Taking The Stars

The Bloody Tail

Celetain Galaxy

 Central Trade Hub:

A ringed hand skimmed over the dark mahogany wood railing that lined the slightly raised platform. It overlooked the main room of the ship. Behind the railing was the ship's controls, and large crystal clear windows that lay darkened for now. On the lowered part of the floor, ten chairs sat pushed into a black wood table that already lay scattered with plans, blue prints, maps, and almost any other documents. The walls had maps of both starts and planets framed neatly in place along the room. Along the right wall there was a small alcove with a ladder that lead down to the Cargo area, with another doorway next to it that lead to the Captain's Cabin. The back wall hosted a single door that lead to the Mess hall/kitchen,  and on the right there was a small doorway that turned directly right, leading to the Crew's rooms. There was an exact amount of rooms as the crew he had recruited, each coming equipped with there own bathroom, bed, closet, and dresser. It wasn't a whole lot but that was simply because all the previous owner's possessions had been cleared away and put into storage, leaving the rooms to their new owners clear. Slightly behind and above the pilot's seat there was a hatch in the roof, that when opened and the ladder was pulled down, access to the ships main defense gun was located. 

It hadn't been used in years. None of it had. Shoot the tall pale haired male had barely even started it before he took off into space to get to the rendezvous point he had set. It was an idiotic move on his part, which in turn resulted in a few close calls that nearly cost him his ship. The male sighed, rapping his fingers against the rail. He missed this place all these years. The echoes of past memories still echoed in his head, loud nights spent arguing and laughing over stupid matters. Ignoring work.

The captain chuckled grimly. He tapped his red jeweled finger against the rail as he moved towards the ladder. With one sweeping glance across the cabin, the captain crouched down, and swung himself over the railing. He slid down, his boots hitting the metal balcony with a light clang. The metal balcony snaked around the edges of the large cargo bay, over looking the main loading area. Off to one side the access to the engine rooms and maintenance areas lay quietly, while below supplies and crates were being packed away into the storage area by men he had to hire from the cities port the ship was docked in.  

The rendevous point had been set for one of the central trading hubs in the Celetian Galaxy. Though to dock the Bloody Tail there, Sitri had to pass the ship off as a cargo ship, already hiring themselves out for a cargo haul. That was the only way to dock there, this place didn't allow pirates. The port and hub was on a large urban city, with tall skyscraper buildings towering over the whole planet. Right outside the docks was a small market, where the captain had to force himself to stay away from so he didn't end up buying a bunch of useless things and wasting what little funding they had so far. 

A heavy thud resounded out louder than the rest as the male leaned his elbows against the rail, looking downward. An older man with graying hair that looked like little tufts that were glued on that morning stepped out into the middle, looking about at him while pulling a black ballcap over his head. "That's about it Sitri. A few more crates and you'll be set. Say about your crew-" Sitri raised his hand abruptly cutting the man off there. 

"When a bunch of lost looking lunatics ask you where the Bloody Tail is just send them here." The man raised an eyebrow in question as Sitri shrugged and disappeared  back up the later. No way he was going to be in the room when they all met up, one must make the grandest of entrances. Plus he wasn't all that sure on how his crew was going to get along he didn't want to be stuck someone's tooth out if a brawl broke out. Besides he had some things to take care of before they launched again. Probably should have left that to the engineer.
"Thanks," Sparrow said. The dock worker mumbled his response before walking away. I wonder why the Captain chose here off all places for a rendezvous. Sparrow walked through the spaceport, keeping her head down and taking long walks around station security. While nobody should recognize her as a former pirate, she's been wrong before. After her several minutes, the door of the hanger with her new ship opened up. "Hello?" Sparrow called out as she entered the hanger. She didn't see or hear anyone, and the Bloody Tail appeared to be locked up tight.

Sighing, Sparrow walked towards the ship. She reached into a pocket of her green jumpsuit and pulled out a small tablet. "I guess nobody else felt like being early." She opened up a notepad list. "Might as well start my preflight check," she mumbled before dropping her duffel bag and started a walk around the ship. At first glance, the ship seemed to be in disrepair, though upon further inspection, it appeared that nothing had moved in a long time. Not the worst hunk of junk I've flown.

After checking everything under the ship, Sparrow wheeled a step ladder over to the Bloody Tail. A short clamber to the top revealed the top was in the shame state of the bottom. The gun in particular looked that it would malfunction if it tried to turn. Still, every checkbox on her list was checked, and the ship did land here, so it would still fly.

