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Fantasy Sword & Glory

Helhena let out another short sharp laugh "Oh please, people giving me a hard time are the very least of my troubles." she said simply and waved that off with a dismissive hand. The wood elf couldn't care less what people thought of her, her race or anything else to do with her besides. It really did not worry her in the slightest, Her reason's for being sneaky were entirely different; one of which was she just really didn't want to bump into anyone she grew up with and have to deal with that. She lifted the wooden mug to her lips and took one long sip. "So i now know why you came above ground dwarf but why here?" Helhena asked curious. She glanced in her mug as she spoke and seen she had a bout half left...when she finished that it would be time to move on.

As she sat the wood elf cast a slow and steady glance around the room, the Tavern was old that much was clear but despite its age and current state it seemed to have been well cared for. This blood now though...well no one had bothered to clean it so good luck to the owners getting that stain off. Drumming her nails absentmindedly she continued on her survey of the place while waiting on her answer.

"Well I make most o' me money huntin' bounties to be frank. 'ere has a Bandit leader with a solid coinage on his head, some elf nutter eatin' people and an assassin. The elf is a bit o' 'ere say in my opinion, got nae leads. 'owever the assassin was a reliable tip." Duzz continues chewing on his pipe end, puffing out smoke like a chimney. He shifted his axe about as it rested on his shoulder glancing the wood elf up and down and shooting a quick side look to Braxis, checking if either of them was uncomfortable. "Don't suppose you're the one stealing children un eatin' them, are ye?" Duzz chuckled the last few words out looking at Helhena.

@Lola Shimmer @Veyd Sahvoz
The whistle was violently interrupted by a noise, something called the Selah in the distance. No it wasnt a beast, goblin, or even a bir. No it was a humans voice, something that he had heard before. He knew the voice, more importantly he knew it very well. Selah stopped and turned around slowly.

The sight was large enough to move mountains, it was a vocal enough voice to cause an avalanche, a laughing roar that could compete with Selahs, muscles stacked harder than the teenage giants, a beard manlier and wiser than a cities ancient elder. Yes, this was no man, no beast, no monster, no spirit, no demon, not even close to being an elf, and faily not comparable to a dwarf from the 7 foot large distant figure.


this was Grandpa.

Selah watched as the old fuck approached him, even with a 40 pound broadsword on his back he ran with great speed and agility, his beard flapping like a birds wings upwind. It was a voice unmistakable and of course Selah was right. "Get the fuck out of here Grandpa, don't you have bears to wrestle and trees to cut or something?" He called out with a sarcastic tone behind it.

"Seems like quite a decent bounty. Say, I might have to tag along and see this thing myself, heh heh." Braxis joked, not necessarily suggesting that he might help out just for the amusement of seeing this cannibalistic. Sounded like a wood elf to him, only elves he knew who ate each other and other people but then again not all of them were like that as far as he knew. Such as this one they were speaking with right now. Something told him there was more to her than what she appeared, though he didn't pry. He just sat back on his seat, pulling out his frozen greatsword from its sheath on his back along with a whetstone and began to sharpen the blade. Just as a means to pass the time.

@Varvarus @Lola Shimmer
Ahh yes, the tiny man in front of him was an old friend, well not that old but still old. He was some one that Durrag had meat several years prior, it was a meeting one could not forget. The thundering of his steps resonated out across the area as he pounded his way up to Selah, Durrag's sword thumping on his back and his axe swinging on his hip.

A trail of dust was coating the sky behind him as he ran, it had been several years since he last saw the boy after saving his life and all. But Durrag was not one to hold others to debts or oaths, everyone was free and deserved to make their own choices, and their own mistakes. As he closed in without even slowing down, Durrag threw his arms open and collided with the boy. Enveloping Selah in a massive bear hug that was sure to make a few bones crack, slowing down to a stop a few yards away he set the boy down. Putting one hand his belly and the other on his hip he let out a laugh, and just like everything about him it was a large bellowing laugh. As the laugh died down he looked at Selah, "Funny you should say something about bears, i left one in the forest back there. It was almost as big as me, almost. But enough about me, what have you and our...'friend' been up to?"

