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Sweater Weather


Into The Deep Blue Sea
Two not related by blood step-siblings fall for each other.

Name: Seth Lennon

Age: 17

Hobbies/Occupation: Flirting, Outdoors and Basket Ball

Music Type: Country and Heavy Metal


With people at school: Seth is a fun lover, enjoys the company of others. Very Impulsive and doesn't control his anger as a result. He tends to be cut up in the awkwardest situation.

In real life: Introvert

Background: Always has been quite popular because of sports and his friends. Doesn't like the spot light tho, often introverted but still quite social when people go towards him.

Father often Travels and his mother died in ChildBirth.

Type of friends: Popular crowd and Online friends.


Name: Daenerys (Dany) Lannister

Age: 16

Hobbies/Occupation: Likes to study plants and sing, but doesnt have a job

Music type: Varies from heavy metal/rock/alternative, to sweet indie music with soft voices

Personality: Adamant, determined, quiet at first, talkative when you get to know her, over emotional, musical

background: she never really had friends, her parents ended up divorcing because her father cheated on her mother. She used to have a brother before he died because of a gang attack while she was present. (Idk more background will reveal in time i guess)




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Dany took out her earphones and looked up at the new house, leaning on her suitcase. The house was really nice she had to admit, but she was nervous. This family that she was meeting was her mothers choice of forever. Dany didnt even know if she would like these people, and now she had to live with them. She went up and knocked on the door. Her mother had her keys and she was inside, she'd been there for a few weeks already, to get settled while Dany finished up at her old school.
It was Saturday morning, Seth was walking down the stairs texting some of his friends to organise an Event for the night. He wasn't quite fond of it, it was basically his best friend who insisted for him to come. He grabbed a jug of chocolate milk, as he was draining the jug, someone had knocked the door. He heard his new stepmother speak up from the basement to open the door. ''Seth! Go open the door please! i think it's Dany!'' she shouted kindly. She had settle for a while now, at first he wasn't fond of her but she eventually grew on him , and he kind of liked her now. He walked at the front door and opened the door.
The door opened and Dany saw her new stepbrother. She didn't remember his name, but she believed it to be along the lines of like Seth or something. She paused her music and barged past him into the house, dropping her suitcase on the wooden floor she collapsed into a cross legged position and pulled off her shoes, before she ran and greeted her mother. She didn't want to talk to Seth. She didn't know him, just because he was her new brother didn't mean she had to... She could just ignore him forever.
Seth frowned as the girl just walked inside and threw her shoes around, What the hell is her problem? He thought as he closed the door. She had forgotten her suitcase in the entrance, figuring that she would come back, he just left it there going to the basement where his mother was. She was actually finalizing the room for his new step-sister. He even helped her for some of the stuff, like painting and buying furnitures.
Dany was hugging her mother in the basement, when the boy came down again. She rolled her eyes to herself, and her mum whispered to her to be nice. Dany stepped away from her mother, and looked at Seth. She smiled slightly at him. "Hi Seth." She extended out a hand for him to shake. Her smile was forced. She didn't like this guy yet. He could not replace her brother.
Seth looked at her as if she was from another planet. He could obviously see the fake smile she gave off, she was not enthusiastic to meet him, so was he. He just looked back in forth between the two girls and sighted, he didn't feel like socializing with anyone at the moment, especially someone like her. It just pissed him off these kind of rudeness, he simply waved at her indifferently. He looked at his mother, '' I'll be going out tonight mom. Just wanted to let you know.'' he said leaning on one side while folding his arms.
Dany removed her hand and put it in her pocket. Raising an eyebrow she looked around for her luggage and realised she had left it upstairs. Before she could run and get it though, her mother said the only thing she didn't want to hear right now. "Maybe you could take Daenerys with you?" She scowled at the use of her full name and the proposition she had just made with Seth. She did not want to go anywhere!
Seth absolutely didn't want to bring her to the Rave that night. He didn't want to introduce her to anyone, didn't want to hang out with her or simply know her. He protested, ''Why!? I don't know her and it's a simple gathering between friends!'' he said slightly lying about the event. His father was pretty strict about events with alcohol present or anything of bad influence like he said. Unfortunatly, his mother insisted and just made her puppy eyes. She didn't want her 'children' , like she said, to be cold to each other. He hated the idea but just shrugged going to his room right accross of hers. He connected his phone to the stereo and went online for the time being cursing about this shitty situation.
Dany argued with her mother about this stupid arrangement, she did not want to go anywhere with him! As she stormed off to retrieve her suitcase she shouted to her mother. "He will NEVER be Viserys mom!" She grabbed her suitcase and took it to her room, slamming the door. She realised it had a lock and she locked it. Looking at all her new stuff, she sighed. Her mother had brought her bed over from her fathers house, the oak bed with dragons heads carved into the bed posts. Their eyes made of tiny black marbles. Her father had made her this bed. She looked around her room once more, and noticed a door leading to a second room. Presuming it was a bathroom, she walked through the door, and ended up in Seths room.
Seth was listening to Bring me The Horizon and skyping with one of his Online gaming friends when Dany walked in. He turned towards her rolling his eyes as he mumbled to his friend,'' it's the rude chick I talked about. at her'' ''What do you want Dany?'' he said annoyed while his friends asked to see the new step sister with a little too much enthusiasm.
