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Realistic or Modern sᴇᴀ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴇᴇs - ᴄs ᴀᴘᴘs


give 'em hell, kid.
this is just a template, feel free to use a much nicer code (i know i will be!) if you'd like. thank you!

-CharaCTeR sHeEt-​


[iMaGE HerE (real or realistic art)]



-aGE (18 to 25):



-hAir CoLOr:

-EyE cOloR:








-PeSOnaLitY (2+ paragraphs)


-biO: (2+ paragraphs)


wHY thEy SigNeD uP fOR tHe ShOW:



here in

raven westing

ray, rave




jet black

reddish brown, appears almost red in certain lighting

one hundred and nineteen lbs.

five foot eight

B U I L D / B O D Y T Y P E
slender, willowy and almost supernaturally graceful

P I E R C I N G S & T A T T O O S
right eyebrow is pierced, has a small raven tattooed on her left shoulder

the darkness

•the paranormal
•conversing with spirits
•creepy things
•death (of others, not herself)
•gothic culture and music
•victorian poetry
•morbidly fascinated by anyone sick or dying

•bright colors
•excessive optimism or pessimism
•people who think she's crazy instead of creepy
• those who consider spirits evil

•ghost hunting and spirit communication
•playing with ouija boards
•visiting graveyards or tragic locations
•reading and writing poetry
•running a blog about the paranormal

•believes she can communicate with and potentially influence spirits (whether she can or not is up to interpretation)
•is very knowledgeable about herbs and the uses of plant life
•practically grew up outside with her father so is good with wilderness survival

i know myself

raven is a peculiar and rather morbid individual, one who seems to prefer the company of the paranormal to real people. she isn't unfriendly by any means, and could even be considered charming at times, but there's always something just a little off about her. she dresses almost exclusively in black, and appears to move with a liquid grace that's almost inhuman, making some think she's from another realm herself. raven is obsessed with spirits and ghosts, and will go to great lengths to encounter and encourage them. if this is something you like, she's happy to help assist you in having your own experience, but don't call the spirits evil or question their existence. she insists that skeptics are blind to a world far bigger than our own, and seems to take their doubt personally.

when not pursuing the ghosts themselves, she can be found gawking at traffic accidents, watching funerals and wandering graveyards with an eerie smile. raven also enjoys working with herbs, believing them to be far more effective than modern medicine, and is quite skilled at preparing elixirs, compresses and capsules. strangely, her concoctions do seem a bit more powerful than one would expect for the ingredients used...

is raven a witch? some sort of ghost herself, or just a misguided teenage girl? well... what do you think?

growing up through a combination of suburbia and adventure tourism, it was clear from the time she was a toddler that raven wasn't quite like the other cheerful and innocent children. she always talked to her imaginary friends, and while her father originally found this endearing, he was a bit concerned when they seemed to talk back. this continued for years, though raven got much better at hiding it. eventually, the girl grew tired of the benign, boring ghosts in their house and attempted to contact more of them. she managed to horrify her entire school when she told the story of the boy that had committed suicide there almost twenty years ago, as this was kept secret from the students and her description was so accurate it was unlikely she'd just found the story online. concerned by the girl's behavior, she was sent to counselling, which she simply ditched.

raven's teen years were spent rigorously studying the paranormal online and messing with ouija boards in the local cemeteries and hospitals. she stumbled upon the sign-up forum by accident one night while scouring the web for more ghost stories, and was immediately intrigued.

raven has no real need for the money, she simply wants to experience the haunted forest for herself and hopefully manage to contact more ghosts and spirits. she's also hoping winning will help her gain more fans on her blog so she can have her own paranormal investigation show.

sometimes raven will space out randomly and start muttering about someone's fate... whether this is put on for show or genuine, no one knows. the show's producers did eat it up, however.