Selah felt the bear like arms, no pun intended, as he was enveloped inside of the sweaty partially bloodied man beast, his odor smelled much of old man but moreso of dirt and robust herbs he most likely used for cleaning his self, Selah was released from the grip hearing the thundering laugh of Durrag. Selah put both hands on his knees and begun a hysterical excessively loud laugh in competition with the dwarf giant. "sounds like another day for you old man!!!!" He yelled in between laughs. Selah was once younger and at that time they were good friends even then. Durrag and him fought many battles together and against each other. Not just them 2 but Raksha as well. He finished his laughing parade in the reuniting of an old friend of course in a completely abnormal way. "Raksha and I are actually on our way to town, we have a quarter day ahead of us, but I figured thats gonna be prolonged from seeing you again, you dusty Grandpa.!" Selah smirked. he shook the mans hand in a more correct confrontation with much more enthusiam than the hug proved to be creating asolid rock grip into the bear like paw he held out.

Durrag's massive arms could have probably wrapped around Selah twice, t boy was very small compared to Durrag but then again so was everyone, the man was massive to say the least. "Well, what ever happens in a day happens, sorry for the blood by the way." Durrag shrugged his large form and patted Selah on the back. "If you two are going to be staying for awhile then we should find a tavern, or two, or three, and drink and talk about our time apart." by this time Durrag had started petting his beard with one hand and fingering his axe with the other. "I may be dusty, but at least i am not just a sprout like you!" Durrag chuckled a deep throaty laugh. "Speaking about our days, how has your chosen occupation been? I mean, as long as there are bad men there will be men willing to put them in the ground."

Selah nodded in agreement. His chosen profession was much more unique than the rest no he was not a farmer no he was not a metalsmith no he was not even a shoe worker. In fact he preferred to work in a more darker skill set something that required sticking to the shadows and working in the evenings and nights.

"Yes and drink the fucking places dry!!!" Selah scanned the path ahead. He believe there to be a tavern not far from here. One that strayed about a quarter a Mille from.the main trail. It would be about a 20 minute walk. "Ney then let's not make haste." Selah began to get to stepping.

"Well you know how i feel about jobs and working for money, such a funny thing it is." at this Durrag scratched the back of his head, he had never grown up with money giving power, where he came from strength was power. Nothing else mattered, not money, not position, and not blood, if you where stronger than someone else you had more power than them. Durrag let out a bark of laughter, "Yes we shall, we'll leave not even a drop left and fight anyone that gets in our way!!" settling down a bit he followed Selah's eyes down the path. "Hmm, a tavern you say, i think that will suffice. Although, I do have this." as he spoke Durrag fished out his bag a bottle of Frost Tome Ale. "A drink from my home, or as close as i could get to something from there." a wide smile spread across his face, "this is not for a light weight."

Selah gave a nasty smirk that plastered across his face as he held it high. "Better make me wanna puke!" He shouted with thunder under his voice. With that said he took a large gulp.

The taste was a refined mountain water undertone it was clear and refreshing like a spring water flavor had. It had hoppy notes equated with a sour bite behind it most likely from what might have been afruit used in the fermenting. The ale wasdark almost a black ale color but slightly lighter. Which must have not been the case with flavoring because the after swig provided a much needed punch to it. Selah exhaled loudly after the swig. "My fine friend what a tasty ale a grandpa like you enjoys. Now that makes a youngan and an aged fellow that enjoys it!!!" He said.

The trail continued. He laughed not even mentioning his ever present but silent 3rd party member.

Durrag threw back his head and gave a laugh, "Well if you think that is good then you would love some Elderbarry Sunburst of the Western Isles, now THAT is enough to knock me on my ass." Looking off into the distance down the road, Durrag thought he could make out a building, most likely the tavern Selah spoke of. "I think i see that tavern you spoke about, i hope they have much ale." Durrag adjusted his axe, he had found it on the body of a bandit chief. The man had killed an entire village, Durrag had been sent to end him and his partners, after he killed the bandit chief and was raiding his stash Durrag found one of the best made axes he had ever seen, the steel was of the highest quality and was the perfect weight.

Selah took forth another swig and gulped a refreshing hoppy taste down and gasped almost choking on the bubbles from laughter. "If that puts you on your ass then I'm starting to think your age is catching up to you old man!!" He laughed loud in comprehension with his. He admired the shafts on the right of his hips at the end lied a large axe head. One that didn't recall any memories of him having it before. It must have been a new score for him. Selah pursued down the trail as grandpa mentioned the tavern when they veered off the fork in the road toward their next destination. The ale was already making selahs mouth water. Selah never had much company but during the times with durrag he greatly enjoyed. And to this day he would always look up to durrag especially after losing his father and mother and sister. Selah moved toward the tavern. He proceeded to put his cloak up that had found its way off of his head during the time that they were laughing. And most likely also from the bear hug he received from the human beast. His size was almost half of grandpa. And even his hands looked that of a bears compared to selahs. He always felt protected around him. Even though he knew that on a dimes notice he could give durrag a hell of a fight even for the size he had on selah. But to any other enemy. Durrag was much. Much. More of a threat.

