• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game


The mediocre Gatsby
Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
ezgif.com-add-text (1).gif Hey love! You've been invited by yours truly. Remember me? Emmie?
College student Emmanuelle Layton decided to invite ten of her close high school friends to her parents' lodge up on the Rockies. She just accepted an invite from an institute overseas, and she wanted to spend her remaining days on American soil with her closest friends. She's scheduled to leave at the fifth of November, giving her the grand idea of setting up a Halloween-themed farewell party at their estate. The party is scheduled to begin at the thirty-first of October. Unfortunately, the local news predicted a thunderstorm to happen at the said date, but a little stormy weather can't possibly dampen a Layton party, right? Besides, Emmie recently picked up a fun little object from a shop in town, and she couldn't wait to try it with her friends. So, the question is, are you down for some fun?

Welcome to: T R U S T: T h e G a m eezgif.com-gif-maker.gif Themes will include drama, suspense, action, supernatural, and possibly romance. This RP is inspired by a music video, and a photo. The photo only has words in it, which read: Are you willing to shoot your best friend for a million dollars? In this RP, Emmanuelle Layton decided to play this game with her friends. She picked up a device from an occult shop in town, where the seller claimed to have gotten it from a stranger. She was told that it is a 'wishing box,' and it grants whatever wishes you feed to it. There are certain rules however, and the breaking of these rules results in consequences. At first the demands are harmless, but then things got pretty interesting as the night marches on. This RP tests each characters' morals and bends to suit each choices made. The ending will depend on the players left and the choices they made along the way.

-A Note-
The FIRST CHAPTER will begin soon. Please do not post anything in this thread, until the CHAPTER opens.

Character Sheet Thread

OOC Thread:
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Evidence #1:

<call log history>|
<voice mail #01> || <callerID unknown>|
<3:15 AM> || <call start>||
<file corrupted>||

--electronic beep--
Emm! Emm, list--(static) --- -e. I think someone's fol(shuffling)
(heavy breathing) look what-(hurried footsteps)-ever you do, don't -(static)
Please! you got t---(static) ---n't trust me!(muffled voices)
---looks like m-(static) I... I don't understand!
Emm please, you-(heavy breathing)-got to help me!(hurried footsteps)
I don-(static)
---Kill y(static)
-electronic beep-

<3:30 AM> || <call end>||
<file corrupted>|
<delete file>||

You can't keep dancing with the Devil,
and wondering why you're still in Hell.

We're sorry, but the number you have reached is not in service at this time. Please check the number or try your call again later. Thank you. Good bye.

Still nothing.

Either the weather must have done a number on his reception, or the location did. High up on the mountains makes everything below seems so small. It gives perspective. The brunet ran a calloused hand through his hair and hesitantly placed his beanie back on. He might enjoy the cold, but there is such a thing as too cold after all, and the the fact that he's already inadequately dressed against the biting wind did not help his case either. As the cable car lazily glided between the frigid mountains, his light brown eyes swept across the melancholy scene below him. Splotches of green towered over solitary trails, as their windblown leaves littered the rocky ground like the aftermath of a child's play. He couldn't spot any animals save for a few birds, and the occasional mule deer roaming through the grassy areas. The coming storm must have scared them into hiding, the brunet mused as he glanced at the darkening skies overhead. He could've sworn he heard a wolf's howl somewhere, but from high above, it's hard to tell. Back underneath, a wide expanse of crystalline blue caught his eye. A great Alpine lake stretched from down below, reminding him of a story he once read. It was about a son of a craftsman who wore wings made out of feathers and wax. If he closed his eyes right now against the heavy wind and the water's sound, he can imagine it. Sometimes he wonders whether Icarus enjoyed the thrill of the fall much more than the flight. Perhaps he didn't even regret a single moment of it.


Alexei Dahmer stepped off the cart and watched as the cable car drifted slowly back from where it came. Dead leaves crunched underneath the soles of his boots as he took a few steps and stood before the edge. The brunet peered down below, and smiled. Luckily enough for him, he doesn't have a fear of heights. Instead, he actually quite enjoys it. Given the proper gear, he would've trekked and climbed the whole way to the Laytons' Lodge. But he didn't want to be late for Emmie's party, so he took the scenic and faster route instead. He couldn't believe his beloved cousin forgot to invite him. He'll make sure to give her hell for it.

Behind him, a nine-foot tall metal gate emblazoned with double Ls'towered against the chilly backdrop. Behind it lays an untended trail, surrounded by dying trees and dark green bushes. The brunet pulled at the metal structure, but it only groaned and did not give way. He tried one more time, but to no avail.

The damned thing is jammed. Great.

He tried to call Emmie's phone again, but it was also a dead end; reception isn't possible on this altitude. Instead, he looked around for another way in. Something yellow caught his eye, and he bent down and picked up a note from the ground.

Sorry! Gate will probably be jammed. Damned thing always does. :-(
Feel free to climb it! Totally safe!

Don't get killed,

Alexei smiled and rattled the gate once more. Definitely locked. With a grunt, he tested his weight against one of the metal rungs. The gate may be a tad too rusty, but it did hold him. The brunet was about to continue the climb over, but was distracted by the unmistakable hum of a coming cable car. Instead, he hopped back down and waited for the cart's descent.


The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Your character has two options:
Scale the gate, or take another, safer path (unnoticeable beaten down path to the far left of the gate (someone has to point it out to be accessible)). The are no number of characters required for each option. It is possible for everyone to choose the same choice. Please state your choice in the OOC thread, and the scenario will be given once everyone made a decision.
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Elijah Valentine Location: Cable car
Mood: Mildly peeved due to cold
Condition: Cold
Tags: allure allure

Dangling from a cable car who knows how many metres in the air was not Elijah's idea of a good time. He had to duck to get on and even then his head was brushing the top of the roof, bumping painfully against the chipping white paint with every jolt. He was tucking his face into his fat purple and black checkered cashmere scarf like a turtle to try and stave off the cold that bit at his nose and cheeks. He wasn't alone for the ride either, looking away from the sparkling mountain lake to glance down at the small Asian woman with dyed blonde hair who had jumped into the car before the door had closed, causing the cart to swing before taking off and most definitely leaving him with a goose egg. He had never seen her before, he believed, but if she was a friend of Emmie's she must've been a good person so he had no qualms extending a branch of small talk that was usually reserved for baristas, tourists on elevators, and the firm's water cooler. Removing his thick leather-gloved hands from his gray peacoat's pockets to pull down his scarf, he ignored talking about the looming, ominous gray clouds in the distance or even the gorgeous aquamarine lake. If they were going to the same party he might as well get a head start and introduce himself to the people he'd be around.

He recalled going to his grandmother's ancient house in Versailles as a young boy, dodging around her porcelain objects of affection: Lamps with lace shades in the sun room and dainty cup sets with tiny painted roses adorning the sides. His grandmother would watch him constantly, although not with an eye of scrutiny. Most likely making sure he didn't scratch any records she had spent time collecting with her late husband. She was dear to the man, and he tucked some long strands of blonde hair out of his face as he recalled her words.

