Surviving: The End (1x1 zombie survival)


Born To Kill.
RA: Reanimates. Zombies. There are a myriad of other slang terms, but the US Government classified them as reanimates, and there are 4 forms based on blood type. An important thing to note is that if a person dies, regardless of being bitten, killed, dying in any way, they become an RA according to the person's blood type, NOT the blood type of the RA. The one exception to this is the RA4, please read below.

**NOTE** There is no way to LOOK at an RA and dictate it's classification type. They physically look the same and only after varied degrees of watching and studying can they generally be differentiated, and that's IF the character is familiar with different types.

RA1 [-]

(O blood type, approx 43% of Americans): This type of zombie is slow, dumb and come in great numbers. They are commonly referred to as “ones” or “unos.” They share many similarities with RA2 (A blood type, see below). They can vocalize moans and do so when they see prey. They react vaguely to smell and hearing to the degree that they will turn their heads. While they do not associate, say music with humans and meat, they are naturally drawn to sounds. They DO react to sight. It is suspected that RA1 and RA2 have a slight form of heat vision. One study in Germany showed them react to heat signatures of human silouttes at up to 8 feet. This study was not fully researched prior to its…untimely closing. These RAs are not smart, as mentioned, and can hardly negotiate up/down stairs (which usually constitutes them falling down stairs. To move up, they either crawl or a mass of bodies stacks and actually allows the zombies in the back to crawl up the mass).

RA2 [-]

(A blood type, approx 41% of Americans): this type is very similar to RA1 but a little smarter. They move a little bit faster and are drawn to things a lot more quickly than Ones. They also react to one another more distinctly than Ones. Field studies have shown that a mass of Ones and Twos moving together will walk without much purpose or direction. But if one of the Twos see prey or meat, they will break off and all of the other Twos (within 5 or so feet) seem to gravitate together while the mass of Ones continue on. This happens even when the other RA2s are out of sight, smell and hearing, and scientists have no theories to the manner of communication that takes place that allows this.

RA3 [-]

(B blood type, approx 11% of Americans): RA3s are commonly referred to as Threes, joggers or Q1s (quick ones). These are a bit smarter than Ones and Twos and also a lot more aggressive and quick. Most studies found that Threes had a tendency to band together with more of a pack nature. They have been known to easily climb stairs and even climb over low walls. Similar to the Twos, they seem to be able to react as a group to one individual, and they have been documented to do so at distances of up to 15 feet. On rare occasion, this type has been known to stop and feed on non-Three infected.

RA4 [-]

(AB blood type, approx 5% of Americans): Fours are the scariest of the infected individually. They are called horsemen (a connection to the Four Horsemen), clickers (when excited, they have a tendancy to clack or chatter their teeth) and breathers (they always breath loud and deep and almost sound like they are wheezing or choking). They are fast and have an animalistic intelligence, having been known to follow prey for periods of time and waiting for individuals to become isolated. Unique to all other forms of RAs is that this type will kill anything, including other infected openly and aggressively. They do not kill one another however and groups of up to 3 have been sighted. A unique thing about an RA4 is that if a human is bitten and DOES NOT DIE, but succumbs to infection, it becomes an RA4. However, if a human is bitten and dies, it will reanimate according to blood class.
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Name: Jon Erikson

Group: CDC Group

Age: 29

Occupation: Government top secret data clerk and server technician

Family life: Single

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 185 pounds

Blood type: O+

Reason for government interest: Jon has top secret clearance to the top most tiers of the government. He is also capable of running and maintaining computer networks of top secret level.


Bio: Via his CIA service record, Jon Erikson was born and raised in the streets of Chicago. His early childhood was typical, he grew up playing hockey and taking krav maga lessons until his parents both lost their jobs and could not afford to pay for either. He continued to train at the Krav Maga center while working to pay for his lessons by cleaning and helping maintain the grounds. His parents fought most of the time, each blaming the other for their financial situation and Jon distanced himself from both as most kids do.

Eventually his mother filed for divorce and about a month later, both were killed by a drunk driver. Because he had no extended family and no care takers, he was given to the state at age 14. His schooling lagged as he had no true guidance and motivation.

Eventually he dropped out and worked full time training and tending to the Krav Maga center. He was given a small room there and that seemed to be enough for him. His training led him to meet a handful of recruiters for the military and one day he signed up for the army. After taking an asvab test, his scores were too low to enlist.

