

Three Thousand Club
Name:  Tann'Nilim

Gender: Female

Species: Twi'lek

Age: 45

Home planet: Ryloth

Affiliation: Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, GAR


Tann is a calm person, often strict about the Jedi Code and very serious on duty. But does show a more softer side of her at some occasions. She is known for never leaving anyone behind under her command and holding the safety of the clones under her command as an important priority. And also known to treat them as equals.


Tann'Nilim was brought to the Jedi temple after she was found on Rhyloth. Being trained from a young age, learning a lot about the Force and lightsaber combat. She was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars, serving as a General. She was known by the clones as a general who took her soldier's safety as an high priority. Unlike some of her fellow Jedi, she treated them like equals.


Two single bladed lightsabers with both a blue crystal.


View attachment 175493


Tann'Nilim is a skilled lightsaber combatant and Force user. She prefers to use Jar'kai or Niman.

As a Force user, she is able to use telekinesis, Curato Salva, Augmentation, Force Sense, Force Stun and Tutaminis.

(this is what I can get up so far xd.)

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