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Tales of Miraculous

Tokki was leaning on the wall outside the school, holding a box of cookies in her lap, looking a bit nervous. Eric chuckled. "You'll be fine, just give him the box." She nodded, turning to watch the doors, Eric leaning on the wall she was sitting on. He looked rather amused at his friends case of the nerves. The box was simply decorated, with a purple bow against the white box.

Eric shook his head, watching the door as well, waiting for the duo that tended to do well, everything together to arrive. While they were waiting, a taller boy with spiky green hair approached Tokki, and was stammering nervously. Eric knew what was about to happen, and chuckled. "Hey, Tokki." He stammered. He handed her a card with a heart sticker on the envelope. She looked down at it, and gave a bittersweet smile. "Atticus, this is awfully sweet, but, I ah... I don't feel the same way."

It was that moment that Atticus noticed the box, with Tristan's name written on the tag, and he turned around, looking rather bitter, she tried to reach out to stop him, to maybe comfort him, but he was gone, and she heard the door to the school open, spinning where she sat to face the door. Eric looked amused yet somehow exasperated.
"Tristan! You shouldn't have used your abilities so quickly yesterday! What would have happened if your miraculous ran out before the Akuma was stopped?" Avaria scolded in a very low hiss. There was no one around the duo so she did not have to worry about being overheard. Being childhood friends, as well as distant neighbors, it was not common for the babe to walk her friend to school. If she didn't, she doubt the male would make it out of bed in time for class.

"Oh, stop being such a worry wart. Everything was solved smoothly in the end wasn't it?" Tristan replied with a chuckle. He yawned and walked with his hands folded behind his head, his stance carefree like the male himself.

"Yeah, only because I was there to help you," Avaria said, rolling her eyes. The school came into view and looking over at Tristan's watch, she saw that there were only ten more minutes until class started. "We better run!"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it," Tristan sighed. He picked up his pace and walked by Atticus who roughly shoved his shoulder against Tristan's as he walked. "Woah-- Atti-- You okay?" Tristan asked, ignoring Atticus' rudeness; he's sure it was an accident of sorts, even though the green-haired male made no mention of an apology.

"No. Leave me alone," Atticus growled, his face dark as he turned and stomped off. Concerned, Tristan tried to call out to his classmate but was stopped by Avaria.

"We should really just leave him. Maybe he just needs some alone time. If we don't hurry, we'll be late for class," she explained.

Reluctantly, Tristan nodded, "Well, okay... I hope he's alright." Looking up ahead he spotted two more familiar students lounging near the school's entrance. "Hey, it's Tokki and Eric. I wonder what they're doing over there," Tristan grinned, giving the two a friendly wave. He failed to notice his friend's uncharacteristic squeak at the mention of Eric.
Tokki slipped off the wall and behind it, crouched, with a small squeak. "Can't do it." She whined. Eric picked her up, looking at her. "C'mon, you spent forever making those. You're -" He tossed her over the wall with a squeak, "Doing this!" and she froze. "I, you. Hi." She shoved the box into his hands before rushing into the building. Eric laughed, smiling at Ava. "Hey guys. Sorry about that, she's been feeling a bit off."

"This isn't fair! What's that idiot have that I don't?" Atticus gritted his teeth, holding the letter he had given to her in his hands. "Yes, the spurned heart. Go, show her you're the better man!" He heard a voice in his head. "Yeah, why can't I show her?" A small black butterfly fluttered into the stall of the bathroom, perching itself, and absorbing into the letter.

Tokki was breathing hard, leaning against a locker, and from the skinny window, she saw someone with red and purple zoom across the sky, carrying a messenger bag. Tokki looked around, reaching into her bookbag, just as Eric walked in. "Oh, hey." She said, looking nervous. "You feeling okay?" He asked. She nodded. "Just, just a little nervous. I- I gotta go to the bathroom!" She darted past him, and he facepalmed.

