Tales of Casathach


Senior Member
Name: Iolar Manwe

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Physical Appearance:


Iolar is roughly 5'10" with long dark curly hair, pale white skin, green eyes and a slender build. He has ceremonial paint upon his face and body, and a hooded cloak made from feathers and fur.

Biography: Iolar demonstrated ability as a Skin Walker from a young age. At the age of seven, he discovered a nest of baby Golden Eagles. Taking a small male eagle under his care, he developed a life long friend and a powerful ally to possess in battle. Iolar's immediate family were killed by invading Dreyrugr soldiers when he was very young, and he has since been raised by several of the shaman within the tribe. When Iolar came of age and passed through the Trial of Spirits, connecting with the land of the unformed, his mind was shaped in unfathomable ways. For a brief moment, he felt his essence merge with that of the entire forest; a moment of insight which filled him with both awe and an overwhelming sense of dread. The corruption to the north; Iolar felt the pain of the cursed beasts as though it were his own. Since passing the trials, Iolar has made it his personal mission to investigate the origins of this disturbance and see that its taint is purged from the land. Iolar is headstrong but compassionate, with little respect for gods, demons, or kings. Iolar resents any force that would treat humans as pawns in some cosmic game.

Weapon Style:

  • Two Handed- Staff composed of wood, stone, and bone.
  • Ranged- Stone Throwing Dagger


  • Skin Walker- Rarely, certain individuals are born with the innate shamanic ability to possess the minds of animals, control their actions and experience the world through their eyes. This process leaves them somewhat vulnerable however, for while in this trance, their eyes turn pale white and they have limited control over their original bodies. Skin Walkers also possess the ability to possess certain mystical objects and shrines. In one particularly grueling ceremony, Skin Walkers tap into a bizarre crystal which enables them to lucidly explore the spirit world. The process known as the Trial of Spirits, is as disturbing as it is enlightening however, and many get lost in the land of the unformed. Those who return however, learn from the most powerful shamans of the tribe, acting as both spiritual leaders and protectors of the Cathasach.

    Passive Feat: Disenchant- Creatures summoned from the void are often protected by otherworldly magics that render them immune to normal weapons. While the Skin Walker is possessing an animal companion however, the animal’s attacks take on a magical quality which can penetrate enemy enchantments, rendering them vulnerable. Your feats cause ENCHANTED enemies to become vulnerable to further damage.
  • Out of Combat Feat: Ghost Walk- Skin Walkers can possess certain magical artifacts, and in doing so gain access to the knowledge they contain. In rare instances Skin Walkers can even access the spirit world through such objects.
  • Tier I Feat (Does moderate damage to bosses): Feral Strike- Possessing his or her animal companion, the Skin Walker can deliver a ferocious attack that rends flesh.
  • Tier II Feat (Does heavy damage to bosses): Ravenous Swarm- For a brief moment, the Skin Walker can tap into the minds of the ants, spiders, scorpions, and other vermin within the immediate area, and swarm an enemy, covering its body in small boils and lesions. (10 Energy)
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Name: Sylvi Hjalmarsdottír

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical Appearance:


Height: 178 cm

Hair Color: Pale-Blonde

Skin Color: Fair/White

Eye Color: Blue


  • Skull helmet (No defense, fits head really well)
  • Simple linen tunic.
  • Simple linen trousers.
  • Shoulder pads made out of fur.
  • Leather belt (With 1 small linen satchel)


  • Long scar on left cheek made from sharp weapon or claw (Very visible)
  • A few minor scars on stomach & upper legs.

Other features:

  • Missing upper half of left ear.


Sylvi had been living for the day of her trial since early childhood. Daughter of a hunter herself, she accompanied her mother and father from the day she was five years old. Five years later, learning the bestiary of the wilds and finding the right path had become second nature to her. Two years after that, she actually provided help on her families search for food, slowly but surely learning to hunt and in turn fight with spears, usually just wooden ones her father fashion for her during late evenings.

The day of her trial came the day after she turned sixteen, and by then, she was impatient. She felt the need to prove herself, beyond just completing the trial, she needed to excel. So when she was taken up to the cold of the mountain, she made sure she noted the exact path home, memorizing as much of it as she could, having made sure she knew the position of the stars above the village by heart. In short, she'd prepared for everything.

