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Fandom Surfaced Complications

Quill gave a small, tiny, insignifigant smile under his hood. It meant totally nothing and he would never have admitted its importance.

"My name's Quill, actually. Just Quill, mind you."

Dero was silent for a few moments, before answering with a voice that wasn't wavering.

"Now that I have a choice, I choose to fight for not only the innocent, but for my friends, no matter my suffering, for there would be no greater pain than losing those close to me. The faith of the innocent and my friends will be my guide, and keep my mind intact no matter what pain I should go through. The urge to protect will be my weapon against those who seek to harm, and with that urge I shall strike down the evils that try to disrupt the peace that was worked so hard for. This is my oath, and it shall not be broken."
"It's just a formality? Sure, kiddo. I've used that excuse a few times before. Don't think I'll be fooled, Chara. By the way, you roll your eyes a lot."

Quill was having fun, for once, messing with her. He actually gave a quiet chuckle. It was quickly cut off by him clearing his throat, and his face went back to being expressionless.


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