Take Back the Crown

The grin still lingered on Thora's face as Bo plopped down beside them. "I should check on the horses," she stated quietly and tucked her hair behind her ears. She wanted to make sure that they didn't get riled up again and so she moved closer to her hoofed friends. She gently brushed her fingers through their manes and hummed softly to herself. She found that she wasn't really on edge any longer. Well, as least for now. Bo and Foxrun had calmed her nerves and Dorian, Oceana, and Svetlana had gotten rid of the scary beast. If this was the worst that open waters had to offer then she thought 'bring it on!'

(i feel like I redundantly ramble a lot haha whoops)

@soundofmind @GalacticRam
Sitting actually sounded pretty nice right now "I think I've had enough excitement for the day too." A small laugh passed his lips again "actually, more than enough to last me a while I think." No matter how much sitting seemed nice, he bid farewell to the ones below the deck, "I should head back up in case any help is needed with steering this ol' ship. I'm sure you would to feel the earth beneath you." He offered a friendly smile before hurrying up deck. The fresh air was much needed after being in such a small space with so much going on. He raked a hand through his long light hair before plopping against the mast and sliding to the floor, a heavy exhale.

@soundofmind @plasticlizard022
Having recovered a bit, Oceana looked up and saw Foxrun seated near the mast.

Now that the excitement was over she felt a little guilty about yelling at him, not that she would admit it.

Nonetheless she would apologize. Sort of.

She leapt up and climbed the rope net to the crow's nest where her real pack was stored.

Then she made her way back down to the deck, the hefty thing on her shoulders.

Sitting back down in her spot against the railing, she fished in her big bag for a fat apple for herself and a second one.

Clipping her bag shut, she aimed the apple right at Foxrun's lap and chucked it.


"Awe, what a cutie you are." She said with a grin as the spitfire crawled up her arm and onto her shoulder. She made sure to scratch right under the jaw, a weak spot she knew about. It puffed out smoke in pleasure.

She turned around to see that most everyone had left aside from Thora, Bo and Foxrun. It seemed that Dorian, who she was happy had finally revealed himself, was already taken care of. Spine venom, especially on a dragon, could be nasty business.

"Grandmother!" She heard Yaroslav call for her, urgency in his voice.
How wonderful, a new problem. She thought to herself, Will it ever end?

She darted up the steps and was met with heavy rain that already soaked the darkened floorboards. She pulled her hood up, stuffing the small dragon inside. The ship was rocking harder all of a sudden, and she had to hold a beam to support her weight.

"It came out of nowhere!" He called over the angry roar of the ocean. Svetlana could feel it. This was not an ordinary storm. The skies were darkened in a purplish hue, there was not a moment where the water was not struck with lightning, and the waves increased in height with violent fury, tossing their ship about like a rag doll. It was Kvacht. This storm was infused with his familiar air and power. Svetlana ran to the princess, "Go to the lower deck and stay with the others!" She commanded, shoving the princess through the door and closing it behind her. The storm was the least of their problems.

Hjalmar was violently tossed to the side of the boat, landing on his back as a bolt of lightning struck right next to him. It left a small fire in its wake, which was quickly extinguished with a flick of Svetlana's wrist.

"Ease the sails!!!" She cried out at the capable hands on deck. The winds would tear the mast apart if they didn't adjust the sails to manage the storm, she was already climbing up the foremast, attempting to fasten their only hope at sailing across the waters. Yaroslav struggled at the stern, even with his strength, the seas ire was stronger. He bared his teeth as he strained to keep the helm from spinning out of control.

Hjalmar came to his senses and quickly scrambled to his feet though he was seeing in two, he felt the back of his head. It was wet. At first he assumed it was rain, but when his hand withdrew, his fingers were stained in red. He blinked once, trying to clear his mind. He needed to focus, their lives were in danger. He followed Svetlana suit and nimbly climbed the shrouds, trying to help her secure the sails.

They managed to get the fore sail up, the rain and wind battering the others. The main sail, topsails and the jib still needed to be secured. They fastened the ropes as best they could through the slippery rain. Svetlana looked up to see quick shadows darting around in the tempest, only lit up when the lightening split across the sky. "Daemons!" She called down to Yaroslav and the others below, "Prepare yourselves!"