Sparrow stood and stretched. With nothing left to do until the rest of the crew got here, the pilot pulled out her music player and popped one earbud in her ear. Sparrow sat on the edge of the ship, legs dangling over the side, while music filled her head. She leaned back, hands behind her heads, and let her thoughts drift.
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Ace had just finished wacking a client that tried to kill him, so he took the cash and the ammo and what ever else he could carry then set up some trip bombs and other nasty's just incase his mates came back to try again, ace then exits the place and sighs then vanishes into the shadows.

Some time later he gets to the market and sees an air bike which he wanted for ages and goes up to the guy and asks how much for the printa space bike", The man looks at him and says" 2,600 credits.

Ace sighs and says" come on man i know there good but it's missing some parts i can tell".

The man says" For a bounty hunter like you that's what it's", ace not in the mood sly cuts a hole through the both and aims his shotgun at his nads and says" Let's try that again shall we sir", the man looks to his gun then feels something against his nads and decided against it and says" ok ok i get it how about one thousand eight hundred including the missing parts".

He gives ace a paper ace half signs it then gives the boys a look to say hurry up. The boys gulp and quickly start to add the missing bits to it.  After ten minutes or so they are done and move the bike out front and some chump tries and jacks the jack but ace sticks his arm out and he drops like a rock and the boy brings the bike back.

Ace finishes signing the paper and pays the man then silently pulls his gun away and puts it on his back, he then moves away and says to himself" well i need to get off this rock i have all that i need from here anyways".

After a while of looking ace found a guy that worked in the docks and says" I'm looking for a cargo ship would you happen to know which is the best ones here today".

The man turned and says" i don't know about best cargo ship but there's a few good ones some are being prepared right now there's bound to be a at least one good one. 

Ace nodded and then remembered his has a note in his pocket and takes it out looks at it then hears a women talk and waits for her to finish before he introduces himself, ' well she's not bad looking but she seem kinda uptight definatly some sort of military training'  Ace walks up to the platform where the engineer is and stands there silently waiting for her to talk..
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There's nothing quite like the feeling that spreads through you like an unknown bacteria when your commanding officer gives you an approving nod. Such a simple gesture, but one that contains such power. It can mean the difference between the quality of your meals, it can mean a quick rise through the ranks, it can mean a chance at seeing another sunrise. So many situations, so many results, all based on whether or not you receive a single gesture. The military procedures at most Celetain starports were extremely strict, the officers had seen many soldiers come and go. They had seen some of the best enter, they had seen some of the worst enter. The skill of cadets was never a prime concern, they would all learn in due time. Whether it took shaming, praising, or even physical discipline, all who entered the vast training floor of the Celetain controlled hub would leave as a better man. Those who thought they were good enough already would be ground down, shattered, only to be rebuilt painstakingly by the training instructors.

There had been plenty of jokers, plenty of fighters, there were those who could knock another cadet out with a single blow. However, there was rarely a proper soldier. These cadets were just that, new. They had passed the training of their home planet's military. None of them were anywhere near ready to pass the Celetain training. The schedule was simple; The cadets would arrive whenever they chose, they would boast, they would be put in their place the moment they overstepped their officer's lines, they would back down, they would slowly come to understand that they were no longer in charge, they would be sent through physical training, moved briskly to weapons training, and finally sent to their bunks. That was simply the standard. Today, however, the Celetain officers had not been sent a cadet. They had not been given what the other navies deemed too weak to fight. They had been sent a specialist, who was to be treated with respect. 

Nova gave the pilot of the navy transport a proper salute, unlike the small nods or rolled eyes the cadets gave the man. While that was not the first time the girl had received a nod of approval from a Celetain officer, it was the first time every other soldier that paced out of the large transport airlock was marked. Each and every one of them had failed to notice the small, dark red patch that adorned the pilot's shoulder strap, the mark of a sergeant. It was rare that one did notice, being trapped on a transport vessel for hours, even days at a time drained everyone. However, those who did notice, who did respect Celetain regulation, they were the ones who were to be respected. 

"Foreign Relations Officer Equin, reporting. Sir!" The human's voice broke the silence like a thundering explosion. Another nod. "It would appear they sent us something better than the usual maggot." The man's voice shook the entire training area, while not angry, he had grown to replicate the commanding shout other officers seemed to hold so dear to their hearts. "Yes, sir!" Her voice was nowhere near as imposing as the man's, but it contained the same vigor, and could be heard just as clearly. "Report to your station, Equin. You have no business here." He gave a small smile, turning to face her for the first time. "It's good to have you back. In the three years since you left, fifteen-hundred cadets have arrived, I haven't seen a single one salute me. You deserve your position." 

