Surprise Stranger


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Rose Luna shivered as she fumbled with her house keys, finally getting it to turn in her slippery hands and letting her inside. She sighed a breath of relief as she closed the door, and started to wring her hair;soaking wet from the pouring rain outside. "Honey I'm home!" she said, as if she'd ever get a reply from her cat, Hammy, who was laying carelessly on her couch. With a small smile, she shrugged off her coat and headed up to change into her comfy gown and slippers. Finally dressed, she grabbed a blanket off of her bed and start to head downstairs, though she couldn't help but look out the window to the horrible to the horrible storm goin on outside. "What a horrid day..." she said softly to herself. She headed downstairs and plopped down on the couch, grabbing her blanket and wrapping it around herself snuggly and looking around for a familiar grayish looking blur. "Hammy...come 'ere Hams..." she called out. Her cat Gladly did as he was told, and took a seat next to her. "'re so lucky cats don't have to go to work. Because If you did work, and you were doing WELL, you would be spending your Friday nights with your friends out drinking, instead of talking to a silly old cat!" she said. He stared blankly at her and meowed as if replying back to her. She laughed a bit, and stared outside as her window lit up, followed by a loud crash of thunder. Shaking her head she laid back, closing her eyes and running her hand through her bright red hair, thinking about what she'd do on the weekend, but before she knew it, she'd fallen into a deep sleep.*** Rose gasped as she suddenly sat up, waking up with a start. She was freezing and felt as if her feet have Been replaced by popsicles. She shook her head, certain that it wasn't the reason she'd woken up. Grabbing her blanket, she got up and started towards the stairs, ready to call it a night. As she passed the window, she saw everything was completely covered in snow. Thousands of tiny snowflakes were pelting against her windows. She yawned and continued up the steps when she heard a faint knock on the door. "Probably just my nerves..l she thought. Halfway up the stares, she heard a knock, louder this time. Her gray eyes flaring towards the door, she cautiously neared it, as Her cat bolted off the couch and hissed towards the entrance. Turning the lock and opening the door a bit, a gust of cold wind came at her, immediately stinging her cheeks. Looking up, she saw what looked like a man almost completely covered in snow. The hoodie of his jacket covering his eyes and half his nose, the only thing she could see were his lips, which had turned completely blue. He opened his mouth in an attempt to speak but no words would come. "Oh my, come inside." she said, grabbing his right arm and pulling him in, quickly shutting the door. Without hesittating, she picked up her blanket from the stairs and wrapped it around him, starting up the flame in her fireplace. "Just take a seat in front of the fire and try to warm up.." she said heading to her kitchen and starting to brew water for tea. "What the hell are you doing, Rose? You just let a random stranger into your home? Youve officially lost it. But then again, you wouldn't have sent him back out on the streets would you?" she contemplated this as she thought of how this stranger must be holding up.
I'm not trying to be rude, but this is more of a story than a roleplay, considering there is no sign up at all. It's a very good story, though! :)

Ryan wasn't sure where he had gotten the strength, but slowly he trudged along making his way through the thick snow and trying to figure out what to do to keep himself from freezing to death. He had nowhere to go and he had nothing on hand except his I.D and a handful of cash. It certainly wasn't enough to go anywhere, twenty dollars didn't exactly get you a hotel.

He passed through the snow-lined streets for as long as he could manage before he realized that he was likely going to freeze to death. His hoodie didn't offer much protection from the biting cold and he couldn't feel his fingers, toes, or even his lips. His face stung from the cold and he was beginning to slow down. The last thing that he wanted right about now was to freeze five feet from the protection of a warm house.... surely someone would shelter him?

He just needed enough time to think of something. Ryan pushed his way to the front door of a small house and knocked loudly. First there was no answer, but desperation drew him to knock again. He swore that he could hear someone inside, the blare of a television maybe? He didn't know or care... he was desperate and he felt as if someone was inside.