They made their way to the doorstep. And proceeded inside

Helhena was half way through another sip of the sweet wine and the wood elf almost spat it out over the old wooden table between them and it would have no doubt plastered the dwarf opposite her too. "Me?" she asked stunned and stared at the man a moment trying to decide if she was offended or found it funny....or was even just impressed he was brave enough to ask her out right. Helhena decided to go with amused...honestly she was enjoying the sit down and didn't fancy a fight anytime soon, not if she didn't have too. Though it showed in the slight tightening of the woman's features that she was some what annoyed. "It is most certainly not me eating children. hmm i tried elf once it wasn't to my taste " she screwed her face up and didn't mention that no meat was to her taste since it made her rather ill but shh that was for her to know. "That is an interesting case though" she smirked and downed the rest of her mug. She might have to look into that herself..the cogs in her head were turning but she would tak care of her own little town business first.

Looking at her mug she knocked back the rest of the sweet wine and her lips twisted slightly at the fact it had gotten warm...it made it somewhat bitter, she glanced over her shoulder at the other man when he said he wouldn't mind getting in on the action with the dwarf. Well weren't they all just making friends, she almost laughed to herself but instead got to her feet. "Well gentleman it certainly has been interesting, perhaps our paths will cross once more." she stated and flicked her hood up to hide her ears once more. "Dwarf" she addressed the man with a smirk "Stay honest, it makes you amusing." pulling her cloak closed she turned to head for the door just as others started to come in.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Varvarus
Duzz would wipe the wine off his face. He gave the elf a sharp look as he cleared the sticky wine off his face. "Hold ye well elf. De nae do anything to get a bounty on yerself." Duzz puffed out more smoke as he picked up him helm off the floor. "Well since the eye candy gone I suppose we best be off, before ye know the village picks us as the fellows who slaughtered a tavern." Duzz looked towards the door the elf had just left through where the sounds of an angry mob could be heard.

Outside the tavern was 15 armed militiamen, they were carrying axes, spears and one man even had a rusted sword. They approached the tavern from which many panicked villagers had fled shouting for help. A lot of them were just townsfolk who had picked up their tools and were going to attempt to protect their town from whoever was cutting people up in a tavern. They may have been arseholes but killing them might bring the wrath of the local lord down on them, hopefully killing their murderers would help their cause. Three of them saw the hooded figure leaving the tavern and chased after her. The rest assembled outside of the shouting angrily.

@Lola Shimmer @Veyd Sahvoz
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Braxis could agree with Duzz, people tended not to want to hear the truth, only their own petty assumptions and accusations. Such trivial people. Braxis put his whetstone back in the pouch at his side and hauled his greatsword onto his shoulder, getting up himself to head out before anyone else showed up even though 3 more had just stepped inside. Not long after the elven girl left, and Duzz stood, there was shouting coming from outside. Walking closer to the doorway, paying little to no attention to the newcomers for the time being, and looked outside only to see a mob of townsfolk. He sighed just from the sight of it and looked glanced back at Duzz "Well this'll be a pain in the arse, eh?" Said Braxis, looking towards the others for a moment before stepping outside himself, looking at the men with their weak attire and choice of weapons. He bet they likely didn't even know how to use the weapons they wielded, let alone land a hit on him if it came down to it but from drinking so much ale he preferred to stay in his lied back state.

@Varvarus (Mentioned- @Lola Shimmer @Killorkiller @tammynorthland)
Durrag took the bottle back from Selah and finished it one go, then he tossed the bottle over his shoulder into the grass behind him. He was looking forward to having drinks with a friend, it had been awhile since he had last sat down to drink something that was not from a bottle. "I may be an old man, but i can still kick your ass." Durrag said, though he was much larger than the boy Durrag always had a hard time besting him in a fight, even though Selah was half Durrag's size.