"Elijah, when you greet a man give him a firm handshake to assert your confidence. But, whenever you greet a lady, ask to kiss her hand to reveal yourself as a true gentleman!"

Such zealousness from a tiny woman over something one might find arbitrary may seem silly, but Elijah took them to heart, unable to shake the habit that had stemmed from her words.

He extended his gloved hand towards the woman palm up, making sure to meet her gaze. "Bonjour. Elijah Valentine," He informed her, his words clouded with his French accent. "But please, I insist that most people call me Eli." He glanced down at his hand momentarily before looking back up at her to hopefully signal his intentions. "May I?" He asked, putting on his most charming smile despite the bitter wind.
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Michael's knuckles ached under the dark cloth of his fingerless gloves. He didn't pay the sharp drag any mind, save for the occasional flex of his hand that only managed to agitate the sensation of the slightly coarse fabric rubbing over wounds. He watched the cable car from the station as it pulled farther away from him. Someone must have just beat him to it. The car shuddered every now and again as it made its steady climb, leading itself ever further through the heady air that was drunk with coming storm. He could hear distant thunder purging and regaining its voice, still just an echo, yet even the echo was a threat.

He leaned against a cold, metal post connected to the station, humming quietly, some folk tune that he had picked up somewhere, in the back of his throat. Sound traveled abnormally in the queer atmosphere, and he could hardly hear his own vibrations. He held his pack in hand, rather than wearing it over his shoulders. He mussed his shaggy, dark locks, the cold seeping through every available gap or crease. He had always liked the cold. There was something visceral about it that he enjoyed, and it comforted him to know that it was so easily escaped. Most of the time, at least.

Frustration curled in his chest, birthed of nothing in particular save for waiting, stagnation. He took a hair tie in hand, pulling his hair back away from his face with a practiced motion. The strands were soft to the touch of his flushed fingertips. He scuffed the sole of his black boot against the ground. There was one benefit to respite that he enjoyed, though it was a small comfort. He had time to reflect.

He had accepted the invitation, of course. It was a prospective thrilling venture, and the fact that he had little to no information about it added to the excitement while also feeding his anxiety, setting his teeth on edge if he thought about it too closely. Still, it was diversion in its purest form, and it was Emmie. She had asked him to come, and he wasn't usually one to rebuff an opportunity for diversion, especially from an old friend.

In the right moment, high school was just a glance over his shoulder away, so close for him that he could still hear the innocuous, weary drone of his classmates that could so quickly turn rowdy. He was to see them again, he knew, some of them, at least, and he wondered if they would be just the same as he remembered them. He wondered if he would be the same as they remembered.

His expression remained schooled, slightly amused, though by what, one couldn't be certain. His eyes flickered to the cable cart every now and again, the green tarnishing them brought out by the cold, dark, violet tone of his sweat shirt that only somewhat guarded agains the wind.

He shivered.
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Katiana V. Salkova
| The Magic Of Being In The Dark For So Long Is That You Eventually Learn To See The Light Despite It All ~ Y. Salkova |
| location: hilltop by the cable car station | mood: bored | currently: cold and restless |

"Oh... Wow. WOW. Green eyebrows. You're going all out for halloween, huh...", a soft voice reached Kat's ears, it was young and clearly a boy yet when she turned around to the open bathroom door, mascara at hand, she smiled at a young girl with denim overalls and pigtails. The girl, barely in her teens, looked at the woman eleven years her senior and sighed at the sight that greeted her.

Sarah imagined that the messy bathroom scene before parties were reserved only to movies but if anything, the movies' had downplayed it. What had once been a nice, earth-themed suite-bathroom now looked like a warzone. There was clothes strewn everywhere, the two sinks were filled with enough make-up for a lifetime and several hair products lined the floor leading up to the door.

"Sarah! Come in, come iiin..." A slight murmur escaped Kat's purple stained lips as she effortlessly applied red eyeshadow to her lids, staring into the mirror, completely focused on her task. So focused, she nearly missed the pregnant pause that followed, and looked up once again to meet a raised eyebrow from her little friend. It took her a second to understand before a slightly amused laugh escaped her lips, "There's casserole in the oven, go take it out and I'll be right there in a bit."

And as usual, the scent of food made her cat appear like magic. He had been awfully quiet, even for him, the past few days and hidden away. As if dreading something. It was strange.

In fact, it had been a strange week overall for Katiana. And for Katiana, there was never such a thing as a strange week. Yet, for some odd reason, she couldn't explain the happenings of the week without calling it strange.

Her mother's quest to find her a man had gone bananas, and she was forced to fill out dating survey, after dating survey, after fuckin' dating survey. Then she got invited to a halloween party by her friend Emm, who apparently mysteriously forgot who she was between meeting her for coffee friday morning and fuckin' saturday night. And now her cat, her quiet little Onyx, was meowing and clawing at her to stay as she stood by the front door, despite never giving a literal fuck before.

She was lucky that she was covered in layers of clothes or she would be bleeding from her ankle.

Eyebrows furrowed, she bent down and picked her self-proclaimed 'first child' up. What had started as soft meows had turned into shrill screams as her departure neared and it tore at her heart. "Baby, I'll be right back, you know that," she whispered gently as she hugged the black furball to her chest, a sharp pain coming from her shoulder as Onyx digged his claws in. Sarah had to rip him away.

He looked pitiful, a stark contrast to young girl's reassuring smile, like a child who was about to lose his mother. Kat glanced down at her phone for what felt like the hundreth time, to be crushed yet again when she saw no new messages from Emm.

She was still M.I.A.

The bitch better be alive so I can kill her my-fuckin'-self.

"I'll be home before you know it, I promise! You two behave!"

A small cry and a wave before the door closed was all she got back.


The cold reminded Katya of Russia, and if there was one thing she learned while in Russia, it was to always come prepared. She imagined her baboushka would shake her head at her choice of clothing; thick, insulated boots paired with two layers of black leggings under a grey skirt, a winter jacket - which was slightly inappropriate for the season unless you were in said mountains ~ with a cardigan and a matching grey top underneath. The bright red beanie covering her head and white mittens were overkill.

Indeed, only her baboushka would shake her head.

And Kat understood why as she waited at the top of the mountain, staring down at the approaching cable car, jumping from one leg to the other, desperately hoping Karin was on it. She had enjoyed the view for half an hour before it got old and now all she wanted to do was escape to the warmth of the mansion.

