tangled up in christmas lights


(crush me)


Cinderella Avery Shaw

Nickname: literally everyone calls her Cindy, even her parents unless they're

deliberately trying to wind her up. She will probably kill you if you dare call

her Cinderella, although most people don't know that's her full name because she

has the common sense not to tell anyone and embarrass herself.

Age: 17

Birthday: 17th May

Zodiac: Taurus

Gender: female

Orientation: homosexual

Role: the Supplier (if that winds up taken, the Judas role would work too)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 52kg

Hair: blonde

Eyes: blue

Other: n/a

What do they daydream about?: getting a girlfriend and doing cute, romantic

things and winning video game contests. 

Describe them in one sentence: super gay, pizza loving, hot-tempered dork.

What's in their bag?: a half-eaten packet of strawberry bubblegum; headphones;

handheld console; lemonade; felt markers; rainbow friendship bracelet.

Theme: x

Words to live by?: "You only get one chance at life, don't sit on your ass and waste it."

Three quirks: lays down on her back and goes quiet when she's stressed out and/or

fed-up; slams doors to vent her anger when she can't be asked to shout at someone;

binge plays video games with some serious button mashing and rage-quitting when she's


Biography: big fans of classic fairytales, and movies that revolve around them, it was

clear from the beginning that Cindy's parents were going to give her an utterly

reprehensible name - she just would've preferred for it to be something more normal

 sounding than Cinderella although she'll forever be grateful she didn't end up with a name

like Rapunzel because how would you even shorten that to something more suitable? It

was evident from the moment she could walk and talk that Cindy was going to be one of

those children - the boisterous, loud-mouthed, hot-tempered troublemakers that other 

children's parents speak so lowly of. And while her parents had been hoping for a well-

mannered, sweet little girl they could dress up in princess gowns and tiaras, they still

loved Cindy just as much - foul mouth and all. From the age of 3 she was more like the

boys on her block than she was the girls, running around with them in muddy overalls

and yellow wellington boots covered in grass stains.

They pushed each other in mud puddles, played imaginary zombie games, wandered into

the nearby forest and ate their weight in junk food. When they all hit puberty, however, it

was evident things were going to change. Cindy began to look more like a girl and her friends

struggled to continue considering her as one of the boys - especially when she wore lower

cut clothes in the summer. It wasn't until they all tried to make a joint pass at her during

one of their usual drinking games that she ditched them, breaking one boy's nose and

giving another a good kick where the sun doesn't shine. Her parents ridiculed her for

weeks but she insisted she didn't like boys. That they were too wild and reminded her

too much of herself, although she did make a point of telling them she thought girls were

cute. After that she became more of a lone wolf, preferring her own company to that of

others - girls didn't like her because she wasn't girly enough and she didn't like boys because

they had trouble separating her personality from her boobs. 

She was reckless and wild but most people loved her - she crashed parties and caused

fights, back-chatted teachers and caused mayhem in school much to her parents' chagrin. 

But she did have a private vow never to develop any problematic behaviours. Drinking?

Not unless it was a special occasion or in small amounts. Smoking? She wasn't going to die

of lung cancer. Drugs? Well, she didn't see the point in getting high when she had video

games and pizza to distract herself from everyday life. While she'll happily bring booze

to parties, she'll leave people's smoking and drug habits to them, refusing to get involved

with the stuff. She's more of a pizza kind of gal.

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