As they neared the tavern Durrag could not help but admire the craftsmanship put into the exterior, it was worthy of being much more than a tavern, it must have been some lords house long ago, or perhaps a very skilled wood worker was payed extra, which ever it was it was a nice looking place. As he and Selah entered through the front door, Durrag's attention was drawn one by the blood, and two by the hooded figure that was coming their way. The hooded figure had the body of an elf, but carried themselves with purpose. There was also a dwarf and a human in very peculiar armor, it looked very old most likely a family heirloom. Durrag was forced to stoop low because of the door way, he was much to tall to fit without having to bend over. Once he was in the tavern Durrag could hear some shouting coming from behind him, not really caring as to why he simply ignored it. As the human passed by him, Durrag could not help but smile at how much taller he was than the other human, hearing the man speak to the dwarf caused even more of a smile. "I see the men out there are angry, i hope its not with you." Durrag joked at the human, it was a light hearted jest, one that the other human could enjoy.

@Veyd Sahvoz @tammynorthland @Varvarus @Lola Shimmer
The site was something Selah was impressed by, the tavern large in size but very well made in addition to the prior statement. He wore his head slightly down to conceal his face for the time being, his tattoos of the elven clan made it very obvious as to where he once lived and was born and raised. Although not everyone would recognize him nor the tattoos it only took one person that would know. And on top of that his position with the spirits wouldnt help his case either with being called a "spell caster" which was forbidden in the lands he grew up in.

Selah made no comment back to Old man. He simply approached the doors, watching the quarrel that seemed to begin outside behind them, a dwarf emerged from the tavern, as well as a human. He didnt pay attention to the rest as all he wanted was a cold brew and a shot or 10. " shall we take more booz for ourselves, or get involved with the commotion like the assholes we are?"

@Lola Shimmer @Veyd Sahvoz @Varvarus @Killorkiller (your call killor if you wanna fight or get plastered, i vote get plastered then get involved with the fight. cuz fuck the world)
Duzz standing next to Braxis had put his helmet back on and was surveying the crowd. He spoke out of the side of his mouth so that only Braxis could hear "I de nae wanna kill any o' them, they look poor as shite an' they de nae need killin'. They de nae look like they're gonna listen though." Duzz shifted his axe about his shoulder, he gave one last puff on his pipe and then tapped it out and replaced it in it's pouch. He looked around to the two others nodding at them amiably, he thumbed at them to head away from here sharpish.

The approaching crowd halted as the grim swordsman emerged. The three men running after the elf sped up to try and catch her. The crowd grew more restless as a Dwarf appeared, everyone knew what Dwarves did. An old man carrying a rusty sword emerged from the crowd, he was clearly an old warrior, some rusted chain mail clung about his body. He shouted at group "You lot stop where you are! Surrender and we will give you a merciful death." His voice was a bit shaky but gruff all the same. More people came to join the crowd, another 7 or so men carrying more tools being used as improvised weapons.

@Lola Shimmer @Veyd Sahvoz @Killorkiller @tammynorthland
Durrag eyed Selah curiously, "HA! I thought we where here to drink!" Durrag bellowed, it was much like a large boulder being dropped. "No, we will leave that business to others and enjoy our time here." With that Durrag marched right up to the counter. What surprised him was that the barkeeper was back, he had probably slipped in through the back when on one was watching. Durrag reached his long arms behind the counter and grabbed a keg in each hand, the bar tender eye him but said nothing, "Dont worry, i will pay for these." Durrag said with a grin and then gave the man six gold coins, which was definitely more than what the ale was worth. Walking back to where he had left Selah, Durrag plopped down in a car that groaned under his weight, "Come Selah, drink and relax." he said as he motion Selah to join him at the table and then opened the kegs.

Selah eyed the crowd. There was about to be commotion outside. Commotion selah and his partner care not to take part in. Instead. Their desires lied at te bottom of a barrel. Selah moved behind as durrag swept up 2 kegs. Even for an elven digestive track it would be a challenge to drink all that. But for the small giant like durrag he could hold his own. And the countless drunken night selah had his liver was more than capable of handling the drinking. Selah grabbed himself a tankerd from the counter. A festive day it would be indeed. One moment selah was on his way to town. The next a legendary old friend met up with him in the local parts where they both had a tendency to reside in.

Selah sat back thumping in his chair a bit after grandpa sat in his grabbing a keg for himself and a keg for durrag that was more than likely his.

