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Futuristic Tʜᴇ Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀs (ᴅʏsᴛᴏᴘɪᴀɴ ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ)


Terrance Clemens

Terrance looked over at Nyx, she looked nervous. "Well, first thing's first, you need to relax. Aint no way we're gonna get through here unscathed if you're gonna be carrying yourself like that," he peeked around the wall that he was hugging. No guards were in sight, but that didn't mean they weren't watching. He turned back around at Nyx, he hesitated for a moment before instructing her, he wasn't sure if she;d go through with what he was about to tell her. "Okay, you need to go first.. just trust me its best," he wasn't trying to sound like a coward, in fact, he actually had reasoning behind this. If they were spotted, he'd be able to use his ability on whoever seen them, and it would be easier to do so on his way out of cover, rather than him peeking out of cover after already reaching safety. He didn't feel comfortable explaining it to Nyx. No, not yet, it was far too early to get a read on whether to trust her or not.

His eyes looked at Nyx, who was looking at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"Well... You know how to run right? Head for that ditch, there's a drainage pipe big enough for us to fit in somewhere along it," He pointed north of their position. No expert maneuvering, or finesse was required here. Just luck. The guard's rotations covered this area, so not being caught in the midst of their patrol could be planned had they been allotted more time, but Terrance wanted this done fast, he had faith in his plans.

"Once I say so, run for it.... and don't keep looking back like you were earlier, you'll get tripped up." He said this with a tone of cockiness, as if he were some expert and Nyx was his student. "Okayyyyy.. Go. Now." He said as he forced her forward into the open, there was no way she wouldn't run now. Once she had slid safely into the ditch, undetected, Terrance made his run for it. It was too easy. Nyx tried peering up from the ditch they were in but Terrance pulled her back down,"We're safe, don't jinx it, drainage pipe's just ahead. Keep down." He crawled on his stomach, like a soldier, and ended up getting to the pipe. He pried off the bars that were pretending to still be intact with the pipe(he had previously filed them down so that he could pull them off) and laid them quietly on the dirt ground. This time he'd go first. "Close the door on your way in," he said jokingly, referring to the metal.

The sewers were how you'd imagine them to be. Revolting and ominous. He thought the city was bad. He glanced at his watch again, they were making good time. He also needed it to direct himself, the watch contained a small compass in one of the upper quadrants of the dial. He turned in the appropriate direction,
"North," he said pointing in the way he was headed. "Hope you don't mind the smell.. it only gets worse." He chuckled a bit, and slid his hands into his pockets. They only needed to walk for about 5 minutes before they would reach their destination. He was positive they were in the Northern district of town by now.

Terrance approached the ladder which led up to a manhole. He put some stress on the rusty ladder, making sure it wouldn't give out with his weight on it. He looked at Nyx,
"Well, we're here." Putting his feet on the bottom rung of the ladder he started his climb up to the top. The manhole cover was heavy, he checked to make sure no one was watching, he didn't want to answer the questions they'd ask. Emerging from a sewer isn't really the norm, even for this city. Terrance waited for Nyx to reach the top, he helped her up and kicked the cover back on top of the hole, leaving a little space so he could access it again on their way out. "Alright, now you take point," he told her, examining all of the buildings, they sure were nicer than anywhere else in the city. Maybe he'd find something nice.

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Markus Fromm

They were on the move now. Thankfully, the Peculiar on the roof hadn't noticed Markus. He had used this advantage to follow the girl known as Nyx, who evidently seemed to be following someone on the ground level. Probably another Peculiar. Heh. This was quite a find. The young man had to make sure these two didn't get away. Although he could have simply stopped and apprehended them on the spot. But the German's curious nature had gotten the better of him.

He followed close. But he was sure to maintain a safe enough distance to avoid the risk of being detected. This was part of the hunt. A hunter would not simply walk up to a deer and shoot it in the face. No, the hunter would wait and watch in attempt to find the precise moment to fire. This was no different. Markus was the hunter. The two Peculiars, were the deer..