She opened her bag, "Tuzi, we gotta hurry!" She pulled the pocket watch from her bag, hooking it around her belt loop. "Tuvi, Ears up!" She called, her kwami absorbing into her pocket watch, her outfit changing into a white suit, a rabbits tail and boots, with pink rabbit paw pads appearing on her, the mask coming up over her face, the ears at a slightly lopsided angle, the pocket watch hooked around her leg, almost like a garter. "Let's go!" She left the bathroom via a window, hopping easily out, rolling to a stop to survey her surroundings.
Tristan blinked, oblivious to the affections of the female before him. "Are these for me?" He asked, confused but pleased all the same. Instead of getting an answer, Tokki replied with a series of inaudible stutters before rushing off into the classroom, leaving Tristan dumbfounded. "Uh," he looked over at Eric for assistance.

Like Tristan, Ava was confused as well but was too distracted by her own racing feelings to figure out the crush Tokki had on her friend. Her mind drew at a blank as Eric smiled at her and she nodded shyly.

"Well, I hope she's okay," Tristan answered, breaking Avaria out of her daze.

"Right. We should probably head to class before Miss Bell comes in," she said to the two but Eric had already left to find Tokki. Trying to keep her disappointment to herself, she huffed a long sigh at her thick bangs. "Let's just go," she mumbled. Competing with Tokki would be as impossible as trying to hook up with Eric. The slap of reality was very much needed if Avaria were to focus.

"Yeah, alright then. Just let me put this in my loc--" Tristan was interrupted by a large explosion outside the school, most probably set off in the school courtyard. (Exploding letters because our little akuma should have some offensive moves too) His head whipped over to Avaria who looked as surprise as he was. That shock went as quickly as it came as a conclusion came to: another Akuma.

Moving to somewhere more private, Tristan splitting into the boy's bathroom whereas Avaria disappeared into an old classroom, the two transformed using their Miraculous before joining the scene outside.

"Lapin Blanc!" a transformed Tristan beamed, flustered yet glad to see her as he jumped down beside her.

"Glad to see that you're here," Avis said, landing on the other side of Lapin. "Any signs on the Akuma?"
"It looks like it's Att-" She stopped herself. "Attacking people who are in love." She covered, putting one hand on her hip, looking up. "He's Red and purple." She said after a moment. She saw her companions.

Eric had run towards the explosion, and seeing Avis, he pulled his phone out, in awe. Lapin looked around, before another explosion behind her spurred her forward. "Ahaha! Good to see you!" He taunted from a tree branch, looking down at them, locking onto Suikyu. A letter bomb exploded, creating an illusion of the person Suikyu liked, a letter marked with a heart fluttering into his hands.

Lapin jumped at the letter, but it seemingly didn't exist for her, nor could she see who it came from. She jumped back, away from where another bomb went off, her face in a frown, looking as Atticus, or "Heartbreaker." as he was flying away. She looked startled, jumping for him, but felt something grab her leg.

Another letter fluttered down towards Eric, and he looked dumbstruck. "Wow, Avis..." He murmured, taking the letter in his hand, lowering his phone. A dark shadow seemed to jump from the letter, running up towards Eric's face, turning his eyes and lips black. Lapin turned. "No!" She gritted her teeth, turning to look at who had grabbed her.
Avis nodded as her eyes darted for signs of the villain - or Heartbreaker - as he seems to be calling himself. "I'll scout further up ahead," she suggested before jumping off, leaving Suikyu and Lapin Blanc together. Unlike Tristan, Avaria was well aware of her friend's little crush on Lapin. Though reckless as he could be, he was always more efficient in battle when Lapin was around.

While Avis jumped on ahead, the explosion behind her called her back. "Suikyu! Lapin!" She quietly tsk'ed when she saw that the explosion happened where she had left the two. Quickly jumping back, her attention was deterred when she saw Eric near the explosion.

"Eric!" She quickly jumped down to pull the male out of harm's way, not noticing the letter which dissolved in his hands. "You shouldn't be here! It's dangero--" Avis was cut short as the said male threw a punch in her direction. Her fast reflexes allowed her to dodge the hit and as her crush swung another, it became increasingly clear to her that he was under the Heartbreaker's influence.

"Why you!" Avis shouted at the cackling Heartbreaker overhead who seemed thoroughly amused by the scene before him. "Now you'll all know what it's like to have your heart broken!" He sneered before flying off.

