Tales of Azura [Inactive]


Into The Deep Blue Sea
32sillylight32 submitted a new role play:

Tales of Azura - A world where everyone strives to find the lost Azurian star to become the heir of the crown.

Three continent emerged together as the last star fell from the sky, all gouvernemental system crashed . The world was plunged into a dark era of Anarchy for more than a century. To protect themselves, people formed guilds and would try to live on even with the lack of laws. During that dark era, councils of each continents were formed with the brightest scholars of each regions. They met and proposed a way to find a leader without blood being shed. One solution was found, who ever found the...
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When~ year 108 , start of summer.

Where~ Outsquirts of Velika

Zedekiah was wandering the wales of Velika like a Vagabond. He drank too much the day, drowning in his own sorrow, at a tavern in a nearby village, . They wouldn't let him in since he was unfortunate enough to look like his father, being a Castanic was more of a curse than a blessing like most of his old acquaintances pretended.

He looked at the small monkey napping on his shoulder, and started petting him. ''You know, you're probably the only person I could trust.'' He stated. The monkey only grinned and pet his master in return. He laughed but suddenly grew silent as he saw commotion at the front gate of Velika.

When~ Same time.

Where~ Inside the capital of Velika, near the city gates.

Lucian was practically skipping down the streets of Velika, whistling a jaunty tune as he went. The change in scenery left him feeling exhilarated as he let his curiosity lead him mindlessly throughout the city. He blindly ignored the humans hostile stares and continued to gaze at the surrounding buildings then abruptly turning to examine an inconspicuous pile of barrels as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. He seemed to attract an unnecessary amount of attention with his unusual appearance and elaborate attire that all but displayed his high status. He had began to thoroughly inspect what appeared to be a completely blank wall when he heard some sort of disturbance near the city walls. With his attention caught, Lucian didn't hesitate to come dashing through the streets in its general direction. An unnatural smile stretched across his face as he became a white blur, sprinting around corners and gaining more speed by the second. The city was offering him a show and he wasn't about to miss it.

When~ year 108, start of summer

Where~ Northern Shara, miles away from kaiator

Vrida slid her sword back into it's leather pouch. Vrida sighed, looking at the sunset. Vrida was currently on the peak of a mountain, watching the heavenly scenery. Vrida saw something in the distance. Vrida suddenly gasped. A dragon?! It wasn't like they were scarce in this region, but dragon taming was a scarce thing. Vrida was at age to tame one, and she knew how to. Vrida saw a figure on the back of the Dragon. Vrida groaned, looking at the clouds above, her neck bending backward. Well, Vrida also knew that most dragons in plain sight were already under someone's loyalty. Vrida began her way down the mountain, ready to pull out her sword at any moment. Vrida knew she had gotten at least 20 miles from the mountain, which kept good pace. Vrida had about 18 more miles to go to reach Kaiator, and from there she would visit all the other capitals. Vrida wasn't in to much of a rush to find the star, though. Vrida would get more supplies at Kaiator and hopefully a dragon, that would make attempting to visit Velika much easier and faster. Vrida walked some more, soon on top of a mountain once again. She saw Kaiator in the distance and sighed in relief. Vrida began running there, then walking again. She should be able to reach there by nightfall, hopefully.
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When~ year 108 , start of summer.

Where~ Southern Gate of Velika

Zedekiah ran towards it, it looked exciting and fun he could finally see what was the cause of all these. He bumped a few people while getting in the crowd, most of them surprised that a Castanic was here. It was quite an impulsive act he did but curiosity overwhelmed him. He finally reached to the center of the commotion but all he saw was the guards arresting some thief in front of a food market. He could see the man old and vulnerable, but those guards didn't pity him. They grabbed him roughly and dragged him even with his constant protest and asking mercy. He couldn't handle it, he frowned and pulled his GreatSword, '' Are you guys deaf or just heartless?''

When~ year 108 , start of summer.

Where~ Southern Gate of Velika

To say Lucian was disappointed would have been quite the understatement. He looked thoroughly crestfallen at the utterly boring sight before him. He had expected some sort of grand battle of life and death to take place, certainly not an old thief flailing about in the custody of armed guards. He let out an exasperated sigh as he began to turn away from the dull scene when a voice seemed to rise above the silent crowd. Lucian whipped back around, startling those near him, and caught a glimpse of a Castanic man emerging from the throng. He barely held in a squeal of excitement as the guards turned to face the stranger with obvious hostility. Now this, was what he had been waiting for!

When~ year 108, start of summer

Where~ Southern gate of Velika

Lapis walked around, her swords swinging at her hip. She walked over to a group of guards holding a thief. The thief seemed to be flailing around. She looked over and saw another man standing there watching them. She walked up to him and bumped his shoulder, hopefully alerting him she was there. "Looks funny huh." Lapis said.

