Survivors Of The Titanic


(This idea basically came to me right this second.. Don't judge.)

In this roleplay, we are the grandchildren of Titanic survivors. Our grandparents all later died because of old age but they survived and we're destined to tell their story.

I'm looking for at least 5 people to do this roleplay, or six if you count myself.


Character sheets:




Personality(5 traits):







History of parents(Can be left blank if you want this to unravel during the roleplay.):



My character:

Name: Elizabeth(Eli) Schmidt

Age: 23

Gender: Female




-Hopelessly romantic



Bio: Eli grew up in Wisconsin with her parents, up until they passed away and left her to fend for herself, which wasn't all that hard considering she was the family chef/housewife.

History of grandparents: Her grandparents boarded the Titanic when they were both 13. When the ship hit the iceberg, they fought with all their might to get to a life boat. Though they were only Third Class, they survived with no sicknesses or injuries.

Appearance: (The top is her looks, the bottom pic is her clothes.)


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Name: Alia Vexon

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Personality(5 traits):

- Sweet

- Funny

- Fearless

- Independent

- Protective

Bio/history: Alia was about 14 when she ran away from home from depression, she couldn't stand her parents. She came to a nice town after her 16th birthday and lived there for a good amount of time, but she always travels.

History of parents: Alia's grandparents were at least in second class on board of the Titanic, they were neither poor nor rich. But during the wreck, they jumped a life boat and sailed with some of the First Class Survivors.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.6c6851b21a0e9ac617e11a7583ea6b2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.6c6851b21a0e9ac617e11a7583ea6b2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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hmm I'll Join 
Name: Lillian 'lil' Jemestone

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality(5 traits):

- very outgoing

-close knit group of friends

- when she's with her friends nothing can stop her shes a firecracker of sneaking out and partying but with others...not so much

-rebellious attitude

-shy around those she doesn't know

-only talks to friends



Bio/history: Lillian was born to an upper class family and has wanted for nothing in life ever she is quite spoiled but at the same time doesn't want anything to do with her parents, she lives in a big house and her dad is almost never around and her mom doesn't seem to care much about what she does. She takes advantage of this. She is very close to her grandmother and will always listen to her stories but isn't really sure if she was really on the titanic! Her grandmother is dying and Lillian seems to be the only one who cares.

History of parents(Can be left blank if you want this to unravel during the roleplay.): both her parents are having affairs and it is unclear (to the mother) who her father is

Appearance: (very short less than 5 feet) always dying her hair


examples of hair: (i'll put some in posts when it changes but just to give you an idea)







she has lots of piercings (which she didn't get permission from her dad for)




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