital to learn the finer, points of nobility. Things like lititure, art, philosophy and politics. It was here Tearik meet the late King in his younger days, they quickly became friends, in the time he was there. When Tearik's study's where done at the Capitial he promised the King they would keep in touch in the future.

Tearik left for his home town with all the knowledge and experience he had gained. He was ready for the times to come, with great storages of knowlage and long lasting friendships. Tearik eventually stepped into his fathers place as noble of his town. With a steady mind and a firm but gentle hand.
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