One of the recruiters noticed his computer comprehension was through the roof however, and he then set Jon up on a government grant that allowed him to go to college for 5 years almost free. He was moved to Washington DC to learn how to institute a government top secret server from top to bottom and maintain it and it’s security.

Over the 5 years or so, his job was mostly menial data entry and systems checks although his job would take him outside the country and all over the US on a routine basis. He was trained in how to use firearms, hand to hand combat (on top of his krav maga background), first aid, outdoor survival and a myriad of other arenas that the CIA deemed necessary.

When The Awakening happened, the government started pulling in a handful of assets inside and isolating them to keep accountability. Later, when things got exceptionally bad, they put together a CDC/Homeland Security facility, called The Southern Facility where they would gather assets that they knew were immune and who would be of some value once the outbreaks ceased.




Name: Harris "GodZI77a" Godson

Group: CDC Group

Age: 22

Occupation: Former hacker; acquitted of crimes to work for gov't

Family life: Single

Hair: Sandy brown

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 155 pounds

Blood type: B+

Reason for government interest: Harris is a (former) world renown computer hacker. His skills are unparalleled, and he also has a lot of background in computer and networks, from the ground up.


Bio: Harris was born in a privileged home, not really knowing much hardship, aside from those that he brought down upon himself. His parents were wealthy, his father being a top executive at a global petroleum company while his mother was simply a rich, pampered socialite. The two rarely had time for him, especially as he got older, and he spent most of his time being raised by housekeepers and the such.

Because he lived in a large, relatively isolated home and was home-schooled, he took to computers and the internet after being exposed to them one time. He quickly got sucked in, doing everything from building computers, social networking and gaming to maintaining servers. At the young age of 10, he got into hacking, and if Harris was a savant in terms of computers and technology, then his prowess at hacking may have had him labeled a god.

He found him doing things not really because he needed to, but simply because he could do them. He would steal money and identities, he'd change his grades and even wrote erroneous articles in newspapers and on websites. For many years, he stuck to what one could consider low key crimes. He didn't need money, or great grades, he simply did it because he could. His parents didn't care one way or another.

Then at 13 he was exposed to the powers of actual malicious hacking and took to it. He started compromising corporate servers, hacking sensative mainframes and eventually got to the point that he was worming his way into government systems and causing chaos. These activities were not limited the the US and he was on half a dozen lists globally as a wanted criminal, even though they had no idea who he was or what he looked like. "ZIL" or "Godzilla" was his screen name and he was revered in the underground world of hacking and even was made mention in large, public online circles.

The fact that he was rich and had cash resources, then was extremely intelligent, compounded with the ease at which wireless devices would be purchased and used, he was untraceable for over 7 years. Then, just like every other successful man who falls from grace, he was brought to heel by a woman scorned.

After he posted pictures of him at a party to which she was not invited, and there was a picture of Harris with his arm around another girl, she flipped out and called local authorities to let them know about him. She wasn't thinking at the time, and simply called to tell them that he was "watching and trading a shit load of child pornography," not realizing that in doing this, the metaphorical Pandora's Box was opened.

After a simple test of his security protocols, none of which were available anywhere else, nor were the agents able to even poke a small hole in it, they realized they were dealing with someone more capable than a rich kid watching porn. They called in the FBI and had no idea that in doing so, they'd be reeling in one of the biggest catches in the history of E-Cases. What started as serving a warrant for suspicion of distributing child pornography turned into a feeding frenzy.

At 20 years old, Harris was put in prison on a myriad of hacking related crimes, ultimately given 55 years without chance for parole. At no point in his stay would he ever be allowed to touch any electronic device with any form of interface.

Prior to going to prison, he and his lawyers came up with an agreement: Harris would be released into custody, be allowed to live at home, but on a form of modified parole and house arrest. He would be monitored at all times, via multiple methods, to include 2 agents near him at all times. He was given a computer that was monitored by a modified program he created that would only allow the most basic of computer access, similar to parental filters on tvs and devices.

He was miserable and sullen, a shell of who he used to be even in spite of aiding in the closing of several investigations. He finally found interest again on Valentine's Day, when things started to go wrong. He spent the first day looking at things online in regards to this when without warning, agents came into his room and removed him.