She pointed at the door slowly. "Our rooms are connected, but I thought it might have been a bathroom. I was wrong, its obviously a troll pit." She smiled sarcastically at him as she heard his friend ask to see her. Walking over, she leant down next to him and looked into the camera. She waved, and flicked her white hair off her shoulder, accidentally hitting Seth in the face with it. She raised her eyebrows and sat on his bed.
Seth was annoyed by her hair and disgusted by his friends comment about his new sister, ''YO DAWG!!! LOOK AT THAT CHICK!'' ''Can I bang her bro?'' , he just closed his computer on them after they started arguing on who will get her, he hoped She didn't understand what they practically screamed. He looked at her bored, ''Ok, is there a reason why you are sitting on my bed?'' he said while eyeing her.
She grinned widely at what Seths friends had said, and laughed a little to herself, before Seth asked her the reason she was on his bed. "Not a reason." She shook her head and looked Seth in the eyes, then stood up. "I just want to make something clear about you and I being 'brother and sister.'" She frowned at him. "You will never be my brother. I will never like you. I will endure you, and you will endure me for the sake of my mother and your father. But make no mistake, I will not ever think of you as a replacement for my family. Neither of you are goin to matter to me." She said, hardly pausing between sentences. Her face was slightly red by the time she had finished, and her eyes slightly glazed over. "Not even my mother." And with that she stormed out of Seths room, slamming the door and shoving her white dressing table to cover it. She only wanted one way in, which had to be locked at all times.
Seth was getting angrier but he felt somehow bad. When she talked, she looked pained like she was suffering. He let her go without anymore arguments, he didn't talk to her all day and would occasionally see her when he got out of his room. The day had passed pretty awkwardly, his mother wouldn't stop insisting to be nice and to socialize more with her since she had rough experience. He was always a sucker when it came t that, he simply shrugged and sighted in defeat. He started changing himself for the Rave and took his key for his car. He knocked on Dany's door, ''Hey...we are leaving in 30mins.'' he said still behind the door waiting for a response.
Dany spent all day in her room rearranging her furniture and getting her art supplies and easels out into the room laying on her bed staring at the ceiling blankly. She didn't belong here, she wanted to go home, real home. Where the grass was knee high and she could play in it for hours with Viserys. Where her father would carry her to bed because she'd fallen asleep in the meadow. The nice quiet life of fields and trees. Not here. Home would never be here. She was brought out of her bubble of thought when Seth knocked at her door, telling her that they were leaving soon. She looked down at her clothes, and then slid off her bed and opened the door to see him standing there. "Where are we going?" She said, she didn't look at him, and she didn't let him see into her room either.
''Well, you are going where I'm going...Order from your mother.'' He said annoyed. He leaned on the door frame, obviously she wasn't going to open her door any sooner, and started flicking his keys with his finger in boredom. He occasionally glanced at his phone because of texts, always getting the same texts from different people who just wanted to become friends because of his statut. It really bothered him.
"Yes, but where are we going. I don't know what to wear." She said blankly, staring at the floor. She traced the line of the door handle and thought about all her clothes that were still packed in her suitcase. She tapped her fingers on her door. "Girls don't just wear anything anywhere."
''Just Casual I guess..'' he said boredly, he continued flicking his turning his keys and thought about all this. He didn't understand why she was so hostile towards him. He had done nothing to her, he understood being cold at the start but she just was completely on a hating mode. What she said earlier kind of bothered him '' Can you open the door, it's really annoying to talk through it.'' he said with a slightly angrier voice.
"No. I'm getting dressed." She backed away from the door and walked over to her suitcase, sitting on the floor she opened it. What to wear? She had a lot of choice. He'd said casual. She rooted through her stuff and put on a pair of shorts and a black top that said 'ghost' on it in very small white writing. She pulled on some black boots and laced them up, and put her hair up into a messy ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror and applied some winged eyeliner quickly before opening the door. "Ready." She mumbled.
Seth just sighted as she said no, obviously she would. he rested his head on the door while he waited, he was actually quite tired. He closed his eyes when abruptly the door opened. He didn't have time to stand back up , Wide eyes and completely shocked, he ended up colliding on the floor with Dany under him.
"Oof!" Dany was suddenly on the floor with the weight of Seth on her entire body. What the f*ck?! She took a sharp intake of breath, and tried to wriggle her way free. "Get off me you idiot!" She shouted, pushing him. "Get off!"
Seth was taken back by all the movement, she was practically punching him to get off. He grabbed her hand and pulled them over her, ''Chill the f*ck down man! I'm getting up!'' he said frustrated. He stood back up undusting his black pants and leaning a hand towards her. Even if she wasn't exactly the nicest or sweetest girl he met, he would always be a gentleman (or almost) to any girl.
She looked at his hand but didn't take it, and stood up on her own. "You didnt get up fast enough." She mumbled and sorted out her ponytail. Looking at him blankly, she walked down the stairs and outside the front door before waiting by the big black gates of the house. Dany sighed while she waited, and looked out at the road. There were houses all around her, completely different to home.
Seth rolled his eyes and followed her up. He started his car and just walked inside, he hated her attitude. He found it despicable and a disgusting, once she got in, he looked straight into her eyes, '' You are such a nuisance,'' he said driving off the driveway.

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