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Realistic or Modern Tales of the Souls (Closed)


I'm a legume
Littlewood High


The clock strikes ten after continuously spinning throughout the day. At your standard Littlewood High no one really is around at these times, nearly all the faculty members are all back home, students probably back in their homes or out and about with friends no longer in any academic shackles, some however were a bit unlucky, just when Mr. Sanderson is at his worst three students managed to score themselves comfortable spots at detention. Mr. Sanderson's lecture went on and on and just after six he's done, but the detention isn't over, he gave each a task to write ten paged handwritten essay on "Why Rules aren't Meant to be Broken" and he wants it by morning. Not wanting the tasks to mount up too high or anymore problem with the man, the three students spent some overtime in the school's deeper part of the library.
Edward Thevenin


It's just stacks of paper all around him, some books piling up and the nearly finished essay right in front.

"One, two.. three"

Mouthing the basic numerical value, he flipped through the pages making sure if the numbers would end in ten. The papers would be quite disorienting to look at, if looking at Picasso's work confused you, then you'd feel the same if you look at one of the pages, only it's not that the writings are too complex for the simple minds, they just are that bad. Too much arrows, strikethrough lines, P.Ss, smeared inks here and there, even the papers themselves are quite crooked.

"Nine and.."

Placing his pen down he slammed the papers against the table, turns out it's still short, he has planned the tenth page but the only thing he could think of and the only word that he has written on the last on is just "The". The boy raised his arms and stood from his chair stretching his back.


The boy probably said it too loud, if it's daytime the librarian would yank his ear to shut him up, but it's ten o'clock. When Ed opened his eyes and assessed the room he no longer saw anyone, just an empty library filled with books. He thought one of the staff would shoo them out, but they're probably too deep to get noticed. Sitting back at his chair, he turned to see his fellow inmates. For him to see his friends here at the same detention session is like an old prisoner watching new convicts enter, one of them is Jun, pretty clever kid, at least he thought so and also Harley, the weird girl that you don't want to mess with. Ed turned to see one of the windows close by and saw the moon up high, when they begin starts weren't there, it was still somewhat bright, you could still detect the hints of sunlight, but now..

Feeling like he's overworked his brain he broke the silence.

"Umm are we taking this essay too seriously or is it just me? I mean it's pretty dark.. and the library is empty too.. how long have we been here?"

He asked throwing the question to the two nearby perking his brow while placing a hand on his forehead showing a face that said "I wanna go home".

KingofAesir KingofAesir Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Harley Koalton

There was no doubt her dad would be furious. Harley's phone had died a long time ago and it would've been completely useless even if it hadn't been taken away. He'd have her head when she got home for sure. It wasn't that she was a bad student, per se, just a bit....challenging. Harley had a problem with keeping her mouth shut and when a teacher was wrong well, she wasn't just gonna sit there and not correct him. Besides, who said the War of 1813?

Harley groaned and pushed aside her essay, that'd she'd quite honestly just blown through haphazardly, and kicked her feet up on the table. Relishing in the feeling, she snickered at the thought of the librarian chiding her for putting her "grimy" boots on the her precious table. Harley wasn't worried about the stupid essay even if she had bullshitted the whole thing she could still get a decent grade, if he even graded it. It might not have shown in her daily actions or words but Harley wasn't stupid. In truth, she was actually fairly smart especially when it came to writing.

Harley's bored mind resorted to flipping a pencil between her fingers as she watched her fellow detentionees. Jun would probably get through it relatively quickly, he was a pretty smart guy. Ed on the other hand seemed to be having trouble. His area was a mess and he was currently counting a stack of hastily scrawled papers. He didn't have enough and now he was shouting. Harley giggled quietly and returned her gaze to her pencil answering Ed's next question without looking away from it.

"I think you've been taking it too serious since he gave it to us." Harley informed him with a lopsided grin, "I finished twenty minutes ago, bullshitted the whole thing." Harley shrugged and turned her head toward him, running a hand through her hair, "I doubt he even takes a grade on it, dude."

Flecker Flecker Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Jun Hyuga

Jun Hyuga was a simple man, who thought essays were dumb. They were easy enough if you knew the formula for writing a good one. This is why Jun was able to finish his essay in thirteen minutes. Now all that remained for him to do was watch internet videos on his phone. Sliding back in his chair and slipping his earbuds in, Jun started to enjoy himself.

Harley was helping Ed with his work, which contrasted with her punky image. Ed was a odd little duck, always sleeping. It was like he prefered the reality inside his head in contrast to the one he saw when he opened his eyes. A regular old Captain Narcolepsy that one. Scrolling through the videos he wanted to watch, Jun thought back to what had gotten him here.

Jun had hacked the projector during an assembly so he wouldn't miss a new episode of Gacha Girls. Sure he could have watched it when he got home, or even after the assembly. However, by that point everyone who was anyone who wasn't in school would be watching an talking about it. If there was one thing Jun disliked at times, it was having things spoiled for him.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Flecker Flecker
Edward Thevenin

"The hell? You're done?"

