Tales of Azura


Into The Deep Blue Sea

1. 32sillylight32 ( Oh well...seems like i'll be a guy again..)


3. Cyan








Full Name:


Title: (Ex: Lady of Velika etc.. must represent your character and can't be changed)

Race: ( If you create one, describe the differences.)

(Cool races: http://tera.enmasse.com/game-guide/races)

Appearances: ( In spoilers please)

Classe: (Basically fighting style. Ex: Slayer, Warrior, Lancer, Marksman etc..)



Background: (No overdramatic background please and explain why they are driven to look for the star)


  • Zedekiah ''Zed'' Darksbane

    Full Name: Zedekiah Darksbane

    Age: 19

    Title: Lord of Darksbane

    Race: Castanic (Half-Human)

    Pet: Little Monkey named Zabou


    Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. He focuses on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, Zed is a risk-taker who lives a fast-paced lifestyles. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to his peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if it gets in the way of getting things done. Skilled and hot-tempered.


    Zed comes from one of the noble family founders of Castanica, the Darksbane family. Unfortunatly, since he was the bastard son of his father, Caelius Darksbane. He was kicked out of the Citadel once he turned 15. He didn't know who his mother was except that she was human. Since then, his been roaming all around the continent looking for a place to establish himself. He found out about the Quest in a Taverne when a messager came shouting the last detail of the Council reunion that was held on the Island of Dawn.

    (Don't bore the shit out of me plz)

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    • Full Name: Cian Dario Endymion

      Age: 19

      Title: Duke of Syanka

      Race: Shadowmen

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Full Name: Lapis Taranta Mente

Age: 18

Title: Lady of Allemantheia

Race: Humarian: A race of half animals that are all about equality. Unlike most who want the best for nature, the humarian can deal with some things that harm the environment. This race is often seen as the gap between the rest of them.


Classe: Swords woman.

Weapon: Dual swords

Password: Don't bore the shit out of me plz
Personality: Lapis is a fairly level headed character. She knows that most people don't like to see ladies carrying swords which is why she takes them everywhere. She seems as if she is always level headed, but around jerks or persistently annoying people she tends to lose it. She is very scary when angry, so it's best not to provoke her.

Background: Lapis grew up on the idea of being a swordswoman. She wanted to be one of those heroes all her life but she never got the chance. Her family didn't want her to be a warrior, they wanted to marry her off for money. She resisted of course, hating the thought of it. She is driven to find the star to prove to her parents that she is more than just some pretty face.
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Full Name: Vrida Remine

Age: 19

Title: Death's Joker

Race: Human, yet extremely fast with handling a sword& attacking.

Appearances: (see spoiler)

Classes: Swordsman

Weapon: a very sharp sword, rather light yet can take off an elephant's head easily. The sword is extremely sharp, and can slice through Diamond.

Personality: Very sarcastic, Likes to tease the enemy to distract them while fighting, quick, smart-witted, a social person, bad-pun maker, rather friendly and polite to strangers and friends yet always alert.

Background: Vrida had a normal life, she lived in Northern Shara her whole life, away from the capital. Her parents knew a lot about surviving in the wild, so Vrida also was taught how to survive on plants, how to locate shelter(and build it), and how to defend herself/attack others. Vrida was in a family with a mother, a father, and two sisters. Vrida had often stayed outside, getting accustomed to the freezing cold. One night, she saw a star fall, and then a earthquake happened, but Vrida and her family survived the joining of the continents. Vrida saw new lands in the horizon, and wished to visit there, to have a reason to go there. When Vrida's family got news of the new leader possibly being anyone, Vrida's parents hesitantly let Vrida go at the age of 19. Vrida had learned from animals, how to be a trickster, a deceiver, how to gain willpower.


(please ignore the sheild&dragon tail tip)

Password: Don't bore the shit out of me plz.
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Full name: Lucian Bezarious

Age: 17

Title: Count of Aarecia (Located in the Southern Shara)

Race: Castanic

Personality: Strangers or acquaintances would call him a talented young man with a habit of mischief. Relatives or close companions could only describe him as a sociopath with a tendency to preform 'playful' (psychotic) tricks that almost always resulted in minor injuries. All in all, Lucian was as brilliant as he was insane. He seemed to also possess split personalities. At one point he would be a polite gentlemen with the occasional harmless pranks then in the next second he would be gallivanting around like a madman, playing dangerous games on an unsuspecting victim. Accompanied by random and quick mood swings made him quite the unstable psychopath.

But past all of that, he would be an all together entertaining and pleasant company.

Background: As the only heir to the Bezarious name, Lucian was put through rigorous training. His father pushed him to to go beyond his limits and berated him at the slightest mistake. He was raised to never accept failure. At one point in his childhood he came across the art of Illusion. It fascinated him and he practiced the spells in his free time until his father found out, promptly punishing him in disapproval. But Lucian still continued to pursue the branch of magic and preformed an extraordinary feat by mastering the art in less than a year while it would have taken others a quarter of a lifetime to achieve. With the relentless pressures and increasing responsibilities placed on him at a young age, Lucian snapped like a piece of thread. He of course still had some sense of duty and he learned to cope with creating different personas. One as the Count of Aarecia and the other as the fragmented pieces of his mind. Over the years it also resulted in his unpredictable mood swings.

Lucian came across the challenge of finding the lost Azurian star while visiting the Allemantheia Capital. He decided to accept the opportunity, not because of the crown but more out of sheer boredom and the possibility of an interesting new 'game'. His father disapproved of course but Lucian completely disregarded his opinions and set out to journey the world. That was the first time he disobeyed his father outright.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Kuja.600.536131.jpg.74962ecb3961708f793e3f8dfa2c8306.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Kuja.600.536131.jpg.74962ecb3961708f793e3f8dfa2c8306.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: Illusion Scythe (A one of a kind Scythe imbued with a rare gem called the Dream Shard. It changes form depending on the user's 'dream'.))

Class: Grand Illusionist

Fighting Style: Unpredictable mess

Nightmare form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Scythe.png.7c04eb9d48f7ec60a002ec827d57c017.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Scythe.png.7c04eb9d48f7ec60a002ec827d57c017.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dreamscape form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/scythe.jpg.cfbab1906724c5b71dfe617b7065a291.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/scythe.jpg.cfbab1906724c5b71dfe617b7065a291.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Don't bore the shit out of me plz) 
Oh whoops sorry I thought it meant to not post on the RP thread -.-"""



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OKKK ~~ We can start :) ) No more sign up except for Lenalove, i understand how busy you are right now ;3 I'll forgive you hahah
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