@Killorkiller @Lola Shimmer @Varvarus @Veyd Sahvoz
As soon as Helhena had left the Tavern she had seen the outline of the crowd that headed toward the building...looks like the news of whatever massacre happened inside had traveled fast. The wood elf rolled her mossy green eyes and tightened the hod of the robe she wore around her pointed ears, if she was honest wearing a hood annoyed her immensely because it dulled her hearing somewhat...like to that of a humans. It wasn't so much of a hindrance as a pain. The woman's shoes scuffed along the dirty cobbles of the ground as she continued on her path, she had just got to thinking she had left the tavern at a good time when the yells of the mob cut the air. The wood elf walked only a little further until she heard the sounds of steps following her own, with an inward sigh she didn't even give a backward glance there was no doubt they were following her. It seemed she hadn't left quite soon enough. Helhena carried on walking at a slow and steady pace hearing the steps starting to pick up pace and gain on her....at the last moment a smirk appeared over her face. She had hoped they would be smart and turn back to their friends, after all chasing a suspected murderer was hardly clever...oh well fun for her then. With a sharp turn she ducked into the ally on her left and heard the men curse thinking she had started to run.

If they were stupid enough to follow her into the ally which she suspected they were they would find it dark from the buildings towering around it, even for this time of the day but above all they would find it empty...seemingly. When the elf had taken the sharp turn she had ran straight at the brick building opposite only to spring at the last moment and throw herself at an angle feet out first and hitting hard against the stone. Bending her knees slightly she she was in contact with the wall mere seconds before she forced her legs out straight and using all the power that gave her to leap from her position to glide further up into the air her cloak cascading around her with momentum like a flag blowing in the wind. With that move gaining her some air and a good distance off the ground she gabbed the gutter of the building opposite the one she had just used as a spring board and somersaulted onto the roof. Helhena landed in a crouch on her tip toes so as to keep it silent at possible, from here the woman fell onto her belly and called her shadows around herself to shroud her face since her dark robes masqueraded her body effectively enough. Even then it was only a precaution encase they did manage to figure out to look up.

She doubted this fact as she watched the three men rush into the ally and look dumbfounded...how had she ran away so fast? where had she gone? there was no places to hide here? all thoughts she was sure were going through their head. No places to hide? she mused to herself with a smile, so they thought but she had her ways. The wood elf sighed as she looked them over..farmers and shop keeps for sure..which meant she couldn't kill them...well she could but it wouldn't exactly help her keep a low profile in town...and well they were hardly up to the task of a fair fight. Her hand sliped down her side and soon located a small scabbard that was tied tight to her hip, she was glad she had dipped it this morning she was going to come out with it clean. With an expert flick of her thumb the button that held the knife in place released and she pulled it out..all done with barely a shuffle made...she had plenty of practice at this. Her breathing was clam and steady as she surveyed the men..big one with the pitch fork first and then she would take the scrawny one that would be startled and finally she would take what looked to be some kind of shop boy..he had no weapon what so ever. fool. clearly he thought the excitement out weighed the danger when he opted to join the group.

As silent as the dead of night and black as a crow helhena stood up from her spot on the roof tiles. Her face was still shrouded in shadow and only sharp features could be made out, not even a gender was distinguishable. If they seen her she didn't hang around to see and stepped off the edge dropping down, her cloak spread either side of her from the impact of wind against her fall like a set of deadly wings. Landing in a roll to save her knees from the stark thud and popping to her feet she came up behind her first target Slash a small cut on the back of her neck. Side step to the right to avoid the push of the pitch fork, a half twirl and Slash a cut across the bewildered cheek of the second as she stared into the abyss that was her face..she heard one whispered word "Demon" a dark chuckle escaped the elf's lips, the third tried to run but a sharp jab to the ribs halted that and his breathing momentarily. he doubled and helhena leaned down staring at the side of his face...he rooted tot he spot unable to move. "Stay out of the dark.." she stated her voice a breathy whisper Slash. A slow line down the boy's neck,because a boy is all he was. She stood up straight then and regarded all three as she now stood near the entrance of the ally and they were deeper into it...they stared paralyzed for a second not only from fear but now from the poison that coursed through their veins...at first they hands would go numb...the nerves would stop working and then....she waited. BAM! all three hit the ground at once, they were awake and conscious to the world around them but utterly lost to do anything about it. The effects would wear off in an hour or so but they would have a nasty headache and terrible stomach for at least week. well they wouldn't follow anyone down an ally anytime soon. The elf just smiled and looked at her dagger covered in a thin film of sticky yellow substance. With a small chuckle Helhena returned it to its home, dropped her mask of shadows and casually walked out of the ally. She cast one glance toward the others though she had no intention of going to help. She had no doubt they didn't need it. The wood elf simply turned and started to walk. She needed to find an Inn to sleep in for the night.