At some point the young man had found himself having to make contact with the ground once more, as the two seemed to be heading toward the junkyard. And maneuvering around the military checkpoint to do so. At this point, Markus had more than enough reason to place a bullet in the back of both of their skulls. But he didn't. Like the hunter he was, he would watch and wait. He kept his footsteps quiet, which was a rather difficult feat to accomplish due to his heavy boots. But he proceeded, occasionally taking cover behind piles of debris to be sure he wasn't seen.

As he continued the pursuit, he eventually hadn't even needed to see where he was headed. Markus had gazed at the tall metal walls surrounding the perimeter of the junkyard, but it was the stench that had marked their location. Rotting garbage, dead animal carcasses, old oil, burning rubber. It all meshed into its own unique odor that could make any mans' stomach churn. But Markus was on the job. He could not afford to let such things cloud his current objective.

He watched from a distance. They were entering the junkyard through a panel of loose sheet metal on the left-most corner. The German had to make a mental note to inform the maintenance crew to fix that when he returned. But for now, it was time to move. First it was the leading Peculiar, who appeared to be a male from the looks of it. The following was the other who was identified as Nyx Aldain. Time to close the gap. Once the two made their way into the junkyard, Markus quickly approached the makeshift opening and peered through it, only to see that the two had continued advancing but staying well-hidden. Where on earth were they going? Wherever it was, it seemed the leading male has done this before..

Markus's lithe build allowed him to slide through the loose metal with ease. But from then on, he made no notion to try and stay hidden. Doing that would only give him the off-chance of being shot at by a tower guard. He stood and walked slowly, one of his pistols at the ready as he advanced toward the two. Who had apparently jumped down into a drainpipe? Disgusting.. But nonetheless, the young man had pursued onward. Waiting at the opening of the drainage pipe, he had waited until the two's footsteps were nothing more than a subtle echo before deciding to jump down and land as quietly as he could. Ugh...the smell was horrendous. Oh well. At least no one will come looking for the bodies down here..

He saw the two in the dark distance, being sure he kept close to the wall and the shadows had they decided to look back. How far were they planning to go? Thankfully his question was answered when he saw the male stop at a rusted metal pipe-ladder leading up to a manhole opening. This was it. Now all he had to do was wait for the two to make their way up. He remained crouched as he waited, his green hues almost piercing through the darkness as he watched them climb their way up the metal rungs and finally close up the manhole with its metal cover. This was when Markus advanced, running up to the same pipe-ladder and holstering his pistol before beginning to climb his way up. He could hear them now, almost as clear as day. His next move had to be precise. It had to be perfect..

Seeing as the manhole lid was left slightly off, Markus carefully raised a hand up to gently slide the lid off just a tad more. But he couldn't waste any more time. Just as soon as his hand went down did it grab one of the flashbang grenades on the belt strapped over his chest. The young man brought the grenade up to his face, using his teeth to pull out the metal pin as his other hand held the rung of the ladder, and made a quick motion to toss the grenade up from the opening of the manhole and to have it land on the ground, hopefully by the feet of the two targets. That's when he counted down. 4...3...2...1... Then, looking down to avoid the flash and simultaneously grabbing his handgun, the grenade let off a bang as loud as a sniper rifle shot and released a miraculously brilliant flash of white light. Staring directly at the flashbang as it went off could cause loss of sight for up to an hour, but the young mechanic didn't need an hour. He only needed 5 seconds..



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◢◤ ℕʏx Ḻɪʟʟɪᴀɴ Ѧʟᴅᴀɪɴ ◥◣

"Trust me. I'm not okay."

"It smells disgusting in here." Nyx wrinkled her nose in disgust as they walked through the sewer. She thought she heard the slightest sound of an extra pair of footsteps, but she quickly decided that she could either be imagining it or hearing her own footsteps' echoes. She followed Terrance with a quiet determination, hoping to turn her attention away from the smell. She couldn't possibly imagine how it could only get worse, or how he must somehow go down here regularly. She could barely stand it now, and would hate to have to come down here again. She promised herself they were taking the suspended railways that rested above many of the buildings. After the two headed down it, they could easily find a way back without being seen and not going through a sewer. She headed up the ladder once they finally made it to their destination, and grabbed his hand as he helped her up.