She was prepared for the cold, but only for a trek inbetween the warmth of different homes.

code by spookie spookie
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interacting with: Diminium Diminium
woahyuna had taken a running jump into the cable car right before the doors closed, appearing as nothing more than a flash of red and gold as she streaked through the air. she landed heavily on her feet in the small car, setting it rocking back and forth, and pushed her hair out of her face with a victorious huff of breath. she felt a lot... puffier than usual. she rarely wore clothing meant for the cold, and her thick scarlet parka made her feel a bit too much like a marshmallow. she had skipped on wearing gloves - what could she say, she liked to grab life by the horns with her bare hands because she was hardcore - and she rubbed her hands together in front of her face to warm them back up. she puffed out her cheeks and tried not to look out the windows of the car as it lurched up the slope, knowing that one glance down at the undoubtedly sheer drop would be enough to make her nauseous.

woahit took her an embarrassingly long time to acknowledge the other person in the car. she had seen them in her periphery, of course. it just hadn't really crossed her mind to pay attention to them, preoccupied as she was with the fact that she was hundreds of feet in the air. however, her gazed jerked away from her pale fingers and up to the man's face when he stuck a gloved hand practically under her nose. jesus christ, he was fucking tall.
woah"bonjour. elijah valentine. but please, i insist that most people call me eli," the man said. something about the accent, the hair, the pompous line of his shoulders, tickled yuna's memory. hm. honestly, some obnoxious french twink who thinks they're god's gift to the art of dance drops by the studio every other month, so it's probably just that, she assured herself. what was really confusing her was his momentary glance down at his hand (which was still stuck into her personal space), a gesture clearly meant to convey something.
woah"may i?"
woahwhat the fuck? she was hesitant to say yes, considering she had no idea what she would be consenting to. yuna put her hand into eli's and then pushed it away with a touch maybe a lot more force than necessary.
woah"uh, no." she snatched her hand back to her chest, still feeling awkward with the entire situation. it was just her luck to meet a giant hon hon baguette man in the cable car.
code by hoseok

Elijah Valentine Location: Cable Car
Mood: Shocked and Mildly Offended
Condition: Cold
Tags: allure allure

The woman seemed to hesitate, looking him up and down and reading his face with a cocktailed look of confusion and maybe even mild annoyance. The cocktail's cherry was definitely disgust but he kept a straight, smiling face, unaware of how said cocktail would taste as he could have never predicted her next moves when she momentarily gave him her dainty, pale hand. His green eyes gleamed with contentment before widening in mild horror as her thought-to-be acceptance turned into stinging rejection he had never faced from a greeting before. The cruel drink she had brewed for him tasted like bitter medicine that he was forced to swallow as she shoved his hand away with enough force for it to hit the chest of his peacoat. What more could he do as the murky concoction of rejection and surprise brewed in his chest?

He moved his suspended hand to adjust his lapel, cringing slightly as his pink lips momentarily twitched, he was unsure what to say next. If there was time for wise advice from his grandmere, this would certainly be it, but despite his wishes he was still alone with this girl in the cable car. Nevermind the fact that all preconcieved thoughts of her being kind had just jumped ship, he was unsure if her firm no was still echoing in the car or just ringing loudly in his ears. He knew that he couldn't break eye contact. There was no point in communicating to her further that she had pretty much given him a stone to try and use as some sort of floatation device.

"Well then." He began concisively, looking down his nose at her with ever so slightly narrowed eyes. "Apologies, cherie. Who might you be, and where do you call home?"

He eased the tenseness in his shoulders, assuring himself that she wasn't French, or even European. How could she have known? This didn't quell the nagging feeling in his chest about how such a greeting was always potrayed by gentlemen in movies. How couldn't she have known?

"I see foreign greetings are just that to you."
Gregory gulped a bit once he saw the site before him. A fairly unkempt pathway leading up into​
some trees, darkened only by the even darker clouds, signifying that it would soon begin to rain. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of going up the trail alone by himself, fretting over ridiculous fancies, constantly looking either way to make sure no-one was hiding in the nearby trees or bushes. He felt a bit childish for being so paranoid, but then again, it's better to be safe than sorry, right? At least, that's what his mother always told him. After a very careful journey up the small hill, he found a cable car with two running cars. He figured it would take a bit for one of the cars to come back, so he proceeded to take a seat at a nearby bench...that is, before he realized how old and worn it looked; it looked like it would snap if he attempted to sit on it.
Taking this into consideration, Gregory decided to just stand and observe his surrounding s a bit​
better--not that he wasn't doing so to begin with, what with worrying about being watched and whatnot. Gregory looked over to look at where the cable cars were heading. It was fairly far away--at least, it appeared to be--but even still he could make out some details. After waiting for a few more moments, it occurred to him that he would have to take the cable car all the way over to that place. This worried him, as he didn't like the idea of being up so high for so long, even if it wouldn't actually be that long. It also didn't help that the old, decaying bench was right next to him. He just hoped that the cable car was in better condition. He was able to calm himself, though, when he remembered that Emm was the one that invited him there. She was his friend, after all; she wouldn't put him in any danger, right?
Then again, though, she did stop responding to texts...she didn't fall to her death, did she!? No,
of course not...if that were the case, than there'd be no cable cars in the first place. Almost immediately after, Gregory was reminded of the fact that he would soon be faced with a room full of strangers he didn't know. The idea made him feel nauseous--more uncomfortable than anything aforementioned. He was already awkward enough when it came to meeting new people, and now there'd be what, nine of them? He felt like a student about to change to a new school, one with no familiar faces around whatsoever. Gregory let out another sigh, this time more out of annoyance that the cable car hadn't returned yet, meaning he'd have to wait even longer with nothing but his own thoughts. Finally, after about 15 minutes, a cable car came down and he was able to board it. He sat down inside and took out his cellphone to quickly glance at the time. He also noticed that a text he had sent to Emm earlier still had no reply. He shrugged it off for now and put his phone back in his pocket before leaning into his hand as he looked out the window.
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Tori Crawford
Location: Waiting for Cable Car || Condition: Cold
Tori loosened her grip on the wheel, taking a deep breath. This was fine, she thought, she would be on time. Sure the kid's birthday party had ended a bit later than intended, but here she was in a clean set of clothes, on her way to have fun. This was a party, like old times. If.. around 5 years could be considered old times. She decided not to contemplate this.

Instead she looked out the window, spying the darkening clouds, and in the distance, the silhouette of a cable car, making its way through the sky. That was her destination, a place her phone was telling her was 5 minutes away. Make that 10, an hour, 3 days, lost signal.

Maybe just driving was the better solution. The road didn't seem to have many offshoots or intersections, not since it turned into a mildly bumpy dirt path. She hoped none of the bumps were roadkill, it would be a pain to clean that off.


Tori eased the car in under a tree and parked. The spot seemed more worn than the rest of the unofficial lot. Few other cars were there, it appeared this really was the small gathering described in the texts.

She grabbed her camera, locked her car, and pulled up her scarf. It was freezing outside, conditions she may have under-prepared for. A miserable wait in the cold was almost surely in store.

As she joined the "crowd", she sighed. The cold cut deep within her, stealing her warmth to form a small cloud of mist. "Mondays. I'd have a Friday any day over a Monday."


The cafeteria buzzed with excitement as kids sat down the eat and socialize, flirt and tease, but Karin buzzed with a different excitement. She was nervous, and for a good reason, too. Today was the day she would ask her crush out. For three years they had been friends, and ever since the day she saved her, she couldn't help but feel something for the girl. She was the first person to really reach out to her and help her.