@Killorkiller @tammynorthland @Varvarus @Veyd Sahvoz
This seems like the time for me to head out. Thought Braxis, rolling his own eyes at the men trying to look fearless and ready for anything. "You're wasting your breath, the real culprit already left. If you're going to be like the ignorant pighead's you are then out of my way." Said Braxis, making it known he hadn't the time for their bullshit which should have been already made clear. He had several opportunities after finishing one of the keg's where he could have already left before they arrived but he was wrapped up in a conversation with two other strangers. For a moment he stood there wondering why and how three strangers of different race even started a conversation in an empty tavern with bloodstains and five dead bodies in it. Was it because of the opportunity of free drink? Yeah, that was likely it. Who would pass up an opportunity of drinking a keg of ale for free?

Putting that thought on hold for the time being, he whistled to something in the distance past the townsfolk. For a moment there was nothing, then just faintly the sound of galloping hooves hitting the ground could be heard getting closer. From the way it was coming towards his master, Braxis, it looked as if it were going to ram right through the group of men but it stopped just short of one of them, a young man by the looks of it, and let out a loud bellowing scream. Braxis chuckled softly at the horse in across from him that would be his way out of the damned town.

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Rowan sat at a booth near the window a mug of ale in front of her that was untouched. She had her hood pulled up and around her face, with strands of ginger hair peaking out, she watched through the window at the commotion outside. Rin's eyes were dark and sharp as she watched with curiosity, the woman was obviously carrying more weapons than the swords by her sides but the amount was uncertain.

Grunting a bored sigh she glanced away from the window and at those around the tavern. Her eyes clocked two men with large kegs adorning their table she tilted her head and took a swig of her own. One of the men was much older and larger than the other in all aspects, he must've been in his early fifties and the other was at the least twenty years younger. The larger man was human and the boy wasn't. Glancing away she brought her drink to her lips and took a long sip.
@tammynorthland @Killorkiller
Duzz stood outside the Belching Pig (The blood stained tavern, named it so it's easy to distinguish so people don't get confused about it.) his arms folded looking at the crowd then to Braxis "Fight o' flight boy oh, I de nae wanna kill em but I de nae wanna be mobed to death either." He slung his axe over his back and took swung his shield free. He then placed his right hand on the pummel of his sword watching the crowd waiting for his partner to make a move.

@Veyd Sahvoz

The three men in the alley stared up in terror after what Helhena had done, they could not move or scream for help. The poor bakers boy lay in a lot damper spot than the others, the elf had possibly gone a bit too far on the intimidation for him. This allowed the elf to slip off unseen by anyone else.

@Lola Shimmer

Outside of the Belching Pig, in which 5 dead bodies lay plastering the floor with blood. The barman who nervously reentered through the back door looks out the window and goes to lock the front door.

@JustCallMeAimee @Killorkiller @tammynorthland

The man at the front of the crowd face turned into a grimace, he clearly didn't like this but it needed to be done. Soon rocks were hurled at the two and some through the tavern window. People in the street began to run for cover as 3 more men carrying bows.
Durrag found it odd that Selah had suddenly went quiet, it was unlike the man they where here to have fun and drink, nothing more. Not wanting to dwell on it to long, Durrag decided that he would Selah bring it up if he wanted to. Looking at the keg in front of him, Durrag picked it up in both hands and began to drain it rather rapidly, after a few seconds he brought it down on to the table with a bump once he had gotten his fill for the time being. Something did not feel right for some reason, without giving away the fact that he was looking around, Dirrag looked around the tavern at the corner of his eye, the only thing that stood out, or more rather tried not to stand out was a girl sitting off in the window booth. She was was watching them, though she was trying to not be noticed and that was plain to see.

Some movement by the bartender caught Durrag's eye, the man was obviously concerned about the commotion outside that was rising. In fact the noise was getting to a point at which it was audible inside the tavern, then a rock came busting through a window. What ever had happened that caused the towns folk to get mad at the taverns patrons was getting out of hand, if it got much worse Durrag himself might have to intervene.

@tammynorthland @Varvarus @JustCallMeAimee @Lola Shimmer

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