She stood up, tugged at her shirt, and looked around as Terrance mentioned it was her call now. Nyx nodded, smiling as she realized now it was her turn to contribute. She figured that the houses a few streets down were the least disturbed, and in turn would be the most stocked. She would make sure nobody was home in each one, and would then go into them. She didn't want to cause a scene. Not today, at least. She wanted to get out of this unscathed.
"I think we'll head that way. Less people, less danger." She said, pointing to the side with her thumb. She turned her head and tugged at her loose ponytail; a nervous habit. She liked to portray herself as being 'the tough girl' to others, mainly because she hoped to one day convince herself that that's what she was. She wondered whether or not she should pull out her machete or not. If she did, she would have a better defense, but she could also be seen as a threat around any who saw her. But if she didn't, she could be ambushed easier, and therefore would be more at risk. She was never good when it came to quick decisions.

Nyx decided it would be better to keep it close, but sheathed. Her hand automatically touched the handle of it. The machete itself was easily concealed by her oversized, thin cargo jacket, and she hoped it only looked like she was putting her hand in the pocket of her jeans. Her clothing was much like the fashion she used to wear, except now much more simple. She wore a long sleeved, light gray shirt and faded jeans with rips at the legs, though they weren't purchased like that. The rips had come from a fight that had caused her to walk with a limp for a week. There was even still blood stains at the very edges of each tear. She began to walk towards the street of seemingly quiet houses, which were hopefully home to extra supplies that could be...borrowed. She began to jog towards it, carrying her small stature with an odd grace that suggested she'd came through this way many, many times before. Such an assumption would be right, as well. A close friend of hers used to live around here, and she would visit her during high school all the time. Her old house was a little ways off, though, and she doubted her friend still lived there now. She wasn't even sure if she was still alive, to be honest. Nyx couldn't help but doubt that she did.

She turned around quickly to make sure Terrance was following, but instead saw a small, metal object roll towards him. Her eyes widened and she lunged out of the way, hoping to get behind an overturned car. She heard a loud bang behind her, and her ears began to ring. It was disorientating, but she still had a sliver of sense to realize that she was right when she thought that they
had been followed. She realized now that she had to do something, because whoever it was wasn't very friendly. She let out a blood-curdling scream, hoping that whoever would become even more disorientated when she was. Her machete was now in hand, and she waited to see anyone out of the ordinary and hopefully charge at them, even though her head was spinning.

Terrance Clemens

Terrance felt as if a can of some sorts bumped into his foot. Before he knew it, he couldn't see, or hear. Someone had been stalking them all along, and now he, and Nyx were going to die because of how naive he had been. No, no it's not my fault, Nyx should've said something.. That was the best excuse he could come up with, but if he was going to be killed momentarily, he couldn't stand being in the wrong. The force of the grenade bursting open knocked him off his feet, and sent Terrance swirling to the ground, his elbows cushioned the blow of the fall, keeping the back of his skull intact.

If only I could see.. Terrance was sure to have been able to use his peculiar power on whoever was about to emerge from the manhole, trick the asshole into going back to wherever he had come from. He had never experience temporary blindness before, so he couldn't count on his eyesight kicking back in anytime soon, for now, he was considering himself totally incapable of seeing, rendering himself pretty much useless, especially since he had no means of personal defense.

Just as he tried to scramble himself up from the ground, a disorienting screech came from where he had seen Nyx last. He had no clue what exactly it was, but his best bet was that Nyx was a peculiar, and that was why they were being tracked down.
Sitting ducks. They could have been killed that entire time, they were sitting ducks. Hopefully this idea of hers disabled their assailant as much as it did to him, there was no way they could stand up to the banshee-like scream she was letting out.