He was driven for hours, from Illinois to Missouri, and when the vehicle stopped at a facility, an agent entered the vehicle and explained that, in light of the potential epidemic around the world, he would be moved here for future considerations. Once the situation was handled, he would be released, but an asset like him could not be jeopardized.

Harris had no idea what exactly was going on, but when he tried to fight, he was hit with a stun baton and woke up in his room. After repeated conversations with people via the comm system, it was deduced that more or less, he was stuck here, nothing he said would matter and he'd be let out eventually, and things would go back to how they were before being imprisoned.




Name: Fuad Najasir

Group: Two Kings

Age: 25

Occupation: None – former student, failed EMT training

Family life: single.

Sex: male.

Hair: brown.

Eyes: brown.

Weight: 185 lbs.

Blood type: O+.

Immune: yes.

Gear: backpack with mismatched clothes. A sawed off 12g Remington shotgun w/ half a box of shells. A crowbar. He has a “fanny pack” of various emergency medical equipment while there are other medical supplies in his main pack.

He made “armor” out of motorcycle riding gear. Instead of the whole jacket, he cut off the sleeves and legs in two different sizes: medium for the warmer weather and then XL for when it was cold and had to go over clothing. While he was bitten and almost had an arm broken, this DID save him from the bite getting to actual skin and possibly infecting him. Additionally, he found a steel gauntlet on a corpse, which he uses in the OPPOSITE hand he swings his crowbar with.


Bio: Fuad was born in a predominantly Arab suburb of Phoenix, AZ. His family were Muslims, as was the majority of his community. He grew up fairly privileged, his father being a business executive for a computer company and his mother ran a series of Arab based shops locally.

Fuad had little problems growing up and all seemed well enough until his older brother died due to severe medical complications brought on by a pulmonary condition. He remembered his brother sobbing the night before, not wanting to die, being scared and unsure. He loathed his family for years after, as all they said were religious spoonfed crap. “It’s in Allah’s hands.” “You’ll be happier.” “You won’t suffer any more.” None of it consoled him and he had to be medicated once his heart rate wouldn’t slow.

His brother never woke up.

After that, Fuad became somewhat estranged to his family after he ceased practicing and accepting Islam into his life. At first, it was just a choice for himself, but after family resented him and made comments about it, he began having more conflict with more and more family members until he really ceased talking to anyone but his mother, father and sister. He gradually hovered in an area between deism and being an atheist, and some days agnostic. But mostly, he didn’t really care. After finishing school, he got a partial scholarship for running cross country and went away for 2 years.

Not long after, he dropped out and came home. He decided finally that he wanted to do something to help people, not just work a job to make money like his father. Now that he had grown up, he seen that while his father and mother were great providers, they were not around as parents, not good role models. They had OTHER people take him to school, make dinner, drive him around. They were always too busy focusing on money or their social image.

After fighting and almost threatening to leave forever, his father finally decided to give in and pay Fuad’s way through EMT training. He studies and practiced but the first time he took the test, he failed. He was pissed and crushed, but a few current EMTs and the instructor even said that over 80% of EMTs failed their first test, and over half still failed the second.

He was in the middle of studying for that second potentially failed test when The Awakening happened. It was horrible and he still had nightmares about it. He heard about it on the news, but it was all downplayed, but the internet, you can’t lie on the internet. He read and watched himself into a paranoia and told his family they needed to leave.

His father said they couldn’t, his mom and sister were both sick. Then, to Fuad’s amazement, his father started telling him how it was a hoax and not real, and if this alleged outbreak WAS real, then the holy and righteous would be saved. The middle of a global pandemic, and his father used it as an opportunity to throw Fuad’s lack of faith back in his face.

Later that night, he was still reading up on things when he heard arguing downstairs, then yelling. Then some crashing at the front door. He heard his father yelling and then screaming in pain. He looked down the bottom of the stairs and seen two forms over his father, one was his sister, and she was tearing into him as he screamed.

Then he looked and his mother was standing less than 10 feet away in her door way and she rushed him. He knew instantly what was happening, and why they were “sick” earlier, but it was too late now. He didn’t say anything or react, instinct just pushed her outstretched arms in the directions of the stairs, which she feel down at horrible angles, mostly on her head and neck.

Then, she hissed and started to try to crawl back up the stairs, her neck bent at a horrible angle. He threw up on the stairs. After a moment, he turned to his room, grabbed a baseball bat and the largest of the 3 set samurai sword set he had (a gift from a highschool girl friend actually) and threw some clothes in a bag. Then he opened his window and crawled down the pipe, the one he used to sneak out for years and shimmied down.

