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Screaming Mute
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Name : Nathaniel  Lowe

Nickname : Croven

Gender : -

Age : 23

Race : Kitsune Lich

Powers :

Before Death Lowe was a Kitsune, a Fox Spirit that could transform into a Human. After being hunted and murdered the body was Manipulated into a Lich, transformation now turns Lowe into a Black Fox. Extremely skilled in Martial Arts

Has the ability to manipulate the dead, a corpse of anything can be made into a servant. Lowe is undead but not immortal, apart of the "soul" is apart of a pet bird that was kept but was not caught by Lowe's captors. The Bird needs to be killed so Lowe can be killed. However without it close by Lowe still bleeds and regeneration is slow meaning they will stay "dead" for longer than usual if fatally struck.

Looks : 

Other than the Picture Lowe has Numerous Circular Tattoos over the surface of their body (Similar to what is on the back of picture's hands). They Light up when the Dead is manipulated.

Personality : 

A Very calm soul is one way to describe Nathaniel, he seems to show a lack of emotion but that's just on the surface. He's not emotionless, and never expresses what he truly feels. He speaks in a flat english accent. After being a Fox spirit in England he has a thing against Humans and Hunters. 

Short History :

Before Death Nathaniel was simply a Chef at a Restaurant in London, he strolled the nights after his shifts as a Fox through the alleys and the countryside. Sleeping in his usual Den. One morning however there was an illegal Hunt that had taken place, hounds chased him from his home and cornered him. It led to a painful torturous death where he was eventually disemboweled and torn apart. A Necromancer in training was the instigator of the hunt and reanimated the Fox's corpse after it was murdered, little did he know the Fox could transform that's exactly what happened; the zombified Nathaniel bit and tore out the Necromancer's neck. The Hounds retreated in fear as their master was slain. After consuming the Necromancer and it's Magic, Nathaniel's Zombified State evolved into that of a Lich - he retained his looks and personality, but this eventually changed overtime. He tried to take his mind off of it by going into work, but since his state of mind was not fully healed it ended tragically with him murdering all the cooks and waiters in the restaurant before it could open for the day. The Kitchen was painted with Red and Nathaniel fled. This warped his personality, but the necromancer's magic had finally evolved him into the lich giving him powers and his previous state of mind back. A Crow had taken a liking to Nathaniel, attracted by the blood it landed on his shoulder and picked off his clothes - the Lich touched it to pet it which made it screech and glow brightly. The Lich now had a vessel for it's magical abilities and soul, the Crow was capable of speaking English like his new friend. When he was eventually caught the Crow fled, leaving Nathaniel to be lonely in the Black Prison on his first arrival.

Offence : Multiple Counts for Murder. Arson. 

Occupation : Ex-Chef | Cook

Diet : No Diet

Other :

Enjoys Both Genders.
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Name : Alex Retorica

Nickname : Stitch

Gender : Male

Age : ?

Race : Hivemind

Powers : 

His Brain is made up of separate little spores all gathered in his head and all work together to express this body. From the Hivemind abilities he is capable of through specific fluid contact (touching an open wound, kissing, intercourse) have one or a couple of these spores infest a host body. The host body can only be fully taken over with prolong contact (at least 30 seconds of constant contact), if this is broken then Alex only has a short time to do limited things like make them lose control of their actions and attack someone else or simply have them talk for him or look for him. His eyesight is directly controlled by any of his hosts, his hosts also keep their former abilities. If Alex wants to make them permanently his slave after 30 seconds of contact he can have the spores eat their brain and birth new spores.

Attacks directed at his brain will only be focused at one of the many thousands of spores in his mind, killing it off and being replaced with a new one. Sadly however his body works like a human body, with a bit more resistance and better healing factor he can still die if he is maimed and the spores will escape from his body. @Captain Gensokyo Due to the case that he is your character's guard, he can express allowed thought through one of his spores that will directly communicate with her. It's easy to tell it's him speaking due to the fact he addresses you through thought.

He is equipped with Standard Issue Ability Suppression Weapons, two Daggers and his dashing speed augmented by Wind (Abilities of previous body). Make for a killer combination. The Daggers can cut through prisoners and leave them unable to perform their powers properly.

Personality : Alex is a Mute, his powers sort of aid him with his disability but it also makes him a great Guard. He is pretty expressive through body language and even though being mute makes him sort of mysterious, he really tries not to be. Even though he expresses humour every now and again he takes his job to keep these prisoners in line seriously. Despite the fact that he has many spores that make up his brain, he is still one personality and one being- they clung to Alex's previous Brain after they consumed it as it was their only shot at blending in with society so adopted his previous ways meaning he never really died but he totally did. His personality at some points may have little "Breaks" like he is glitching out due to the new spores being created in his head.

Short History : Before being Infested Alex was a Human with the power to slightly manipulate wind which he never really developed passed increasing his speed. His best friend was a very skilled bio-chemist who performed a number of tests on his friend to see how he could develop his skills in wind; the two even had the idea of becoming superheroes - being a couple of nerds and all. However one day when Alex Visited the lab he found that his Friend had their throat slit. The Intruder was still in the room, holding a sealed jar, a project his scientist friend never talked about but had been working on for a while. In a fit of anger and rage Alex wind dashed at the murderer and barged him, making him fly towards a wall but drop the jar directly in front of Alex. The Murderer cursed as the item he had come for had just gone to waste, he whipped his finger across the air and slit Alex's throat from the distance. The Blood started to pour out as he gargled on his own life liquid and collapsed over the smashed glass. The Murderer escaped. The spores from the glass went into the dying Alex's throat as the blood leaked out, fixing the wound they stopped the bleeding and had him stand and chase after the murderer, the spores adapting to his state of mind they helped him get revenge. Once he caught his best friend's murderer he took over his body and made him gauge his own eyes out, he then made the murderer call the police and report and give himself in for what he had done. Once the cops arrived he made the murderer kill himself right before them. 

Offence : The Same people that hired the "Murderer" to get the Jar and the research that Alex's best friend was researching for them, but pulled out on the deal on them came for Alex. Since the spores were a success they decided to use him as a Security Guard rather than a prisoner at Fuchi, keeping him away from civilization and also at close watch - he was a great way to keep the prisoners in control if they ever got erratic. The Guard Hierarchy do very personal tests on him so that they can try to weaponize the power in the future, to no luck. The only reason he is because the spores want to thrive and live, though they also see it as their own opportunity. The Guards have something against Alex because of his difference, so putting him close to the prisoners by making him the Mind Reader's personal guard was their best idea - they're also very well suited for one another.

Occupation : 

Before Spores : Gym Instructor
After Spores : Prison Guard. Vanguard.
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