Although his eardrums were severely aching, Terrance was quite impressed. Not only at her ability, but at the fact that she was a peculiar, just like him, the entire time. If he got out of this alive he would definitely have to thank her, and perhaps teach her a thing or two, if she wanted.

His hands covered the sides of his head, and his hair was even being moved from the sound waves. He couldn't do much so he remained crouched, wherever his body had landed, and hoped Nyx could handle it. She was fairly independent looking, and she seemed like someone you didn't want to mess with, so he felt as if she had this. If there was a God to believe in, a God to beg for mercy to, now was the time to get on his good side, Terrance didn't want to die just yet.


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Markus Fromm

BANG! Although he was able to avoid the flash, Markus heard the loud noise the grenade produced ring in his ears. but he couldn't shirk now. Now was the time for action. As soon as the light had dimmed, the German pushed the lid of the manhole fully out of the way before launching upwards and onto the concrete street. And there he saw one, the male Peculiar was only feet away. But not for long, as Markus quickly closed the gap between him and the freak, maneuvering behind the disoriented male. Simultaneously, he sent the butt of his pistol to connect with the back of the male's head while his leg positioned between the other others' and swept one outward in attempt to harshly connect the Peculiar with the ground..

With that said, his pistol was positioned to aim directly at the back of the Peculiar's head with a finger ready to pull the trigger. But that was when he remembered. There were two of them. Where was the girl, Nyx Aldain? His gaze shooting upward, he quickly darted his vision left and right in attempt to locate the other Peculiar. And there she was! The girl was but a few yards away behind an old car, the mechanic being able to notice her due to his standing angle giving him the view of her long blond hair. He had found his targets.

Keeping his one pistol aimed firmly at the back of the male's head, his free hand quickly grabbed the other in its back holster to bring up towards the car where Nyx Aldain had been hiding behind. He had them now...or at least that's what he had thought. But those thoughts changed when a skull-splitting shriek ripped through Markus's eardrums. He could even feel it in his bones it was so loud. He screamed, though that was inaudible over the siren-like shriek that caused his arms to tremble. Immediately he knew where it had been coming from. That damn girl. This must have been her power. And a peculiar caught using their power in public, especially against a Delphi enforcer, was punishable by immediate execution.

It was now or never. He had to end this girl's unbearable wail. His shaky hand aimed and quickly took fire, one of his guns' hollow-point bullets whizzing through the air towards the girl behind the car, looking to find a home in her skull. Unfortunately Markus's unsteady aim had caused it to just miss Nyx's skull but nearly grazing it, actually skidding over the girl's ponytail band that held the girl's hair up. He knew before the bullet even did that that he had missed his shot, and had went to take another. But the scream was to unbearable to not cover at least one ear, and in response Markus threw his one pistol off to the side and covered one ear. It was painful, and the German very much wanted to cover the other ear in hopes he could keep his skull in one piece. But he could not drop his other firearm. He


not. His hearing doesn't matter if they're already in his sights.

With much effort and a still-trembling hand, Markus took his other pistol's aim off of the male Peculiar and focused it towards Nyx. He began to open-fire, slowly unloading his clip while firing at the girl in attempt to eventually shoot the bitch. All while doing so, he was slowly advancing toward the car she hid behind to increase the angling to his favor and progressively making closer and closer shots. His eyes were squinted though do to the immense ringing that vibrated in his head, which also hindered his impeccable aiming. Damn freak...



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◢◤ ℕʏx Ḻɪʟʟɪᴀɴ Ѧʟᴅᴀɪɴ ◥◣

"Trust me. I'm not okay."

She looked over the car to see Terrance on the ground, his hand clasped over his ears. He would just have to deal with that. She was saving his life, after all. She also saw the man who followed them, who threw his gun to the side to put his hand over his ear as well. He had another though, and it was aimed at her. And he began advancing as soon as he spotted Nyx.