The scene around him was straight from a horror movie. It wasn’t like the movies. There were no cars peeling out. No explosions. Just people. People running. People screaming. Forms moving in the night. No houses were on fire. There was an occasional burst of gunfire, but everything going on around him was almost overwhelming. He took off at a light jog, picking up speed when he needed too, never realizing his cross country days would help him run out of the carnage.

He’d been running, walking, or driving East ever since, hearing that the Marine Base in Missouri was an infection free zone
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Name: Terry M Burnard

Age: 43

Occupation: Fireman.

Family life: Married. Wife, three kids all deceased.

Hair: black.

Eyes: brown.

Weight: 205 lbs.


Blood type: A+

Immune: yes


T-burn keeps a good supply of lighters flammable, rather explosive items with him. After all, fight fire long enough and you learn how to start one, to. Other then that, he has a crowbar and his hands.

Bio: Terry, or T-Burn was living the good life. His childhood was modest, but they had more than a lot of people, and he was taught to see that and appreciate it from his parents. Terry’s father was a chief at a fire station in Texas and his mother was a social worker, so they instilled in him, an only child, that a job that didn’t help anyone wasn’t worth working. At the end of the day, you find substance and worth in the people you help. Terry’s grandfather was also a fireman for the same station, though long retired.

While his mother worked a low key job that got very little recognition (albeit good pay), his father was more known through the city. He saw that and wanted it. People respected his father because he was a good man, he respected others. So as soon as he graduated high school, he asked his father to help him through fire fighter training. After talking with both his parents, they decided to go ahead and do it.

He wasn’t the largest man, not the fastest, and not the smartest, but they called him the “Bulldog” at training because no matter what Terry wouldn’t quit. He was bullheaded and he had heart.

And the tradition of a Burnard being in the local fire department carried on for a third generation. Eventually he settled down and married and had kids of his own. Two of his own children expressed interest in fire fighting (the third more interested in banging drums and wearing black clothing) so that would have made for a potential 4th generation if it hadn’t been for the awakening. His father had retired for some time, and Terry made it to Assistant Chief and after 21 years was about to retire himself.

Then the calls started flooding in. People sick. Dying. Then attacking. Violence in the streets. But not near his home.

Not immediately anyway. Then one day, there was a call to his own house and he panicked as he and the emergency response units scrambled and headed out. They arrived at the scene and before anyone could explain what happened, shots were fired. Then more shorts. He went to make his way into the house, but was blindsided to a form who bit deeply into his forearm. He struggled with the thing and they fell on his steps, Terry landing on top. He picked up and bashed the woman’s head into the stairs, repeatedly until it stopped.

It was then that he realized it was his oldest son’s girl friend. A cop grabbed him and told Terry not to go in, they were all dead.

As the chaos around him picked up, Terry sat the numb. Then, anger over took him, anger at not being there, at failing to protect his family, anger at…the whole world. He swung his axe clean into the face of the next undead that shambled by.

Since then, he’s been killing his way east, hearing of a hold out location in South Carolina.





William Renault; Will



Despite appearing rather thin and, frankly, frail, due to his height, Will is actually rather well built and toned, clear should anyone ever catch him with his shirt off. As to his usual outfit, he tends to stick to jeans and a t-shirt, with a good pair of hiking boots and a grey windbreaker, worn but sturdy.

Eye color:



5'3", 130 lbs

Blood type:

B-, immune to the zombie virus.




A backpack that he stuffs with any chemicals or engineering bits he can find, along with a single change of clothes, and a few travel rations- Water bottle, trail mix, a can of beans or two. The necessities. In the warmer months he wears either no jacket or his wind-breaker, but when things get cold he switches to his favorite leather jacket, warm and sturdy. Though at some point the right sleeve of all of his shirts and jackets went missing... He just wraps his right arm in bandages if it gets too cold now. Mobility first! Weapon-wise, he has a rather large bow and a military-grade survival knife. The bow seems far too heavy in the draw for somebody his size... But he seems to have no issue drawing the thing, and his aim is outstanding. As to the single handgun he carries... Not so much. He might hit the broad side of a barn, if he gets lucky. It's more for threats than actually shooting people.

