Taking Flight [Inactive]

BloodiedMagpies submitted a new role play:

Taking Flight - Angel tribes in a new world with Humans hunting them down.

Taking Flight is a human and angel (by angel I mean person with wings, but living in tribes and stuff) role play.
In this new world, Angels live in tribes and Humans hunt them down. Many Angels have abandoned tribe life for their Human friends (and loves, woo).

Angels have a special ability, turning into birds (shush that's pretty cool).


Character Sign Up



Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?):


Wings and Bird (If you have a...

Read more about this role play... 

It's been a few years after the Angel/Human war. Just because it has been so long doesn't mean anyone's forgotten it.

5 years after the war, Aaliyah was exiled from her tribe. Well, she was pretty sure leaving on her own doesn't count as exile but she says it is.

The forest is so lovely and calm in the mornings, before everything awakens and such. Aaliyah was just out for a small stretch and some exploring.

Sometimes its helpful.

Other times it gets you killed. Not like she's clumsy enough to do that.

(OOC: So yeah feel free to explain what's happening in your tribe/home. We also need Humans.)
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Up on the top of a tall mountain was a girl by the name of Dara Hansika. She was alone, aside from the few animals that could withstand the thin air up there with her. Dara had been kidnapped during the war and held as a hostage. She was able to free herself, but was not able to find any of her tribemates. She had (And still does) nearly starved while surviving on her own, but she manages. If you look, you can count each and every one of her ribs through her shirt.

Looking fearfully behind her, Dara sighed in relief as she realized it was just a goat that had moved a few pebbles. She hugged her knees to try and gain warmth. She had picked this place for the massive amounts of guaranteed safety she had seen it hold. It was still very cold, nonetheless. She stretched out her snow-white swan wings behind her, then wrapped them around herself, thankful for the heat.
Celeste ruffled her vibrantly blue wings. Resting her chin on her knees, she glanced around the tribe. Angels were busily making their way from one place to another. Caught up with something or another. She huffed. The hunting parties were temporarily expended until the leader decides to send out a proper, safe squadron. The human infestation was too widespread to have singular hunting parties.

That resulted in a well and truly bored angel.

Celeste glared at the trees around her. Humans were terrible creatures.
Up on her mountain, there was a small cave that led down through the entire mountain. Luckily, humans aren't able to scale the steep, small walls inside. Shivering, Dara stood and entered the cave. She unwrapped her wings from around her, and got ready to dive. As she jumped, she quickly wrapped her wings around her body so that they wouldn't be hurt and so that she could bullet down faster. Near the bottom, it opened up into a larger space. When she entered this area, the air became damp and warm. She opened her wings just before she hit the ground, saving herself from a nasty death. Time to find something to eat, she thought to herself.
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Aaliyah had found her favourite tree in the forest. It was tall and filled with small holes and openings, most of them big enough for Ali's little bird form.

Ali swooped down into one of these openings in the centre of the tree's trunk. She always loved flying around as a little Magpie, even on the worst of days. The way the sun bounced off her tail feathers and turned them black to a shiny green and blue made her smile.

Ali's stomach growled as some small dragonflies flew by. I really should get something to eat, she thought. Maybe she'd go bug catching today. Time to hit the lake, and with that thought, Ali flew off.
Turning into a swan, Dara approached a small lake. Starting to swim out into the deeper part in the middle, she ate bits of pondweed and stonewort, as well as a few tadpoles and aquatic beetles. Luckily, whatever she ate as a bird wouldn't make her feel sick in her angel form, so she was able to eat as much as needed. She started to splash some of the slightly warm water onto herself, as she hadn't washed herself in her bird form for a while.
Celeste paced sullenly around the tribe grounds. The angels around her didn't even spare her a passing glance. She supposed that could have its benefits.

She whirled suddenly and took off into the forest. She didn't take to the air, that her bright wings would attract too much attention. Instead, she silently dashed through the trees. Celeste was confident in her ability to hunt and no human would scare her away. She ran until she was well away from any scouting angels. She unsheathed her bow and plucked an arrow from her quiver.

Nocking the arrow, she searched the area for any suitable prey.
Ali had arrived at the lake to find a... swan? Never seen any swans around here... Wary of the other bird, Ali landed on some stones poking out of the water. She waited for the various bugs to fly past before darting after them, catching them easily and swallowing them with her small black beak.

She passed a glance at the swan eating up things in the pond before ducking her head under the water to bathe.
Dara took her time bathing. She basked in the warm sunlight. Stretching her wings, she shook off some water that was on her bill. She looked around at her surroundings, and saw a magpie. Alarmed, she scrabbled to the bank and took off immediatly. Her wings dried as she flew. If she were in her angel form right now, she'd probably be as white as a sheet. Though magpies aren't one of her few predators, she wouldn't risk her life. What if something was following that magpie? For all I know, something could have been hunting it. It's a good thing I got out of there, she thought to herself.
Well, THAT wasn't normal swan behaviour, fleeing at the sight of a magpie... Ali took off after the swan. What if it was another exiled Angel? She got excited and anxious at the thought. It would be great having someone to talk to after all these years!