Haha! It was working. She knew that after this her voice would be torn to shreds, and she would more than likely not even be able to speak a whisper. But that didn't even matter. She was determined to not die against this stupid gang member. A bullet grazed her head, snapping her ratty ponytail holder and making her hair fall. The best part about her power is she could scream for quite a while, but the longer she did, the longer her recovery would be. His arm shook as he aimed and shot, each time missing her by a smaller distance. She lurched to the side, hoping to offset his aim. Nyx screamed louder as he enclosed the space between the two, hoping to at least make an eardrum bleed. That was always satisfying in some sort of sick way. Maybe she loved her power a little too much, or maybe it was just the fact that the two shared a mutual hate of each other, and Nyx also loved seeing her enemies writhe in pain. She darted behind another car, not wanting to stay in one place for too long. He could aim better if she did. And then she saw her chance to strike back.

She lunged at him, her eyes wild and her machete out. She held the handle by both hands and swung to the side, hoping to catch something, anything. Preferably his arm, but any body part would be pretty helpful. She closed her eyes for a moment, and the opened them again, with the uneasy hope that blood was on its blade.


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Markus Fromm

Damnit! The screeching was getting even louder as Markus dared to moved to close the distance between him and Nyx. He couldn't let up though, not for s single moment. If he did, that could mean the difference between him putting a bullet between the Peculiar's eyes and letting the girl get away. And he was definitely going for the prior of the two. He saw her begin to move, heading to dart behind another car for cover. Bullets continued to fly towards Nyx Aldain, only to accomplish to shoot the ground she ran on as she made cover behind the other vehicle.

At this point Markus was becoming a bit dizzy from high-volume shrieking. And he could feel something wet trailing down the side of his face. He didn't need to see to know what it was. Blood. The dark red liquid was lightly dripping from his uncovered ear and down his cheek. Damn. At this rate he would pass out without silencing the girl. He needed an opening.. And he was given one. It was when Nyx had lunged at his with the machete, where she though she had the opening. Markus needed to be fast. And thankfully he was. He saw the metallic shimmer before him and weaved off to the side, feeling the blade slide across his arm to ensure a deep cut. But this would not slow the Enforcer.

Dropping his second handgun and being sure to place a foot atop it, he used the hand on his cut arm to grab Nyx's wrist after she followed through on the cut to force the girl's arm against her torso.


His other hand quickly came up seemingly lightning fast and outwards. An open-handed sideways palm shot out towards the girl, but not for her face. For the root of her inhuman power; her throat. He made an attempt to strike Nyx's throat with a forceful palm to silence the banshee. If he was successful, the girl would be lucky to squeak out a gasp of pain. Though if Markus was lucky, he would have successfully caved in the Peculiar's trachea, where she would slowly suffocate to unconsciousness or even death. Which was more than too good for the witch at this point..



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◢◤ ℕʏx Ḻɪʟʟɪᴀɴ Ѧʟᴅᴀɪɴ ◥◣

"Trust me. I'm not okay."

Nyx succeeded in slashing the arm of the soldier-boy, and the deep gash on his arm quickly welled with blood. He threw down his gun and stood on it, disabling her from grabbing it and using it against him. She began to go for another strike, but he grabbed her wrist before she could. He was very obviously stronger than her, as she was more than a foot shorter than him, though he did look somewhat skinny for his size. Of course, said observations didn't really help her too much right now. Before she could grab her machete with her other hand, his free hand shot up to stop her screaming. Ducking out of reflex, Nyx saved herself, but only slightly, and Soldier-Boy still managed to silence her after he hit her throat. He had strength, she had to give him that. She spluttered, coughing as her shrieks came to an end. It took her a few seconds to compose herself, and then she looked back up at the man again who she'd noticed had an accent that was not American. Nyx eyed the blood that dripped from his ear in content, glad to have caused it. Suddenly, she though of a way to get out of such a situation that she appeared to be in, and attempted to keep his attention on her, and not the fact that she was transferring her bloody weapon from one hand to another.