Avis jumped up, trying to follow but was held back by Eric who tackled her to the ground. "If things were different, I would die happy to be held by Eric but not like this," Avis grunted, shoving Eric away. "I'm sorry, mon ami. This would only hurt a bit," Avis apologized, pulling a feather from her right feathered hair clip and throwing it at Eric. The feather wedged itself on Eric's shoe, pinning that foot in place. With Eric held down, Avis was free to pursue the heartbreaker.

Before Suikyu could react reasonably, the letter had been absorbed into his body and control was lost. "Stop Lapin Blanc and retrieve her Miraculous" was the sole objective the male had in mind. Stopping Lapin came first and with his hand on her leg, Suikyu used his strength to fling her away from Heartbreaker, determined to stop her at all costs.
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Lapis kicked at Sui, and was suddenly airborne as she was tossed. She looped her legs over her head, landing hard on one knee. Seeing Sui charge at her, she jumped away, eyes wide. "Sorry about this!" She pulled her staff from her garter, slamming it across his legs and sending him over. She slammed the end of the staff into the ground. "Go-ing up!" She called out, looking around, before spotting the Heartbreaker. She leaned forward and her feet smacked into the roof, tucking her staff back into her garter, running after Avis and the Heartbreaker.

Eric was struggling against the clip, managing to knock it out of the ground. He didn't know where she went, stomping down, watching Lapin chase them. He followed her, under the buildings, following her. He had to destroy Avis. How dare she refuse him! A voice, Heartbreakers voice, echoed in his head. "Get the miraculous." He set off running.

(Her staff is similar to Chat Noir in canon, except it looks like the queen of hearts. She's kind of based around "through the looking glass"))
Though knocked off his feet, Suikyu's reflexes allowed him to fall first on his palms which swiftly pushed him back onto his feet. In a cat-like position, his eyes followed Lapin Blanc whose staff extended up and brought her away. Luckily, Suikyu knew exactly where his little bunny was going. The heartbreaker's presence was strong in his mind and all he had to do was simply follow it.


Avis spotted Lapin as she was chasing down Heartbreaker, attempting to pin him down with one her feathers. "Lapin! Whatever you do, don't take the letters! I think it brain controls those who take it," Avis warned her bunny partner. "The Akuma might be in the letter he keeps in his pocket. See if you can ge--" Avis was cut short with an eep as she quickly turned away to avoid an exploding leather thrown at her.


Catching up with Lapin Blanc, Suikyu jumped before the two heroes and next to Heartbreaker. "It hurts to know what you guys started the party without me, but you know what'll hurt even more?"

Avis did not want to know.

"This!" Suikyu answered, activating his special ability: Camouflage. There were many a times where Suikyu would use his abilities to make other things invisible in order to trap the Akuma they were facing with. It was very seldom for him to use it on himself and having a mind-controlled, invisible Suikyu as an opponent was nothing anyone would want to face.

While invisible, Suikyu threw a punch at Lapin, intending to knock her out and taking her Miraculous then.
Lapin nearly got hit, only luck keeping her from getting hit by the punch. She retrieved her staff, jumping around, just trying to keep away from Suikyu. "How are we going to handle this?!" She said, rather panicked. She had gone up again, swinging herself out around it, feeling her foot connect with something. She couldn't see what it was though, and she compacted her staff to fighting size. She was hopping backwards, and could see heartbreaker. She made eye contact with Avis, and threw her staff like a spear. "Avis, catch!" it soared in a perfect arc to the bird girl, and Lapin rolled onto her back, jumping high into the air, landing another solid kick to heart breaker, before nodding to Avis as she plummeted back down, trying to avoid the invisible Suikyu. "We've got to figure out how to turn them back to normal!"

Eric had found them, climbing up to the roof of a nearby building, crouched. He was going to get her. She was going to pay for what she was doing now. He launched himself to the next roof, stumbling as he landed, looking at the two heroes, not seeing the third one. In the distance, he saw Lapin fighting someone who was seemingly wasn't there, and Avis facing off against Heartbreaker. He charged forward.

Spoiler, it's a kiss. Lmao.))