"Of course!" Hjalmar jested, "The hurricane alone would be too easy for us!" Svetlana smirked at the statement, it was true. Things were never easy.

Before she could respond, the shadows began swooping down toward their ship, spouting purple fire at their boat. They were magic users... and ugly too. Now that they had revealed themselves, Svetlana could see their horns, their shriveled grey skin and their clawed hooves and thin fingers. Their wings were wide and webbed, much like a dragons. Their faces were decorated in dark eyes, their mouths held yellow blood-stained teeth that were much too big for their faces.

Svetlana managed to bat a few away with her magic as she hollered incantations, but they were strong. Much stronger than the imps they faced before. They were big, and they probably dwarfed her grandson in size. She wouldn't be able to keep this up for forever. Hjalmar unsheathed his short swords, but found he could not properly use them on the rickety beam he was balancing on. His mind was hazy and clogged, he must have hit his harder than he thought.

LOOK OUT!" Svetlana screamed at him, he tried to process what she was talking about. With the state he was in, he couldn't respond quick enough. He felt something heavy envelop him, knocking him off the beam and the air out of his lungs. His weapons uselessly clattered to the deck below him. He felt cold hands wrap around his throat, and it was then he began to realize what was happening. He grasped the arms of the daemon, feeling his feet dangle as it shot through the air. Though he wasn't given much time to react, because they only spent a few seconds in the air before the daemon plunged into the frigid waters, making sure it slammed his body in first. It dove deep, and continued to hold on to him despite his protests. No matter how hard he pulled on its arms, they didn't budge, and panic began to rise in his chest. He kicked it, punched it, trying hard not to scream as that would only quicken the process of drowning. Bubbles escaped his nose as he strained against the beasts strength.

'Var coor dahl mazchk nur.' Its guttural voice penetrated his mind. His eyes widened as it spoke to him, although he did not know the words, he somehow understood what it was saying. My master wishes to give you something.

Hjalmar kicked again in terror and confusion, he didn't want that thing touching him, let alone talk to him. It tightened it's grip around his neck in response and Hjalmar winced, his lungs burning as he struggled to hold his breath.

It removed one of its hands to retrieve something, though Hjalmar found its grip was still too strong for him to break away. He was able to look down at its sharp fingers to see a small, smooth, black and round stone it had pulled out from behind its wing, no bigger than his thumb. Before he could process what it was doing, the daemon shoved its hand straight through his chest. That time, he did scream. But the water muffled his voice, and flooded his lungs as he writhed in pain. No blood seeped from his wound, as if his flesh were not cut. But it certainly felt like it. His body burned with an intense fever, his veins turned black. It concentrated to his left forearm before finally dissipating. The deamon kicked him away, he felt his consciousness leave him, his vision blurred. Its gaze was cold,
'Bahl nar duur jer vael.' He heard it say, We will meet again. Its wings lifted and it pushed itself to the surface, driving out of the water with a splash. Hjalmar wanted to follow, but his body could no longer function. He looked above as the sky continued flashing, the waves didn't seem so loud and violent from down there, an eerie quiet wrapped around him. His eyes rolled back and closed, his mind darkened as he slipped away.

(Whew, I had been planning this for awhile, I was just waiting for a good time to do it... I'm not tagging anyone cause this is directed at literally everyone... And just so we're clear, there is no wound on Hjalmar's chest, nor could anyone tell what just happened. That's for later //wiggles eyebrows. But yeah, he's still drowning. If you want your character to sense something later, if it's like them to do so, you may. But I can't reveal what just happened until later!!)
Thora could feel as the waters grew more aggressive for it shook the boat. She held tightly onto her horse for balance and held onto her stone necklace. She could handle this. She didn't get seasickness and so a little bit of rough water was fine. But that changed when she saw the princess hurry down the steps. Something was surely wrong. In just a few short moments she heard yelling above deck as the boat continued to rock. She reached for her bow that was slung around her back but did not yet draw it. For all she knew, she could be preparing to fight a thunderstorm; she didn't wish to overreact this time. Overall, she managed to control her nerves but she worried for Bo. She wasn't sure how he would handle this and so she turned her attention to him.
(agh I totally had 30 messages to catch up on, lol. I forgot to check the RP like all day. Whoops)