"I see you've taken all you can handle, eh?" She croaked in a quiet, raspy murmur that could only barely be heard. It was funny to think that a little banshee could take out the Blondie in front of him. The combination of the elongated use of her ability and being hit in the throat rendered her voice almost unusable. She gripped her machete in her free hand, readying herself for another strike. Her lips curled into a sardonic smile as she whipped her blade to the side, hoping to catch his leg. Her movement was unsure, but she hoped it would do something. At the least she wanted him to loosen his grip on her in surprise, enabling her get away. What was Terrance doing? He better be getting up soon, or she would have more than likely have done all of this for nothing. If he wasn't planning to get up anytime soon, she would have been better off just running away at the start. She hated to admit it, but she needed his help, even though she hated depending on absolutely anyone other than herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/i2702911622.jpg.86946f482e5c87323c263108c5087656.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/i2702911622.jpg.86946f482e5c87323c263108c5087656.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Markus Fromm

Finally. The deadly shrieking had come to a halt. Markus could have almost sighed in relief at the occurrence. But now was barely the time to be lax for even a second. There was a bug in his grasp that needed to be stomped out. But it definitely didn't seem like the girl was going to make her situation easy. Although he was still disoriented, Markus could feel the shift in her position as he held onto her wrist tightly. She was going to make a move.. Probably try and land another deep cut with that machete. It would have been a good idea. The large gash on Markus's right arm was steadily dripping blood and making a minuscule puddle on the ground below them. Another one of those and the German would need to call for medical assistance. But unfortunately, the girl's actions were what Markus had thought would be her next move. He was prepared..

As his left hand held tightly to Nyx's wrist, his green hues narrowed as they gazed into the girls' blue ones. She spoke, but with the combination of being nearly deafened and her almost inability to make noise had made her words almost inaudible for Markus. He had to rely mostly on reading her lips.. "I see you've taken all you can handle. eh?" Heh. Surely she must have been joking. The young man had trained for years for days like this exactly. He was not worried. This was still under his control.

"Don't try and kid yourself, you damned abomination. You're nothing compared to the countless other monsters I've wiped out. You understand me?" Markus then leaned in, giving the girl a dark, but pleased smirk as his face was near inches from hers. "You're nothing.." His eyes darted to Nyx's free arm as she went to come in for another swing of her machete. Quickly, nearly acting on instinct, Markus's free arm shot down between the two, his hand closing around hers to stop the girl mid-swing. With a violent circular pull of his arms, his surprising strength sent Nyx spinning in mid-air away from the Enforcer's form and towards the ground.

Markus had then used this time he was given to slam his boot down on the very corner of the butt of his handgun, much like a skater would do so on their board. The pistol whirled up in a vertical spin in front of the German, where he effortlessly caught it in his hand and immediately took aim. A head-shot was too good for this freak. Instead, he fired two rounds from his pistol, the bullets whizzing through the air as they were carefully aimed for the girl's leg and thigh. That way she wouldn't be able to run if she had tried to stand and run.



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Terrance Clemens

Terrance was finally getting a grasp at coming to his senses. The screaming halted, unfortunately it sounded like it was because of the soldier, he seen the two fighting. Trading blow for blow. The man's arms and ears were dripping with blood, Nyx's throat must have been virtually teared. He doubled checked his footing every time to made adjustments to it as he got himself up. He wasn't quite sure if his eyes were able to act as hypnotists because he had never experimented with being partially blind before.

"Hey!" he shouted towards the soldier, who had just fired two rounds from his handgun into Nyx's leg. It was now or never, either they both died here, or he could buy them enough time to bring themselves to safety. He would have to act flawlessly, and buy them as much time as he possibly could, there was no running from this encounter. due to Nyx's leg being wounded, there was only slowly cowering away from it.

The man turned his head over his shoulder, scowling at Terrance. Terrance could sense the hostility, any moment now, that arm would swing backwards and that weapon would begin to pump shots into Terrance's body if he didn't react fast enough. All of his remaining energy was focused on influencing the operative. Terrance brought a whole new meaning to psychological warfare. All sound around him had faded out, not because he was deaf but because this was what was expected when utilizing his powers. Whispers broke the silence
"Stand down." The phrase repeated numerous times in his head. The message was broadcasting straight to the man. He had just hoped he had enough energy to actually affect the man's actions. He hoped the man wouldn't disengage eye contact.


