Survivor Ranks

Rumble Fish

The Paradise Hunter

More will be added upon request!




The leader of the human survivors in the town of Cooke City-Silver Gate who is in charge of their safety, as well as the armory. Their main priotiry is to protect the other survivors within the settlement. They are also in charge of and lead the guards.




The second highest ranking behind the Commander. Their main job is defense against any dangers that the survivors may face.  The only one higher than them is the Commander, and they are to be given the same level of respect.




The sheriff stays among the civilians to keep order and ensure that nobody is breaking any rules or trying to sneak out of the town. They are also to alert the Commander if they notice any unlawful behavior. 




Exactly what you would expect from being a guard. Their job is to patrol the boarders of the town and to rid it of any unwanted pests. They need nerves of steel as it is not just Lycans that could potentially be a threat. Bears, wolverines and wolves also roam Yellowstone and pose a huge threat, especially in winter.




Everyone who is not one of the town's government has the jobs of hunting for food, looking after one another, and (for some) trying to find out more about their world and who they share it with.


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