How is she already done? He's the detention master and someone surpassed him? He probably wrote these kinds of essay ten times more than his new inmates, well if Jun finished first, it probably wasn't a shock since he's a pretty smart guy but her? Ed raised up from his seat and walked over to the set of papers stacked close by her, flipping through the pages while counting also occasionally stealing a peek on what she wrote.

"Well you're not joking.."

This.. he's not the sharpest knife in the box, but even he knew the content is nothing more but basically jumbled up nonsense, just like she said. The boy rechecked every pages' backside and anything between the lines as if he's capturing the images of the paper right into his head, once done he placed it back down and swiveled his head to Jun's direction.

"Jun help--"

The sentence didn't go too far though, Ed lets a sigh out.

"Dammit.. Fine! I'm done! I mean it's technically ten pages right?"

The boy stroke his nonexisting beard and snaps his finger as if a jolt of idea just struck his mind.

"I know!"

Rushing back to his chair he finished the last page adding an "End" to the "The" part of the last one


Shoving the papers back into his bag, he stretched once more as if celebrating the finished task. Just a short walk from here and they'd all be back home.

"Alright I'm outta here!"

Like a bird with an opened cage he moved as quickly as he can almost as if he's flying from his seat on to the library's door standing between him and the school halls. Pulling the door handle with a massive force he pushed open the door and froze. He sure is familiar with detentions and what usually happened in a session, but he never stayed this late at school, one thing that took him by surprise is just how drastic the change in the school's hallway. It was like a scene from those movies the boys challenged him to watch, an empty dark almost lifeless hallway with nothing but lockers and the exit. He sure could feel a shiver crawling behind his back, not wanting to see himself as one of the victims in the movies he watched, Ed quickly dashed towards the main exit and pulled the handle.



Nope not good, there's probably a spare key.. but he only heard words that the thing is in the basement, he isn't sure though, hopefully the two could provide some insight.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Harley sat back and watched with a glint in her eye as Ed flipped through her half-assed paper's rather frantically. Honestly, they probably sucked but she could care less at this moment. Watching Ed freak out about her being done before him was well worth it.

"Of course I'm not joking."

Harley pulled her feet off the table as Ed began to flip through her papers again, seeming to observe them very closely. She crossed her arms and leaned forward into the table as he flipped, curious as to what exactly he was looking for. Unfortunately, she wouldn't find out as he turned to Jun and began to ask for help before sighing. He cursed, stating that he was done. He ran back over the his paper and wrote something else down before exclaiming he was out of here. Harley smiled at him as he began to leave, slightly proud of his half-assing.

"Thata boy, Ed! Let's get the hell outta here."

Harley looked over at Jun with a lopsided grin and pushed her chair back. Grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair, Harley slid cold leather over her shoulders and followed Ed out the doors. The hallway beyond was dark and empty. Harley slowed her pace to a meandering walk as Ed hurried on to the doors. A pale hand ran over the lockers and Harley smiled. A night owl at heart, Harley had always much preferred the dark, it was a lot more interesting than the light after all. A few seconds later, Harley was surprised to find herself caught up with Ed expecting him to be out the doors and gone by now.

"What's the...oh shit...it's like eleven, the doors are locked, aren't they?"

Harley groaned and turned back toward the library with a string of curses.

"Jun! The doors are locked! Isn't there like s spare key?"

Harley asked the last part more to herself and Ed than Jun. She was pretty positive she'd heard people talk about a spare I'm the basement song with a lot of other supposedly secret teacher stuff. That might be a good place to check.

"I guess we need to go to the basement, huh?"

Flecker Flecker Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
The moment Jun stepped out into the hallway, he knew something was wrong. Last he checked, it was not this late. Looking at his phone, Jun saw he didn't have a signal. He tried calling someone, then noticed all he got was static. Ed and Harley seemed to think that this was just a weird situation. Having seen plenty of anime while also having seen this school at night, Jun KNEW this was some freaky shit.

"Theres a chill in the air"

Jun noticed the temperature had dropped. He could see his breath. When Harley suggested they head down to the basement, Jun was already on the way there. Jun had come to that same conclusion. However he was thinking Well this is odd, the school is locked and something evil is here... lets go to the basement and say hi. Making his way to the basement entrance, Jun felt something was watching him. He shrugged it off as nerves, if he felt it again, then he would panic.

Pulling his hood over his head and zipping up his hoodie, Jun tried to keep warm. The basement was the opposite. When he opened the door, he was met with a blast of warmth that caused his to UNzip his hoodie. Going down the stairs, he felt the temperature go UP. It was hot down here, so Jun immediately regretted coming. With Harley and Ed behind him, Jun looked for the key. He found it inside a locker. Making his way back to the basement door, he found IT was locked. Which was weird since it didn't HAVE a lock. Everything was heating up and they were trapped, Jun had to think of something quick.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Flecker Flecker KingofAesir KingofAesir

Edward Thevenin

Things just kept getting better and better.