Ten minutes later, Nova's military stride had taken her past twenty levels, around hundreds of ships, and through crowds comprised of thousands. It was here, the Bloody Tail. such an elegant ship, with such a vicious name. It was a pirate's vessel, there was no mistaking it. The amount of focus on each crewman was ludicrous. No military ship would have such luxurious accommodation, no merchant ship would have such weaponry. A dock worker seemed to have been cleverly placed, in view of every possible entrance. He was no doubt a guide. She paced towards the man, her short barreled marksman rifle bouncing lightly against her deep blue uniform with each step. "Could you point out the Bloody Tail to me, my friend?" The man seemed surprised to be addressed by her, but pointed towards a hangar door without more than a few seconds pause. "Thank you."

"FRO Equin reporting for duty!" She called out upon entering the large hangar. There was an apparent lack of movement here, she was obviously rather early. Perfect. She moved to the ship's main airlock, placed her satchel down between her feet, and stood staring directly forward, hands clasped behind her back. Appearances were everything to a soldier, especially during a first meeting. Today was no different. Even if the meeting was with pirates, smugglers, thieves, thugs, and maniacs, she would remain, a beacon of order among the seas of chaos.
The small market just west of the city port is bustling with activity. Contrasting with the urdan trading city, the small street market is a special jewel among the towering skyscrapers. People of all kind, small and large, rustles along the street and vendors and their customers hassle with each other for a good price for a sale.

Among the window shoppers, a tall, furry alien strolls peacefully down the road. His tall status and light fur draw curious look towards him. He is careful with his walk, making sure he doesn't knock somebody over with his large bag hanging at his right side. His uncanny pink eyes focuse at the dock just meters away from him, but once in a while the tall creature with strange eyes piers down at the whispering children and smiles. 

The market place is a familiar sight to see for the Adventurer Tteok. Over the past years, the leporidae had the pleasure to see all sorts of street markets in the known universe. Tteok enjoys the different sight and smell the universe offers, though sometimes some experience were less than steller. Tteok takes his time to reach the dock to enter a shop that seems to sell some rice cake that he is familiar with from his home planet. 

The city port is as busy as the small market Tteok just exits from. Space ships of all kinds are parked in their own special lanes and the here people are busy with their work to look at the rabbit stanger passing by their ship. There are some few who look at the tall rabbit's direction but none bother to move from their spot. Tteok is left in peace as he walks towards a familiar old ship and old memories surfacing his mind.

Tteok hums in approval as he surveys the cargo bay of the Bloody Tail. It is full with crates but no workers are present. Tteok makes his way up to the airlock. Up at the airlock of the ship, Tteok looks up in surprise that somebody is already here before him. 

"Hello stranger." Tteok pulls himself from the ladder and walks towards the lady, standing tall and proud. Tteok looks at the woman curious and crouches down so he is not towering over her. Just judging her from her appearence, Tteok can guess that the lady has some sort of military training. An intresting new member to the Bloody Tail Sitri has recruited.

"You are new, yes? I am Tteok." The rabbit looks at the brunette, his eyes creased and focused.

@Lord Mitmar
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"Oh no! We are running late, Chii!" A young red head shouted as she looked at the time on her watch. She put down the jewel she was holding and waved good-bye to the shop keeper. Grabbing her tool box, she ran out the door with the small sugar glider on her shoulder. Reed had to weave her way through the crowded streets as people and aliens passed by. Some of the aliens that passed by scared her. Such as the tall, furry alien that passed by her, but she just ignored it and kept on walking. 

After a little bit of walking Reed finally made it to the docking bay where dozens of ships were parked. "Now where is that ship? The bloody trail or tail? I don't remember," She talked to herself as she walked toward the ships.

Someone must have heard her talking to herself because a man who looked like he worked there pointed toward a ship and said that it was the called the Bloody Tail. Reed thanked him and ran off toward the ship. 

"I'm here! And so is Chii!" Reed shouted as she burst through the corridor and into the cargo bay. To her surprise there was only one person in the meeting place, but there was also a rabbit looking alien there too. "Wait? Where is everyone? I thought I was late?" 

She dropped her tool box, which made a clang sound when it hit the metal floors of the cargo bay. Reed then looked around, trying to see if anyone else was in the room, but no one else was there. After realizing this, she laughed at herself and Chii, the sugar glider, started to make little squeaking noises that sounded sort of like a laugh. 

When Reed sobered she walked up the the two in the room and introduced herself. "Hello," She said while waving her hand, "I'm Reed and this is my little friend Chii! It's nice to meet you!" 