Valeiah had been knocked out by Mapiya when she heard the dragon. But now the poor horse was even more afraid due to the storm outside, which was very loud. Valeiah hadn't woken up, and it didn't seem like anyone had noticed her either. Oh well. She would be fine. She'd fallen out of a lot of trees in her life. She would've been offended by Oceana's comment about her being too inexperienced to heal poison wounds and explained very rudely how she had been healing since she was younger than seven, though. Alas, she was passed out on the floor.
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As Foxrun had headed up top, he felt a thump and then caught whatever it had been. An Apple? He questioned peering over to see the elf with her own. He nodded his appreciation, about to say something when yaro yelled for his grandmother who hastened past them both. He hurried after her, seeing everything had turned for the worst. Where had this come from?? The skies had been so clear. But then it all made sense....the daemons had brought the storm as their cover. He leapt at the opportunity to help out with the instruction to secure the sails. The rain naturally made it harder to climb up to fasten them however. The wind was another complication as it tugged back at the cloth as he tried to pull it in, just as it caused their captain to struggle with the wheel.

Hjalmar had gone overboard. he was unable to go after him, not finishes with his sail. But most of them were keeping the ship in tact, or below deck, unaware of what was going on. The thief needed help and there was little he could do up here. He groaned as he finished the final knot for the current sail he was working on. He jumped down and grabbed a coil of loose rope. "If you have the other sail Svetlana, I'm going after him!" He had secured the rope to the ship, creating a safety line for himself. He then made a dive into the thrashing water, scarcely missing something quickly ascend past him. The bubbles from whatever it was had clouded his sight, but then he spotted him. Deep, and he seemed unconscious. No. No. No. This isn't a good sign. He managed to reach him, pulling the rope around his limp body. He then proceeded to use the rope to help them reach the top faster. Hopefully somebody else had noticed and would be awaiting to help. He could carry his own weight, true, but both of them, one in armor, and both soaked to the core? It was proving entirely exhausting.

(I tried omg)

@OlKaJa77 @Lo Alyssa
Oceana rocked with the boat in the storm, apple tumbling forgotten from her hand. She clambered up into the swaying crow's nest and brought her bow around to aim at one of the daemons, its beady eye focusing on her already. Its horn glimmered wetly with every strike of lightning, and she watched that glint as it flew closer and closer, her keen eyes never leaving its horn. The ship tossed on the churning ocean but still she stood firm. She drew her bow wide, knowing this would need to be a powerful shot.

Closer. Closer.

Then just as she could see the dark yellow where the white of its eyes should have been, she exhaled, aimed, and fired.

The arrow's steel tip bit into the thing's eye and deeper, deeper into it's skull until it had eaten up half the shaft.

The wicked daemon plummeted silently into the frothing sea.

Oceana was about to take her next mark when a daemon zoomed by and yanked Hjalmar into the air, before they both plunged into the waves.

The daemon burst into the air moments later but no Hjalmar. She threw off her dagger harness and was about to go in after the thief when Foxrun leapt into the water, rope wrapped around his waist. The elf maiden leapt from the crow's nest and grasped a rope swinging down to the rocking deck.

The fey had surfaced and was struggling to swim them both back to the boat. Bracing her knees hard against the rail she heaved on the moldy rope, bringing the half-fey and his precious human cargo a foot closer.

Oceana kept pulling, her back and knees and arms and neck burned in protest and her eyes burned with something else.

The elf was fast and agile and cunning but she was made of wiry muscle, not hardened bricks of it like Bo or Yaro. But no matter how her body strained, her determination and desire to save her companions kept her heart thudding, her muscles pulling.

Finally, shaking with strain, the tanned elf got a grip of Foxrun's shirt and other arm and heaved with all her might, screaming along with her muscles in effort.

All three soaking wet, collapsed into a piled on the deck, two chests heaving.

Oceana was the first to move, she pumped on the human's chest, afraid and in pain beyond tears, she put her lips to his cold ones and exhaled forcefully.

When the thief coughed up water the elf sat back in relief for a moment.

After catching her breath, She tried to stand up. Her weak limbs shook before her and she kept falling down, water streaming down her face.

She crawled herself to a mast, shakily stood and tied herself with some rope, to keep her standing, before drawing another arrow, waiting with trembling hands and knees until another daemon came within range.