There was an awkward silence between them. Simon even noticed a clock ticking from somewhere in the depths of the room. He was just about to speak when suddenly a piercing wail cut through the quiet and reverbrated around the room. Too-close gunshots echoed from somewhere outside. Simon froze, every muscle in his body tense, his mind immediately drawn back to those days when he was constantly on the run. He could hear shouts from people fleeing outside and his heart started pounding, the sounds were all too familiar. He managed to mutter through his clenched jaw,
"We need to go. Now, I should think." Simon feared that Basil would want to go help the people, from the sound of the scream it was probably a peculiar in trouble. It was probably best that they avoid any sort of disturbance but if Basil wanted to go help, well, Simon didn't want to lose track of the only person he felt he could trust.

He stiffly rose from his place of repose and managed got a nose full of couch dust on the way. Simon's head pounded a bit as he coughed violently into his elbow but he figured the injury would heal fine. Mid-cough, the sound of screaming abrubtly ceased. Apprehensivley, slowly, Simon raised his head to look at Basil. He was sure that they would end up at the scene of the disturbance now. Since Basil had helped him, a stranger whom she had no obligations to, Simon was almost positive she would help another peculiar in trouble. Simon glanced around, looking for his backpack. He felt oddly naked and insecure without it, especially if they were going to be heading into trouble. A knife would be useful right about now.
"Basil, where's my backpack?"

OOC: So sorry I haven't posted in a while! Got really busy with school work, but I'm back now. :)


Basil Castor

The way Simon suddenly tensed told Basil that something was wrong. Was he okay? Was his head hurting? Had she done something wrong? No. There was no way she could have done something wrong in work mode. Not a chance. She tilted her head in confusion as he said that they needed to go. Go where? What? Why? This boy was so.. weird. But every time she looked in his eyes she knew something was different about him. Had he seen something?

As he stood up, Basil bit her lip and put out her hand to try and stop him, but it was too late. "
You need rest.." Was all she could mumble. Basil was not the bossy type. If someone wanted to do something, she would usually let them. "I.. I forgot it." Basil cringed as she remembered his backpack on the floor. "I'm sorry.. I got.. caught up in the moment. I left it there. I'll make you a new one, and replace all the stuff inside it, okay? But if you say we need to go, let's go." She had no idea what was going on, or why they needed to go, but something was wrong. If someone could be helped, Basil wanted to be that person.

She did not dwell on the fact that he had disobeyed her cautions to rest or the way she forgot his backpack. Gently, she took his hand and lead him outside. Then she turned to him. "
I trust you. Let's go. Where to?"

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Markus Fromm

This was it. With the girl right in his sights and no where to run, Markus was ready to administer the bullet that would rest nicely in her skull. He was glad too; the blood loss was beginning to affect the young man and his breath was becoming a bit shaky. This needed to be quick. One shot and it will be over, the same would go for the other Peculiar on the ground behind him. But that thought had quickly turned to show a harsh tone of irony.

Just as his index finger was ready to squeeze the trigger that would end Nyx Aldain's retched life, he had heard a voice call out behind him. "Hey!" The sound had caused Markus's eyes to veer off to the side, before he had finally turned his head to look behind him. Low and behold, it was the male who had led Nyx Aldain to their current location. So, he was finally standing. It looks like Markus needed to exterminate this insect before finishing off the first one. This kill would be fast and clean. He was weakening, but his senses were with him enough to erase this freak from existence. Bringing a leg back, Markus quickly pivoted and spun to face the male, arm railed outward to pull the trigger on his handgun and end this..