@Lord Mitmar @TripTripleTimes
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Weaving her fingers through her long brown hair, the girl breathe out a heavy sigh, wondering how Sitri managed to convince her into leaving her life behind to follow him on a ship. How did he do that? Good question. He managed to charm her using his attractive looks, and well, uh, didn't bother leaving her alone for months about it. Sitri was set on the idea of Aria joining and after a few months of the constant asking, she finally joined. Once she had mouth the word, "yes", Sitri's reaction both surprised and scared her. Taking her wrist in his hand, he pulled the poor unsuspected girl forward into a huge hug, making the girl burst into flames. After that, he was quick to start talking about their first departure and what scared her the most is that he wanted to leave in the next week. 

It was definitely not enough time for her heart to fully comprehend. He had helped her packed her whole fucking closet for the next few years of her life and had given her broken speeches in attempted to help her calm her nerves while excitedly moving around her room. Since then, Aria has been a total mess. And now, the day has come. Dressed in a dark brown colored sweater with a large collar, dark denim torn jeans with mid-thigh black combat boots. Her hair was pulled into a messy, high ponytail and her face was painted with light make-up. She was fiddling with a patterned string bracelets while walking down the hallways toward the dock.

Stepping foot into the docks, the first thing she spots a large line of cargo ships of different shapes and sizes parked at the edges. One particular man stood out to her who was guiding many lost souls to their coffins, i mean many people to their respected cargo ships. Walking towards him, she flashes him a nervous smile and was about to open her mouth when he answered her. "You're looking for Dament's ship? It's over there," Throwing a finger pointed to the a certain ship behind him the girl deadpanned.

"No, I wasn't. I know where it is, thanks. I was actually wondering if there was any others that had came by?" Aria firmly replied, surprising herself. She was just a nervous wreck in the bathroom, and she could barely form a smile on her face passing other people while walking back.

The sorta guide scoffed, "Oh. Yeah. A few came, but hurry and leave, I'm sick of looking at your ugly faces," he spat, marching past the poor insulted brunette. Aria scoffed as well, staring at the back of the large man. Turning her head back towards the parked ship, she let out a small sigh before straightening her shoulders and marching forward, ready to meet her other crew members. The anxiety that was forming in her stomach gradually grew larger and the sight of the ship expanded. Arriving at the ship, she sees a young woman on the stop of the dark gray ship. A bit bugged at why she wasn't in the ship, she calls her out. 

"Um, excuse me? Can you please get off the top of our ship?" Aria requested nicely, yet authority flowing through her lips. She flashed the brunette a small smile before heading into the cargo bay, where she found three other members (what looked like) chatting away. "Oh, nice, looks like everyone is her-- where's Sitri?" Aria glanced around, finding no sight of the odd white-headed male. "Do you guys know where Sitri is?" she asked, crossing her arms, having a small idea of where he might be.
"Huh?" Sparrow sat up, looking down at the woman. I must've dozed off. "Ship's ready to fly, in case you're wondering!" she called out as the woman entered the ship. Shaking her head, Sparrow walked over to the side of the ship where the step ladder was, using it to climb down. The woman entered the cargo hold of the ship. "About time," Sparrow mumbled to herself. She shoved the step ladder several feet away from the ship before heading inside.

There were four people in the cargo bay. The first was the woman who Sparrow met outside the ship. The second was a redhead with some sort of rodent on her shoulder. The third was a giant rabbit, one of those Leporidae. Well aren't we a bunch of misfits. Seems like pirate crews are just loaded with them.

The fourth person, however, caught Sparrow's interest. The woman stood at attention, giving off an air of military superiority, though she looked too young to have actually participated in the war. Sparrow grinned, knowing how tough changing from a military ship to a pirate vessel was for her, and that was after she'd served on ships with relaxed regulations. She's most likely a brownnose. And here I was worried I'd be bored. Sparrow leaned against the wall of the cargo hold, arms crossed, aiming her grin at the soldier.

@Lord Mitmar@TripTripleTimes@Apricot Kohai@c h i h o
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A constant rapping sounded out in the large cabin as Sitri tapped his fingers in a slow steady pattern. Damn he was bored. In all honestly he didn't know what he was doing. There was no need for him to be in his cabin he didn't have anything to do or sort through. Really if anything he was avoiding things he should have been doing. Like greeting his new crew for one. But that required being responsible and for some reason that didn't quite appeal to him at the time. 