@GalacticRam @Lo Alyssa
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Foxrun had clawed at the ships rails when they came within reach, pulling the man with him. He knew someone had been helping and he was more thankful than he could ever even begin to explain. He hadn't expected the water to be so bad, but then again, this was not a normal storm after all. He felt hands pull him over, and his own clung just as tight to his companion. His chest heaved from the struggle, and he spat out the taste of the murky water. He turned to see Oceana breathe life back to Hjalmar, she pulled us up. On her own? He wasn't shocked she had come to their rescue, merely that she had been able to do it at all. But before he could shake himself of what had happened, she had resumed her will to fight off their attacks. And she inspired him to do the same. He stood, offering the drenched thief a hand up "can you manage?" He asked, unaware of what had happened below the surface.

@OlKaJa77 @Lo Alyssa
Alo had been practically frozen in fear at the sight of the daemons. Not practically. He was frozen with fear. But then he snapped out of it and threw one of his daggers at one. The dagger flew straight into its eye, squirting out a disgusting liquid Alo wished he didn't see. Then he ran down below deck.

"Where's my sister?!"
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Lightning. Bo may have not been very well connected to anything on a spiritual level, but similarly to Thora, he could very strongly sense things of his own element, and at the moment, he was overwhelmed. There was too much input, because on top of all of that, the boat was shaking and rocking horribly. He could hear the chaos above, he could see the faces of those coming below in retreat. This wasn't a normal storm - he could hear the cries of demons outside the ship, and through the door, he could see them.

This was his worst fear, and he knew he had a choice to make. He could cower in fear, and hide. Or he could face it. Both options - although it could've been the reckless movement of the ship - made him feel sick. But I have to choose. Now. There was no time to think about it - only to act.

He looked over at Thora with terror in his eyes, who he saw watching him with concern. In a moment, he was up on his feet, his heart racing, and his fists clenched and sparking and glowing a vibrant blue. "Don't worry about me." He barely spoke loud enough to be heard over the thundering of the storm, so he tried again, this time to respond to the boy looking for Valeiah (her brother, he assumed). He paced quickly over to the door, simultaneously scanning the room for the silent and missing Valeiah. He spotted her, on the ground, by the horses.


As he passed the boy, he pointed to her. "Over there. Tend to her. I'll guard the door." Wait. What did I just say? Oh god, what did I just volunteer myself for.


He knew he wouldn't regret this later. No, he was regretting it now. But there was no option to renag on the offer, not in a crisis like this. He stepped outside the door, shutting it behind him, and planting his feet outside of it. Nothing will be getting inside. Not through me.

He had to resist the urge to hurl at the sight of the raging waves pounding agianst the ship, but his focus was very quickly drawn to the hoard of demons flying towards and around them. He knew there was no way, with his skillset, that he was going to be able to cast any of the demons out of the sky with his bow (not in this mess, and not with him shaking so).

I need to focus. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for but a second, and took control of his breathing. I will protect my friends. I will protect the princess.

With a sudden swirl of his arm, and two fingers pointed, he aimed to the sky and bzzt-sHZAP! He sent a bolt arching into the sky, and he watched as it burst through its abdomen, and the creature stumbled in flight, tailspinning into the water. Thank goodness. (For a moment he had worried that they would somehow be immune to his attacks, since they came from a thundering cloud, but it seemed that it was effective).

The only things that gave him confidence to keep fighting was that it was working, and that he was keeping people safe. So he kept doing whar he was doing, not moving from his spot in front of the door (until he needed to, to let anyone in).

@ everyone else?? (idk) (also sorry this is so long hah)
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Garrett had not had the time to go bellow-deck when the storm began. He could feel that it wasn't normal an quickly jumped into action, summoning his battlestaff to his hand.

He soon ran up to Foxrun, Oceana and the unconcious thief, casting shields around them that would hopefully protect them from harm.

"Try to get our unconcious friend down into the ship." He told Foxrun."I'll keep the demons away from you."

Down bellow Dorian was truly getting worried. Not only was there a fight going on, but he was partially dissabled and couldn't join the fray. Or at least not for long, it's not like he hadn't faught with worse injuries.