Reason for being in the CDC facility:

His mother was in a... rather high up position- Higher than his father to be certain, and thus convinced his father to pull some strings and put Will in the presumed safe hands of the CDC facility.... Because the first lady is far, far higher up than the president.

Bio: Will was born into a fairly normal life- A normal family, a normal home, a normal school- Really, everything was decent. For the first eleven years of his life, he was happy and cool with everything. From an early age, he was a scout, all of his interests going into nature and wilderness skills. Thankfully, his family was quite supportive of the fact, and thus he had no problems going through scouts and school, help from his family available when needed, and all that fun stuff.

However, things got a bit more confusing come that eleventh year. His father, a politician for most of his life, decided it was time for the ultimate goal: He ran for president. That year in particular was extraordinarily busy, to be expected of course. What was more surprising? His father -won-. From there, Will's comfortable lifestyle became highly confusing. He and his older brother were taken from their home in Michigan down to DC, their cozy little hose turning into the great Whitehouse. All of his friends, his scout troop, his school, everything left behind. While he did manage to join the boyscouts again in his new home, it was never the same. Secret Service tailing him everywhere, never able to be on his own again. Making friends was neigh-impossible, for him and his brother both, leaving them to be basically on their own. The next four years were like that, secluded and lonely. This only made his determination to find a small amount of normalcy larger. He pushed himself harder in scouts and school to learn as much as he could, doing his best to ignore the men in suits hovering over him at all times. Archery and nature survival became massive interests for extracurricular activity, and anatomy and biology in general, alongside engineering, became his academic pursuits.

It was mere luck that the skills he studied would prove useful in the end. Four years of constant study and practice, trying to ignore the Secret Service shadowing his every move, and the solitude brought on by his father's position. All of it culminating into a rather skilled survivalist. Who knew a zombie outbreak would occur in his father's last year of office? At his mother's urging, his president pulled a few strings with his last bits of authority to put Will in the protective hands of CDC. A special order was given to a specific man to guard him after the CDC people were released- Without him knowing of course. Poor kid, always guarded...





Jane Langford



Eye Color:



5'00" 106 lbs

Blood Type:

O+ (Immune)




Jane is in full support of making men believe that purses are bottomless, even in these dangerous times. Her only apparent bag is a single mid-sized purse, kept close to her side... In which she stores a change of clothes, spare ammo for any gun she happens to pick up in place of makeup, a book, a jacket, food, water, a few old items of sentimental value, her phone- Because she is -determined- to find somewhere that still has power to charge it and have her gods damned music- and an entire bag of first aid supplies. Weapon-wise, she'll just use whatever small arms she comes across and has ammo for. Big guns tend to knock her over, determined or not.


Growing up in a somewhat shitty neighborhood in New York City, New York, Jane has always been the epitome of the fiery redhead. Brought up by a caring single mother, she was taught to put her fiery ways to use with that common new yorker attitude, vicious and highly self-sufficient, growing up in the concrete jungle just -suited- her. She couldn't imagine life anywhere else. Elementary, middle, and highschool all went by with fair ease- She wasn't the smartest gal in the universe, but she was definitely up there.

But of course, things always have to go sour. When the rising began, her mother was quick to pack Jane and what few belongings they cared to take with them in the car and get the hell out of dodge, driving as far west as the little car would take them, hoping to find a safe haven -somewhere-, anywhere. And yet, even that couldn't last. When they stopped to camp out- Jane can't remember exactly where- they were fallen upon by a group of zeds. Jane made it out... Her mother didn't. From there she traveled aimlessly, one place to the next, stealing food to survive and hiding in trees to sleep. Eventually, she wound up with a pair of guys that she found to be decent and trustworthy company- Terry and Fuad, they called themselves. The Two Kings, in joking conversations. She turned out to be a fairly quick study and good shot in the realms of firearms, and has stuck with the two wherever they went since finding them.

Much to Terry's false irritation.
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Name: Ashley Mareno

Group: CDC Group

Age: 26

Occupation: Security Guard at CDC Faciliy, third floor

Family life: Engaged, prior to Awakening.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 135 pounds

Blood type: A-

Reason for government interest: Security guard with police training.


Bio: Ashley was born in southern California to a philipino father and chinese american mother. They moved around a lot due to her mother's job as an executive for a large, global electronic component fabricator. Her father worked miscellaneous jobs as throughout her childhood, but this by no means reflected anything negative about him. Simply put, he was also victim to the constant moving even though he had several associates degrees and ran a landscape company a few times when they were in a place long enough for him to do so.

