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Futuristic Tales of the Waste


Unlucky Member

Eighty years after a nuclear war engulfed the world in flame humanity still clings on. This is the world you were born in, a world of hunger, sickness, radiation and bloodshed.

Through birth or travel you've came to stand in the rebuilt New Orleans French Quarter a small city in the ruins of the old. The city named Napoleon is ruled by the brutal warlord Andrew Jackson who rules the city with a iron fist in the name of rebuilding the old world.

Regardless of your feelings on the man, nothing is free in life and you've taken a job for the city military. You are to travel to the an long dead bunker and retrieve any arms or advanced technology you can find in return for a sizable reward.

The sky is starting to reach it's highest point now, Noon. You walk into the bar turned staging area to met up with the other hires and...

If you are interested please leave a post in the sign up.
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