Karin had planned this for months now, deciding to wait till the anniversary of their friendship before making the first move. Of course, she watched the girl for signs she might reciprocate her feelings, and she saw plenty. She would playfully touch her, smile, make eye contact, ask her to hang out, things that show that someone's interested to take a relationship to the next level, and so she was ready.

Following the girl, Karin sat down right next to her, her cheeks flushed and hands clammy at the thought of asking her out in front of everyone, just like how she saved her from everyone. "Hey, are you alright?" The soft voice brought her back to reality, looking up to meet the gaze of a concerned looking Emm, "You seem a bit out of it."

"W-What? N-No... I-I'm fine." She stuttered, hoping the lie wasn't too obvious. It wasn't very believable, but somehow, it seemed like Emm either didn't catch on or didn't care, and she sincerely hoped it was the later.

Her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest, the sound of the cafeteria seeming to get louder and louder before Karin quick stood up from the table, eyes closed, "Emmanuelle Layton," She spat out, opening her eyes to find the brown ones she had first met three years ago that day, "will you be my... g-girlfriend?"

There was a wave of silence that invaded the cafeteria, everyone stared at the scrawny, short, brown haired girl ask out the queen bee of the school, and in that moment, she knew she had made a mistake. She knew this wasn't going to work- she was stupid for getting her hopes up in order to think that it possibly might. The look on Emm's face said it all, "Karin... I'm sorry..."

Before Karin could even process what just happened, she was already moving, leaving the cafeteria, ignoring the calls for her to come back. Pushing through the doors of the school's entrance, she felt a firm grasp on her arm pulling her back.

"Karin, wait!" Emm called, turning Karin around to face her, "Wait for what?" Karin yelled, refusing to make eye contact, afraid that it would make more tears fall than necessary, "For them to make fun of me? For you to rip off the band aid of rejection?" Her feelings overwhelmed any fear she had of saying something she didn't mean. Any words she could muster, flew out of her mouth, "I thought I-I meant something to you."

"What? Karin, you d-"

"Says the girl that just ripped my heart out in front of the entire school! I trusted you, Emm. You lead me on like some sheep. I was there for you for three years. I was by your side and did your bidding for three. Years. And this is what it gets me." Karin paused, sniffling and wiping away any tears as Emm spoke, "It's not my fault you decided to ask me in front of the entire-"

"Oh, fuck off, Emmanuelle! This is all because you tried to help me when I didn't need your help. If you just left me alone everything would've been fine." She screamed, snatching her arm away from the girl, biting her lip to keep her sobs in, "You got me. Is that all you wanted? Did you not want to keep me?"

The silence from Emmanuella's side left emptiness in Karin's stomach, looking into her eyes and saying the last words said between the two, "I guess not."

The nervous jitter in Karin's gut made it hard for her to focus on anything. After six or so years, Emmanuelle pops back into her life and invites her to a party despite everything that happened between the two. She knew that Emmanuelle wasn't in the wrong, it was her. At the time, she was embarrassed and frustrated, she didn't know what to do so she just lashed out, which wasn't the right thing to do. She knew that now, but it wasn't like she could go back and fix it, "No, you can't fix it, but you can still apologize." She thought to herself, biting her lip as the thought of talking to Emm made her stomach lurch.

With the bitter air taking any and all heat away from her extremities and her body aching from the climb to the cable cars, she was already feeling exhausted and it was only 5pm. Eventually, Karin made it to the cable cars in, roughly, one piece, but spotting no cart. Confused and suddenly having a burst of energy, she rushed to the edge of the mountain and held onto the bars, watching as a cart is slowly trekking up the line towards her.

"Sure, I end up waking up late, arriving a whole lot later than I planned, and I'm going to be even more late because of a stupid cart that couldn't be going any slower." She sighed, taking her attention off of the cart and looking around.

Suddenly, her breath was taken away. The scenery... was gorgeous. It was prettier than anything she's ever laid eyes on. The bright green trees against the snowy backdrop, the crystallin lake, it was astounding,"Maybe it's okay that I'm stuck here..."

(scroll for more)
code/design by Fable Fable
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interacting with: Diminium Diminium
woahthe man looked as if she'd just kicked him in the groin and destroyed all possibility of him becoming a father in the future. his grim expression and slitted, judging eyes almost made her laugh. they certainly didn't help her take this eli guy seriously.
woah"well then. apologies, cherie. who might you be, and where do you call home? i see foreign greetings are just that to you."
woahohhhhh HELL no. did he really just...? he did. "way to go from obnoxious baguette man to total asshole," she sighed, turning away from him and choosing to turn her attention to the scenery outside instead. she ignored the swoop of vertigo in her stomach. "'where do you call home? foreign greetings? ' the fuck is that supposed to mean, i'm from los angeles, not fucking north korea," she muttered under her breath. she'd gotten the "where are you really from" question about ten too many times, and if this guy thought he was better than her because whatever oh-so-cultured french greeting he was toting then he had another thing coming.
woahthe cable car lurched again when it reached the top. the doors slid open and yuna all but hurtled outside, eager to get off the swinging structure. she was relieved to stumble onto solid earth. there was only one person there: a pretty girl with long braids, her skin a splash of warmth against the cold backdrop of the mountain. "hey, are you waiting on anyone?" yuna asked her.
code by hoseok

Elijah Valentine Location: Top of the lift
Mood: Misunderstood
Condition: Cold
Tags: The Empress of Ice The Empress of Ice allure allure

"Way to go from obnoxious baguette man to total asshole."

He wanted to throw question after question towards her, he was so confused. Baguette man? Obnoxious? He had been being obnoxious? Usually a woman would smile, place her hand in his and he'd press his lips against the back of it momentarily before going on with either the conversation or his day. Forget confused, he was baffled. What had he done so wrong? His eyebrows drew up in momentary regret as she turned with a scowl to look out the window. What single part of anything he had done or said equalled being assholish?

He tucked his nose back into his scarf, opting to leave her alone as the cable car neared its destination. He already knew what he was going to do, but as he caught her whispers of annoyance it only cemented his future actions further. He felt like smacking himself on the forehead, but also wishing he could smack her across the cheek with his rejected hand. She must've thought he was asking her heritage, but that hadn't even come into his mind. He simply had wanted to know where she lived, because it certainly wasn't here. And the foreign greeting? That held true for everyone outside of France and Italy.

Exasperation swirled in the air around him as he knocked his head again when the car lurched to a stop. The moment the doors swung open the still-nameless woman bounded away, leaving him with a swinging cart and another major hit to the head. He groaned, but squared his wide shoulders as he ducked out of the car, taking confident strides onto the solid earth. The air, although brisk, was open and fresh as he replaced his black porkpie hat that he had held for the ride onto his head.