"I don't know! I'm running out of feathers to use!" Avis answered, gesturing to her thinning hair clip. Though multipurpose and reusable, Avis' feathers were limited. "If the Heartbreaker would stay still for just a moment, I could probably pin him down," she told Lapin, catching the staff. The kick Lapin had thrown at the Heartbreak was exactly the moment she needed. With the Heartbreaker falling back, Avis threw one of her last remaining feathers at the Heartbreaker's back, only to have it knocked out of aim when Eric charged at her. The feather flung, pinning itself on one of Heartbreaker's wings instead, leaving that wing immobile; however the other wing kept him at an unstable flight. Seeing that he couldn't fly, Heartbreaker lunged back down to the ground, leaving Suikyu and Eric to handle the two superheroes.

"Eric--" Avis choked, feeling his hands wrung around her slender neck. With her own hands, she pried away at his grip, trying to prevent him from doing any damage. "Don't do this-- snap out of it!" She pleaded.


When gravity brought Lapin down after the kick, Suikyu used the opportunity to grab Lapin's foot, intending to worsen her fall. His camouflage was slowly beginning to wear off as slight flickers were caused when he moved. With Lapin's staff out of hand, Suikyu had a better advantage when it came to combat.
(No spoilers!! Haven't seen it yet!)

Her eyes widened, and his gripping of her leg startled her. But for a split second, she could see him. That was all she needed. "HYAHHH!" She brought her leg around, getting him upside the head, but slamming onto the ground herself, she groaned, but managed to roll, pinning the flickering Sui down. "Snap out of it Suikyu!" She barked.

Eric wrangled with Avis, squeezing tighter. He was laughing in a cold, cruel way that was completely out of the norm for him. "See how you like having your heart broken, or maybe your pretty little bird neck!" His grip tightened further, backing her over the ledge. Lapin took notice of this, and abandoned Suikyu. It was really early in the battle, but she knew she had to use her ability. She lunged and managed to scoop her staff, and held it aloft, putting her left foot forward. "Lucky rabbit reflex!" She announced, and a card popped from the top of her staff. Ace of hearts. She held the card out. "Help me rescue Avis!" The card evaporated into a flurry of red hearts, and swirled towards Eric, and she launched herself at Avis, the flurry surrounding his arms, causing him to let Avis go. She landed, scooping Avis up, and launched off to the next rooftop, turning to face Suikyu, Eric fighting off a flurry of hearts.

She turned to Avis. "Help me figure out how to reverse this, or we're never gonna catch up with Heartbreaker!" And she launched back to the other roof, her Miraculous beeping in warning. 4 minutes left. She'd need to ditch to let Tuzi recharge herself. Crap. She spun her staff, her face deadly serious.

"Thanks, Lapin. I would've been a goner," Avis coughed, a bit shock at what had just happened. Hearing Lapin's miraculous beep reminded her that both Sukyu and Lapin would be short on time. "I-i'm not sure but they seem to be under a spell! You know Suikyu has a major crush on you. Maybe true love's kiss would break it," she suggested, glancing at Eric who ran down the building, obviously attempting to get to the roof they were on. The gap between the two buildings would be too large for him to jump across.

"Look! His ability is wearing off," Avis pointed out a now visible Suikyu who was charging towards them with a clenched fist. Clearly the kick in the head hadn't done anything to help with the spell.

"I got that, Avis." She said, taking what she said, and charging at Suikyu, tackling him down, and pinning him with her staff. She tried once, and missed due to him trying to escape. "Stop wriggling! I you don't want this any more than I do!" She yelled. Beep. "No! Crap!" She rolled off, launching herself into an alley. She de-transformed, slinking into a resturaunt. She swiped someones leftover carrot cake, scurrying around a corner and she slipped it to Tuvi, breathing hard. She left into the alley, only to be faced by Heartbreaker. "Tokki!" He lunged at her. He grabbed her, and she had to think fast. After a moment of struggling, she stiffened, then softened.