What she hadn't prepared for however, was that during the eight day of her trial, when she'd approximated being about seven miles from the village grounds, in last she knew good and well. Upon that day, upon early morning, she didn't wake up up to the rising sun in the hollow she'd found for the night. She woke up to the snarling of a beast standing right above her, something that should surely have woken her from her sleep far before.

It lashed out with long, perhaps even unnatural claws towards her. As she dodged, blood flew from her left cheek, splattering across the mossy ground around them as the beast cut into her cheek. It howled in rage, and so did she, by now having fastened her granted dagger on a long stick to form her familiar weapon, she struck, she dodged, struck again, was thrown and slammed against a tree, panic mixing with pain as the teeth of the beast ripped into the side of her head, chomping most of her left ear off in one go. In a last, desperate attempt, she struck once more, enclosed by the massive beast she'd never encountered before. This time, she hit, the blade lodging in the throat of the giant beast. Only the last of her efforts saved her from being crushed by the thing.

After the ordeal, she took three days to recover, still a decent time to return to the village by most standards, though she knew her father would be disappointed in her, and she was too. There was no excuse for being caught like she'd gotten, so she swore she'd never let such occur again. To remind herself, she took the skull of the beast with her, carving it casually during her three days of rest until it could be worn, and for some strange reason, it fit.

Weapon Style:

  • Two Handed - Bone Spear.
  • Ranged - Throwing Spear

Origin: Hunter


Eisleif Lindquist





Sexual Orentation:


Physical Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f817a9cf48b0c25e4916515520024c95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f817a9cf48b0c25e4916515520024c95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f77606d13645cdc040f1240b841683ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f77606d13645cdc040f1240b841683ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is about 5'7 and has a muscular, curvy body that is sprayed with tan freckles. Her hair is very long and fiery red, usually seen in a braid since she hates when it gets in her face during everyday life and especially in battle. Eisleif's eyes luminous and iridescent, either slate gray, baby blue or light green.


Weapon Style:

Dual wield- Small Stone Axe






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Name: Lo'shel Valcern

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Physical Appearance:

Height: 188cm

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: lightly tanned

Eye Color: grey

Clothes: Leather tunic and skirt decorated with furs and common stones found on the shores made smooth by the tide.

Tattoos:Two dark blue lines, one above each eyebrow. Dark blue tattoos across each cheek

Biography: Lo'shel was large even as a child and she was quickly marked by the sentinels as a promising prospect. Athletic and strong she gained much admiration from suitors as she grew in age, but romance never seemed of much value to Lo'shel outside of producing more warriors for the tribe. Knowing that one day she would need to provide offspring for the tribe she focused her efforts to adventuring and exploring the forbidden lands the elders had deemed unsafe.

When exploring the forbidden mountain ranges Lo'shel would seek out worthy foes to test her might, she did not want to be unprepared for when she was called to the trial of the burning blood. she avoided only the Dreyrugr for a dumb beast would charge and kill if it was threatened, but Dreyrugr were men who would play tricks or trap the people of her tribe.

At the age of 18 Lo'shel was given the test of the burning blood. Covered in the demon blood was an indescribable experience and only through strength of will was she able to move her body. She fought through the pain and did battle with the grizzly bear. With the bear slain and laying at her feet she was accepted into the sentinels of the tribe. From that day forth only the safety of the tribe concerned her, all else was a distraction, and when the elder fell ill her worries grew with her dismay for she was not of the shaman folk. All she could do was guard and pray to the forest in hopes for the deliverance of her people.

Weapon Style:

  • Two Handed- Large Bone Axe
  • One Handed- Stone Dagger

Origin: Sentinel
Name: Kaldoren Lightwalker

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Physical Appearance:


Kaldoren has sharp green eyes, brown hair that's kept neatly in dreads and antlers that he puts on his head for ceremonial reasons. His tattoos each represent a specific aspect of nature, the ones on his shoulders are whirls to represent the constant mystery of the forest. The ones on his arm to show the ocean life. The one on his chest represents the changes that occur. Kaldoren stands at 5'8", 133 lbs.

