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Fandom Surfaced Complications

Dero's face went through two different expressions when Papyrus said they could be friends: first surprise, then joy. Such intense happiness. "...I'd like that, Papyrus...I've never had a friend before...and I'm glad someone like you is my first friend."
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Papyrus Papyrus made his new friend then a question came to mind.

"WAIT, WHAT DO WE DO NOW THAT WE'RE FRIENDS?" He asked nobody in particular. He said that kinda fast. He didn't really have any other friends that Sans or Frisk, so he doesn't know that much other than dating.

@Shaded Skies
Sans nudged Dero. "Hey, I love a good puzzle and all, but we have a thing to look for."

"You know, he's probably right." Flowey agreed.
Quill had left a while ago, leaving a glowing green pair of eyes in the shadow of a tree, watching Chara. He stepped out of a shadow, his eyes showing he was frowning.

"They're coming for you. A few. I might not be able to deliver you in time."

"Not me. Them. Haven't you been paying attention at all?"

He sighed and held out his hand.

"Get ready. We're about to be completely hunted by my employers as well as Sans and the others. You're also about to basically enter another dimension, too."

"A... Different dimension? Why do I even bother anymore..." She muttered as she took his hand, even though she wasn't entirely sure where she had him.
"Just watch."

The forest melted away into shadow. Everything there was formless, only shadows. It was also dark, but also light at the same time. There was some kind of light there, though the source couldn't be found.

"They can't come here. You're safe."

"Uhm.. Yey? Apologies but I'm quite confused. One second you agree on helping the Comedian the next we're in a forest and now you're saving me? Please do explain your actions!"
"I don't know what you're complaining about. I saved your life, essentially. Anyways, I was going to help Sans because I didn't know about you before, and I was going to let them weaken you, then I would book it straight to my client with you in tow. Now, the plan has changed."

"You wanna go back now? That's fine with me. I'm a ruthless, cold hearted killer. I've been doin' this long enough that even a kid like you doesn't phase me."

Quill kept looking to the side and frowning.

"What should I call you? Would you prefer peasant? Pig? Filth? Moron? Creep?" Chara sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

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