Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

Valentine was kneeling down and watching a zombie on the other side of the store it shuffled clumsily groaning. It then was shot through the head and Valentine screamed from shock. A gang of rogues entered the building grabbing it and then started rummaging through the store. Valentine watched wide eyed, then one came over to where she was and looked around then his eyes crossed over her. he whistles "found someone!!" Valentines lunged at him daggers ready. She go one in the shoulder and the let out a squeal backing up into a shelf Valentine tried moving quicklt to the door when one grabbed her leg and pulled her leg sending her head flying to the ground she hit it hard and blacked out. The 3 males and 2 female wrapped her and the zombie in a blanket and dragged her out.

Dimitrius ran over to the plum tree and picked two off tossing one to Calli smiling. "I love these things!!" He said talking a bite of his plum.
Zayden was still falling slightly behind her, just observing when he saw some guy come up to her and wrapped a blanket around her. He was bubbling with anger but knew he needed watch his distance, he couldn't get too close, to where they would see him. He decided he would follow them to wherever they were heading and when the time came along he would sneak her out of there and head back to the house. Calli also enjoy plums and took a bite of it. "Yummy!" she exclaimed.
Valentine struggled and yelled her yells being muffled soon enough she gave up and just let them take her she would get home to her brother soon enough. Dimitrius smiled and finished his plum.
Zayden listen to Valentine's screams when then they finally got silent. He figured she just gave up and was just going to go with wherever she was going. Zayden like to be sneaking and as bad as it is he actually enjoy tracking down Valentine. Calli smiled back and went to climb the tree, like her brother she felt a connection with her family whenever she was in a tree.
Dimitrius smiled and sat on one of the branches looking at Calli, "So I've always wondered, What is your and Stars Zombie story??" Dimitrius asked throwing the pit of his plum to the ground. Valentine got really clausterphobic and soon enough passed out until she was jerked awake. She was in a dark room she could see the outline of a person. "Morning sugar face" He said smirking. Valentine tried leaping forward but fell. She was straped to the ground by a chain. The guy laughed "Im Perry I will be wayching you for a while." Percy informed her. Not for long I am going to get out of her Valentine thought. Percy walked over to the wall and sat down a cat she hadnt noticed followed and sat on his lap turning itself around and falling asleep.



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