Teachers! [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]


Queen of Broken Hearts

Age: (19+)






All teachers must be approved by me via pm. I need teachers! For Math and Language Arts to be exact!
Name: Brittany Toulouse

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Personality: Bubbly and optimistic, Brittany is very friendly and never judges. She is big on respect though, and isn't afraid to lay down the lay when need be. Being very open, she's happy to help with anything a student might need.


History: She was a daughter of the original scientists that founded the school and continues to run it while her father and mother do other things.

Subject: Head Mistress.
Name: Logan Keats

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Very laid back and a bit stoic, he isn't as stuffy as the other teachers as long as you show an effort to work. Not working hard in his class is his biggest pet peeve as he is big on determination and he will be quick to call you out on it. But he is always available for any student who needs help.


History: Being a former graduate himself, he is the youngest Training instructor the school has had.

Subject: Training
Name: Axel Kirsch

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Personality: To those that don't know him, Axel comes off as intimidating and cold, very dry and to the point. But get to know him and he is nothing but a softy that has trouble showing his sensitive side.

Looking good for his age ^^

History: He came to the school after helping the students escape from last year's dibalcal. When Brittany offered him a position, he took it only to watch over his son and Alex, his *cough* closest *cough* friend *cough-girlfriend-cough*

Subject: Librarian
Name:kouji kudo



personality: very very protective over his sisters...if not a bit clingy. Kind, a ladies man, most girls just fall for him because of his eyes and smile. Hes playful, a flirt at times until he finds the one, not to mention he was the lead singer in 'sexy beasts' most girls know and adore him

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/proxy-1.jpeg.8270c15a555365004478a49df8ea2b18.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/proxy-1.jpeg.8270c15a555365004478a49df8ea2b18.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

history: he came to the school to at least make good work of his degrees. mostly to protect his sisters from the male population! And being able to teach. But mostly to protect his sisters.

subject: english



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Name: Drake Kalypso

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Very flirty and has a very bad habit of flittering around from one girl to another. He tends to have a charming smile placed on his face and has a rose somewhere stashed in his pockets and surprisingly they are always beautiful when he pulls them out. Although the only people he treats any respect to is Celena, Phoenix and Evangeline. Another bad habit of his is that he has a tendency to think that certain "things" belong to him.



(He has an eye patch over his eye as can be seen in the picture above.)


Drake grew up with the three of them and was previously engaged to Celena. He was severely happy about the fact but decided to break the engagement due to Celena's unhappiness. He has now returned to get her back and charm his way to the top again.

Subject: Maths
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