"Oh wow, have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" She said in a lilting voice. "Wha-huh?" He blinked and she leaned in. "Oh and your dimpled chin is adorable too!" "I knew you'd see me f-for how great I am, I just had to prove it." Tokki grinned. "As if!" Heartbreaker was startled, and she pulled his bag over his head, tangling him momentarily, but as she fell, she missed the letter in his pocket, falling to the ground as he struggled. She hurried across the street into a tourist shop, and hurried into a changing room, before bursting out as Lapin, going to rejoin the others.

She found them rather easily, as Eric was yelling from the roof. She hopped up the small alley fairly easily, the walls providing an easy access point to climb. She launched onto the roof, watching Avis and Eric grapple. "What's wrong little birdy?" He taunted, getting closer to her. "Avis, kiss him, or something! We need to get into that alley over there. Not gonna happen with these two trying to kill us!" She saw Eric grab Avis's arm, and turned back to face Suikyu.

She called, before dodging out of the way of Suikyu, pulling her staff and going on defense. "Come and get me, Sui!" She called, taunting him from the edge of the building. She had a plan. She readied herself, as if challenging him, putting the back of her left foot slightly off the buildings edge.
(IKR. I thought it was based off him. Btw sorry for the late reply. I was out of town.)

Suikyu struggled as Lapin tackled him down. His face turned as her lips were brought near him and with one more hard wriggle, he managed to get loose of the Bunny's grasp. However, before he could do anything else, a beep was heard and Lapin rolled off and away before Suikyu could follow. He ran towards the edge of the building, eyes glancing around for the familiar shade of purple. None of seen to his frustration. He jumped down and began to run in the possible locations Lapin could have ran to, only to run pass the alley she had slipped into.


While Lapin left to de-transform, Avis made an attempt to chase after Heartbreaker, only to be stopped by Eric who soon caught up to her.

"Oh, not again," she groaned, not wanting to hurt the male anymore than she already had. His taunts had little effect on her as she knew what he was trying to do, yet it upset her all the same to see her loved one possessed by Heartbreaker. "Heartbreaker! You coward! Come and fight me like a man," she shouted, trying to lure the super villain out from his hiding place. Before she could do anything else, Eric grabbed hold of her arm and Lapin's voice rang out from behind her.

"I-i can't kiss him!" she stuttered loudly as her face turned crimson. Using her other hand to block the punch Eric threw at her. Avis knee-d Eric in the diaphragm, causing him to loosen his grip on her arm. Using that short falter, Avis turned behind him, grabbing both his hands and pulling them behind his back. With her last feather, she pinned it at his wrists, causing his hands to be bind together. "I-i'm so sorry," she apologized, sincere regret streaked on her face as Eric struggled vehemently.

It broke her heart to see his face so contorted with hate. It felt wrong to kiss under circumstances like this but seeing her crush struggle to hurt her or worse urged Avis to take action. Cupping Eric's cheeks, Avis brought her lips onto his. As the kiss was shared, the lipstick on Eric's lips dissipated, leaving a very lost and confused Eric in place.


Following the sound of Lapin's voice, Suikyu easily found the superhero. He made his way up the building with swift ease though he was on the other side of the building Lapin was. The distance between them closed as Suikyu took the bait.
Eric looked around in confusion, looking up at Avis, eyes wide. "Huh? What happened?" He looked so bewlidered at the situation, but seeing Avis made his eyes widen. "Avis?" He said, cocking his head to the side. He was pinned, Avis was there, looking beautiful as ever."You're, wow." He blinked up at her, wiggling a bit under her wing pin.

When Suikyu launched himself at her, she jumped back off the building, snatching him down with her. She took her staff, connecting to the wall with a solid "Pop!" and and dangled from the staff, as he wriggled, she looked annoyed, shoving him back-first into a wall. Once he looked at her she took her chance, holding his face steady and kissing him, the lipstick dissipating as she pulled away.

She blinked at him curiously. The lipstick was gone, did it work? Was he going to stop attacking her?
"E-eric," Avis couldn't help but stutter, embarrassed by her actions. "I'm so sorry I had to do that but are you okay now? You still don't want to attack me do you?" she asked, wary before undoing the male's binds.