code by spookie spookie
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name: scarlet rossi
nickname: ross
age: 24
gender: female
sexuality: heterosexual
birth/zodiac: march 18th, pieces
hair color: silver (dyed)
eye color: dusty blue
height: 5tf9inch
weight: 57kgs

likes: floristry, baking, strawberries, cherries, birds and makeup.

dislikes: fatty foods, the dark, shooting, melon and coke.

hobbies: ross enjoys creating tutorials on things such as cooking, makeup and personal design.

skills: good at making a meal out of anything.


why they signed up for the show: in all honesty, Ross signed up for the show thinking it would enhance her career into tv or internet fame, but also was hoping to meet someone worth it on the show.

extras: owns a blue jay named, bubble

created by junie junie
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  • 5be703ede68bc37bcba4f615e5f19906--makeup-artistry-whats-up.jpg

    Kiara Henderson

    Name: Kiara Henderson
    Nickname: Kiki
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Hair color: Blonde
    Eye color: Blue
    Height: 5'3
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here
    Put stuff here

    Code by apolla apolla

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-Name: Abigail Lyon
-Nickname: “Abbs”
-Age: 21
-Gender: Female
-Sexuality: Homosexual
With both brown hair and brown eyes, this 5’ 5”girl can isn’t afraid to get mean.
-Likes: Abigail is into Reading, sewing, and camping. The people she usually surrounds herself with are those who she deems worthy of surviving. The guidelines to which can depend on the situation. She is smart, quick, and can get aggressive if the time comes, however she is not always the best at taking criticism. And, last of all she likes to remain serious at all times, not taking jokes very lightly.
-Dislikes: Abigail hates people who are oversensitive to trivial matters, especially in survival situations. She is not on this show to make friends, she is on to survive. Depending on the criticism, she will attack back.
-HoBBieS: Outside of Reality TV, Abigail has a keen interest in fashion and works at her mother’s shop as a seamstress. She is also into hunting.
-sKILLs: Abigail, having a father who hunted vigorously, retains some of her father’s knowledge, being able to hunt, fish, prepare, and inspect plants and animals. She also knows how to prepare shelter, and start a fire. However she is particularly bad at treating wounds or disease, other than wrapping it in a bandage or leaf.
To those who are not her friends, Abigail is a bitch. Based on both her time in the army and her childhood, Abigail take things how they are, and nothing else. She likes to keep a serious mindset as often as she can, and can come off as quite harsh to those she addresses. Hardworking, mature, and dignified, she really cares about how things are done, disliking it when things are done sloppily or incorrectly. She is constantly pushing herself to improve, which can be one of her downfalls.

However despite her bitter and short-tempered personality, she wants nothing but success and happiness for her friends. She’s a hard shell to crack, but once it is Abigail is a real carer, and will feel the need to protect her friends at all costs, even if it hurts her in some way. However she will calculate risks before acting upon them.


Abigail Lyon grew up in a happy home, her seamstress mother and butcher father raising her with their values and talents. She practically grew up in the woods with her father, learning the ways of the wild, and what was safe and not. She had few friends growing up, however that didn’t bother her much, giving her space and time to focus on herself, and her own challenges.

At age 16 she served in the military, having to deal with both lush jungles and sandy deserts in the four years she was stationed. It was a tough time, but eye opening. Upon returning home, she discovered that her mother had a brain tumor, and was suffering in the hospital. She lives with her father at home, taking care of the older man whilst trying to make enough money to pay the medical bills for her mother.


To simply put it, Abigail needs the money to pay for her mother’s hospital bills. She doesn’t believe in the supernatural, having no experience, and feels she was “pretty” enough to be on TV. She hopes to win, and win fast.

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-CharaCTeR sHeEt-



Looks to me like he's already dead, now is he? I swear I didn't lift this from an obituary.