"Please." he could barely whisper and he was just about to leave and try another house when the door swung open. The cold finally seemed to get the better of him because Ryan wasn't able to do anything. He tried to speak, to explain how he had nothing and that he needed to escape the ravages of winter. To convince an utter stranger to take him and save his life, but nothing came out. The woman's eyes went wide as she took him in. He must have looked pathetic and he was sure that she was going to slam the door in his face, but instead she yanked him inside and immediately ran off to fetch a blanket before disappearing around the corner. He couldn't prevent the heavy painful cough that escaped him while sitting on the couch waiting for this kind woman to return.
Whoa what. I think there's something going on her that I'm not picking up, so I'll just slowly.... Walk.... Away.
((Jensen Ackles, Nice c; ))

((And thanks [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION], I appreciate the compliment;p))


** **

** * *The water finally boiling, Rose poured it onto a mug and started to go through her cupboards, looking for a decent plate to put the cup on. Hearing the violent cough coming from her living room, she sighed worriedly and grabbed the first plate she saw. placing the mug on top of it, she hurried to the room.

Returning, she saw the stranger sitiing down just as she had left him. "Here you go..this will hopefully de-frost your throat." she said with a small smile, handing him the plate carefully. Rose^ wished she could see if he was ok with this, or what his reaction was under that hoodie, but she'd have to be on the floor looking up to do that. Still, She then walked over next to the fireplace, throwing in two more pieces of wood as she ran a hand through her hair, sitting down on a rocking chair nearby, turning to gaze over at her visitor. Of course it wasn't on the nicest terms, but still considered a guest.

She jumped a bit as her cat decided to jump on her lap right at that moment, staring just as curiously as she was. thinking it would be a bit rude, she looked down at the floor. She couldn't imagine what the poor guy was going through. And why he was out there at this time of year was way beyond her understanding. Rose^ quickly got up and crossed her arms. "I-is everything ok? I mean, would you like anything else?"*
((When a Jensen-Ackles-look-a-like shows up at your door frozen you never turn him away :D ))

Ryan accepted the cup of tea gratefully and he took back several long mouthfuls of liquid. Warmth spread out through his chest and he breathed a sigh of relief. He sat there on the couch before he finished the cup of tea.

He set the cup onto a coaster on the table and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Here he was in a complete stranger's house and all he had done so far was drink a cup of her tea in silence while enjoying the fact that he was warming up. He glanced up from his tea and pulled back the hood of his sweater. He turned his green eyes over to the woman who had taken him in and was not surprised to see her staring at him with a curious expression on her face.

She had asked him a question a few minutes ago and now that the tea and blanket had warmed him enough Ryan decided to finally answer her, "No, you've given me far more than you should have. Most people probably would have turned me away... thank you." he smiled and underneath the blanket he began to stretch his limbs slowly. They were still sluggish from the cold, but at least he could move his fingers and toes now.
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(She is wearing a purple one, instead of blue. She also has brown hair instead.)

Laura Longwood shut her car door and sighed quietly. Her boyfriend's convertible was filled with snow and the tank was empty. Laura shook her head and muttered, "What will he think of this?" She pulled out her wallet and checked for her debt card, which was missing. Laura stood shocked and checked her wallet once more, "Fifthy dollars, house keys, driver's licsence, and a lighter." she said out-loud. Laura looked around and saw a house. "Perhaps they have spare gas." she said with hope. Laura trudged in the deep snow, her legs were tomato red from the freezing ice. As soon as she got to the door, she knocked loudly.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Laura said unpaitently. She had seen the lights on, but sometimes people can forget to turn lights off. She knocked once more, as snow began to cover her dark hair. She zipped up her purple parka, which did not give her much support at all, none the less, it just made her look fabulous. Laura looked at her red hands and legs. She breathed out frosty air, and hoped someone would anwser.
((Hahahaha very true(; ))

Rose was beginning to think he wasn't talking because he'd lost his voice being out and all, but was taken by surprise when he answered her. She looked up at him, almost in awe to finally see his face. His green eyes, perfect teeth, she finally managed to look away and shook her head as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand.