As Suikyu was pulled off the building with Lapin, he struggled to pin her below him, attempting to have her land back first against the ground. His plan was foiled as Lapin's staff kept the two from hitting the ground and cornered by the bunny babe, her lips were pressed against his before he had the chance to act.

The lipstick dissipated leaving a dazed Suikyu. "Uh, what was I doing?" he muttered to himself, face immediately flushing when he saw how close Lapin's countenance was to him. "L-lapin! Why are you--" his brows raised curiously as his chin gestured to the girl's arms. "--pinning me?"

With Suikyu back to his usual self, his miraculous beeped in warning, breaking the male from his daze. "Uh oh. I'm not sure what happened but please excuse me, ma bien-aimé." Suikyu grinned boyishly, jumping off the staff and landing on both feet. He rushed into an empty alleyway, barely managing to enter it as he de-transformed. His kwami, Merlin, plopped tiredly on his shoulder.

"Keelllppp, I want kelp, Tristan," his kwami whined weakly as Tristan dashed out of the alleyway in order to find a nearby restaurant.

"You know I can't do that for you, Merlin. You'll just have to settle for something else," Tristan said sympathetically as he entered a nearby fish and chips. He hurriedly made his order, waiting in a short line anxiously. When the order was finished, Tristan quickly ran back into a secluded area for Merlin to freely eat the fish fingers Tristan had ordered.

"Not as good as kelp," Merlin answered sulkily in-between bites.
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Lapin nodded as he jumped away, vaulting herself back up to reconvene with Avis. "Let's go, we need to catch Heartbreaker." She said, looking at the pretty brunette with a nod. "And I know how to find him." She smiled, sliding up the top of the crown, revealing a small screen with a map, a small rabbit shape showing where he had run off to. She had managed to stick it there when she was in her civilian form. Lapin took Avis' hand, hopping down to a balcony, and saw Heartbreaker heading into a Fish n Chips shop. Lapin hopped down once he went in, nodding when she had a lock on him again.

"I- no, it's fine, I'm just... I don't want to hurt you." Eric was staring as the two girls disappeared looking a bit sad. "Avis..." He murmured, rubbing his throbbing head. He headed for the fire escape to get off the roof, looking rather confused by the fact that his crush had just left him on a building, though he understood. She had a job to do, and he admired that very much.

Lapin signaled to Avis, nodding once she located Heartbreaker, quietly sneaking into the restaurant, not too difficult as Heartbreaker's appearance had caused a bit of Chaos.
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Seeing that Eric was back to his usual self, Avis undid the binds by taking the feather back. With this, she now has one more feather to spare and use against Heartbreaker. Lapin jumped down interrupting any means of conversation and Avis nodded. Before she was given the chance to say or do anything next, Lapin had took hold of her hand and down to a balcony, leaving Eric up on the roof. At first, wanting to go back to bring the male back down to the ground, Avis decided against it as Eric would be safer away from harm if he was up there.

"Good thinking, Lapin," Avis grinned, surprised to see that the hero had managed to place a tracker on the Heartbreaker. "Let's go free ourselves an Akuma." Jumping off the balcony, Avis followed Lapin to the where Heartbreaker was. After sneaking in, she used her last feather to seal off the entrance of the shop. Luckily, the civilians had all evacuated by then.

"You're trapped, Heartbreaker! Just give up now while you can," Avis called out, only to be interrupted by Suikyu who crashed in through the window. "Suikyu, you idiot!" Avis shouted, running towards the freshly made entrance to block Heartbreaker from getting out. "Lapin! See if you can get that letter. I'll keep the exits shut."

It took Suikyu a split moment to realize the mistake he had made. He had thought that the Heartbreaker was the one who trapped the two heroes inside the restaurant he had just entered and failing to see Avis' feather sealing the doors in the process. Breaking and entering wasn't all too bad so long as Avis used her Healing Wind ability to fix everything up once the fight was over.
Lapin jumped over a table as Heartbreaker tried to run, their eyes locking when he did so, hooking her arm around his bag strap, her legs dangling behind her, before she kicked out his other wing, and he fell back on her. She struggled with him, using her staff to pin him while she swiped the letter from the bag. She looked at it, and Heartbreaker, struggling so desperatley. "No! I was this close to winning her over! NO, NO!"

