Tara's Characters


The Dazzling Prince


Karasu Soseki










Karasu's appearance is obviously designed in a way to make her  look more boyish. She wears what she speculates to be ''boy's cloth'' and cuts her hair short to appear even more like a guy. She lacks any indictating curves associated with the female gender (excluding lolis) as well. No matter what side you look at her from she seems to be male. Her petite figure might make others the slightest bit skeptical however since she only reaches to 5'5ft and weighs in only about 117lbs.


Karasu is the type to try her hardest and go over the call of duty in everything she does, no matter what it is it's either a competition or a life or death situation. Including pulling off the whole boy persona thing she has going on. Karasu never breaks character, acting like what she perceives to be ''boy like'' 24/7, and never revealing her soft side since she is supposedly tough all of the time. She displays a confident image and a high sense of self-assurance in herself that she rarely loses especially among piers and younger children. Often she tries to act like a ''mature cooler youth'' but her attempts are thwarted constantly by herself because of the slight temper she carries in certain situations plus the fact her insults sound like something a five year old would come up with. 

A secret otaku and fanboy/girl that'll never admit it as well as a complete enthusiast when involving  girl bands Karasu has many secrets that not even her closest friends  would know about, y'know if she had ''close friends'' like that. Though she has friends she has no people that she is particularly fond of. Her standards could be considered impossibly high some of the time and it shows so it is a bit of a obstacle for her to get extremely close to  another person. Her personality may be just be pieces of what she thinks a male is supposed to be made of but that's simply her and even though her appearance and attitude pretty much scream rebel Karasu is a scholarly girl. She certainly isn't good at academics however her family would execute her if she slacks on them and she doesn't want to fail either so she's pretty much stuck anyway.



Girl bands

Everything involving anime

Small dogs

Cheerful/Rock Music

When people legitimately think she's a guy


Really mushy romances

Fairy tales 

Fights she can't win

Others commenting on her insults

Extremely vain people 


Cross dressing 

Collecting ''Certain'' Cards (Yugioh and Pokemon cards mostly but not limited to them)

Collecting limited edition items and rarities


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