Pretty dang fast swan, Ali could only see small glimpses of the swan between the tightly packed trees in the forest.
Flying through a forest was pretty hard. Especially when you're a big bird such as a swan. Dara had to maneuver quickly to avoid hitting trees. She looked quickly behind her, and couldn't see anything following her. Tired, she swooped down to the ground. Even though she was vulnerable in her angel form, she switched back anyways.
A rustling to her right sent Celeste rolling through the brush, landing in a crouch and sending an arrow flying. It landed with a solid thunk! A small rabbit lay lifeless a few metres away. Shrugging, Celeste headed towards the rabbit. It's better than nothing, she thought.

Within minutes she had skinned the rabbit and already had a small fire going. She sat and ate for a while, pondering the position she was in. Technically, it was illegal for her to be out here alone. However, it wasn't as if she hadn't done it before and she hadn't gotten caught then.

Eventually she decided to head back. She kicked some dirt over the fire and tossed the rabbits carcass into the trees for any passing predator and walked back towards camp.
Jack was walking through the forest when he notice a rabbit carcass, " there must be someone near by."he pulled out his dagger and searched a bit around the area where he found the area he found the remains of a small camp sight. He relaxed a bit and sheathed his dagger. He continued to wonder around and notice a figure in the distance and saw the wings he quickly ducked behind a large tree and tried to figure out his next move
Nearing the camp, Celeste slowed her pace and began travelling more carefully, making sure she wasn't spotted. She cocked her head to the side and turned quickly when she heard movement behind her. She saw nothing.

She gave the area another quick once-over and then continued on her way.
Jack then decided to reveal himself and see where that lead, yeah it was stupid but he didn't have many choices. He then came out from behind the tree with his hands up looking at the angel expressionless, trying to figure out an escape plan before this went south he didn't move back or forward he wanted to let the angel make the first move
A branch snapped and Celeste whirled, dark hair whipping outwards. A figure stood about twenty metres away. A wingless figure. A human.

She made a sort of strangled yelp and backed away, drawing both her daggers. She watched the human with keen interest, trying to predict his next move.
Jack saw that the angel was drawing a weapon he grinned knowing this was probably how it was going to happen. He didn't do anything he just put his hands down and sat right on the forest floor." he looked at the angel and said," if your going to kill me heres your shot take it I won't stop you." he then proceeded to unhook his revolver, dagger and put aside his bow and arrow.
To Celeste's complete and utter shock, the human actually sat down and removed his weapons. That's not how human-angel encounters usually went. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously but slowly sheathed her daggers. Besides, it was bad form to kill a defenseless man. There's no honour in that.

The human said something that she ignored. "Why are you here, human?" She growled.

She was still too far from the tribe to expect any guards to turn up. She was on her own.
"well I was hunting for food when I stumbled onto a rabbits corpse and it had been skinned, so I searched and I found your campsite. Now I'm talking to you." he grinned liking how she didn't try to kill him," my names jack by the way." he wonder how this meeting would go because he knew that some angels lived in tribes and he was defenseless if they attacked
Aaliyah was perched in a tree watching the encounter all go down. This Human, Jake or Jack or something, and this tribe Angel.

5 dragonflies she is gonna betray her tribe, Ali thought and chirped. This was her only entertainment. Human-Angel encounters. Didn't happen often either.

Ali just wished she caught up with that darn swan.
Oh. Well that seems... normal. Watching him closely, she sat down facing him. One, because she figured they would be talking for a while and two, although she didn't want to admit it even to herself, she was rather curious about this random human. Her wings swept around her, huge and blue and making her feel just slightly more secure.

"I'm Celeste. Strange meeting you here, Jack." She allowed herself a cautious smile.
Finally regaining her strength, Dara propped herself up on one knee first, then stood up using the other. She looked through a hole in the trees, and was able to see her home on her mountain. She walked through the forest, trying to find a way through. Her wings had caught on a branch, causing them to start bleeding. Wincing, she continued on her way, checking behind her every now and then for any people she would have to avoid.
He couldn't help but chuckle," nice to meet you Celeste and the reason I chuckled is because you are the first angel that I think I could ever get a smile out of." he looked up and notice a bird up on a tree, but didn't think much of it." so I'm guessing your a hunter in your tribe."
Her smile grew. "Yeah I am." His eyes darted into the trees and she followed his quick look. A magpie watched the exchange closely. She ignored it. "What do you do?" She asked, "Among humans I mean."
Ooh life stories, Ali flew down to a lower branch to hear better.

This was actually quite interesting, and she was sure she'd seen this Celeste Angel hunting around here before.

Now she finally has a name to put to that face.

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