He focused his magic to close the wound as he raced back up the stairs, passing Bo by quickly shifting into a rabbit for just long enough to run between his legs. He then soon was back to human, casting spells to keep the demons at bay. Apparently throwing ice spikes as projectiles was rather efficient. Huh. He also tried to make sure that the purple fire that was spat by the creatures was deflected away by a well-placed magic shield. Dying in a fire while on a boat would make too ironic of an end, in Dorian's opinion.

@OlKaJa77 @GalacticRam
Alo rushed over to his younger sister, but first tried to calm down Mapiya. It wouldn't do any good if Valeiah regained consciousness and then got her skull crushed by a horse. Alo got the horse to calm down and then crouched down by Valeiah. She had a black eye. He wasn't even going to tell her about it. She never noticed when she was hurt unless there was blood.

Phaedra was incredibly preoccupied. She didn't think she could protect the entire ship from the vicious storm conjured up by the Demon Lord, but this didn't mean that she would not try. She stepped up to the challenge, almost feeling personally responsible now for keeping the others safe after that same courtesy had been given to her in the fallen kingdom. She needed to do this.

Her heart was pounding. It wasn't just the adrenaline coursing through her veins, but a very real fear now making itself known within her. She couldn't defend herself properly in this state and those terrifying and hideous daemon were hurtling towards their group. Some of her allies had already been thrown overboard it seemed as Phaedra had noticed Oceana pull Hjalmar and Foxrun out of the waters. A flash of frustration struck her heart while Phaedra mentally kicked herself for not being available to assist in her current state.

No. Concentrate.

That's right. She needed to help and this was the only way that she could help everyone all at once. She drowned out the feeling of the torrential rain and the battle cries of the daemon surrounding them. Taking a deep breath, Phaedra came to terms that she was putting herself at great risk by making herself completely vulnerable. It was for the sake of the group. While Phaedra could never be considered an altruistic person, she felt a debt to these people as a result of the bond that they had quickly developed in the last few days together. A kinship she had never felt before.

Nobody else will fall into these treacherous waters. Not if I can help it.

All she could hear now were the howling winds. This was the battle she would be fighting. Phaedra's eyes blazed with light as she floated rigidly in the air on deck with her arms outstretched. Visible arcs of energy appeared around her as wind whipped violently around her, creating a sort of barrier. In reality, she was absorbing the air energy from around the ship. She reached out to control the rushing winds and Phaedra could feel herself being stretched to her limits. It was not easy and the strained expression on her face and in her eyes said it all. The magic she was fighting against was unbelievably strong, but she refused to let this magic trump her natural affinity to the element. She could touch the magical currents and counter them with her own powers, now creating a safe bubble around the ship from the wind and rain, but there was absolutely nothing to be done about the violent waves rocking the ship. She did do her best to steady the boat by putting pressure in the air surrounding them, but it couldn't be helped. Phaedra resigned herself to the fact that she simply could not do everything all at once.

She watched her allies - her friends - and the onslaught of enemies raining down on them all. At least now this took out some of the dangers of the storm away from them. Some demons that had been flying to her were knocked off balance momentarily by the sudden change in the wind currents as they reached the boat, saving her mere seconds before they reached her. Phaedra focused her attention to her task. Those around her would not let her down. They wouldn't let the demons kill her... right?

I will trust them.
Foxrun literally looked up at Garret, nodding his thanks as well as his agreement to help the thief out of harms way until he could fend for himself. He helped the man down with the others, passing by a terrified yet empowered Bo. Dorian had been right. He will push through anything just to protect others. Then again, what were all of them doing this instant. He had risked his life to save hjalmar, and Oceana to save them both. And even the shifter had come from below, injured yet fighting. He hurried to take the man to safety, eyeing those below deck to see how they were holding up. He then ducked back out of the ship, seeing the sylph tremendously tip the scale. But she left herself open...another risk at the sake of helping others. He turned to the walking storm that stood right outside the door. "BO!" He yelled to draw his attention to Phaedra, who clearly was relying on her friends to do for her what she was doing for each of them. The daemons thought they would take advantage of her vulnerability, get her out of the way and it would give them back their storm. Surprisingly tactical in a sort of way.