When~ year 108, start of summer

Where~ Southern gate of Velika

Lucian was itching to see how things would transpire between the hostile guards and the opposing Castanic when he was abruptly distracted by a sudden bump on the arm. A murderous glint seemed to flash across his eyes as he turned to the incompetent idiot that dared to ruin his 'fun'. His disturbingly slit eyes landed on a girl that looked to have cat like ears growing from tops of her head. His anger was immediately replaced by childish curiosity at the unusual appendages before him. He realized that the girl must have been a humarian, a race that he had not the pleasure of witnessing til now. Lucian nodded his head enthusiastically and smiled. He hadn't really payed attention to her question but he wanted to become closer acquaintances with the girl, if only just to test out his new 'games' on.
Lapis looked at the guy. He obviously had something up in his head. She scooted a few feet away. "Ok then...." She said, scooting a bit away. She got frightened a bit. She wanted to get out of here, but she didn't want to be rude. "That's great. You defiantly have a strange mind it shows on her face." Lapis said tentatively.
It was out of impulse that he drew his sword, he forgot how castanic was viewed in this part of the world. He could hear whispers around him, ''He is insane'', ''Which devil brought him here?'' ''Curse those castanics!''. All of it he heard, yet he ignored him. The Guards had let go of the poor man, Frightened he ran away. They walked towards him when suddenly one of them shouted ''GET HIM!''. They all ran into him, 1...2..4 in total. The first one dived into him with his dual sword, Zed immediately disarmed him, tho he didn't have time to see the second one jump in the air pointing slayer in the air towards him. He slammed his greatsword into the soldier, making the blade collide. He barely escaped that attack, with whirlwind he was able to knock out 3 of them. He started panting, he hadn't fought in ages and it actually felt great. The last man standing was the one who commanded, he had a big axe and looked menacing and full of hate.
Lucian all but burst into hysterical applause as half of the guards were practically sliced through like a stack of butter. He enjoyed watching the sturdy men drop like dead flies. "Look, there's another one" An old man hissed, pointing in his direction. Immediately, people began backing away as if he was an infectious disease. "Why don't you go join your friend, Castanic scum!" An onlooker shouted. Lucian brightened up at the idea. Why hadn't he joined while the other man got to have all the fun? He reached into his pocket and produced a luminescent gem that seemed to glow like the moon. He held it out beside him as a black mist seemed to spill from its glossy surface. The dark fog began swirl, stretch, and solidify until a large scythe had formed in his hand. Lucian whirled around and swung the blade towards the crowd, barely missing the onlooker by inches. "Thank you for the advice~" He exclaimed, facing the terrified man. He lifted the huge scythe back into the air with ease.

"Do you mind if I join in?!?!?!" Lucian shouted, walking nonchalantly over the fallen bodies.
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Lapis groaned. She hated meaningless fighting. She looked at the drunken man and the crazy man with a distasteful look. They both looked like idiotic barbarians. She sighed and watched them fight. She decided she had had enough. She grabbed both of them by the collars of there shirts. "Can you both stop fighting like merciless idiots and calm down." She screamed, the veins popping in her forehead.
Zed grasped as someone held him from the collar. He panicked for a second but he saw a woman holding him and a white haired man. ''What the hell is your problem women?'' he shouted, he looked at the commander in front of him fuming. The soldier was rising up his axe in the air, all he did was pray hoping that this woman wouldn't be his death.
"What I am doing is saving you ass." Lapis said. She threw him and his friend behind her and drew her swords to collide with his axe and shove it off to the side. "We all need to calm down and use our heads." She said. She had her swords drawn. "Now let us go." Lapis said. She looked the increasingly angry guard who started calming down.
Lucian laughed at the woman's insult. It was refreshing to hear instead of a compliment. He didn't have much time to enjoy it though as he saw the remaining guard lifting his weapon. The women all of a sudden threw him back as she managed to block the soldiers attack at the last minute. "Tsk tsk who said you could go first?" He reprimanded. Lucian rose to his feet and abruptly dropped his scythe. But before the weapon could hit the ground it burst into a wave of black clouds that surrounded and engulfed all four of them.

Time: Same time

Place: After visiting Kaiator

Vrida sighed, throwing the leather pack of food over her shoulder. She lazily climbed down a mountain, almost tripping and falling face first a few times. Vrida saw a dark tunnel carved into the mountain next to her, and she blinked in curiosity.


Vrida put down the leather bag on a steady thick rock, and pulled out her swords, causing a ssshnk! sound. Vrida stepped into the tunnel, squinting her eyes a bit. A low growing sound came from deeper in the tunnel as she took a second step. Vrida growled back. Definitely a dragon. Vrida grinned. This one was a wild.

"COME ON OUT!" Vrida yelled, as if it were a challenge.

The grumbling sound increased, then a roar echoed out the mountain. Vrida rubbed the blade of her sword against a rock, causing an annoying, screeching sound. The dragon screamed back, and it's head came out of the shadows. Vrida swung her sword away from the rock and to her chest, the blade flat against her heart.

"Dragon, Ichle' Hamiru, Kalin Re Hatcha!"

Vrida hissed the last part, sounding like a stern snake. Vrida watched as the dragon bowed it's head, believing it could trust Vrida's pledge. I pledge to Never harm you, for we shall be companions, fighting survival together! Vrida said that, and she also meant it. Vrida slid her sword back in it's leather pouch and rubbed the dragon's snout. Vrida climbed on top of the dragon's back, clutching onto it's throat.

"And, you shall be named Raekin!" Vrida said, in a cheerful way.

The dragon grunted in response, seeming to be ok with that name.

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