The captain groaned leaning his head back. So far there hadn't been any chaotic noises or loud crashes so either no one was there or they were getting along. He was hoping the later. By now he at least knew that there was the, at least he thought, the pilot on board, considering the banging on the side of his ship. Another groan as he  forced himself to sit up. Though he hated it, he had responsibilities to attend to. 


With a resounding thud that echoed out throughout the metal area, Sitri swung himself over the metal railing that overlooked the area, and with it the small group that was standing at the edge of it. "Aw were you missing me already Ari?" The captain purred, leaning his hands against the railing and perching himself there, balancing on the edge. 

His dark orbs scanned over the group before going upward to the ceiling. "Ya no the saluting attention thing isn't going to work for me. Just stop." The mumble of annoyance came as his eyes rested before turning to Sparrow. "Nice to see you crazy bastards all made it in one piece." A large grin had started to spread over his lips. "I'm quite glad, since we'll find our share of trouble soon enough." The tapping of his fingers against the rail started to sound. 

"First thing's first. The moment this ship takes off, you are all illegal and wanted Pirates across most galaxies. If you are reconsidering, you all know where the door is. Make your choice now or forever hold your peace."

@Lord Mitmar @Apricot Kohai @c h i h o @NemoTheSurvivor @TripTripleTimes
As soon as Ttrok introduces himself to the lady in front of him, he turns towards the entrance of the area, hearing the shout, and greets the new girl. He, however, stands up higher and ears raising up once he notices the small creature on the girl's shoulder. He was not aware that a creature as small as it would be boarding the Bloody Trail. 

The loud crash of the girl's tool box causes the Leporidae to squat down again and ears lower to the side. His ears raises again when the small creature squeaks alongside its human companion. Fascinating, Tteok thinks, what an adorable tiny creature it is. 

With his attention absorbed by the sugar glider, Tteok misses the fact that two more people have join their small circle and only snaps awake from his staring and thought when Sitri joins them. The rabbit alien looks at the two ladies as the captain of the ship speaks to the group. 

Looking at the group, the rabbit cannot help but think that his friend is a real charmer with the ladies. The look Tteok gives Sitri is one of amusement, but he trust the captain that all these woman and the rest of the Bloody Trail crew are very capable and are to be respected. This is a very exciting chapter of the Leporidae life and he cannot wait to experience what this journey will bring to him. 

"Trouble is where fun is, no?" His stange pink eyes sweeps at the faces of his soon-to-be crewmates and he once again looks at Sitri. "You say funny warning, my friend, but fear not. I, Tteok, am pirate with you!"
Sparrow stood up, chuckling to herself at Sitri's warning, her laughter renewed at Tteok's response. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!" She exclaimed. Not like I wasn't a wanted woman before. Just another day at the office. Sparrow started to move towards the cockpit, though she stopped on the stairs and said, "Hey, whichever one of you is the engineer, come talk to me after making sure we're good to fly. I have a present for you." She continued on, winking at Sitri as she said, "How's the eye?" She already knew the response, but thought she'd ask anyway.

At the cockpit, Sparrow pulled three metal rods out of her duffel bag. She set them on the bottom of the window before plugging them into each other and the control panel before sitting on the edge of the pilot's chair. Each rod deployed a holographic screen. The screen on the left showed an outline of the ship, along with data readouts on system statuses. The center screen remained blank. The screen on the right showed a star map, before zooming in to the local system, zooming in further to a map of the docking pads for the space station. Sparrow lifted both of her hands before miming a minimizing action. The large readouts shrunk, resting in the bottom corners of the center screen. Sparrow moved her eyes left, and the display shifted to show the readouts appeared in the bottom of the left screen. The action was repeated to the right, and the readouts followed her gaze. Sparrow repeated the actions, but moving her whole head. Again, the readouts always appeared at the bottom of the screen she was looking at. After miming a maximizing motion with both hands, the readouts expanded to their normal view. Sparrow did the eye and head test again. When moving her eyes, the readouts didn't move, giving her a full overview of either the ship or the map, depending on the screen. However, moving her head shifted the screen she was looking at to the center screen, allowing her to see to the left or right as needed. Satisfied with her calibrations, Sparrow shrunk the readouts down.

Sparrow leaned back into the pilot's chair. Something poked her in the back. Turning around revealed the culprit to be the harness to secure the pilot to the chair. Sparrow thought about cutting the harness off, but instead just moved the restraints out of the chair. Leaning back again, this time more comfortably, the pilot pulled out her music player, sticking the earbuds in her ears and placing her hands behind her head. Eyes closed, the only sign that the pilot wasn't sleeping were the small bobs of her head and tapping of her foot.

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