He then made a mad dash towards one of the beasts that was unfortunate to have its back to him, too focused on getting the girl. The distance between he and it was closed quickly. With a nimble leap onto it's back, he brought the bladed end of his weapons down. Allowing his weight and the gravity of his fall to dig the blades deep into it's thick hide, shredding down the entirety of its torso as he did. The thing let out an awful, guttural yell as they both landed with a thud on the wood. He then kicked the thing off his blades, sending it toppling over the rail to be further beaten by the waves. His attention aimed for the next nearest daemon.

@L1d1ja @Lo Alyssa @OlKaJa77 @soundofmind @TeeKay (I think I got every one that I directly mentioned their character??? I hooe)
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Oceana's arms stung with pain and the chill of the rain and her bow had clattered onto the deck several times already.

Yet again she bent slowly to pick it up, her firing shoulder nearly screaming in agony.

But she could see the winged daemons aiming for Phaedra, talons outstretched and flames dancing in their clawed hands.

Gritting her teeth she gripped her bow hard, trying to push the pain from her mind but her other arm felt like hot lead, heavy and burning, her muscles no doubt torn from pulling up Foxrun and Hjalmar.

It felt like a several hours until the fingers of her right hand touched the fletching of her arrows.

But the elf had been watching the battle, and knew that she needed to shoot them down. Now.

She tried to draw back her bowstring with her right hand but the tanned appendage felt bent and twisted with effort and the arrow twanged off the string and into the crashing waves.

A particularly nasty set of waves rocked the ship, sending water over the deck and tossing nearly everyone on deck to their feet.

The elf fell to her knees, soaked from head to toe, teeth chattering. But her rope served her well and she slid back up the mast to stand.

Reaching around herself with her left hand she counted her arrows.

Two. I have two left. Ah gods...

Oceana couldn't fire with her right hand... So she had to try her left. It had been a long time since she tried shooting arrows left handed and she hoped adrenaline, and luck, would be her guiding hand.

She transferred her bow to her right hand and drew an arrow with her left, the arm shaky but holding.

There was a daemon headed straight for Phaedra, about to swoop down to grab her.

She shot an arrow at it, but the shot was slow and weak.

the thing dodged and hurled flames at her, deck catching fire, but thankfully a wave from the storm put it out.

Oceana drew her last arrow back wider as the daemon came back around for the Sylph.

The elf aimed for its eye but her trembling right hand and less coordinated left sent it soaring, off course again, into the thing's neck.

It crashed onto the deck, screeching, near Phaedra, still functioning if A bit closer to death. But no one noticed over the din of the storm's thunder.

The elf maiden was out of weapons, her daggers still in the crow's nest.

With no more arrows, Oceana unsheathed her knife and used the last tool she had against the onslaught.

Her voice.

Bellowing like a war horn, she roared,

"Foxrun! Behind you!"

@GalacticRam @TeeKay
Lilith had been knocked over by the sudden storm that had been conjured up to act as cover to the arriving daemons. She shot up, grabbing the black cat from Lucas, then continued to pick him up as well. She ran to to door that led below deck and carefully placed the boy on the steps.

"Stay here." She ordered. "Don't move, please just join your sister." She pointed.

Lucas hurried down the stairs without hesitation. Though he wanted to be brave, it was hard because those of those stupid daemons always making things worse. He joined his sister, Lucasta in the bottom of the boat, his arms wrapped around her neck in fear.

Lilith closed the door, then turned to face the monsters the others were already handling. She put down Jinx, then pulling out her staff she spun it, chanting these words. "Columna ignis!" Then suddenly, a great and hot fire was shot from her staff, burning the corpses of five daemons. She looked down at her cat and they both nodded. The cat stood in front of Lilith, and the witch pointed her staff at the feline. "Commutationibus" She whispered. The cat meowed in pain for a moment, then her body started to change from a cat, to a giant cat. Her claws grew, her muscles became more defined and large, and so did her teeth. Soon the used to be small domestic cat, was now as large as a bear and had a roar so fearsome, even the daemons screeched in terror. Jinx leaped at a large daemon, catching it in her mouth, ripping it apart. Lilith chuckled, and turned her attention towards the other attacking daemons and smirked. "Peribitis nunc daemonum." She yelled. The daemons dropped their weapons and fell to the deck of the boat, screeching in pain, and covering their ears and faces. Soon they lie lifeless on the floor. Lilith smirked, and continued to do that spell to every daemon she could find.

