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Fantasy Sword & Glory

Zayuz said:
How many days does it take to get between bear and eagle clan?
I'm working on countries right now, I'm not sure how exactly how far but I'll let you know once I figure out a reasonable time.
Killigrew said:
The sword slid silently from its sheath, for fur cushioned its exit. The blade touched his shoulder, and then, swinging swiftly, he cut towards the elf's neck with every intention of lobbing off her head.
For the glory of the Flaming Rose! >: )
Could some one gjve ne a recap on what has happened? Like where everyone is, if they are in a city? That type of thing.
Killorkiller said:
Could some one gjve ne a recap on what has happened? Like where everyone is, if they are in a city? That type of thing.
Everyone's pretty much doing their own thing. You could start anywhere you want. I'll figure out some scenario that will bring the characters together.
@Darth Gangsta Is there a set plot for this or main objective set yet or are we going to just going to go around doing whatever for the time being?
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