"Don't even thank me...." Rose said smiling a bit, as she crouched down near the fireplace, trying to warm up her already freezing hands. "How was I supposed to send you back out there in that blizzard again? Though it might be half frozen, I still have a heart." she chuckled. Finally warm enough, she went into the kitchen again and headed straight towards the stove, grabbing the pot with the hot water.*

She figured he could use another cup, since he gulped it down pretty quick. With the pot in hand she went down her hallway, coming across a mirror that she'd hung there. Looking at her reflection immediately made Rose blush in embarrassment. Her bright red hair looking like crap, her face a little smeared from her make-up, and to top it off, she was wearing her night gown and slippers. With a frustrating sigh, she kicked off the slippers and ran a hand through her hair, continuing on to the living room and refilling his cup.*

"I suppose I haven't introduced myself." she said softly, thinking about telling him a fake name so at least she'd save herself from some embarrassment. "My name is-" she was interrupted by a knock that came from the door. "You heard that too, right?" she asked, suddenly getting up.*

"Is there something going on outside in this weather that I'm not aware of?" she thought as she unlocked and opened her house door, revealing a young woman who was also covered in snow. "Here come in..." she said, stepping aside, still a bit shocked.
Laura said apologetically, "I'm sorry to-" as the woman offered her in she took a seat next to a rather hansome man. "I'm sorry to intrude, but do you have any spare gas I could have? This snow storm had taken all my gas." she shook her head sternly. Laura was in good health, unlike the man next to her. She looked at him, being a medical student really helped. "Watch out there, sir. You're on the verge of getting hypothermia. Don't get too hot quickly or you might get hyperthermia!" she patted him on the shoulder and looked around the place. "Fairly expusite place you have here mam'." she said with ease.
Ryan raised an eyebrow at the newest arrival. He was surprised by the luck that this woman had. It was strange enough that one person had arrived at her doorstep in need of health, but two arrivals? Considering how meekly he had asked her to take him in he was surprised by the boldness of the latest stranger that she had welcomed into her home.

"I'll be fine." he managed to tell the newest arrival. He had already made himself enough of a burden on his hostess that he didn't want her to be concerned with warming him up at the proper intervals. His fingers had not yet begun to change colours and become black so he was relatively unworried about her warning.

Ryan was also surprised by her hesitancy to tell him her name. He wondered if he cast out some creepy vibe, but he quickly dispelled this thought from his head. It didn't matter any longer simply because she had let him into her home. Maybe she would feel secure enough to tell him her name later on or maybe she simply wouldn't. It didn't matter too much because if she let him stay the night after he had warmed up sufficiently then he would take off the next morning. His head had cleared considerably and he could risk going back in the morning for his stuff and the plane ticket back where he belonged. He wondered if she would ask him why he had been wandering the streets in such weather... and he wondered if he could bear to tell her if she did ask.
*Rose stood there and thought for a minute. She did remember seeing a can of gas out in her garage. "Actually, I think I-...oh no, I don't." she said, suddenly remembering that she'd used it on one of her little vacations. "I'm sorry." she said wishing she could help the young girl. Hearing her words, she gave her a smile and a small nod, more worried about what she had said about Hypothermia. She couldn't bare the thought of having killed the man with a simple cup of tea. She wondered if that's why he wasn't talking very much to her. "He probably thinks I'm trying to kill him now. Greeeaaaatt..." she said softly so that only she herself could hear it.

Trying to shake the thought away, she sighed as she walked over to her TV, trying to switch it on. With no response, she got up and flicked on a light switch, only to prove to Rose^ that the power was out; only the fire casting a warm glow to the room. "Well there's that..."*

Grabbing her phone from the coffee table nearby, she quickly checked the weather, hoping that the weather would clear up soon. Not that she minded staying here with two utter stranger's at her home, but she worried that if they had to stay there, there wouldn't be enough food? Wood? "Calm down, like You, always thinking the worst." she thought.

Crossing her fingers, she clicked on the weather app. She immediately lowered her head and slouched, with a deep deep sigh. Placing her phone down, she leaned against the arm of the couch, Gazing down at the two.