Lapin sighed and tore the letter. A little purple butterfly fluttering up into her line of view. "Time to purify!" She called out, twirling her baton before swinging it in front of her, the top of her baton opening like an Easter egg, and she brought it back, tapping the top of it against her hand, and a bright flash of light emanated from it, before it popped open again. "Bye bye, happy papillon." She said sweetly as the little white bug fluttered out the broken window.

At her feet, Atticus lay, holding his head, the letter by his feet. When he looked up he seemed rather confused. She helped him up, looking back to Avis. "You think you can clean up the mess we left behind?" She asked, referencing Avis' ability, Atticus looking confused. She scooped the letter up and handed it back to him.

"I'm sure your heart was in the right place. You'll find your match someday." She smiled brightly, before looking down at her miraculous. "Oh no, I'm late!" She should have been at school for her next class twenty minutes ago! She looked at her teammates, andd gave a slight nod, before turning and running. She hurried out, and upon being greeted by the news team, she slammed her staff into the ground, rocketing upwards, and disappearing over the buildings, letting her transformation wear off in an empty classroom before hurrying quietly into her own.
"Nice going!" Suikyu grinned, holding up a fist bump for Lapin after the Akuma was purified.

"Of course. Just leave it to me," Avis nodded at Lapin's question, smiling as though saying 'do you even need to ask?' Taking out her weapon - the fan, she used her ability. The feathered fan in hand split into a dozen feathers which later dissolved into a sweet, smelling wind and it swept through Paris, fixing the damage caused by Heartbreaker.

Somewhere in the distance, Avis could swear the arch-villain was cursing at their success somewhere.

"Same," Avis said, after seeing that everything was fixed. She was just about to run off as well, dragging Suikyu along forcefully if she had to. Lost in the barrage of reporters, the trio went their separate ways but all came back to the same classroom where weak excuses were made up to cover for their tardiness.

"Ava had a really bad tummy ache this morning and vomited all over my clothes. I had to go change," Tristan had lied. Avaria, who was very much chagrined, could do nothing but nod hotly. Her face burned and on the way back to their seats, she "accidentally" ground her heel into Tristan's foot. All the same, Avaria was glad to see that Eric had gotten back to class safely and the duo were both glad that Paris was safe once more.
She fist bumped him, grinning, before darting out, and once she had arrived in class, she noticed that Tristan was there, and looked rather embarrassed, stiffly walking to her seat after the teacher gave her a lecture about tardiness. She looked embarrassed, sliding into her seat next to Eric.

Atticus showed up, breathing hard. He too, got a lecture.

Eric looked incredibly happy. "Psst, Tokki. I got to see Avis up close! She's even prettier in person!" He fanboyed a bit, and Tokki rolled her eyes, pushing him off, though she laughed. "She's cool, but chill out." There was no stopping him, he looked happy to have been in proximity to Avis. Tokki tapped her fingers on her desk, thinking of the cookies she had given to Tristan earlier.

Tokki sighed a bit, running her hand through her hair, glancing back at Tristan. He was always hanging out with Avaria, she stood no chance. She sighed, stretching out over her desk, looking stressed out. Eric snapped out of his fanboy trance, looking over at her. "You okay? You look like you're about to keel over." He murmured, looking amused. Tokki rolled her eyes and elbowed him lightly. "Jeez, careful with the compliments."

Eric was the one to roll his eyes this time, but her chuckled. "There she is." She stuck her tongue out at him, and soon enough, school was dismissed. She started out the doors, sighing. "Now I'm gonna have to go back to the bakery. I'm so done with people for today." She sighed, running her hands through her hair.

Eric noticed Tristan and Avaria coming out of the building, turning and waving at the pair.
It wasn't just "woman's intuition" which gave Avaria the hint on Tokki's crush on her airhead of a friend, Tristan. Being one who sat behind the said girl, Avaria would often catch shy glances or "unnoticed" stares thrown in Tristan's direction. Tristan, who sat in front of Tokki, remained completely oblivious to the signs. Her hunch was an unconventional burden. Though on good terms with her classmates, Avaria never had the chance to get particularly close to Tokki, especially close enough to make the bold assumption on the girl's crush aloud. A confirmation wasn't something Avaria wanted, given the knowledge of Tristan's obvious crush on Lapin Blanc - a crush which Avaria found as (if not more) impossible than her crush on Eric.