There was the girl he had just interacted with, the one he would find later and apologize to, hoping to reintroduce himself, talking to another lady with long dark hair who was well dressed for the weather. His grandmere would've scolded him for ignoring them both, especially the one he hadn't introduced himself to, but he felt that it was simply a better move to give the feistier one a bit of room. He made eye contact with the other woman momentarily and raised his hat a little, giving her a small smile before unbuttoning his peacoat to take a cigar and his zippo lighter from the inside of his coat. Pinching the pine-scented cigar in between his lips he managed to block the wind with his hand and set the tip alight.

If the unintroduced woman wanted to speak with him he'd gladly stroll over to do so, but for now he was staying where he was.
Michael's gaze was drawn by movement in his peripheral. The girl approaching with slightly downtrodden step was Tori Crawford, and a sly sort of smile crept out over Michael's sharp features. Her hair may have been curled, half her face briefly buried in the cloth of her scarf, but he would know those perceptive, round brown eyes anywhere.

He tilted his head to the side wolfishly, spreading his arms outwards.

"Tori, Tori, Morning Glory. Fancy seeing you here." His low voice curled over his words with a pleased sort of cadence, the faintest hint of an Irish accent he had adopted from his parents clipping his syllables. His voice sent ghosts curling through the frigid air.

Morning Glory was a nickname and specific monicker he had coined for Tori during high school, encouraged by the fact that he knew she was no cheery early riser - at least, she hadn't been in high school. He couldn't be sure of much of anything now. His gaze searched her form and her face for changes, each slight difference from his memory troubling him, though his smile wasn't dampened.

The camera in her grasp was a comfort. Some things stayed, at least.

"You remember me, don't you?" It sounded as if it was a tease of a question, though internally his inquiry was genuine. There was insecurity in his throat that he didn't betray, though that was nothing new.

After high school, he had hardly seen the majority of his friends. There hadn't been as many opportunities as before, and more than one of them had gone off to college with little more than a farewell behind them.

He took a step towards her, glancing away briefly as he noticed the cable car beginning to descend back towards them, no doubt empty now. It trembled in its path.
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"So you'll only be gone a couple days?" Heather said, fixing Ted with a meaningful look as he tossed clothes into the bag on his bed. "A couple. Maybe more. Who knows?" he replied, shrugging casually as his sister sighed. "It's a party, Heather. Calm." Sunnie commented as she relaxed next to the backpack, pulling faces at the ceiling as she bounced her heels up and down on the bed to amuse herself. "Why should I be? You have a entire house to yourself, and Ted's off to go drinking on the side of a mountain."

"I know! It's great isn't it?" Sunnie said gleefully, not attempting to hide the amusement in her voice. "No." Heather responded flatly before turning back to Ted. "Will we be able call you?" He shrugged again "Maybe?".

"Not helpful."

"Your welcome." Ted said happily. He finished stuffing his things into his pack and grabbed it. "Right. You." he pointed at Sunnie, who held her arms up in mock surrender, her face pulled into one of overly dramatic fear. "Behave like an adult. Don't burn my house down, and don't put anything weird up your nose." he commanded, his serious voiced undermined by his playful expression. "Shit. Responsibility. It's already fucking terrible." Sunnie stated melodramatically.

"You." Ted pointed to Heather now. "Stop taking so much responsibility. Lighten up, enjoy your time off."

"Do drugs!" Sunnie hissed in a hushed tone at her sister, eyes wide as she pointed accusingly at her "That means do drugs!". Heather nodded slowly, ignoring her twins command. "Okay. We'll see you soon. Take care."

"Drugsssss." Sunnie continued to mouth, adding "This is your conscience. Listen to the one on the bed. Do it!"

"I'll see you both soon, okay." Ted said, hugging Heather and nodding to Sunnie, who waved a hand in his vague direction.

- - - - -
Ted rubbed his gloved hands together as he hiked back towards the area where the cable car ended. He'd gotten off and no one had been about, so he'd decided on a small stroll. The scenery offered a plentiful view, and he'd entertained himself by throwing a couple snowballs, watching them sail through the air and disappear down the mountainside. The weather didn't suit him too much, and it was only at Heather's instance he'd bothered with proper clothing for such an environment at all. He was grateful for her help now, protected by the dark green parka, thick trousers and a balaclava which hid his face from the biting cold.

Coming back into sight of the cable car, Ted saw several figures nearby. One, even from a distance was very familiar. He broke into a grin beneath the black material covering his face and hurried his steps, nearing the group. Yet once close, Teddy slowed, moving as silently as he could behind his best friend, hoping the other two would give him away.

When he was positioned behind Kat, Ted dropped his head onto her right shoulder dramatically, his eyes gleaming as he put on a deliberately deep voice, one aided by his covered mouth. "Why, hello there stranger. What brings you here?" his excitement was clear, even as he teased his best friend.


Katiana V. Salkova
| Never Fight Fair, As That Is Inherently Unfair. Fight Instead So That The Unfair Becomes Fair, So As To Be Fair ~ Y. Salkova |
| location: hilltop by the cable car station | mood: impatient | currently: gettin' to know the folks |

The sun was starting to set ominously over the horizont, dark clouds gathering nearby. Storm always calmed Katiana for some odd reason, she believed it was the strong winds that would even move her thick braids that slowed down her train of thoughts but Kat had learned early on that the calm before a storm is nothing but an illusion. Soon th-... That... thing would start and she would function as good as a toddler in front of a serial killer.

And yet, here she was.

In the midst of an oncoming fucking storm, at the top of a fucking mountain, waiting for who knows how long for a fucking adorable, precious, piece of late shit, just so she can go and berate another piece of adorable shit for making her so damn worried.

Whoever said patience is a virtue is a fucking masoschistic, bubblehead piece of shit.

Thirty fucking calls, a hundred and fifty fucking unread messages, three fucking facetime attempts and thousands of curses; none yielded any results. And she was losing reception by the minute . Emmanuelle Layton could not be reached.

Neither could Rein, but at least she knew where that one was - that one was late.

Her chest heaved as a deep sigh escaped her, and she casually wrapped a handful of braids around her neck to act as a scarf. It didn't help much, in fact it was pretty useless but it was a old habit and it was hard to break. Luckily, she didn't have to be out on the cold for long, she mused, as the cable car finally reached the top. A small step forward was all she took before 'another fellow petite' woman hurled out of it, leaving the car slightly swinging.

Oh, Rein won't like that...

A soft smirk graced Kat's lips at the sight; she wasn't exactly the type to be happy because of others misery but she wasn't the type to stand ontop of fucking mountains in the cold with a storm coming. At this point, bored and slightly bothered, she didn't mind feeling a bit schadenfruede, especially when it was this harmless.

Before she could revel at the thought even more, the beautiful asian woman, who Kat recognized yet couldn't put her finger on from where, bounded up to her. "Hey, are you waiting on anyone?"

"More like...," she stood on her toes, completely distracted, trying to look past the, only slightly, shorter girl; craning her neck uncomfortably to the side "wishing...," a taller man, dressed in what Kat would call 'piss poor shit for the weather' clothes stepped out, "...that the cable car fell before said person gets off, but yes, I suppose I am."

Fuckity fucking fuck.