-nAme: Alex Kee

-NiCKnAmes: Smart Alec

-aGE (18 to 25): 25

-GendEr: Male

-sEXuaLitY: Heterosexual

-hAir CoLOr: Black

-EyE cOloR: Dark Brown

-hEIghT: 5 Feet 8


-LiKEs: Writing, Reading, Movies, Computer Games, Running and... Sleeping. He prefers making a few friends who are loyal as opposed to many of them.

-diSliKEs: The Army, Authoritarianism and Dictatorship, Pretentiousness, Bullies, Modernism, Smoking.

-HoBBieS: Writing, Reading, Movies and Computer Games.

Writing: He's a published author, and prides himself with being creative and prolific. Unfortunately, he isn't anywhere as famous as the likes of Stephen King. Actually, he's completely obscure and sold only a few thousand of his books... in Southeast Asia.
Editing: He could spot a punctuation mistake from a mile away, if that helps.
Deep Reading: He could read, and detect what is between the lines very easily.
Master of Horror: Alex specialises in the Horror genre, and as such, knows a thing or two about the tropes and trends of the genre. Additionally, constant consumption and creation of horror media has immunised him somewhat to shock and fear - While he's not immune to it, it takes more to scare him.
Perceptive: He has an eye for details, being able to notice things that others might overlook. It's what led him to become a writer in the first place.
Good Judge of Character: For much of his life, he watches people like a hawk, monitoring their every move. He's gotten better, but he knows people and how they work, and he could tell what a person is like from just the way they talk, move and present themselves.
Deduction: If you need a detective and don't have one in hand (because there are no police stations around), he's the next best thing.
Long Distance Runner: The only sport he could excel at is running. Jokes aside, while he's by no means not even an average Marathoner, he could still run 15 to 25 kilometres without stopping, though that is with an open road or trail, good sports shoes, light clothing and no equipment. With none of those, 10 - 15 kilometres would wear him out.
Basic Survival Training: He was once conscripted into National Service in Singapore, and so knows how to handle himself in a forest.
Basic Firearms Training: He was once a conscript, and so has been given basic firearms training, but his skills are specific - only assault rifles and semi-automatic pistols. He has never touched a revolver except on one occasion, and has never touched a shotgun and other forms of rifles before. However, his experiences will make learning their use swift.
Basic Combat Training: He knows a few throws, kicks and punches, but that's it. If faced with a more skilled opponent, or a ghost, he's toast.
Basic First Aid: He knows how to apply a bandage, do a sling and CPR, but nothing much else. He's a writer, not a doctor!

NOTE: In other words, he's the right person in the wrong place. I fully anticipate that most of his skills are going to be useless or outright detrimental to himself and the group.

-PeSOnaLitY (2+ paragraphs)
Alex Kee is, deep down, a quiet and introverted man, and has only broken out of his shell when he was forced to do so in the army. He remains reserved however - core character being impossible to change - and prefers to observe and understand first before taking action or saying something. In his worst moods, he tends to be nihilistic and fatalistic - suicidal without even trying to kill himself, which in a way is hypocritical. That said, despite his front, he is a sensitive guy - he just hides it better these days.

As a friend, he has attracted few, but he treasured them. He saw loyalty and sincerity to be the most important things in attitude. He's had no luck when it comes to relationship, having acquired a bad taste for it ever since his first girlfriend, who was a manipulative, compulsive liar. As such, he's nihilistic when it comes to matters of the heart, and sincerely believes that he is a born bachelor. As such, he tends to be a little aloof when faced with such a matter, and stoic at best. At worst, he gets angry and finds an excuse for it.

-biO: (2+ paragraphs)
Born in Singapore, he's been a citizen there ever since. He had always found an interest in some of the more cerebral of things: reading, writing, computer games, board games... And has been doing them since his childhood. He was bullied as a child, which closed him off to most people up tight, but he got better overtime, eventually opening up fully in the army, where he learnt better how to speak, how to conduct himself in front of people, even manipulate them, as he was forced to as a sergeant. After the army and getting into university, he found himself in a position more suited to him, as he got to study Creative Writing. He's been in Nirvana ever since.