"I'm scared, Lucasta." The small boy whimpered. Lucasta hugged him tightly as the sound of screeching and war echoed throughout the boat. "It's alright.." She cooed.

Hjalmar was forcefully brought back and he awakened, he sputtered and turned on his side, coughing up what felt like a gallon of sea water. He wheezed and leaned back again, his eyes cracking open in the slightest. He tried to lift his arm, but his limbs felt like lead. He couldn't carry his own weight. He heard voices, but they were murmuring echoes he could not quite comprehend. His vision would darken, as if he was fading in and out of consciousness. He remembered seeing Oceana and Foxrun, or the blurry figures that held their likeness anyway, it went black and when he awoke, he saw the roof of the lower deck above him. Someone had dragged him to safety. He breathed softly and exhaled, he slipped away again, overcome with the desire to sleep. Something told him it wasn't because of nearly drowning... no, it was something else. That daemon must have done something to him.

@OlKaJa77 @GalacticRam @Queen of Fantasy @plasticlizard022 @Danika @soundofmind

Svetlana sighed in relief as Oceana and Foxrun retrieved the thief. By the time she had reached the deck from the fore mast, they had already brought him back on board. This meant she no longer had something to distract her from destroying her enemies. Shouting incantations, she would take the daemon out by the dozens, consuming them in a furious green fire, which rained ash from above, their soot mixing with the heavy rain.

When Phaedra lifted into the air, wrapping their battered boat in a shield from the rain and the viscous winds, the witch stood near her, aiming all her attacks at the assailants who wished to take out the groups current barrier. With each whip of her arm, the daemons charred corpses fell to the deck, some splashing into the sea.

Yaroslav was unaware of his comrades struggles. He wished he could be down there, lopping the heads off the disgusting creatures that plagued his company, but he needed to keep his focus solely on the resistant helm. He preferred to use his magic in small quantities, not having as much energy as his grandmother. But he found he had little choice in this situation. His arms were screaming under the strain of the ruthless waves. If this ship wasn't actually a wave breaker as the title insinuated, then Yaroslav decided he would be. He looked down at the compass strapped to the center piece of the wheel, and he noticed he had managed to keep the ship in the right direction despite the brutal storm upon them. He couldn't see beyond the inky fog, but they had to be close. He breathed in deeply, holding his words hesitantly for a moment,
"Brjóta í sundur!" He bellowed with an amplified voice. It boomed across the sea splitting the waves in two, even knocking some of the daemons out of the sky. "Phaedra!" He called to the half sylph, feeling his life force diminish, "Get us out of here!"

If she could use the last of her energy to create a turbulence strong enough to skip them across the ocean, he had forged a smooth and calm path ahead so they could go faster and not be splintered apart by the mighty waves. But it was only temporary, she would have to take the chance now! He didn't think he could fight against the helm again, and he hoped they were close enough to reach land, or at least get past the storm.

He knew not why he had to look out, so he immediately hunkered lower, in case it was to duck, then whipped around to see what it was that the elf had intended. His eye caught hold of the creature dragging itself towards Phaedra. It was closer to her than he was to it. He rushed towards them, a second demon swooped for him while he had been too distracted with reaching her in time. A brief flash in his peripherals and it was nothing but dust. Svetlana had struck it mid-air. He breathed a note of relief before realizing it was nearly within reach of the sylph. The claws had left jagged marks in the wood, it made a final jerk to grab at her, but Foxrun dove to stop it. He used his body to ram the unsuspecting daemon, plunging a blade for it's neck as he did. It bit hard at him, trying to protest the continuous sinking of the blade into it's flesh. But he pressed harder, feeling the creatures claws grip him only momentarily before it finally stopped struggling. Not an easy death, but they deserved no such thing anyways.

@OlKaJa77 @TeeKay @Lo Alyssa
Thora held tightly onto the reigns of her horse and took deep breaths as Bo left to fight. He was so strong and brave; it made her jealous. 'If Bo can do it, then so can I,' she repeated in her head until she mustered up enough confidence to join him outside of the door to the lower deck. The rain and seawater pelted her skin and froze her to her bones. She had never missed the sun more than she did now. "I will help you," she yelled to Bo so that he could hear her.

