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Sweetened Classroom


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(Okay I honestly do suck up at coming up with a title for the roleplay @Hime , If you don't like it feel free to change it, just tell me and I will do it! I'll start from the car incident!)

~Time: Before class starts again, in the busy streets with multiple traffics~

The sun shone strongly down upon the streets, heating up the ground with its burning brightness. Hayato had just exited the music store with a few of his favorite band's new CDs in a plastic bag, in which he held in one hand. Earphones are plugged in his ears, the songs going from fierce rock songs to gentle love songs. He enjoyed each one of them briefly, finding music rather delightful, for it is taking his stress away under the blazing sun.

Summer vacation ended just recently, however that does not mean that summer itself has passed. However, students still meet each other in school with the great excitement of going off somewhere to play and hang out with despite the weather. For Hayato, who preferred to just chill alone most of the time, he didn't find going back to school all that amusing. Classes have started and there's already a pile of work he's told to do along with other students, especially for literacy class. Thus, it actually delighted him when he heard that the literacy teacher is retiring. On the other hand, it means another teacher will be coming in, and he or she might be an even worse teacher. Hayato rolled his eyes at the thought, for a moment his mind gradually started to resent school.

However, school is always better than home.

The thought crossed his mind quickly, and he sighed to himself. It is true, that he still prefers staying in school over staying at home. Just stepping into his house reminded him of his hopeless father, and nothing simply seemed to amuse him. Hayato checked his phone for the time, learning that it'll be turning 3 in the afternoon already. Perhaps his father would return home late at night today, completely drunk with the scent of females. He twitched his eyebrows--no matter how hot it is outside today he won't be going back home until he really have no other choice but to do so.

He was about to put his phone back when a song he happened to get tired of recently starts playing through his earphone. Disregarding the fact that he has just walked onto the road to cross the street, he opened the play list to skip the song anyway, failing to notice that the light is still red. When he did look up, it's too late, a car has already started to aim his way.

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