He penned a few novels, all horrors with streaks of other genres, during university and up until he graduated, but their publication saw limited sales - he was obscure, having sold only a few thousand copies in the region. Dejected, he decides to turn to other avenues for success as well. As a student in university, he was involved in the production of short films and commercials, and decides, thus, that screenwriting is next.


wHY thEy SigNeD uP fOR tHe ShOW:
Alex signed up for the show because he wants to use the experience in writing for it as a stepping stone towards bigger things. Already, a connection back in Singapore has shown interest in him.

When he was also offered the opportunity to join as a participant, he took that up, hoping that deeper involvement would enhance his resume even further. The money couldn't hurt either - anything that could go towards clearing his education debt would help.

Not to mention, the idea of going into a haunted forest and amusement park is inspiring. He thought that, if nothing else, it might serve as a good basis for a new novel.

Additionally, he's no stranger to the paranormal, though his experiences aren't possible to confirm. He's heard and seen some things in an abandoned hospital back in Singapore, and he thought he saw something while out training in the forest in the middle of the night when he was a conscript.
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-nAme: Teven Sevada

-NiCKnAmes: Tev

-aGE: 19

-GendEr: Male

-sEXuaLitY: Heterosexual

-hAir CoLOr: Medium Brown

-EyE cOloR: Chocolate Brown

-hEIghT: 6’0


-LiKEs: Reading, libraries, bustling city life, feeling important and useful, coffee breaks, bunnies

-diSliKEs: Flower print, cats, rundown or abandoned places, losing things, soupy food that shouldn’t be

-HoBBieS: Collecting classic books and gardening

-sKILLs: Teven has a ‘green thumb’ but he mostly knows about decorative plants. He has learned how to bandage moderate to semi-severe wounds, with improvised items if need be.


Teven isn’t a visionary. Nor is he an optimist. He enjoys the rare occasion where he can expect and see the best in someone, but he has seen enough in his life to be a somewhat pessimistic realist. He isn’t the sort to think about the distant future, although he is more comfortable when he has important life events planned out. He doesn’t appreciate surprises and likes to know what he is getting into before he is thrown in. When he doesn’t know the game plan, he can often be considered annoying in his attempt to figure it out. Because of his need to know things ahead of time, he can seem like a control freak or perhaps simply on-edge all the time. However, and surprisingly, he is at his best when things get unexpectedly out of control. He can switch instantly from a helpful follower into a leader with a plan. The more stressful the situation gets, the calmer he is.

Teven was always an over-achiever with high plans for what he wanted to do with his life. He often used work as an escape, which most of the people close to him considered crazy. However he didn’t mind. He saw a better life through hard work and integrity and achieving that better life became his foremost goal. He is ambitious, honest, and hard-working. Of course, he isn’t Captain America, so sometimes he lets his ambition and drive to work overwhelm him. When he gets over-loaded with work or life in general, he retreats into himself and won’t talk to anyone for hours or even days. However, when he calms down he is always very apologetic and tries to jump back in with twice the determination.

Teven almost had a chance at a normal childhood. His father came out of the Army angry and hooked on alcohol. His mother was determined to keep that away from her children, so she carefully occupied them both with sports, school, and anything else she could find to keep them out of the house when their father was home. But not even her hard work kept them from the truth: they were broke, their father was an angry alcoholic, and their mother was sick of life.
She disappeared when Teven was ten, leaving his older brother Regan to care for him. Regan kept him in school, allowing his natural curiosity about the world to grow and develop into ambition. It was impossible for Teven not to notice his mother’s absence, but his brother stepped up and did the best he could. As Teven adjusted to highschool, he started to notice his brother disappearing more often, coming back more beaten, and ignoring him more often all around. Not knowing what he had done wrong, Teven struggled to make up for it in his school life.