"Stand down." Markus froze. What in the world was that? Where did that voice come from? Markus was sure he heard the male in front of him speak, but now it was as if the voice was talking directly into his mind. Although more than partially deaf at this point, the words were clear as day and echoing throughout his head. Dammit all. Markus's arm was trembling now as he fought desperately to keep his handgun aimed to fire right between the male's eyes. But it was as if...his body was responding to the orders of the this male who Markus had now confirmed as a Peculiar.

This was bad. As much as Markus fought it, his arm began to lower back down to his side. Difficult to believe, the German had encountered another Peculiar at one time who also had an influential ability similar to this. The said Peculiar had used their power to stop Markus from pumping five pounds of lead into the freak. Needless to say, the German had tracked this Peculiar down two days later and blew out the back of their skull with a semi-automatic sniper rifle. But this was a case where Markus had no sniper rifle..

Grunting loudly and gritting his teeth, Markus's finger trembled against the trigger of his handgun as his arm continued to lower. Just...a little bit...and... BANG! The soldier was able to will his finger into squeezing the trigger, a hollow-point round firing off and whizzing through the air at the male Peculiar. Sadly though, it hadn't sunken into any flesh. Instead, the bullet had just grazed the male's side to create an almost knife-like cut. The German's arm was resting at his own side now, finger removed from the trigger and his body motionless as he stood staring at the male with a harsh glare.

It wouldn't be too long though. This male's power would not stop the strong-willed German forever. When dealing with the other Peculiar with this ability, Markus had been immobile for roughly 45 seconds to a minute. If these two wanted to escape, it was now or never.
"You have one minute, Mutant. One minute to take your friend, and run as fast as you can. And then prepare yourselves in three days. Because in that time, I will find you again. And when I do, you will be eradicated on sight." Markus spoke calmly. But the venomous look in his green hues could poison a cobra. He didn't care that he had told them when he would be looking for them. It didn't matter one bit. Because he would find them, and eradicate them just as he promised. Though in his own way, Markus had also sent them a message, perhaps even a warning; Run away. Keep running. Get out of the city and never return.



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"Trust me. I'm not okay."

Nyx gasped in a mixture of shock and pain when the man, who was presumably German is she judged his accent right, as he shot her in the legs twice. Oh no. Oh, no. No no no nononono. This was it. She was going to die whimpering like a hurt puppy, not in a blaze of glory. She had at least wanted to end with a sliver of dignity. But it looked very much like she wouldn't. What a shame. Then he aimed straight at her head, which was now covered by messy, pale blonde hair. She had gotten so far in the aftermath. She even still had the food from her ration cards in her bag. She had been ready to take on another day, week, even month.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Terrance sounded from behind her. Finally, she thought as she breathed a sigh of relief. But then she wondered just what he though his disorientated self could possibly do. She looked up at the German, who was started to pale from blood loss. A weak grin spread across her face as she noticed he looked slightly shaky. At least she would have gone down swinging. Then, he began to lower his gun. Slowly but surely, his hand rested at his side, but not before he fired a round at the ground. Why was he backing down? Something was off, and she had a feeling it had a lot to do with Terrance. "You have one minute," was all Nyx heard of his speech. She began to inch away from him, looking back to see Terrance. "I think we're both on about the same level of just how 'human' we are. Neither of us quite there, are we?" She sneered in her raspy, mumbling voice. How did she plan to get out of here, exactly? Running was most certainly out of the option. She supposed she would just have to swallow her pride and crawl away until she could find something to support herself on. But then where would she go? She was pretty far away from her house, and she didn't think she could make it there right now. Just find an empty house, probably.

Nyx though everything out as she crawled away, trying to stand up a couple times but only getting a few steps before the pain in her leg became unbearable again. She made it to the next block, holding herself up with the doorknob of an old store; the windows knocked out as it had been looted. Her machete was still in its sheath, and her backpack was still with her as well. She still had everything. Hopefully her something of a partner would hurry up. Nyx needed something to lean on, and a door couldn't walk with her. The German man was no longer in her sights, and she hoped she was no longer in his. Maybe she still had a little bit of time left, after all.


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