Biography: Kaldoren had always felt particularly close to Anam, even as a child. His mother was a priestess, her beliefs and customs were passed down onto her child. Kaldoren learned this way about the constant push and pull of balance, this interested him most. He loved to hear the ways that their ancestors would fight their hardest to protect the forests, Kaldoren wanted nothing more than to serve this way as well. Kaldoren was always a Skin Walker. In his sleep, he would enter the minds of neighboring animals and roam the nights. He believed it to be only dreams and therefore didn't see much reason in telling anyone.

A milestone in Kaldoren's life would arrive shortly. At the age of 10, Kaldoren was walking home with his mother when a dire wolf had walked in front of their path. His mother tried to calm the beast but fury was in the poor thing's eyes, it was probably hungry. They had no food on them to soothe the beast, only weapons to harm it. Kaldoren's mother did not like to harm the animals of the forest, only for survival reasons. Killing this creature would simply be manslaughter. The beast began circling around until Kaldoren fainted into his mother's arm. The beast completely stopped moving in its tracks and then wondered back into the forests. A few moments later Kaldoren regained some of his strength, his mother was clear now on what her son was. He would be eligible for the Trial of Spirits, which was known to be dangerous. Kaldoren's mother worried for her sons life, but she knew destiny was a greater call than her sorrows.

After training in the Shaman Cave, Kaldoren had learned about the ways of the Skin Walker. He learned about the history behind them first before he would learn to use his abilities. When coming of age, Kaldoren went through the Trial of Spirits. During which he claimed to only hear one voice, the voice of Anam. Many believed it to be false, but Kaldoren knew it to be true. They claimed Anam had no voice, a way of life could not speak. Kaldoren declined this, speaking about Anam as if it were alive. He could feel it in his heart, he knew that Anam was much more. He was able to pass the Trial of Spirits without injury. But, the Trial of Spirits left a lasting effect on him, he felt closer to Anam. Now, he works under Anam's wing constantly wanting to please the strange order of the realm.

Weapon Style:

  • One Handed/Dual Wield- Stone Dagger
  • Ranged- Darts


  • Skin Walker- Rarely, certain individuals are born with the innate shamanic ability to possess the minds of animals, control their actions and experience the world through their eyes. This process leaves them somewhat vulnerable however, for while in this trance, their eyes turn pale white and they have limited control over their original bodies. Skin Walkers also possess the ability to possess certain mystical objects and shrines. In one particularly grueling ceremony, Skin Walkers tap into a bizarre crystal which enables them to lucidly explore the spirit world. The process known as the Trial of Spirits, is as disturbing as it is enlightening however, and many get lost in the land of the unformed. Those who return however, learn from the most powerful shamans of the tribe, acting as both spiritual leaders and protectors of the Cathasach.
    Passive Feat: Disenchant- Creatures summoned from the void are often protected by otherworldly magics that render them immune to normal weapons. While the Skin Walker is possessing an animal companion however, the animal’s attacks take on a magical quality which can penetrate enemy enchantments, rendering them vulnerable. Your feats cause ENCHANTED enemies to become vulnerable to further damage.
  • Out of Combat Feat: Ghost Walk- Skin Walkers can possess certain magical artifacts, and in doing so gain access to the knowledge they contain. In rare instances Skin Walkers can even access the spirit world through such objects.
  • Tier I Feat (Does moderate damage to bosses): Feral Strike- Possessing his or her animal companion, the Skin Walker can deliver a ferocious attack that rends flesh. (5 Energy)
  • Tier II Feat (Does heavy damage to bosses): Ravenous Swarm- For a brief moment, the Skin Walker can tap into the minds of the ants, spiders, scorpions, and other vermin within the immediate area, and swarm an enemy, covering its body in small boils and lesions. (10 Energy)


  • Sunstones Formula: By conducting an ancient ceremony, Kaldoren can bring into creation three small stones. Briefly possessing these stones, Kaldoren can temporarily adopt the powers of the Pheonix spirit, causing them to become hot enough to melt metal. (3 uses)

    Demon’s Teeth
  • 1 Amber Chunk
  • 1 Vial of Spider’s Silk

[*]Demon’s Teeth- Rare crafting component.

[*]1 Amber Chunk- Crating component.

[*]Bronze Ingots- Crafting component; can be melted to add bronze to weapons.

[*]1 Bottle of Sea Salt- Valuable salts from the Sea of Perth.
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