Superpower school

here me out

if it wasn't you and your best friend, but strangers in the same roles. TOTAL rom com moment featured in the trailer
timing? I'm going to bed though i'm incredibly tired i have a meeting and class tomorrow

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i will do that CS
Fine...... night y'all

Self punisher? How disgusting do you feel poppets?

There are two options and I'll be upfront the latter is more likely. Lexi makes the toilet....Lexi doesn't.

Really up to you on what you feel you wanna read
SUUUUUKKIIIIIIIII butbutbut... you just gotta love the fresh air and bikerides and lakes and oceans and wildlife... AND S'MORES!!!! WITH FIRE!!!!
Kat should you post or should I?

Also I remember the jacket and padded room. Too bad about those employees, I heard the funerals were nice.
Sorry about not posting yet. Been really busy lately but I do have the time now so give me a minute to do my magic.

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