Throughout her school and formative years, she went through many ebbs and flows as most teens did. Her father wanted her to take karate before taking any kind of social activity, so that was the first real class she took. She excelled in school, then declined, then got more social once she was allowed to play softball and take part in other activities.

Towards the tail end of her high school life, and not long after another move, she decided to go to school for criminal justice. She went to Eastern Tennessee University and while she missed her family and they missed her, she flourished. She was now stable in her location, and in charge of her life and where she went. He college life was not anything atypical, a mix of partying, meeting people, and studying and classes. After her second year, she talked to a recruiter for the CDC and signed up for a program where she essentially added 3 semesters to her classes and signed a contract to work for at least 3 years for the CDC as an armed guard. While it wasn't what she originally wanted to sign up for, the pay was good and there was a chance to either travel (if she so desired) or simply stay put. Can't go wrong with options, right?

She'd worked on the job training while going to school and enjoyed it. After her schooling was done, she was stationed at a CDC facility in Arizona. While it wasn't the most lively spot, it's where she met Matthew Jackson, her future fiance. They dated while working at the same facility, but eventually, she got a chance to move to a facility in Missouri. It was a good move because she got to go, it was a promotion, it was closer to more people, AND a spot in the rotation was opening up in a few months that would allow Matt to join them.

She was set up for a while and working the third floor of the facility when the Awakening happened. She kept in brief contact with Matt but eventually, it was made public to her (with her top secret clearance) that the facility that Matt was working was destroyed when the government bombed an area of Phoenix to attempt to control the outbreak. Not long after, communication with all levels of the government was severed and now they simply waited at the facility, hioping to hear something from someone.




Name: Darren Braxten.

Group: Walkers.

Age: 25.

Occupation: Registered Nurse.

Family life: Single, married and divorced twice.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 195 pounds

Blood type: B-


Bio: Darren was born into a wealthy family, born and raised in northern California. His family was wealthy and money was never an issue in the family. Prior to high school, his family moved to Boston after his father opened his own medical practice. His mother was an legal underwriter and found a high paying job also, and once again the family was living the priviledged life, just on the opposite side of the country.

He did well at a private school and went to college in a suburb of Boston, studying to eventually become a doctor and take over the family practice. He wasn't rushing, and his father wasn't rushing him, as he seemed equally as interested in school as he was in being young, drinking, and meeting girls. He got married on a whim and the girl seemed more interested in his money than him, which didn't bother him much. Living the fast, alcohol filled life she did, she was driving while drunk one night and ended up running her car into a concrete median, killing herself and a male (later discovered to be her boyfriend) passanger instantly.

Darren wasn't affected as much as one would think as the two never really had a healthy relationship, and love wasn't something they ever really claimed to be in, but he was affected to a degree--mainly he came to realize that he wasn't immortal and shouldn't be making unwise decisions. Not long after he met a girl at college and the two developed a relationship that grew and grew, and for the longest time Darren displayed that he had grown and matured.

The two were married and Darren seemed to completely separate his old life as a partier from his new life. He did great in his schooling and showed great promise until one day, almost inexplicably, he seemed to not only revert back to his old ways, but he seemed to stray off further than where he was at before. It was not long before his current wife divorced him and things only seemed to get worse.

Drinking himself into a stupor the night before Valentine's Day, he woke up still drunk and it wasn't until later that evening that he started to read about what was actually going on in the world. His parents called him and told him to stay home, stay safe, and keep in touch and slowly things seemed to get worse and worse. A few days later, school classes were cancelled and that same day, his mother called him, screaming hysterically as men broke into the house. As he listened, she opened fire, other shots were fired, and then there were a few other screams from unknown men, followed by what Darren assumed was someone stepping on the phone. He called his father, panicking, and knew his father wasn't going to pick up. He hadn't heard from him in several days and while he tried to avoid the news, he had heard that the hospital his father was working was over run and lost, along with a large portion of the down town area of Boston.

He called his friends, and almost no one picked up except his friend from college who invited him to come to his home in a heavily wooded area. He declined and instead followed government instructions for relocation to alleged safe zones and since that time, he's been on the move, linking up with groups, doing whatever it took to stay alive as people died, or entered his life on a regular basis.
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