Her slender fingers were curled tightly around her precious bow. She knew she was only a good shot when she had time to aim. She had no time. She peered above deck and watched as the daemons swarmed towards Phaedra. She drew her bow and took long shaky breaths. She had to stop for a moment to recollect the courage she had already lost in the short period of time it took her to get above deck. She wanted to cower below deck with the others but she could not just abandon her other companions.

So she drew her bow once more. She took aim at the cloudy sky and waited. She knew that if her aim chased one of the winged creatures then she could never land a shot. However, if one flew into her set target then BAM! she could nail it. And that's precisely what happened. Unfortunately, this tactic only allowed her to take out one daemon every couple of minutes.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Oceana shoot her last arrow. The elf kept missing and Thora realized it was because she was hurt. Still, she seemed a better shot than the nymph herself did. She called out to the elf but the rain and crashing waves drowned out the sound. So she took a deep breath, swallowed a scream, and crawled across the slippery deck to the elf. If she couldn't make good use of her own arrows, then she would gift them to the elf.


Ayda had been above deck the entire time , leaning over the edge as she tried not to throw up everywhere. She was never good at being on ships and had managed to miss out on all the commotion below deck.

The first time she went on a ship was even worse. Ayda and her siblings had heard from an acquaintance that there was work for them in a place across the sea , so they all managed to save up for some tickets. However before they had even gotten halfway there , Ayda had thrown up more than anyone they'd ever seen.

When the storm and minions attacked , Ayda was still above deck and had rather violently slammed her head into a wall, which left her drowsy and confused.


Was that blood?

".... Where...."

Oceana gasped in relief when the daemon went down at Foxrun's hand.

Her legs finally collapsed onto the slippery planks of the deck. he struggled to stay awake, dark lashes fluttering. She could see Thora rushing over, bow in her hand and a full quiver at her side.

Oceana tried to reach out a hand to her to no avail; she looked so scared and frail. Her heart constricted in an urge to protect her fellow forest dweller.

No... Dammit... I need to...

The elf finally lost consciousness, cold water continuing to wash over her armored knees.

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As Thora closed the distance between her and Oceana, she saw the elf slip into unconsciousness. The nymph quickly slung her arrows over her shoulder and slid her fingers between thick chinks in the armor near the elf's shoulders. The little woodland elf was not very strong so she was thankful that Oceana was not too heavy and that the deck was slippery from the immense amount of water. If only she could get her to the stairwell then perhaps she could be safe below deck.

Thora hadn't even moved the elf a foot when a daemon came spiraling towards her. Her small red eyes filled with terror and she drew her bow. Never before had she nocked and launched an arrow so quickly and accurately. She thanked the gods above that the daemon was so close that there was no possible way for her to miss her target. She didn't expect to be so lucky next time and so she quickened her pace. Her arms burned from dragging Oceana and her legs ached from the struggle of keeping balance on the slippery wood. But she wouldn't let anything stop her from getting her companion to safety.

Garrett turned away from making another demon combust mid-air to see Thora struggle to drag Oceana away. Though he almost slipped on the wet wood of the deck, he still quickly rushed over to the two. He made his battlestaff disappear, as much as he hated to be left weaponless. "Shoot any demon that tries to attack." He ordered Thora before he quickly picked up the passed-out elf, his warrior strength making it a rather easy job. It did not take his long to walk back towards the door that led bellow.

@OlKaJa77 @plasticlizard022
Thora was more than thankful that Garrett offered to take Oceana. The nymph was so afraid she wouldn't get the elf to safety in time. But she found that being in the position of defender was more than terrifying and stressful. She knew she wasn't a fast shooter but desperate times called for desperate measures and she couldn't let her companions down. Not that she suddenly became the best archer the world had ever seen, but the nymph found that being under pressure helped her hone in on her target and lob arrows a little quicker. She always knew she was slow and that is what had held her back. She was surprised how accurate she was even when she shot twice as fast. She managed to hit three out of 5 daemons with her first arrow.

When she had nearly run out of arrows (she saved a handful just in case), she pulled out a small wooden dagger. She was far from a hand-to-hand combatant but she could at least protect herself, and therefore the others, a little better than she could if she were unarmed. Thora let out a small sigh of relief when Garrett finally got Oceana to safety. "Thank you," she breathed.


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