Teven graduated with top scores and, although the highschool he went to was hardly elite, he soon found a promising job that offered almost endless opportunities to do good and raise his place in society. Hoping his brother would be proud, he reached out, only to find that his brother was buried in the gangs, drugs, and violence of their hometown. After a rather aggressive confrontation with Regan, Teven decided to move to the city and threw himself into his work. Somehow his boss found out about his father and brother and, concerned for the public image of his growing company, decided to fire Teven. This destroyed him and left him with no choice but to move back home.

wHY thEy SigNeD uP fOR tHe ShOW:
Teven was strong-armed into it by his brother. In a way, it was out of obligation: to keep his brother, Regan, from doing something stupid. On the other hand, it was out of a vain hope that this would be a chance to bond with Regan.

-nAme: Regan Sevada

-NiCKnAmes: Rey

-aGE: 23

-GendEr: Male

-sEXuaLitY: Bisexual

-hAir CoLOr: Dark Brown

-EyE cOloR: Caramel Brown

-hEIghT: 6’2


-LiKEs: Smoking, the city at night, food stands on street corners, night sky, kids

-diSliKEs: Disappointing his brother, dogs, being near someone with a cold, airplanes/flying

-HoBBieS: Regan likes wood working and classic cars.

-sKILLs: Regan is a master of street-style fighting. He has developed other street skills over time and can almost always predict when a fight will break out. He is handy with guns, but he refuses to use them.


Regan is the sort of person whose virtuous traits are also their undoing and he is miserable because of it. His protective streak for his brother led him down a dark path where he was nothing more than a pawn playing someone else’s game. Because of this, he is quick to anger whenever he feels like someone is trying to control him or tell him what to do. That’s not to say he won’t take any orders or advice, but only from someone he respects.
He is a very charismatic person who can get along with almost anyone. He doesn’t have a dominating presence, but it’s hard to miss when he walks into a room. He has an easy smile and borders on being a flirt. He can be a bit of a drama-king-slash-attention-seeker and enjoys getting a reaction from people, even if it’s not always a good reaction. Much like a child, he never seems to be able to tell when he has crossed a line until that line is just a speck in the distance. This is a huge part of what got him into trouble when he was younger and somehow he hasn’t gotten any better.

From birth, Regan was raised believing that he had a childhood that, if not charmed, was at least better than most people had. He had an attentive mother and a father who showed up. That was all young Regan could want. Things changed slowly, too slowly for him to notice until it was right in his face. His father had uncontrollable anger issues which drove his mother to commit suicide when Regan was 14. He suddenly found himself the only capable person in the house, responsible for the care and protection of his younger brother, Teven. His first introduction to being an acting parent was when he had to tell his brother why their mother disappeared. As he looked into the worried face of his brother, he realized that he couldn’t shatter his childhood just yet.

’She’ll be back, I promise. Until then you have to be strong. We both do.’

Going to highschool and having a part time job was not only stressful, but it also wasn’t enough to supply his father with drinking money and still keep Teven in a decent school. Regan quickly found himself slipping into the undesirable crowd, but they kept him and his brother off the street and that was worth whatever they asked him to do in return. It hurt more than anything to distance himself from his brother, but he never wanted more out of his life than he had. He wouldn’t take Teven’s ambition from him. One day Teven came home and it was clear that he had somehow discovered the whole truth about who Regan had become. Every day after that, Regan regretted what he had said and done, but Teven was gone. Regan was left with their father, who had slowly slipped into a near constant stupor from years of drinking. It was quiet and lonely, but it was his life. Suddenly Teven came back home, sad and a bit broken, but Regan saw a chance for the first time in a while. It was time to get away.

wHY thEy SigNeD uP fOR tHe ShOW: Desperation. He stumbled on the application by accident and saw it as a chance for a fresh start. He desperately needs the money and he convinced his brother, Teven, to come along so they can hopefully mend their broken relationship.
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