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Realistic or Modern Surviving


Mysterious Writer

In this story you will help guide the path of a young man or woman, as he/she traverses across the country in search of a place to call home (safe from all the evils of the world).  The world has been destroyed by disease, and turned otherwise good people into unrecognizable monsters, leaving the characters lost and alone, can you guide them home?


Who is the Main Character?


1. Aaron Feller: a kind-hearted, naive, 17 year old Boy from Los Angeles who has yet to learn the cost of misplaced trust.


2. Jessie May: an independent, stubborn, 16 year old girl from Kansas City who thinks she can take on the world by herself.


Jessie May lived in Kansas City with her parents.  While her parents were visiting family in California, a strange event happened.  The power went out all over town, the phones went dead, and everyone, for some reason, just left.  Jessie hadn't seen her neighbors leave but, one morning, their cars, along with them, were all gone. The day her parents were supposed to return came and went, but they did not return.  She had no way to contact them, or anyone else for that matter, and resigned to wait.  She lived alone - waiting - in the house for a month, never once seeing another living soul.  In the past week she has begun to accept that for one reason or another, her parents will not be coming back, and that something bad has likely happened in the world.  Her story, this story, will begin with the night she finally decides to leave her house (to learn what happened to the world, her parents, and what it all means for her).


Jessie is sitting on the couch, in the living-room of her family's house, completely alone.  Outside rain is falling.  The house is quiet, cold, and almost unrecognizable to her.  She remembers what it was once like there - loud and warm, full of life and people.  The house, sadly, will never be like that again, and she knows it.  The house is not her home, not any more.

While she sits there memories of her past begin to arise from within; they are projected onto the walls of the house, she watches them with tears in her eyes.  This is nothing new, as the house holds many of her memories, and often plays them for her.  Jessie cries at the images she cannot escape. 

Her memories finally subside, leaving her, once again, alone in the empty house.  Free from the torment of her past, she can clearly think, and does.  She realizes she must leave the house, once and for all. 

But where will she go, and When?

You are Jessie's fate, her Guardian Angels, and thus have the ability to direct her life, for better or worse.  Be careful with the power you have, as the actions you influence her to take will greatly affect who she becomes and, ultimately, if she lives or dies.

Where: Pick one.

1. The police station, a sensible place to look for help, and hopefully learn what happen.

2. Her cousin's house, on the far side of town.  She doesn't know him well, but he is family.  (Jessie has only met him once, actually, at a family picnic a year ago.  He moved from Los Angeles to Kansas City for school, and had an apartment on the other side of town from them.  He was nineteen at the time, seemed nice, but had only stopped by to introduce himself.  Beyond that he was as much a stranger as anyone else.)

When: Pick one.

1. Now (It's 9:43PM, dark, and raining.  All that being said, she will not have to endure any more of the house's torment.)

2. In the morning (Jessie could wait until morning, it'll be light out, and the rain might stop, but she'll have to stay another day in the house.)



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