"Right basement.. at night.. wiht no one around.. and at a school like this.. Just perfect"

The boy smacks his forehead as he shook his head at the only available option, when they already walked towards the basement, he still paced on the ground floor checking any doors as if hoping that by repeatedly pulling hte handle he'd cause a miracle and they magically will open. It was quite desperate, but hey what can you do?

"Everything locked? The hell happened here?"

After possibly the hundredth door being forced to open, he decides to give in to his fate, he probably needs to enter the basement right about now. It's never his choice to hang out around there, rumors of giant lizards, monsters or even the general fact that this school was once used by the government to conduct experiments made everyone wary of even taking a peek there, only the janitor and some staff with the lower pay dared to brave the twisting darkness down under. Following Harley and Jun's footsteps he entered the dusty old thing. Just as he entered he's greeted by a spider web planting itself to his face

"Ah seriously?"

Wiping the thing off quickly he rescanned the room, he'd bet if it's the middle of the day probably three hundred students walking around above and minimum waged staffs making trips from here and back up again, this ghastly setting would be nothing but boring crates and covered up old stuff like the old computers no longer used or some of the scientific equipments replaced for the modern ones. Yearbook photos, old costumes and even a replica human skeleton courtesy of the first year play.


"Old stuff.. Hey this old thing, still give me the creeps.. I mean are you sure it's not human?"

The boy pointed at the replica skeleton, probably it's just the dread playing tricks on his head, it's just plastic, wood and stuff right? Just when he had a moment, he heard Jun. Looking at where he came from Ed dashed towards the basement's exit and tried opening it.

"Locked? LOCKED? B-but there's no.."

This smells of that horror movie he watched as a challenge, three unlucky students stayed too late in a haunted school and they soon ended up as dead meat or worse. The boy walked back to the group, one would see the droplets of sweat forming on his forehead as he felt the temperature rises.

"So door's no good, we're screwed"

At these times he'd probably panic but he's way off his bed time and it's too tiring to panic through the whole thing. The boy walked towards the walls and placed his hand on the wall as if searching for any opening or magical portal that could open a special gate to the outside world, if he's trapped in a room with the horror movie style might as well play by its rules, there must be a secret entrance to an underground lab or something here.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Harley Koalton

The descent into the basement was less than appeasing to Harley's stomach. A coil of dread tightened up in her gut, a feeling she was not very fond of and was not wrong very often. Harley frowned as she followed after Jun, his footsteps keeping her slightly grounded. She and Jun entered the place first, Harley let out a whistle.

The sound of Ed sputtering behind her caught her attention and she turned to see the blonde boy trapped by a spider web. She snickered as he frantically brushed the thing off.

"Oh, hope nothing bit you. Who knows what kinda freaky spiders are down here?"

Harley turned on her heel and shuffled to the far corner of the room. A table sat there, covered in old textbooks and the like. Pushing a few crumbling Chemistry books to the side, Harley plucked up a particularly interesting book under them.

"Hey, cool. This is an old annual." Harley held up the dusty, old yearbook and flipped open one of its pages releasing a cloud of dust into the air. Coughing, she waved the offending dust away and peered down at the fading page in front of her, "1989 Littlewood Cougar Pride." Harley hummed, "Lame title."

The sound of Jun claiming the door to be locked caused Harley to turn around and furrow a brow at the boy. Ed got to him before she did, having a mini heart attack on the spot before claiming they were screwed. With a groan Harley stomped her way over to the door and gave it a kick just for good measure. It didn't budge. How the hell was this old ass wooden door jammed all the sudden.

"That makes absolutely no sense."

The coil of dread in Harley's stomach tightened even more, threatening to spring up at any moment. Ed was walking around the room feeling of the walls as if some secret passageway was going to suddenly appear. Harley was not about to start searching for a something that might not even be there. She kicked the door again. And again. And again. Nothing.

"Fucking. Open. Stupid. Door."

Flecker Flecker Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Harley seemed to be into kicking the door open. Jun didn't stop her because of how much fun she was having. This all seemed like the setup of a bad PS1 horror game. Or maybe just a high school version of Resident Evil. Wandering around the basement, Jun looked for anything of interest. He saw a fireaxe in a glass case. Which seemed weird since there were normally fire EXTINGUISHERS in the glass cases. Harley and Ed seemed panicked. Although while Ed was more freaking out, Harley was more kicky.

There was a broken chairleg on the ground, Jun picked it up. Now armed with a weapon he found himself face to face with the strangest sight. A mirror that held no reflection. Having seen enough anime to know where this was going, Jun stepped back. Then he had an idea, he threw his weapon into the mirror. While it SHOULD have smashed. Instead, the wooden object went through. It was as if the surface of the mirror had become a liquid.

Without another word, Jun jumped inside the mirror and broke into a roll. Getting up he was met with a room that oozed with SATAN. Glowing red markings, spellbooks and other freaky shit. Jun regretted EVERYTHING. However Ed and Harley were here so they obviously were looking around...

"I think our school worships the Devil..."

Satan Lair.png

Flecker Flecker KingofAesir KingofAesir

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