"So umm....I think you guys will be stuck with me^ for a while." she worriedly bit her lip as she had a minor flashback. her grandmother had always told her she had motherly instincts. But she also said that Rose^ worried too much. At least she was right about one part.
"I've got nowhere to go..." Ryan murmured from his seat on the couch hoping that he didn't sound awful. It felt as if he had just invited himself over and that if the weather had been better she would have sent him on his way in due time when he had warmed himself up.

"...Not tonight at least... I can be out of here tomorrow morning... if that's okay of course." he added hesitantly. He felt as if he had majorly overstepped his boundaries. He thought about what Rose must be thinking and he distantly wondered if the newest arrival was going to wind up staying here or if she would try other houses for gas. If she didn't want him here he would have to go back to the streets, he could probably withstand the cold for quite some time now that he was finally beginning to warm up.

He cast his green eyes up at Rose waiting to gauge her reaction and whether or not he was going to be welcome here until morning arrived.
She scoffed, immediately regretting it, hearing how rude it sounded. She felt*her cheeks flush as she shook her head. "Why of course you can stay! As long as you need, don't even worry about it." she said, as she overheard what he had said. She couldn't help but wonder if he was homeless? Rose's grey eyes softened at this. She would've said yes no matter what the circumstances.*

"You both can stay if you like. I've got an extra room, and a.....couch?" she said with a small smile. she figured she'd have enough blankets. She definitely had enough wood; sitting outside just next to the mat on her doorstep. Everything was set, but she was mostly relieved that she hadn't scared them off right then with her not-so-pretty looks.*

She walked towards one of the windows and sure enough, you couldn't even see 2 inches ahead of you. She turned back and leaned against the wall, looking back at them, waiting to see what they'd say.
"I'll stay, maybe for the night." Laura said glad. She had no where to go, so why leave? Laura remebered she had not told the woman her name. "Oh yeah, my name is Laura Longwoods." she smiled a bit then looked down at her wallet. No money, no gas, and you're in a stranger's home Laura. What a burden you are. she thought. Laura shook her head away from thethought and said, "Since the power is out, if you'd like I have extra food in my car. It may be ice hard though."

Laura didn't want to be a burden on the kind woman, so she nodded and said "I'll take the couch if that's fine."

(sorry the post is super short!)
Rose^ nodded smiling at her. "Sure, take it if you like. And Yeah that would be great, Laura. I can easily heat it up in the microw-" she then remembered and shook her head. "Nevermind, you could just bring it and we'll put it by the fire for a bit." she pursed her lips as she looked outside again, with a shake of her head. "How are you going to do it though? The snow is pretty thick.... You sure you can make it out there?" Grabbing the coat that she was wearing when she first came in, she slipped it on sloppily as she searched the hallway for the slippers she had kicked off a bit earlier. "I've got to go get the firewood from outside before That becomes no good." she sighed. Without the house's heater on, she knew they probably wouldn't make it through the night peacefully. That same morning, she got a feeling that she'd need to ring that wood in but being her lazy self neglected it. But what could she do about it now?"Alright then, I'll be back. Laura, are you goig to go get that food right now?"

((Nd Dnt even worry about it(: I know it's a bit late but /--> )) :P
Ryan shook his head, "I can take the couch Laura... it's no problem." he explained and after Rose finished speaking about firewood he began to stir underneath the blanket finally rising out of it and folding it neatly onto the couch before standing up to his full height just around six feet.