The sound of utter defeat slipped through her lips as she watched the doors close and the car turn. As her feet nestled down into the ground again, she turned confidently to the girl once more, this time with a smile stretching her tinted dark purple lips. "Sorry 'bout that, let me introduce myself," the soft crunch of light footsteps meeting earth reached Kat's ears before anyone else, and she paused for a mere second to take in the shadow approaching through the eyes of the beauty infront of her, "I'm Katiana Salkova," her shoulder felt heavy as Teddy's voice drowned out all other sounds.

She leaned her head gently on his, lifting her hand to pat his other cheek, "And this ladykiller," her joke was lame, she knew but chuckled nonetheless, "is Teddy."

Turning her head to the left, letting Teddy rest on her shoulder, she borrowed the echo of the mountain, her voice reaching all nearby, "So, you guys heading to Emm's right?"

code by spookie spookie
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Tori Crawford
Mood: Pleasantly Surprised
The cables were steadily retracting, bringing the car closer. Soon the car would arrive. With the clouds up above and the darkness approaching, it was picturesque, she would have taken out her camera if not for one thing.

The sound of her nickname. Tori's eyes darted away from the cable car and towards the source of the voice, the one person who called her by that name. "Micky!" He'd changed of course, everyone did. He was a bit more fit than he had been in school, but his sense of style and slight accent were the same as ever.

"Of course I remember you. How have you been?" Her scarf had slid down, which was already getting annoying. She slid it back up, hiding the smile on her lips, but not the one in her eyes. She hadn't been expecting to see him, but here he was.
Michael was kissed red in bursts by the cold. It nipped at his cheeks and his jaw, wrapping its long-fingered hands tightly about his bones. He shivered every now and again, yet this blended almost seamlessly with his natural fidgeting, the slight sway of his weight from one foot to the other. His shoulders were heavy and lax, rather than being tightly drawn to his form, as was natural with the chill sewed so tight to the skin. He still held his pack in his right hand, his fingertips wrung red and his knuckles aching from the stretch of his skin.

The immediate recognition in Tori's gaze encouraged him, smoothed some of his feathers that had been apt to ruffle. His slightly lopsided smile flashed a bit wider, baring his teeth in a fleeting ray. Her words had quieted any of his immediate doubts or misgivings in the moment, yet she was not the only one he was bound to face on this excursion. He knew Emmie was waiting somewhere on the other side of the incline with a smile that quite possibly might not prove to be as bright as he remembered. Perhaps even her freckles had gone. Unknowns were a thrill and an utter travesty, and he could never make up his mind about them. The world was a grey mess - without any clarity.

"How have you been?"

Tori's words brought him out of his somewhat dismal, slightly pessimistic train of thought onto another rickety train that was just as bleak, if not more so. His smile never slipped, his eyes held only a flicker of deviation, a resonance, something almost illusory in nature.

"Stupendous, doll. I've been stupendous. You know me." He shrugged his shoulders with a bit of a playfully cocky air, turning his gaze to watch the cable car near them. His statement was light and almost airy, it was hard to say if he was being sarcastic or not.

"What about you, Morning Glory? You doing anything with that camera these days?" He diverted the conversation away from him without being too overt. It was quite possible that he was simply more curious about her and how she had fared in the years of his absence. He wondered if she had been taking care of herself alright.

The cable car reached the station, and he gestured for her to enter first, a quirk to the corner of his mouth and a tremor to his form that might've been another shiver.

"After you."
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interacting with: Diminium Diminium
woah"more like... wishing... that the cable car fell before said person gets off, but yes, i suppose i am," the girl replied. alright then. yuna couldn't tell whether the girl was being sarcastic or whether her hatred really reached that degree, but either was admirable. her eyes darted to the side at the man approaching them. he plunked his head onto the girl's shoulder, and she proceeded to introduce them both.
woah"nice to meet you, katiana. ladykiller." she nodded at each of her new acquaintances and winked at teddy for the hell of it. probably shouldn't have, it was possible he and katiana were a couple considering how close they seemed. "i'm yuna... and the tall guy behind me is eli. please don't think we're together in any way, shape, or form." she chanced a glance over her shoulder at eli, who was standing off to the side wearing a fedora (oh my fucking god) and smoking a cigar like something straight out of a gangster film from the great depression. she perked up at katiana's next words. "emm's? yeah, that's why i'm freezing my ass off on this mountaintop. i probably could have made a better choice of plans to be honest, but," she shrugged and readjusted the drawstring bag on her shoulders, "i'm here now. might as well make some friends if i'm not going to know anyone at this party."
code by hoseok

Kenji Akiba
Mood : Cold af ⬙ Interactions : Karin Aiza ⬙ Mentions : Corgi Corgi

"Get outta here and actually enjoy yourself for once." were the last words he heard from his friend (mostly classmate and roommate), Dave, as he forced him out of the dorms, handing Kenny Suzu's leash. It wasn't that Kenny didn't want to leave, he just really wanted to finish typing his paper. "I was just about to leave anyways... Kinda in like maybe thirty minutes," He muttered under his breath, fixing his scarf. Suzu scampered around a bit sticking her nose in the snow. Kenny audibly gasped and took out his phone to snap a picture of her. God, he loved his dog so much. He then proceeded to text as he waited for two of his triplet sisters, Kayoko and Kasumi, to pick him up. As the party was up in the mountains and he didn't currently own a car, it was smart to just ask for a ride. If only they would get here.

Speak of the devil, the telltale squeaks of Kayoko's beater sounded around the corner. "Finally. Probably should've changed out of my scrubs, but Dave kicked me out just after I grabbed the costume and Suzu," Kenny thought and sighed before he heard his sisters come to a hard stop.

Kasumi soon cranked the window down said, "Get in the back you loser." She promptly, or rather slowly, rolled the window back up.

"That's really kind, taking shot gun," Kenny said, sarcastically before ushering Suzu into the back seat. After shutting the door, Kenny took out several pieces of paper, stapled neatly. "This is a list of all of Suzu's needs when you watch her. Remember to follow EVERYTHING as written. If you hurt my baby, I will kill you both. Love you~" Kenny said as the car starting moving. Suzu laid her head on Kenny's lap causing him to take another picture and more cooing noises.

Kasumi popped her head back to look at him and said, gasping. "How dare you accuse me of not being able to properly care for Suzu. I love her too!" She reached back to pet her head, but Kenny slapped her hand away quickly. Kayoko snickered.

"Don't touch her I'm having a moment," He said, patting Suzu again. "I'm not going to see her for a solid weekend," Kenny says, before pausing to kiss Suzu on the head. "Daddy loves you, Suzu-chan~" Kenny began his cooing again while Kasumi and Kayoko made gagging noises. "Hush, you don't know true love. I'm gonna take a nap with my One True Love now, so make me up when we get to the mountains."

Kasumi scoffed loudly, "What a terrible big brother." Kayoko merely chuckled as Kenny used a very rude hand gesture before promptly closing his eyes. Almost immediately, he started snoring.

some time later...

