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Fantasy Tales of The Two who fought monsters

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Clarion entered the old church, it was ruined and covered in moss. There were large patches that were made before Clarion had found it a few years hence. Clarion walked to a table that had a few old plates and some daggers. Clarion brushed his black raven hair and placed a short sword on the table.

"Bloody hell" He muttered.

Clarion was wearing a shoulder pad that was made from a blacksmith at the town to the east. The shoulder pad was covered in scratches and it was becoming useless. Clarions tunic was brown and it was a few sizes to big and his trousers that had various patches that had been earnt when he had entered the forest to hunt some boars.
Clarion looked outside and saw a figure, this wasn't some he regonized, he ran to his sword and ran outside, following the figure
"You'd think someone would take care of this." Helena mouthed quietly, looking through the various odd steeples.

That was when she heard a set of footsteps and turned around, pulling out her bow. "Move one more step and your heart is going to be  sliding off that wall scum!"

She noticed the attacker was a boy, probably not that old and wearing some old, worn down armor. Normally, she'd laugh and dismiss this poor fool but she was still wary. Most people these days used magic and she was sure he was no different.

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