"Did you want any help with the firewood... I don't think I caught your name." he answered hoping to prompt her into telling her his name. Ryan was feeling slightly uncomfortable that his presence made her feel so guarded. He wouldn't have taken any offense if she said she didn't want him here now that he had recovered from being outside in this weather.
"Warm enough, I see." Rose^ said smiling. She felt tiny as she looked up at him, being only about 5"4 herself. Holding the coat more tightly against her, she shook her head. "I don't have to. I can handle it. I'm quite used to it since I've been doing it for a couple of years now." And she really was quite used to it. After her father's passing, she was the one that took on household chores and responsibilities along with her mother. She wouldn't want to seem weak in front of them, not being able to bring in some simple logs, but if he offered again, she definitely wouldn't deny him."Oh? Didn't I tell you?" she tilted her head to the side slightly. "My apologies!" she exclaimed. "My name is... it's Rose Luna. And who might you be?" she said shrugging a bit, and looking up at his green eyes. Thinking back, she found no reason to lie to him. After all, he didn't seem like the mean, make-fun-of type. She then looked down at the floor. Ever since she was little, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't ever take eye contact long. Sure that because of it she's offended some people in her life but it was just something she couldn't help.*
Ryan glanced away when she seemed incapable of meeting his eyes for any longer and for the first time he cast his eyes around the room and observed his surroundings. When he had first entered the room his thoughts had been muddled and unclear from the snow. It looked like any average home and it actually looked reasonably comfortable

"My name's Ryan Grey." he answered with a slight smile. He was reluctant to sit back down and accept her excuses. His limbs felt stiff and he felt that he needed to at least move a little to help them feel as if they belonged to him. Even if he was able to convince her to let him help, the stiffness was far more preferable than the numbness he had endured when out on the streets and he finally came to realize that feeling something was far more preferable than nothing although he had always found difficulty believing that sort of thought.

"So what was your night like before Laura and I came and ruined it?" he asked with a slight smirk just to make sure that both Rose and Laura understood that he was joking. Of course... he didn't count out the idea that they had ruined her night, but at least this way he wasn't setting her up to look like a jerk.
"Well, pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grey." she said with a smile, looking up at him once again. Noticing his wandering eyes, she bit her lip gently. Gazing over at her average sized living room, she did notice it was a bit dusty, the coffee table had some smudges, and she Also saw a stain where she'd usually drink her morning coffee before work. Then again, She wasn't accustomed to anyone visiting. Not without her knowing anyway, She felt silly knowing that she'd spent so much time looking for coasters when she never even acknowledged their existence."Ahh yes, well before you guys came barging in!" she stopped, chuckling as she looked over at both of them. "I'm kidding, its no bother at all. But really I wasn't doing anything. After work, I just decided to take a nap, is all. I'm glad I woke up though, me^ and Hammy wouldn't have heard your knocks!" she said, looking over towards her cat, who was laying on the rug, seemingly staring at Laura. She laughed softly, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Even if it wasn't on the best of terms, Rose was actually quite enjoying her company. although, she if she'd known, she'd probably have dressed a little better."What where you up to on this particularly horrid night, if I may ask?" she said, looking at him with curious eyes. Like she'd thought before, why anyone would be outside was way beyond her understaning. She couldn't help but feel guilty though as she thought she had just touched a delicate subject.

((I'm so sorry if it's difficult to read it this way but since I'm on mobile, my paragraphs aren't really looking like paragraphs right now... -.-))
Ryan frowned slightly and stretched his arms leisurely as he considered whether or not he should lie, redirect the question, or tell her the truth. He didn't particularly want to talk about the truth let alone to two strangers, but he would have felt guilty for lying considering how kind she was being to him right now.

He cleared his throat and looked at the ground as he spoke, "Well I don't live here... in this town I mean, not just your house... I live eight hours away, but up until a few hours ago I had a girlfriend who lived here..." he sucked in a deep breath and sighed loudly, "I have some stuff at her place for when I come out to visit, but I had the weekend off and I wanted to surprise her with a visit... So I flew out and I went to her house to find her in bed with... some other guy. I just sort of left my keys and wallet on her kitchen table without thinking and I wasn't ready to go back so I left with just a twenty..." he trailed off not really wanting to continue speaking and waiting to see what they would think.
(Sorry for late posting I live in America and it's two in the morning. On RP nation everyone is up so early!)

Laura smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Grey and Ms. Luna, I should get the food." she slipped on her sneakers and began to run out side. The noise was very loud and made an annoying whirrling sound. As soon as she got to where the car was, it was burried in snow. Larua shook her head and muttered, "Rule number one, never leave the roof down in a snow storm." She ran back to the home and shook her head sadly, "My car is buried in the snow, I can't get within reach of the food. She sighed and said, "I'm sorry."