No. It was never Avaria's way to push things into play right away. Things would work themselves out eventually. For now, observing was a better option and action can be taken once there was a solid objective for a positive outcome. Luckily for her (and indirectly Tristan and Tokki), Avaria had better things to observe. Sitting behind Eric had always proved to be a major distraction.


Tristan was mentally beating himself up, especially when he heard from Merlin what he had done and said to Lapin Blanc. "What if she hates me-- no, she definitely hates me now," Tristan groaned to Avaria when class was over.

Avaria gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and shrugged, "I don't think so. Lapin's smart and she knew you were under Heartbreaker's spell. Obviously she doesn't think you meant what you said," she said, in an attempt to comfort Tristan. The male looked up, half hopeful, half doubtful.

"Of course she's smart, and beautiful, and kind but what I did was ughhhhhh," Tristan banged his forehead lightly against his desk, "I didn't even get to apologize to her," he mumbled.

Avaria sighed as the classroom soon emptied due to class being dismissed ten minutes ago. "You'll be fine. Cheer up and think of happier thoughts like food. Speaking of food, didn't Tokki pass you something earlier?" Avaria asked, catching glimpse of the braided girl walking down the hallway with Eric. Somewhere deep inside, she sighed a bit at the sight; they were perfect for each other.

Tristan brightened visibly at the idea, distracted by the mention. "Oh, you're right," he said, taking out the box from his bag. Due to the sudden Akuma attack, the male never had the opportunity to put the cookies away in his locker. Even now, the promise of sweet treats leaked from the container in the form of a sweet and alluring scent. Cute sugar cookies cut in different shapes filled its contents and Tristan had no qualms or hesitation in taking a bite. A light burst of sweetness melted on Tristan's mouth and his eyes widened in surprise at the taste; honestly, he hadn't expected it to taste this good. His turmoil melted along with the sugar and Tristan made a mental reminder to thank Tokki once more when he saw her.


Walking out of the school building, Tristan saw his chance to properly thank Tokki for the cookies as he saw her standing with Eric near the school's entrance. "Hey, Tokki! Wait up," Tristan said, waving back at Eric and Tokki. Jogging over to her, he grinned as he said, "I wanted to say thanks for the cookies again. They taste amazing. If I knew you baked this well, I would've dropped by your family's bakery more often."

Avaria eyed the two curiously before unintentional eye contact was made with Eric. She stiffened briefly before bashfully asking, "So... how are you feeling? I mean, with the akuma attack and everything. You'd expect the teacher to give us less homework but I guess that's never the case," she made a nervous laugh, hand scratching the back of her head.
When she heard Tristan call her, she turned, her face bright red, looking sorely tempted to hide behind Eric, who blocked her with his elbow. "Face your fear. Just do it!" He hissed, noticing Avaria, and smiled when they made eye contact, and had a strange feeling of deja vu. Her eyes had something familiar that he couldn't place.

Tokki stuttered when Tristan complimented her baking. "Oh, those nothing- are, they're- " She felt her face growing redder, and Eric whacked her lightly on the back. "Those are really easy, you should try something else!" She spluttered, slightly hunched over, looking at her feet, face the brightest shade of red one could imagine.

Eric leaned on his embarrassed friends back while she was hunched. "Yeah, especially when the bad guy directly attacked students! Tokki here got caught too!" Or at least, he assumed she had. He hadn't really seen her since he had gotten nabbed. He let Tokki stand up, and she lightly punched him in the arm, but he laughed. "You guys should come with us to the bakery! It'd be fun to hang out after all the stressful stuff that happened today, right?"

Eric just invited her crush to her workplace. The place she lived in. She was screaming inside and had no way to put her embarrassment and joy into words, and only managed a sputtered. "Yeah! Fun, it'll be-" She coughed a bit. "Fun." She swore she was gonna knock Eric into next week to herself, hugging her bag to her side.

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