Kenny awoke with a snort as Kayoko's hunk of junk came to a quick stop. Kasumi personally came to his side of the door just to open it and slap his face. "OW! What the fuck Kasumi," Kenny groaned, rubbing his now sore cheek.

"To wake you up. Now get out and tell lovely Yuna, I said hi. Tell her she's hot. Also, don't worry about Suzu, she'd rather spend more time with us than you." Kasumi said, winking whenever she talked about Yuna, causing Kenny to grimace every time. "Now, get out," Kasumi finished, pulling his out of the car and then throwing him his coat. "Also, it's like really fucking cold so bundle up. Please don't die of hypothermia. Bye, we love you," Kasumi finished, slamming the door, jogging back to her side of the car, and hopping back in. Before Kenny could protest, Kayoko drove off, leaving Kenny in the snow with his jacket and his hiking backpack.

"That was pretty rude," He thought, standing and brushing himself off. His sisters could be so mean to him sometimes, their older brother. He quickly pulled on the heavy, puffy coat, trying to block out the cold. Damn, he really didn't think it would be this cold, in fucking October. Kenny looked up the mountain, seeing the short, but tiring-looking trek to the cable car station. "I'm fine..." he mumbled to himself, trying to get to the top as quick as he could.

After a bit of complaining and slipping exactly twice, Kenny finally arrived at his destination. He saw a female (maybe?) shaped figure standing around the cable-car site, closer to the edge. "I should probably go say hi," Kenny thought, pulling his scarf down a bit, to show his face. He didn't want to scare them or something. He made his way over, rather noisily. "Hey! Uh, pretty cold up here, huh? Hopefully, the cable car comes soon." He said, voice stumbling a bit. "Good job, Kenny, you messed up already." He thought, smiling while mentally slapping himself. He walked to the opposite side of her, nearly choking seeing the sudden drop. They were really high up.

Kenny swallowed thickly and glanced over at the woman (now confirmed) standing next to him. Recognition suddenly flashed across his face as he, subtlety, examined her face. "You, uh, look familiar. Do I know you by any chance," Kenny said, attempting to put a name to the face. It had been a good five or so years since he'd been in high school after all. Kenny cleared his throat and began again, "My name is Kenji, Kenji Akiba, by the way! I didn't mean to be rude." Kenny extended his hand and gave a slightly awkward smile. She just seemed so familiar.

mobile friendly scroll code by n u n c h i n u n c h i
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While admiring the view, Karin failed to notice the person coming up behind her, so when he spoke, she practically jumped out of her skin. Eyes widened, she turned around to see a rather cute, dark haired boy. With her heart trying to calm itself down, she cleared her throat and nodded, "Yeah. I haven't been waiting that long but let's hope that it comes fast because my hands are already numb." She joked, cracking a small smile before looking back at him at his question.

The boy looked like someone she may have known, dark, intense eyes that didn't fit his soft expression, messy looking hair, there was something familiar about all of it but she couldn't quite place it. "My name is Kenji, Kenji Akiba, by the way! I didn't mean to be rude." Her jaw dropped when she heard the name, "W-Wait- Kenji? Chemistry Kenji? My partner in high school Kenji?" She asked, placing a hand over her mouth as she stared at him, imagining the skinny, dorky boy that somehow turned into the man she was seeing now.

"Then again," she thought, "you did turn from that geeky, acne ridden, glasses-too-big-for-her-face girl into someone who would actually pass as a person."

"I'm Karin Aiza." She said, hoping the name would jog his memory. She wasn't very outstanding in high school, so she'd understand if he didn't remember her, but she was hoping he's have the same reaction as she did or else she'd feel a bit bad for being so surprised.

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code/design by Fable Fable
interracting : n u n c h i n u n c h i
Tori Crawford
Location: Cable Car || Condition: Precariously Balancing Small, Expensive Object
It was nice to know that Micky had been doing well, Tori had briefly worried that he had gone through some things since they last met. Seems that wasn't the case.

"What about you, Morning Glory? You doing anything with that camera these days?"

Well of course she'd been using her camera, just not in the way she would have preferred. Still, something was better than nothing. "I've got some pics of my cousin's friend's kid's birthday party if that's what you meant." That reminded her, she had wanted to a picture on the scene.

Tori considered her options, staring at her camera in its case. On the one hand, she wanted to take a pretty picture. On the other, the birthday photos still weren't backed up, and with the current freezing weather.. Well.. Just one picture couldn't hurt.

She began to undo the restraints of the case, her fingers stiff from the cold.

"After you."

Oh, the cable car was here. Shame. She had been hoping to get a shot of the lines from this perspective but it seemed that wouldn't be the case. "Oh, right. Thanks." Holding the camera in her arms, Tori stepped into the small, dangling cable car.

She transferred the mess to one arm, balanced with the crook of her elbow and the corresponding hand. The other hand held the door open. "Your turn."
Interacted: Rhaine Rhaine
Michael "Mick" Breen
"I've got some pics of my cousin's friend's kid's birthday party if that's what you mean."

Mick's smile loosened a bit wider, a warm stretch of his lips, slightly chapped by the dry air. A low, golden sound left him, a laugh just as much as it was a noise of relief, of appreciation. It was almost a conversation they could have had five years ago. He could faintly see it - his stature a bit shorter, a bit leaner, more slender, his skin less scarred, his torso clothed in a band tee from some obscure band composed entirely of scruffy, sad men with echoing filters over their keening voices. Her a bit shorter as well, her hair straighter, a camera still tucked securely in her grasp, the same perceptive look to her gaze. He couldn't say it had been a simpler time, at least not for him, but it was one he was familiar with, at least when it came to Tori and the others he had drifted from. He hadn't meant to, not really - it was what he told himself, though deep down, he wasn't sure it was really the truth.

"I hope it was a real rager. Did you contain yourself or did you embrace the intoxicating throes of festivity?" He teased, putting an exaggerated, prolonged sort of cadence to his words. He waggled his dark eyebrows at her.

He shifted, preparing to follow her into the cable cart. It swayed ever so slightly. The wind cut right through him as if he was made of the thinnest of silks. He gave a nod as she held it open, striding through with a confident gait. The movement antagonized the vast bruise over his ribs, but he didn't let a grimace mar his pleasant expression. The last he had seen of the bruise, it had been a range of shades that mocked a storm-ridden sky - purples and reds and yellows right at the outlying edges.

"Thanks very much, doll." It might have been his imagination, but he could almost feel his weight making a difference in the bearing of the cart. It began its climb upward, chasing the wind, yet never able to catch up. The air moved curiously, mingling with the dark strands of his hair that blew free from their tie. It shuddered every so often.

His gloaming eyes regarded Tori with a hint of amusement that betrayed no fear or even anxiety. "If we fall to our death, know that I have no regrets. Not one." It was an attempt at a jest, to acknowledge the possibility that weighed heavy over his mind in the moment. He spoke with assurance and almost mock-sincerity. Him possessing no single regret was so far from the truth that he found it laughable. It ignited the amused shine to his gaze, a devilish turn to his head.