"Any how, Should I tell you my stpry?" she asked the two with a stern look on her face.
Rose stood there for a bit, a little stunned, but for the most part, speechless. She hadn't expected Ryan to say what he did, considering it must've taken a lot from him to share his story. Just last week she went through a horrible break up with her two-year boyfriend. She didn't ask more, figuring he must be in a vulnerable state; she knew she still was. "Ryan..I-...I'm so sorry to hear that. And mostly, I want to apologize for asking. I know it might have not been easy sharing this with all of us." she sighed as she looked down at the floor.Without thinking, she placed a hand on his shoulder and thoughtfully rubbed it, giving him a light pat as she restored her hand, blushing a bit for being so bold. "Look, I know what you "might" be feeling, having just went through a tough breakup myself...and I know how horible it feels to keep everything to yourself...I know we just barely met and all, but if you feel like you need to let it all out..." she shrugged. "I'll be here. Get it? "hear"?" she said with a small smile, hoping to lighten the mood just a bit.*Seeing Laura come in empty, she presses her lips into a tight line, simply nodding. "Don't you worry about I thing. I've got plenty of things here. I do warn you though, I'm not the world's "best" chef."((Haha it's fine. It's about to be one here because I live in the US too;p))

"Hold that thought, Laura. I need to go put and get that wood." she said, gazing at her. "Was the weather too harsh?"
((I live in Canada :D It seems though that I run the same schedule as LovelyLady, but I usually have to work in the day so I post later))

Ryan felt a little relieved sharing his story with them, but at the same time it made him feel quite unhappy. He had not expected to find this on a surprise visit and it left a bitter sour taste in his mouth. Once it was tomorrow he could return, collect his stuff, and then buy the next plane ticket out of this town. But for now, he wasn't crawling back in the middle of a snowstorm to beg her to take him in for the night.

"It's okay. I needed a little bit of closure on that anyways..." he nodded quickly and paused a moment before smiling and shaking his head, "That pun was the worst thing I ever heard." he laughed hoping that he wouldn't offend her as he said it in a light tone.

"Besides, I feel comfortable here and even with you." he smiled. He sat back down on the couch after his offer to help was kindly rejected. He was prepared to help her gather wood should she ask, but he wasn't one to push.
((We might have the same schedule.! Either that, or it's just that I'm on 24/7 and go onto this immediately when I see a reply. xD ))

Rose raised an eyebrow, giving into laughter soon after. "No, no....I've told worse, don't you worry." Whenever she'd try to be funny with her friends, an or anyone else in the world, it always seemed to backfire against her somehow. Since then, she's stopped trying altogether, not raking any chances to make a fool of herself in front of the two.

Pursing her lips, Rose turned back to the door and opened it, stepping out into her porch and shutting the door quickly behind her. If she didn't get it now, she'd surely stay in the living room talking the night away. With her legs all uncovered, she immediately got chills as a gust of wind came at her. Sucking in cold air, she went straight to the pile of wood, grabbing as much as she could handle.*

"I dont remember them being thiiiiis heavy...!" she gasped, slowly making her way towards the door, praying over and over that she wouldn't slip. However she could, she let go with one hand and turned the knob of her front door, immediately dropping everything on the hard wood floor of her living room.

"Well that was a unique way to make an entrance, don't ya think?" she said with an embarrassed grin so wide that it made her cheekbones ache.*

"See that wasn't so hard..." she said shaking her head to herself, taking a seat on the rocking chair and pulling it near the fireplace. "So would you like to tell your story now?" she said looking over at Laura, looking for the nearest way to change the subject.
Laura nodded and said, "I was on my way to our academy orientation. I have no car, my boyfriend and I share one. I was driving, and saw I had half-tank. So I didn't bother refiling it." she shook her head. "I was wrong to think so. So when it was the cross road on Avenue 333 I took a left instead of right without realizing it. Soon I came to a stop, I had run out pf gas. I ended up here." she said ending her story.

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