The climb had been slow when he had watched it from the station, yet now it seemed to slip by without much obtrusiveness. They soon reached the end of their trip.
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'Ted' Reece
The Empress of Ice The Empress of Ice allure allure Diminium Diminium

Ted kept his head perched on Kat's shoulder, even as he tugged off his balaclava, stuffing it into his pocket before smiling over at the new comers. He exaggeratedly mouthed 'killer' in response to his new title, grinning widely. Straightening up, he left Kat's shoulder as the blonde greeted them. The small wink sent his way made Teddy tilt his head slightly, a playful smile taking over as he raised his eyebrows slightly at Yuna. His eyes lingered on her for a second before looking to Eli, who seemed to making himself very comfortable. Smoking casually atop the mountain. Ted offered a nod in his direction.

"The things we do for people we know, right?" Ted said, shrugging as he pointedly didn't look at Kat. "Not that it isn't great to hear from Em again, but, ya know." he gestured vaguely at scenery around them. "It's cold as hell and an odd place for a reunion." He shoved his hand deep into his jacket pockets, as if to prove his point.

"Do know anyone else who is coming then?" Ted asked, addressing his question to Yuna. Glancing at Kat he continued "I know Karin's probably... Somewhere. We should put a bell on her or something. She'd probably just play with all day though."


Katiana V. Salkova
| Listen child, forgive or your heart will be heavy and your soul dark, but never forget, only fools forget. ~ Y. Salkova |
| location: hilltop by the cable car station | mood: flirtatious, near fearful | currently: hoping against hope |

The wink did not go unnoticed, the comforting weight of Teddy's head on her shoulder disappearing and Kat's warm smile instanteously turned into a playful smirk. She glanced at her ol' partner-in-crime, a slight wiggle to her eyebrows and a devilish twinkle in her eyes. She wanted to pout, as the woman was quite attractive and bold, a trait Kat admired as she wouldn't have minded getting that wink herself. Her gaze held new interest as she took her in, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she'd seen her somewhere before.

Well no shit Sherlock, she's probably a friend of Emm's, why else would she be on a fucking mountain with an oncoming fucking thunderstorm in freakin' October? Skiing? Are you dumb?

But that wasn't quite it. Kat just couldn't put her finger on it, but she let it go for now. At the moment there was far more important things to adress, "Please, call me Kat. Or Katya. Or K... Or anything else you would like," she teased jokingly, before her voice turned slightly strained with a light urgency to it, echoing in the backdrop of the hills behind her. "I don't... Katiana seems a bit of a mouthful, no?"

"I'm Yuna...", and the beauty finally had a name, "and the tall guy behind me is Eli.", Kat let her gaze drift over to said tall guy but it snapped back as Yuna continued, "Please don't think we're together in any way, shape, or form."


"Duly noted.", she chuckled.

Now she was curious. And while Kat knew curiousity killed the cat, she couldn't quite keep her eyes off the smoking figure in the distance. He was handsome, she´d admit, but that wasn't what kept her interested. Nor was it the fact that he had openly ignored her subtle invite to join the group. Nor was it that she recognized him from some pictures of Karin's from the time before she had met the girl. It wasn't any of that.

It was the hat.

The fucking fedora.

That she didn´t have.

That she wanted, and as Yuna confirmed her suspicions, Kat ripped her eyes from the man to make out some response. "Yeah, typical Emm, huh..."

She wasn't trying to be rude, really, it was just that the thought of the hat calmed her down as she fidgeted. Kat didn't stop noticing the growing dark clouds, and the fact that she was in the middle of a fucking mountain, and that lightning struck at the highest and nearest point to said clouds, and that she was currently at said highest and nearest point to said fucking clouds.

In fact, the whole idea made her act slightly out of character, which most wouldn't notice.

Fucking storm, fucking mountain, fucking thunder. Shit, shit, shit.

She took a few subtle deep breathes, and let her lungs fill with the tiniest amount of smoke residue drifting her way from Eli's lit cigar.

It was french.

Like the type her friend Louise smoked. It calmed her, grounding her thoughts to memories from being in a bar, where safety from storms was almost guaranteed. With that in mind, she ignored her best friend's clearly directed comment towards her, she ignored his open joke about Rein, which she otherwise would have joined in on, and let her voice reach out to the figure in the distance.

She needed that smell closer, and she also needed to know where he bought that hat. "Hey Handsome", she flirted relentlessly, her mind foggy with fear, "mind sharing tha-"

Kat didn't have the chance to turn on her charms before the creak of the car cable returning to the station interuppted her mid-sentence. Her eyes lit up at the thought of her long-awaited friend being on it - at the thought of finally heading over to the mansion.

Rein better be on that... Please. Be. On. That. One.

code by spookie spookie
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Elijah Valentine Location: Mountaintop
Mood: Piqued interest
Condition: Cold
Tags: The Empress of Ice The Empress of Ice allure allure Volfy Volfy

He barely noticed the first time the woman glanced at him, ever so slightly cocking a dyed green eyebrow over in his direction after he tipped his hat her way. He was too focused on pinching the cigar between his lips, inhaling the earthy scent of cedar that filled the air. He was so fond of the scent that took him back to the smoking incense in his grandmere's tea room. The sticks that stuck up from the rocks would always be scented after trees or rained-out decals of nature. He couldn't stand the strong smell as a young teenager but now it was comforting to sit in the midst of the scented smoke, the cloak acting like a faraway hug from his grandmere herself, eight thousand miles away, looking into the clouds of an oncoming storm that brewed and bubbled angrily in front of the small group. He placed a hand on his hat to keep it firmly planted on his head despite the wind as he momentarily looked over at the group, although he was still engulfed in thought the girl with the odd eyebrows caught his eye again. She seemed to be staring at him, a look of mild horror frozen onto her face as the rather unfortunate cable car girl and another man he'd introduce himself to chatted her up.

She called to him, eyes trained on his cigar. He blew smoke out of his mouth and nose, ghosts and dragons fleeing away as her words pulled him towards her.

"Hey Handsome..." she cooed, "Mind sharing tha--" She never finished her sentence, her attention diverted by the presence of the dreaded cable car that came to the crest of the mountain, the door opening to let out the passengers. He strolled towards the group, taking full confident strides towards the group. The women were small but he could tell by the way the man laid his head on beckoning girl's shoulder that he was tall. He made sure to square his shoulders underneath his peacoat and scarf as he came within earshot. He took the glowing cigar from between his lips, but holding it at chest level as he came closer. "Share what? My company, or my cigar?" He took a quick drag, letting the smoke leak out of his mouth as he spoke, gazing down at the woman. "I'd be glad to do both." Adjusting his scarf with his free hand he extended his hand towards her. "You're familiar," he told her with a kind smile. "I'm usually better with names, forgive me. I'm Elijah Valentine, but Eli does spectacularly. Care to remind me who you are?" He asked, putting on his most endearing smile. He could feel cable car girl's eyes on him and he had to make a good impression in front of any onlookers.
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